Three copies of Borderlands 3, please. We can't wait to play it together!

>three copies of Borderlands 3, please. We can't wait to play it together!

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is there a chad instagram filter I missed out on?

It's some Russian sticc who does it for a living. She's actually quite talented.

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her work is dogshit, but I love gigachad

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people pay her to do this?

Some people even pay for videogames, does it really surprise you?

Some faggots told me he was real in the other thread. Too bad I didn't have this picture on hand.

Claptrap? Yeah he's hilarious.

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He bought?

>Why, yes. I do GigaChad post. How could you tell?"

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The left pic is an obvious shop to make gigachad look earthly


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How do I get religious girl at work to like me? Shes 23 and doesnt believe in sex before marriage and has never had a bf.

what a fucking cuck

you don't want that user
the sex will suck

does she have the autism?

You marry her.

But she's hot and friendly

>mentioning sex
You already lost.

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Cheeky breeky.

>religious girl
She will end up being both hypocritical and extremely loony about it. Religion has nothing to do with faith, by the way.

trust me user, I fell for the virgin meme
don't make the same mistake I did

>why, yes, I consider Splatoon the best shooter of this generation. How did you know ?

Attached: splatchad.png (778x901, 178K)

Why? I didnt mention it to her. I spoke to her friends about her and they told me about her beliefs.

Hmm fair enough.

this, otherwise everyone would know he is the son of Adonis

>Why? I didnt mention it to her.
But you did here

haha. is there anymore gigachad fanart?

I dont understand. So what?

none that I have
maybe ask in drawthreads if you want one

No, she does it only for her boyfriend

Also mentioned she's hot, so keep your dirty hands away from that christian girl.

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