How is the difficulty exactly?

I'm all up for a good challenge in a videogame, but cheap deaths and frustration isn't what I'm looking for. I already have a bunch of stuff to think about lately, so i don't really have time for that kind of thing.
All the people complaining about the difficulty are turning me off.
So, since i don't trust reviewers, I'm gonna ask this here. How high is the difficulty, and is it fair?

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So far more fair than Dark Souls if you aren't afraid of running out of a fight.

It’s no harder than any of their other games, just need to learn the mechanics.

Depends on how skilled you are. For me it's pretty difficult but also feels fair. Dying doesn't feel like bullshit because it's always your own fault.

There's almost no ambushes. Ninja rope lets you escape any bad situation quickly. Bosses can't do shit if you sprint in circles so you have all the time in the world to study their attacks (although deflecting is almost always the fastest method to beat any boss). You get a FREE REVIVE so you can never truly die if are willing to run away. There's an immortal dude you can spar with and practice all the basics. All unblockable attacks have a warning sign. Falling off cliffs makes you lose health and isn't an instant game over.

Sekiro is very forgiving. It's up to you to learn how to deal with enemies.

It's easier than the Souls games.

you forgot

>you can swim

Harder than DS1 and BB, a little easier than DS3 and DS2.

Depends on your playstyle really, all bosses let you cheese them in one way or another and levels are potentially completely trivial if you have the patience to play it as a stealth game. I learnt all the moves and parried them while not using stealth too much and it reminded me of God Hard normal mode, some parts were a bit more difficult than anything in GH normal (like the final boss) but overall it was similar.

It makes Yea Forums scream in rage against Chained Ogre and Lady Butterfly

You will get two shoted by everything.

It is not unfair like ds2, but its a lot harder then souls & bb

You’ll never go more than two minutes without reaching a checkpoint so don’t worry about it. You’re never too far from safety, so there is never the pressure of losing much progress. So far that is my BIGGEST issue with the game.

You lose a lot of money from dying constantly though.

It's really not bad at all once you learn how it works. Be as aggressive as possible, use deflection and parry as your go to for defense rather than trying to dodge attacks. Not only is it much safer but it builds up the enemies posture gauge. Obviously sweep attacks you need to dodge, just make sure you jump and press jump again to hit their heads and do posture damage.

Oh, also learn how to mikiri counter thrust attacks, it's important. It's not difficult either, it's got a huge timing window.

This game is NOT the game for you if you don't like cheap deaths and frustration.

it's the easiest from game yet.


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For me it has been significantly more difficult than Dark Soul and BB. Very satisfying when you win though. Haven't gotten adrenaline from beating bosses in a long time.

It's hard and really frustrating. I think the game has the DaS2 problem where the difficulty is frontloaded and then it tapers off in the middle. The problem, which I think warps people's perception of the game's difficulty, is the way healing works. You have very few options for healing at the beginning of the game, but later on, you have more health items than you could ever need and every kill restores a shitton of health.

The actual levels are almost entirely trivial, but then the minibosses just completely fuck your shit up unless you know exactly what to do. The absolute cheapest thing the game does is that basically every boss fight has multiple phases and you're so ridiculously fragile in this game that any unexpected attack is likely to kill you. It's a combination of having very little health and your character having extreme amounts of hitstun - get tagged and you'll go into a kneeling animation that you have to cancel with a block, roll, or jump. If you don't time it right you'll get hit again and that's guaranteed death.

I'd call it unfair because the game is so reliant on either learning attacks with awkward timing that switch up on you in the next phase of a bossfight, or picking up on cheese tactics, and death is very punishing.

Only a percentage. There were fewer checkpoints and you lost everything st death in Souls games. Don’t defend it.

It's the fairest game they've made yet

You think hes hard? Wait till you get to the fucking bull right after him...

Best tip i can give you is grapple, get a few hits in and remember that you can still block his sword/spear even if hes on the horse. Just whittle him down relentlessly and stay close to the back of his horse.

Firecracker or sprint. Basically choose to be a virgin or Chad

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>you lost everything st death in Souls games
Second death if you didn't recover you mean

It's probably the most git gud of all the Souls games. No other game felt more easy the second time around than Sekiro for me, what seemed impossible for a couple of tries is now extremely easy despite my relative power being lower.

Bull isn't that much harder. First real boss that will teach you core mechanics is genichiro or lady butterfly.

Literally about as hard as the other souls games. Perhaps easier honestly depending on how you played.
It’s literally just summoning redditors, autism build abusers and farmers got exposed. It’s just raw combat, the combat really isn’t difficult though when you get the hang of it. Just seems overwhelming at the start when you’re not as confident.

I hate that fucking bull because you cannot block him at all

He is one of the easier bosses yet I still died 20 times against him when I first played. I tried to dodge his attacks and got fucked up. Just parry and deflect and hit him when it's safe.

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>Run away
>Bait the bull's charge
>Deflect it
>Take a little damage each time but kill the bull faster than circle strafing it

No, you still lost it at. Recovery was a choice, but now it’s a chance. It’s different, not necessarily better or worse, but a pointless change. It just adds padding to running away from a boss so you don’t die and accumulate more dragon rot which is a headache on its own. The numerous checkpoints just make it all feel really not well thought out.

Ah, the “deflect or die” boss.
I take it you died...


How important is posture/parrying?
I saw a streamer play a bit, and it seemed like he did negligible damage to bosses with anything but a posture break.
Is the game all about parrying, or maybe they called it deflecting, until you get your riposte?

relies heavier on reflexes than any other souls game, the game encourages parries over dodges, and enemies do tons of damage if you fuck up the parry

if you plan on getting it, my advice for you would be to NEVER EVER EVER revive unless you are either A) sure of victory B) planning to run away the moment you get up

the game only tells you about the punishment for dying after reviving once you've already hit the conditions to get punished; AKA game says "you can come back to life once per rest", but neglects to inform that if you die after reviving it's gonna start fucking up NPC's with dragon cancer, and it only tells you this AFTER you've already gotten 2 of them infected with dragon cancer

it's not hard at all if you temper your expectations.

If you go into this game expecting to beat any boss on your 1st or 2nd try, or to spend less than an hour or two on a real boss, then you're going to end up complaining about how impossible it is. But if you buckle in and use every death as a learning opportunity, then the game doesn't seem so hard.

Reviving does nothing, only respawning at an idol causes dragonrot.

>tfw didnt know this to begin with
>fall into the water in the first memory and have a fucking heart attack
>relief as i realize my character can swim

It's A LOT more forgiving than Soulsborne, and stealth is super exploitable.

I don't think it's "easier" but it's more accessible I would say.

The game revolves around it. Sometimes you can break a bosses posture and remove one of their lives when they still have 50-75% of their health left.

Dragonrot isn't even that bad. If you are stuck at a boss, you're gonna lose all your gold and skill points anyway. The only part where it hurts the player is when one of the NPCs that gives good information only complains about her cough, but then again the game showers you with the cure items so it's not like you're ever gonna run out of them.

Pretty much
However, the lower vitality, the slower posture regens, so for most end game bosses you'll want to get them t at least 50% HP before attempting to break their guard

I thought I learned the combat in genichiro
I finally learned the game on sword saint and posture killed him in like 3 minutes.
lot of the difficulty in sekiro to put it bluntly derives from players being inattentive to the system presented to them

>final boss can't pronounce sekiro corectly.

>playing in English

fucking dumbass eng dub nig nog lmfaoo is reading to hard for you aaaaaaaaaahhahahahaha fucking retard kill yourself lolmao