It's coming right bros?

It's coming right bros?

Disney bought Fox and now have full control over the X-men again. Fchamp is also claiming it's coming.

Infinite was fun to play, the groundwork is solid. They just need to rebrand and fix the artstyle and roster problem, also probably just cut the story-mode from the game and sell it for like 40 bucks.

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I'll buy it if they put my boy Vergil back

Disney will give it another chance because they desperately want to get into e-sports.

>Infinite was fun to play

Attached: 220px-Guido_van_Rossum.jpg (220x295, 21K)

Fuck no, even if it did it'd just be another Infinite with the same bullshit.

Wouldn't be surprised if he's dlc

It unironically is, and is one of the redeeming factors of Infinite. Sorry you are terrible at it.

>Infinite was fun

Then why isn't it at Evo? MvC2 and UMvC3 have better gameplay in every single way.

Not to mention they looked better and had way better rosters.

Capcom has a lot of work to do to make a good Marvel game again.

>Then why isn't it at Evo?

Because the whole conversation around the game was toxic as fuck?

Why would anyone want to vouch for MvCI when you simply get bullied and labeled as a shill? People don't want to ruin their reputation. Anyone who defended the game got dogpiled.

>Expecting a good fighting game after all of Capcom's mediocre games.
Have fun with your ugly character models on the RE Engine.

It only became a toxic environment because of people like yourselves who defended it to the bitter end and turned off potential buyers from purchasing it to begin with. You shit on others because people critically bashed it and it was deserving because it IS a bad game with major downhauls in every sector.

infinite game was a low point for capcom. Thank fuck they recovered.

Roster would still be full of movie cancer so no deal

>It only became a toxic environment because of people like yourselves who defended it to the bitter end and turned off potential buyers from purchasing it to begin with.

Literally nobody defended the roster or artstyle, they defended the gameplay, which was good. It's a way better fighting game than SFV ever was or will be.

I want MvC to make a comeback. SFV is starting to run on fumes.

Please take my second point into account before replying to me ever again.

It's a bad game, with gameplay that sadly doesn't redeem itself.

No Punisher, no purchaser

I don't understand why Capcom has been severely gutting their fighters. MvCI and SF5 had way less content than their predecessors for no reason. I don't understand why Capcom can't make their fighters just be logical improvements in every way. I'm sick of the them simplifying the mechanics to appeal to casuals, and cutting off huge parts of the roster to make way for loads of DLC. Ultra SFIV was the last good fighting game Capcom released, and it probably will be the last one if Capcom doesn't wake up.

>I don't understand why Capcom has been severely gutting their fighters. MvCI and SF5 had way less content than their predecessors for no reason

Because here's the fucking dark terrible truth: Fighting games are shrinking, not growing. The era of arcades and Street Fighter II was a lifetime ago.

Sure, you get younger players on the scene and there is definitely people still playing them, but fighting games have an aging demographic. Games like Mortal Kombat and Dragon Ball Fighter Z aren't popular because they're fighting games, they're popular in spite of being fighting games. Neatherrealm studios are putting a heavy focus on story mode and RPG elements because they know casuals actually don't really care about fighting game mechanics.

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Capcom have been burned by Disney twice, their next crossover will either be Tekken or Dragon Ball, they will work with Bamco instead

>It's coming right bros?
Probably, but don't get your hopes up. IT may get a better budget then Infinite, but Marvel was being a bitch during development so that they can shill out MCU characters. IIRC, Capcom had to fight just to get Deadpool and X-23 in MvC3.

>infinite was fun to play

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Why would you even want it at this point? Disney clearly is too shit and will ruin any future games with their IP's. If the next Marvel doesn't have the following it will be shit.

- X-Men characters and Dr. Doom
- xfactor better balanced or perhaps even removed entirely
- A not shit arstyle, should even just pick up from where MVC3 left off
- 3v3 must be the focus, perhaps 2v2 as an optional other vs mode
- Mega Man or X has got to be in it period. PERIOD! And hell perhaps even both should be in
- MCU pandering shit can be fine as long as it doesn't dictate the entire direction of the game
- classic costumes and characters should always be of the utmost priority
- Even representation for both sides. None of that "we can't show Capcom characters beating Marvel characters" in marketing bullshit.
- It cannot and should not have even less characters than UMVC3. Preferably imo, it should have 80+ characters this time around. There is more than enough in the games history to even fill that before even including any character that has yet to make it in one of the games so I don't want to fucking hear excuses from Capcom or any fag on here about this one.
- Regular balance updates and patches is good, even if it means newer versions of MVC4 like what happened with SFIV so be it. They can even include new characters this way and fans would love it.
- Play like UMVC3, or perhaps even a hybrid of UMVC3 and MVC2. Ditch every single thing about Infinite since it has tainted the series and is going to be seen as cancerous period by most fans.

That is about it really. I mean it really shouldn't even be that hard for them to make another good one. Disney is the biggest hurdle to overcome actually.

I hope they do EVERYONE IS HERE!
hell just make sprites for characters that don't have any sprites and reuse the sprites for characters that already have sprites

>Marvel was being a bitch during development so that they can shill out MCU characters
I don't care that much about the Marvel side desu, as long as they look cool or are fun to play i'm good

>Why would you even want it at this point? Disney clearly is too shit and will ruin any future games with their IP's

Because the failure of MvCI will make Disney afraid of fucking with MvC4.

Think DmC to DMC5.

I think its too late at this point. MVCI has destroyed the franchise. In a perfect world our dream MVC4 game would be a reality but its best the series just ends at this point thanks to Disney being such shit.

>knockdown >Oki > Oki > Oki is fun to play
Of course it is.
That said the constant tagging in and out of MvCI made it boring to watch

fchamp was a tester for good half a year in 2018
he's under NDA but still leaking shit on twitter like a retard he is

No, just Capcom fighters. You'll just do mental gymnastics to say no game is doing well, whether it sells well like tekken or if it is a smaller release gaining steam like UNIst.

>Capcom fighting games
It's dead, Jim.

DLC, he’s Capcom’s biggest dime drawer second to Wesker.