

Attached: I have wondered about you.jpg (1600x900, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Admiral Gerrel wants to destroy the Geth
>Admiral Xen wants to control the Geth
>Admiral Korris wants harmony with the Geth

Why do people complain about Mass Effect 3's ending when it was so heavily foreshadowed in the rest of the series?

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It wasn't. The whole thing was a literal last minute chance. Not to mention a literal Deus Ex Machina that made everything before that pointless.

this is the point where the series started going downhill

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Don't let the thread die anons.

ME2 itself was pointless and many of your choices from 1 didn't matter. If you thought the series would end well after 2, you're an idiot.

>no krogan romance

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Mass effect 2 was in general dumbed down and linear.
Storywise, you start the game with "The reapers are coming and we have to stop them." and you end the game at "The reapers are coming and we have to stop them."
How ME2 got meme'd on Yea Forums as the best in the series I'll never understand.

Filthy alien lover

>love ME 1 and can't wait to see how they continue the story
>ME2 turns out to be a pointless side story and lowers my expectations for how the trilogy is going to end
>get ME3 at launch, experience one of the world opening levels in modern history, drop the game soon after
>finally play and finish ME3 several years later, doesn't disappoint in disappointing me even more
Bioware should never have been sold to EA. They should have remained an independent studio with close ties to Microsoft and big publishers like EA for funding and that's it.

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>How ME2 got meme'd on Yea Forums as the best in the series I'll never understand.

Yea Forums has shit taste in women.

Is this universe lost forever to the creeping erasure of history? Will those stars and planets, Noveria, Ilium, ME-Earth, Palaven, and Virmire; those characters and races, Asari, Hanar, Liara, Garrus, all be lost to human thought, only to remain unseen and unheard on dusty discs and inoperable hardware?

It was so beautiful, and it was almost perfect. Every world was its own story, each alleyway had its own conflict; the whole universe was unlike anything I'd experienced in any other work of fiction. It was real, more real than anything in clownworld.

Almost a world all to its own where you could make a difference. You could make the bad or wrong choices, the harsh or passionate decisions, to save the galaxy and humanity. But the fowl conclusion made a folly of all the series up to that point, and the name and brand will die before it was ever brought to its potential. We're still discussing the series here 7 years after ME3 and 12 years after ME1, but will we in another 5? 7? No, and no one will.


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Why did EA ruin it bros?

The ending was atrocious. The Extended Cut and specially the Leviathan DLC fixed it though and if you still hate it to this day even with those additions then I'm sorry but you have the gay.

They sabotaged the series too many times, made too many fuckups. Maybe someone who understands the series will try to revive it at some point.

MEHEM cleans it up.

the intro the ME2 was one of the hardest dickpunches I have ever received from an otherwise enjoyable game, Spore and AoE3 didnt hit my anywhere near as hard

I still think a big reason as to why 3 was as it was is because of 2. ME2 could've expanded on 1, could've continued the Reaper thread, could've presented the Crucible to the players and has an entire game to establish things that 3 had to rush because 'lul we made an entire game in the franchise be nothing but a huge side quest xD'

Reminder Mass Effect was never good.

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But that's a shit mod for tumblr fags that can't accept a galaxy-wide war must have casualties. And the only reasonable choice unless you're a faggot is Destroy, so Shepard survives regardless in the normal ending unless you're an even bigger shitter and don't have high EMS

Halo was never good either

>Literally explain in the first game how the Citadel is a massive mass relay that was supposed to be used by the one reaper in Mass Effect 2
>Geth now free of the reaper in ME1 means they need slaves
>Collectors come into play and start stirring up shit
>Have to stop them
>After stopping them you nuke a mass relay with a meteor
>Waaaah old and bad game good, new and good game bad

>ME1 had so much RPG elements like clicking on blue or red and point and click some stats. I also loved the same copy paste planets with copy paste bases and different skyboxes, so RPG!

>No, having to chose your skills like in ME2 and having fully fledged out worlds with interesting content and characters being different than "lol im an archeologist" is not RPG!

>ME2 was GoW gameplay, Not my retarded point of view using infiltrator!
Nostalgia faggots should kill themselves

The three of them each offer solutions to a problem that have vastly different implications and the plot in which you encounter them is one with complicated politicking between all three. It's one of the better parts of ME2 and the whole trilogy.

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>Rachni get an extra scene if you saved them, then die anyway

Flushed the series right there, fuck Bioware for making the choice that turns the percentage for turning Wrex against you the most have zero meaning later.

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When do they die if you save them?

You have to actually save her twice for the Rachni to get out unscathed, they take over the Korgan homeworld. The Krogan have to die off for the Rachni to live, otherwise you're eventually forced to kill them regardless of your actions in ME1

God I wish that were me

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It was much better than Mass Effect though.

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Mass effect has 2 good games while Halo only has 1

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ME2 contributed ME3 also stumbled on its own. It has a lot of bad writing and design from beginning to end. Even the best parts are perhaps only well done in their own context, but fall apart with close analysis. The genophage and Quarian/Geth conflict fall victim to this.

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No? The fuck you're talking about, I saved the Rachni in both 1 and 3, they fuck off to an uncharted world or whatever, even help build the Crucible, and the Krogan keep living in Tuchanka

You mean Halo had three good games while Mass Effe t had none.

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Yea Forums will always have a nostalgia boner for the mass effect series

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Why does a robot have a camel toe

>still never played ME3 because of the ending shitstorm
is it worth it to finish the trilogy?

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Yes, it'll make you understand that the muhendingfags are retarded too and that ME3 is bad from start to finish.

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The gameplay is actually decent. It's fun to play. Story and writing is awful, though. It's like it's written by people who skipped the first game.

>The gameplay is actually decent
thats what ME2 fags said too but it was just as shit as it always was except with all the RPG elements just removed and replaced with nothing

Literally the only part worth playing is Tuchanka. It's the only part of the game that actually feels like your choices through the trilogy mattered.

With all the DLCs the ending is way better and as always people blow it out of proportion

I want to go back

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Her forte was infiltration ala femme fatale. She may or may not have had to fuck someone before to keep her cover. And now EDE can use it to fuck Joker.

Anyone wish the game kept the more tactical approach and even the auto aim of the beta build?


I appreciate the optimism, but Yea Forums itself won't always exist, I am afraid. When I am 60, 70 years old, who will know of Mass Effect? Who will remember Liara, Tali, Garrus? I'm afraid only old fucks like myself will, and the format of the game takes so much commitment (100+ hours and by-then stone age hardware) that it will be dead in a way that sci fi like the Foundation series or Star Wars probably won't die.

I guess all things must die, and what I've said could apply to any game, but in the time that Mass Effect did exist it came so close to perfection. I felt something visceral exploring planets on end in that game, walking around from the presidium to the dingy back-streets of Omega. I don't know if it tapped into something at the core of Western/Anglo culture or humanity but it was something like that. That world came an inch away from something transcendent, and it'll never realise that now.

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blame tali faggots and nobody calling ME:2 the literal side quest game that it is. fuck ME:2.
>no mako
>thermal clips
>universal cooldowns
>massive skill tree reduction
>all your squad has daddy issues
>planetary scanning
>2-3 story missions about reapers top
only thing it did right
>luxury SSV Normandy
oh and
>Mirandas ass

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I am king autism, even if Yea Forums is dead in 2040 I will still be arguing with children on the internet over vidya, Im sure some of them will have an interest in retro vidya

Mass effect? More like Trash Effect,

Better companion control would've been nice but otherwise I feel like I enjoy the current version better.

it was just a kotor without the Star Wars trademark, what are you fucking talking, even the reapers were just the Sith from the unexplored regions but with another name

Hopefully. I pray I'm wrong, but I look at how media from the 40s is overlooked and I get thoughts.

Surprised you didn't mention Zaeed, he was damn near the best part of that game. Shame the voice actor passed away. Shame.

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thats why i goddamn posted a picture of that ugly mug. Zaeed was cool af from the minute you meet him.

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This takes me back

While the Halo trilogy has a pretty good story and good gameplay for a console shoot, it doesn't hold a candle to the universe of Mass Effect.

>it's real

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every fucking day

What the hell are you talking about? You have to sacrifice Aralakh company, which is like 10 Krogans at most, not the entire Krogan race.

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fuck you the narration, characters, gameplay and variety of these made it better than me1

Im a fan of me1, but alot of the galaxy, while vast, feels empty. ME2 distills it down. Not nearly as expansive, but what is there is 10x better in terms of content

Cool, ive never seen this before. Thanks for posting.

i miss it bruhs

People always complain about the ending of ME3, but I hated how it was turned into this big budget production that tried to be a serious drama. The first two games felt like cheesy low budget scifi movies from the early 90s. The third game taking all the characters out of their native cheesy element and putting them in a big budget boondoggle just felt super awkward to me.

its brutal man. ME was such an interesting universe in 1 and 2. So much potential and I just always wanted to know more.

The first is the least cheesy out of the trilogy. It also allows for more player variety when it comes to how you want to play your Shepard.

Get ready to hit peak nostalgia.

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I wish we'd had more dialogue with our companion during missions, like they're showing there. I also wish that we could've controlled them, they had this feature in pretty much all their previous games, why'd they remove it here?

I'm not articulating my point very well. It's just that I feel this setting and its characters really don't mesh well with high production values for some reason. Maybe ME3's terrible writing is more responsible for that though.

I feel you, user. The Mass Effect universe is truly great and extremely underappreciated due to only being a videogame universe. It would've been praised to heaven had it been a movie universe instead.

>last time we got a new banner was 2013
>last time we had a name change was Australia

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Would you live in Omega?

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ME3 was the least polished out of the trilogy. Beyond the shitty ending, it had tons of graphical bugs, the animations were stiff even by Bioware standards, it was poorly optimized, etc.
It's not the high budget that took you out of the game, it's the fact that it's a shitty game that can't capture the feel of the first 2.

ME2 fucked up by killing Shepard. Reminder that Shepard died and you play a CLONE, not the real shepard, for the rest of the saga

A clone with perfect memory of his past life.

>there's peopne IN THIS VERY THREAD that disliked the Mako
Faggots, all of them

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god why did they make beef mclargehuge the protag in this

omega is a fucking shithole

Yeah, rent must be low


No, you don't. This is very clearly stated many times. They did create a clone for potentially harvesting organs, which is the antagonist in the Citatel DLC.

Sorry, wasn't his name SpicDick McThunderRibs?

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This. Sure, it was just generic levels, but seeing those unique skyboxes and fighting a thresher maw every now and then was kino.

Still a clone though, its not the same shepard

>flying to Earth and riding the Mako on the Moon

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It doesn't matter how many times Bioware wants to spin it. This Shepard is composed of entirely new molecules. The molecules which formed the old Shepard are gone. There is no such thing as soul in mass effect so when shepard died and got "revived" there was no way to put his original consciousness back, hence he's a clone

ME1 was just top comfy

Do you think he posts in these threads?

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That's where you're extremely wrong. For one thing there's visual distinction between human and alien creations. Everything in Mass Effect is samefaced as fuck.

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>This Shepard is composed of entirely new molecules.
>The molecules which formed the old Shepard are gone.
Same thing with your molecules from 7 years ago.

name any other sameface besides asari and human maybe drell. there arent. you have instead,
>flashlight faces
>thicc lizard
>birdish thing
>smart frogs
>4 eyed hajis
>masked idiots
>ball jews
>monotone trunkless elephants
>singing bugs

The feels will never end user.

It was more than that. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but when I discovered a new fossil, or climbed to a new height, or touched a Prothean artefact, I felt like I was transplanted into the game. It wasn't just a game, it was a window into another universe. idk, it sounds dumb when I say it out loud but something about the story-telling and the atmosphere really set it up in just the right way for me.

They had to use humanoid bodies, let alone humanoid faces in order to cut down on animation costs. That being said, aside from novel alien morphologies such as the Hanar or the Elcor, the sameness of the alien races to humans is a weakness in the world building, if only a minor one.

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no not really, skin molecules sure. The other molecules are always the same

This is a terrible comparison. Sure, your body has been SLOWLY replacing its biologic material with new one, but it's been a slow, gradual change and you have never died before. When Shepard died, his consciousness faded and when they revived him it was just a new consciousness. Aka a new person. He doesn't have the same brain or the same consciousness as ME1 Shepard

god I love this an the galaxy map theme

> Most played class Soldier

Why are normies so boring.

Actually it's every cell in your body including bone and brain, google it.

It's not only a clone, but they kill you for the most retarded reason.
>hurr durr we have to give an excuse for why you start from scratch and lose your crew
They could've just made it so that you escaped in a pod and it crash landed on the planet and you entered stasis or something for 2 years until you got rescued by Cerberus.
The plot is so retarded I genuinely can't believe it sometimes.

Soft reboot or heavily retconned ME4 with Shepard?

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First of all, let someone more competent that Bioware buy the IP. Then, soft reboot taking place in the Milky Way a couple hundred years after ME3.

Post-apocalyptic galaxy brimming with pirates and punished Shepard not sure if he has more to give, please

Yeah, Sam Hulick is a genius. I wonder what he's composing now.

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New trilogy post ME3 with the galaxy in a post apocalyptic dark age after the destruction of the Reaper War

Well they ruined the games anyways so if what the games were like was represented in cinema I don't think they would have appreciated it either.

hey thats my screenshot, give it back

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Mass Effect has a lot of humanoid aliens to make dialogues and such better. Hanar, Elcor and Rachni are cool, but an entire game of only such creatures wouldn't hold.

It's also funny that you say that as you post an Elite, which is hardly more alien that even a Turian and also the most aesthetic member of the Covenant.

What is even Halo's excuse for every member of the Covenant being a humanoid with some variation?

>Dwarf hunchback
>Hunchback in a flying wheelchair
>Literally just a monkey
>Literally just a bird with a humanoid body
Hunters are cool, but the whole thing about them being a bunch of worms or whatever isn't represented in any meaningful way, making them another humanoid.

Halo's designs are pretty nice, but they're also really lazy without and good reason. Not to mention that fact that there's nothing interesting about any of the races that doesn't require you to waste your time reading shitty game tie-in books.

I've used your screenshots in close to every Mass Effect thread I've posted in. You can call me a nigger but I really like the aesthetic.

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fine, then take this one aswell, I dont want it

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>Sure, your body has been SLOWLY replacing its biologic material with new one, but it's been a slow, gradual change and you have never died before
What difference does this make?

>When Shepard died, his consciousness faded and when they revived him it was just a new consciousness
Where did you get this from?

It sounds like you're saying that when the soul leaves the body it can't return, but a new one can take it's place, which is just silly. And if you're not talking about a "soul" in that sense, then it literally doesn't matter that he was revived, he's just a rebooted organic computer.

>He doesn't have the same brain or the same consciousness as ME1 Shepard
He literally does have both of those, which is stated many times throughout the game.

That's true, but I think something like ME1 (obviously quite different due to the medium) could've been a big cinematic hit due to the universe.

Think I already have that one but I'll download just to be sure. Don't mean any disrespect either user, you captured a part of the game that really resonated with me.

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nah, I was just shitting around, nice to see pics of me get reposted, maybe I do some more when I find the motivation to start up ME again

This. Mass Effect was NEVER good.

I'm not even referring to the alien designs themselves but rather the contrast between human and alien creations. You see the inside of a human Halycon Pillar of Autumn and then the inside of the Covenant Cruiser Truth and Reconciliation which are both drastically different in design. With Mass Effect everything looks the exact same with no distinction apart from maybe the Collectors.

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The Geth ship interiors, the inside of the Reaper, asari architecture, the quarian fleet, etc. are all pretty distinct from each other though. Mass Effect has enough faults without saying the cultures aren't different enough.

Having casualties is fine but having an ending where you just die to space magic and nothing is resolved is bullshit. MEHEM and extended galaxy fix that fucking game hardcore. I'm not sure it's enough but it at least washes the shit taste out of your mouth a bit from that garbage ending.

This art reminds me of this old meme

Geth ship having interior at all kinda ruins my suspension of disbelief desu

is ME1 on PC the best way to replay it?

I haven't played the series at all since some time the year ME2 launched

Yup. You can get mods and other tweaks to make some stuff less shitty for better experience. Like faster elevators, sprinting out of combat actually sprints and making cutscenes faster.


>Earth creature
>6 foot biped
>6 foot biped
>6 foot biped
>6 foot biped
>6 foot biped
>3 foot biped
>Earth creature
>Hive minded insect species
Mass effect races are uninspired as fuck.

Yeah, get this