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Now we get to hear about that space one, you know the other game they also revealed the title and nothing else which is why I don't remember the name.
Or more time port Skyrim to the next gimmick. What comes after Alexa?
Epic Games exlcusive
>Bethesda launcher is now an Epic Store exclusive
The future is now
They already came out in public that all of their future games are Steam and BGL exclusive, no Epic store.
If they did a bait and switch like the other developers the PR shitstorm will be larger than FO76's release.
>Now we get to hear about that space one
>Bethesda will not share any news about Starfield
Fallout Threemake or Oblivion Special Edition.
Bethesda Softworks is the only reason anyone watches the Bethesda conference.
Rip I guess.
Bethesda is dead.
They better have a new engine after the FO76 disaster
>Sony is out
>EA is out
>Bethesda will not share anything on Starfield or TES 6
>Nintendo started making Metroid Prime 4 from scratch and smash is already out
What the point of E3 now? Its bleeding dry.
They will show Bethesda Softworks' games though
Only one hope left.
have sex
AAA Harry Pottery game
DOOM eternal
That's about it I guess. Well you couldn't have been expecting more, next gen is almost at our doorsteps and devs that can afford to skip a year or two are probably doing so.
have chess
Oh boy i can't wait for those spicy bullshot filled next gen trailers E3 2020!
seriously, have sex.
>he will never learnt
سلامات ، - أعني السلام لك يا أخي العزيز ، معك تود ، وهو مستهلك للألعاب مستقل ، أنا متأكد أنك تحصل على نسخة من أفضل فيديو لهذا العام ، 76. لكني أود الحصول على نسخ إضافية من اللعبة لأصدقائك. وإذا كان أصدقاؤك موجودون بالفعل ، فهذا لا يعفيكم ، عليك فقط أن تعطيه لأصدقائك لا تجعلني أقطع خطوط النفط وأشعل الحرب العالمية القادمة
>E3 2020
Not happening, E3 is dead deal with it. The Game Awards is the new king of the hill
야, 폴아웃 76 다운로드 했냐?
안했으면 빨랑 해라.
Well it's a TES title so they're waiting for the
right technology. Every TES game change the game industry.
The horse armor unironically did
Makes sense. After F76 they have to pretend they are working. They can show anything related to the games because it will show how unfinished is.
>won't talk about starfield
>won't talk about elder scrolls 6
That only leaves F76 to talk about, or... phone games.
Will this be the worst E3 ever?
>Now we get to hear about that space one
>Will this be the worst E3 ever?
E3 has been shit for the past 10 years.
devs just present their premade selected vids, and refuse to talk about anything else. You literally get no info out of it. It's just a big commercial spot made by the shitty game industry.
Damn, it's almost as if Bethesda Game Studios is a fucking mess and has been for years, it's almost as if the disaster that was Fallout 76 finally made ZeniMax realize that the studio needs a massive overhaul.
We won't hear about a new in-house Bethesda game for a long time, the studio is clearly a fucking trashfire right now. The way they make games simply isn't working financially anymore and they're going through massive growing pains that is tearing the company apart.
>the same game I played in 2016 but with blades
can't wait to pirate it
Actually ruined my morning. Thank you OP!
Of course you won't hear anything after the shitshow of Fallout 76. Now they're most likely re-making starfield because people wont swallow bug-ridden dogshit anymore. I can already imagine godrays coming out the floor, shit getting glitched into objects turning into a warped, stretched out horrorshow and duplications up the ass. Oh and don't forget the constsnt crashes and framerate issues because Morrowind engine can't handle modern effects.