Just a quick reminder that this game is in first person.
Cyberpunk 2077
And it looks great
And that's a good thing!
Yeah but when the fuck is this shit coming out?
>Is in first person
>Has sunlight.
Why...? why Yea Forumsros? This was supposed to be /our game/...
>this game is in first person
Is that supposed to be a bad things?
Console peasants need not to answer, their opinion is irrelevant.
We'll get mods for 3rd person gameplay, dont worry
>muh motion sickness.
The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive
Good, thanks.
Is that even a thing? Never met a single person who got that.
After the game was revealed to be FP there was suddenly a whole swarm of people with crippling motion sickness issues.
Gamer equivalent of glutten allergy.
Only people who want 3rd person are closeted gays who like to look at man ass, and incels who can't play a game without thinking about boobies durr
Great. Worst thing DE HR did was include third person nonsense. Does it have lean keys?
Perfect. That's what I expect from this type of game. I wouldn't want Prey or Deus Ex to be third person either.
TES waifufags BTFO
Have you watched the trailer? Both are in regardless.
>man ass
I'm gonna play as a girl tho
I have never known anyone get motion sickness from an FPS game.
nice, i prefer FPP, cuz im not a console peasant
CDred will be at this year E3, I expect a release date there
i knew one youtuber who made RTS videos, said he cant play shooters, even in third person it was hard for him to play, he was asian
It was never going to be Yea Forums's game.
>Game is called Cyberpunk
>It's just a more futuristic GTA V with even worse graphic
Okay closet tranny
Pretty sure it's way more common in women and asians for whatever reason. Only people I've seen have an issue with motion sickness in games was either one or both.
>worse graphic
Don't be retarded user
>called "Pun"
>no joke
wtf Yea Forumsros?
why did I move here?
>look mom i posted it again
The only thing that could make this game better for me is some form of dynamic player made multiplayer thing.
Like a story mission creator or something, and multplayer.
but you know w/e
I don't get this meme at all. GTA's focus is on being an open world sandbox to fuck around in and CP2077 is an open world first person RPG. Only similarities are that they take place in a city and they're open world. It's literally a totally different direction. It'd be closer to compare it to Deus Ex or even System Shock.
They keep using two screenshots which when seen in context have the player surrounded by cyberpunk stuff, but just for these two brief moments, it looks like a modern city road.
didn't you know user? cherrypicked images from the trailer represent the whole game, as most of nu-Yea Forums will tell you
>I don't get this meme at all
Welcome to nu-nu/v/, where the memes aren't funny and don't make any sense.
Yeah, never met anyone with that thing either. Only heard about it from South Park.
really? good to hear
I hope they called it"Sony Exclusive Template Mod".
Yes. You can't have proper a RPG with real time first person combat.
Ideally it should be 3rd person with no direct control of the character (aka isometric) with turn based combat so it's your character's stats vs the enemy and not you (the player) making up for their deficiencies with skill.
>Worst thing DE HR did was include third person nonsense
Did it even have third person? It went into third person when in cover, but that was it, right?
Don't you remember that one 30 second segment out of the 48 minute gameplay video where the player is driving a car down a road while the sun shines? Well there are scenes like that in GTA too, therefore this is literally GTA.
>Does it have lean keys?
probably, i know that they made it so that your character when close to a wall, automatically hugs it, but its not restrictive, you can easily get close and apart, it feels fluid
>it feels fluid
How would you know how it feels? Does your dad work at Cyberpunk Inc?
That was enough. It was especially egregious as i had replayed FEAR before doing HR so I was so used to using lean keys rather than have to do the SNAP INTO COVER mechanics. it also had it for their special attacks and such.
yes, i also read what he wrote in CDPR forums, so its definitely happening
>fuck we're too lazy to make good animations
>i know lets make the game be in first person perspective most of the time
>CDPR lazy to make good animations
CDPR is king of animations together with Naughty Dogs
oh hey it's this retard
are you also by chance the altered carbon faggot?
>we're too lazy to make good animations
So there's no animations in the game then? NPCs aren't animated?
>Just a quick reminder that this game is in first person.
Sounds good
Half assed animations =/= no animations at all
>Half assed
Why are they half assed?
Good I hate tps and over shoulder camera is impossible for me to play.
Also, the gimmick cover shooting that all tps have just slows the gameplay.
I can't imagine it'll be much different from Far Cry's cover mechanics.
>character customisation
>first person only