2 S L O T S
i beat the big golden golem
what do i win
Reply to this with your hopes for whats to come in future updates
>teleporter blinks every minute so you know where it is
Is the wizard girl good or should I be spending lunar on items
more levels
more butts
An outline for the teleporter so it'll be easier to see. It's really hard to see on the 4th level.
>some kind of red outline on teleporter
>little bit more variance to levels (some have optional paths that can spawn but theres usually nothin in em)
>more lunar items
>make huntress' auto attack not lock on
>make normal magma worms more threatening and overloading less threatening
Command Artifact
>Energy Drink log
>It's a mixture of all kinds of uppers
Decent, on the strong side
How in the fuck are you supposed to do this with 3 hitscan lasers hitting you at all times with no cover?
reminder to look for the orange fireflies when looking for the teleporter, they're easy to spot once you know they're there
Red outline for the teleporter
Sniper or Enforcer
I like Bandit. Is he in it yet? Also, glass and command artifacts would be a cool start.
>make the teleporter a reasonably large physical structure on the map
>more enemies that can chase you into the mountains better
I can't ever not have a sprint button bound to shift, so my utility skill is bound to ctrl instead.
There needs to either be a glow on chests, or have them change color after opening. I just want to be able to tell if a chest is opened without having to get semi close to it. I should be able to glance at a distance and tell if it's opened.
So make them change from blue to grey or something. Or put an outline on them if they can be opened.
Someone found Bandit's model I think from datamining but twitter.com
Turrets are useless.
They take too much damage and never attack enemies.
giving my extra copy to the first person to make this their avatar and post their profile
Let's talk precipitations
Amazing run with no problems until I was randomly sniped by a fire golem.
They inherit your items. You just need to grab some fungi and they perma heal
What do you anons think/want the final boss to be?
>Final boss is a roided corrupted version of you. that utilizes your kit and items with upgrades
>Takes place on a nuked moon
>]You're about to kill it
>Your shot gets reflected by something
>A skull
>Shadow Providence comes in outta nowhere and fucking executes your shadow self's head clean off
>He turns to you and wurms can be heard screaming in the distance.
i'm terrible at video games but this is so much fucking fun
He's probably coming next because his model is in
the beetle queen is my wife
Why is Yea Forums praising this soulless remake?
Tips for gathering lunar coins?
if you're in multiplayer grab em before any other jew does
just play the game, there's no way to farm them specifically without save editing
glass and command fucking WHEN
Bummer. I think the most I've gotten in a run is 6
I love playing as merc but I can't keep up with other people in multiplayer, they usually end up with 50k+ more damage than me due to his downtime
Because its super fun
god I hope they get rid of that tap to autoattack faster thing, that sounds like a pain in the ass with a mouse
what difficulty were you on?
they carry over between games
3D Funballs when
More levels with contrasting colors. RoR1 could be played at any time of day, even in full sunlight because terrain and background had a nice contrast. RoR2? I have no idea what I'm looking at 90% of the time and can only play after sunset.
>quick match
>guy activates teleporter the moment he finds it
>Right when it hits 100% he is mashing the button to progress instead of letting us get the 20 chests
Why can one person force everyone to the next area instead of making it a vote?
>all these babbies wanting command
Is this game only coop? I just don't have any friends
MULT-T is pretty broken but this was such a fun run blackhole + Preon Accelerator instagibs. blazing titan fucked me in the end tho
No but its better with friends or Yea Forums strangers
Whatever medium is called (monsoon kicks my ass).
Didn't even notice that, guess I have six
more characters, changes to current characters to make them more balanced.
artifacts asap, i need the one that makes enemies drop items, running around looking for chests is boring.
sorry to tell you that but I'm not a normalfag, normalfag. I'm not buying that shilled shit.
The teleporter needs to be more visible, it sucks running around for 10 minutes trying to find it.
Why not steamcommunity.com
I'm gonna change the avatar afterwards tho
>hud customization
>being able to zoom your camera
>more map variety
>maps being more randomized
>being able to choose the next map when teleporting, could lead to different "routes" once the game is finally finished
>more places to explore like hidden rooms if you do some puzzle in the map
>enemies having weakspots you can aim for
>more consistent drops for lunar coins like them dropping more often from elite enemies
>more players
Can you kill the blue portal dude?
I fucking love this game bros. Pretty rare that just playing a game makes me feel this happy. The positive attitude in these threads is a bonus too.
Outlines, more levels/level randomization, and another track like Chanson d'Automne, maybe even just a remix.
what are the lunar coins used for
Can we turn this into a steambeg thread for free codes?
US West
Nigga's, Euro monsoon room open.
ID: 109775240999688375
>tfw cube on Merc
I literally deleted groups of bosses that spawned close together with the resulting destruction that resulted from a cluster of enemy deaths on them.
>tfw afraid to try monsoon
if it's possible you'd need some 1000loop shitloads of items kinda strength
i shot him for shits and giggles since I didn't have any lunar anyway and he just sat and took it for long enough for me to do ~1% of his heatlhbar before getting pissed, teleporting me out of the bazaar, and putting a forcefield up at the door that stopped me from going back in
first and foremost more enemies and items
Don't worry m8. We're all embarrasing failures here. Lets dissapoint everyone together.
What's the $3.7k thing on the snow level?
Also they need to chill out with the hitscan enemies. It's pretty frustrating.
>huntress can use her primary attack while sprinting
>but you can only sprint forwards in this game
nigga why the hell would it matter that i can use my long-ranged attack while running STRAIGHT AT the boss?!
Command is FUN
probably a super gunner robot
Join up boys new lobby
rip the laggy lobby, was good up until then
Run diagonally and shift camera in the other direction, it's a really good strafe
Room is 3/4. No Mult-T's here I promise. Hop aboard.
This It is not worth it. It dies pretty quickly and costs a fortune.
it's a big fucking turret
I've gotten it once but I don't really know if it's worth saving all your money for
it's a big drone that has two big turrets and shoots rockets into the floor. If you end up fighting a magma worm it just killed itself and is a waste of money but otherwise it's ok.
Should I get this game if I'm on the fence but I definitely have friends to play with who like it? Does Coop improve the experience enough?
Are these devs known for patches and/or updates? Thanks in advance guys.
>excited to finally unlock mage, the new character!
>complete ass
>wall is practically useless
>zero mobility
Well...back to fucking huntress I guess.
>"You have invited the challenge of the mountain."
What did they mean by this?
I never tried risk of rain 1 but i'm huge fan of binding of isaac & co. It's better to start with risk of rain 1 or 2 ?
>Are these devs known for patches and/or updates?
they're our guys
>friend gifts me risk of rain 2
>haven't seen or heard anything about it yet, but enjoyed the first one
>load up game, singleplayer mission to test it out
>drop into a 3D world
>unsure of the change at first, but start having a blast with my buddy
>been playing for like 6 hours straight
Holy shit what a rollercoaster that first hour was. I'm surprised how well the concept transferred into a 3D world. I have high hopes for this game.
So are any of the Prismatic Trial runs that are sub 1:30 with Commando and Huntress actually legit? I know of the Lunar Coin trick but there's no way to get to the Newt on the island in the time frame.
>>complete ass
You just fucking suck. Learn to hop around and take diarrhea dumps on bosses.
Have fun with your double boss.
More bosses for the teleporter
Can you smell what the Rock is cooking
more bosses
What can I use lunar for besides mage?
ror1 has more items, characters, game modifiers etc but other than that it's more or less the same game, if you like 2d sidescrollers more play ror1, if you like 3d shooters more, ror2 is your game
If you get 11 you can buy the mage character by spending 1 on a portal and then 10 on the character I think. I'd recommend saving for that first.
Otherwise you can just spend them on special lunar coin chests and shops to get items.
And what reward do I get for giving myself this cancer?
Coop generally makes most games better
Only problem is dying is a huge downtime while waiting for your friends to finish the level.
Double the loot essentially.
Do ground turrets carry over like drones do?
So is the crit equipment bugged or is it supposed to still work while spraying with MUL-T? Infinite crit seems kind of stronk.
can I cheat in this game?
You get another boss drop. So if it dropped one green item, with mountain it will drop 2 of that item increasing with every mountain shrine you use
What do you think? Kill the bosses and find out.
>mfw lucking out and stacking tons of glasses and syringes
>12h played
>only 2 lunar coins
>friend who doesn't even like the game got 4 in a single run, has 9 already
I'm gonna cheat them once I find where the fuck steam is saving my savefile because fuck this bullshit RNG
lunar items that have a downside
it's a bug, fixed in next patch, along with mul-t nerf
More boss drops
>4 hoppo feathers
What item needs to be in the 3d printer to ACTUALLY be worthing using?
as a solo player, should i be going for all weapons in a map before teleporting, or speeding though it.
How the fuck do I make huntress fun? She feels awful to play.
It's fucking bugged. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work. Then it works for like 12 seconds straight after a delay. But most times it doesn't work at all.
You still end up approaching way too quickly. It kind of works a little bit but is really awkward and doesn't accomplish much.
She can't strafe blink, either. Her movement options are kind of bad when you're fighting bosses, imo.
>cheating instead of just playing the game
gay boy, you're probably just missing the coins, it's easy done.
bosses drop loot
what do you think more bosses means?
syringe, glasses, bleed, missiles, medkits
Quit playing on baby mode
Has anyone had any success with that one shrine that removes all your items and gives you a ton of just 1 or 2 items?
Last couple I've done I just ended up with like 35 bears or some shit.
stacking teddy bears is fun
>goat hoof
>hoppo feathers
>soldier's syringe
>crit glasses
syringes, hooves, glasses, fireworks
hit the teleporter ASAP if you can handle it, it gives you more time
Ok, the less toxic people the healthier the community is
Has this game been in development since 2015? I didn't realize RoR1 hadn't been updated since then.
I suppose it's better than abandoning the game, but I didn't find the list too be that impressive. They updated every 4-6 months from 2013-2015.
>they make a squeaky sound if they proc
It's the little things
>along with mul-t nerf
I was playing engineer and it took all my items and gave me 8 Ukelele's and a dozen Glasses.
Sorry, meant to
The Cautious Slugs also make a little slurp noise when activated.
sorry bro
fuck me
Based as fuck. When's patch?
come play with me, EU
>mfw 3d printing fireworks x15
>especially his speed
>playing MUL-T
why would you play an insanely overpowered character? where's the fun in it?
So is Commando going to get buffed?
>stone titan
i had 2 healing drones and those two titans tethered and melted me in 2 seconds
Can the creamapi version play with legit players?
I'm on cream if it matters
Which is your least favorite boss and why is it magma worm?
Going FAST
I have no problem dealing with insane challenges like play 1000 levels or beat game in X insane difficulty. I just don't find it fair that I'm gonna have to wait god know how many hours for something most will have in a few ones just because a dice roll. If it was one time then sure but that's 11 and I'm already seeing how it's gonna play for me.
>caring about who's OP or not
He's fun to play and goes super fast. How is it not obvious?
Has the EA been released to trackers yet? Don't want to blindly drop money on that shit again it never turns out well.
Give him invincibility on his roll again and he’s golden.
>magma worm in the snow cave
That's one important thing, but I don't think the piercing shot is great in this game either.
I have to force myself to stop playing, I dont want to burn out
>fun fight in 1
>shitfest in 2
They have to give him more attacks like staying on the ground for a few secs to lob shit at you. *Maybe* slow him down while he's trying to dig through surfaces
hey, what happens if you buy the game on steam, send out the gift version, and then request a refund "because you're unsatisfied with the state of the beta release."
anyone want to try it?
Gee nobody has thought of this yet. You're a genius user.
its only 10 coins for the character jesus christ.
is the difficulty in multiplayer multiplied by X for the amount of X players? i don't want to join a room and fuck it up when i can barely beat stage 3 solo.
it will revoke both copies.
I only have 4, already got 30 hours in
It adds more of everything. Stat numbers stay the same for the difficulty, I think.
the people you play with are dickheads
>Most OP items are locked behind challenges like unlock a teleported with no damage or get to level 3 with no healing
What the fuck?
The difficulty is mostly balanced around your items. So in multiplayer there's more chests but overall in a 60 minute run you'll have around 1/4 of the items you would have solo if you're in a game with 3 other people.
>$25 CAD Early Access
get to level 3 without healing is easy
Is there any way to see the stats and stat growth for the characters yet?
>you have to earn the right to be OP
Blasphemy! Give me my free wins!
git gud? i dunno
there is no way. you have to be missing them because the game is extremely generous with lunar coins. I've gotten 3 in one area before and all my friends who play this game get them a shit ton too.
If you play co-op you can actually die and still get the Rejuvenation Rack. It's literally EZ Mone.
Anyone got any tips for dealing with blazing enemies as merc?
Eviscerate only?
It will revoke the copy from the person you sent the gift too?
I'm going through the refund process, and it shows up strangely. It shows it as "ROR2 BOGO" and as a 39$ charge.
Reminder to turn on soft particles in the graphics options. This spawns little red dots around the teleporter and makes it braindead easy to find it
I could go without needing to heal just fine but actually avoiding shit that heals you is another story.
A different publisher so I can buy it.
i don't see the problem
1 more spot, come thru bois
Is there anything as hard as the reach level 10 without getting hit once as Miner in the first RoR?
What's wrong?
Anyone found any options in the code that allows for more players in a game?
Make use of your RMB when jumping. can just jump over them and bop them on the head with vertical slices.
and yeah, spam eviscerate
Increase the timer lockbox from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
Bring back the Worm having multiple hitbox sections so Merc doesn't get shit on fighting it.
>triple clay spider boss
>they all vore you at the same time
>they all drain your hp
>die like a bitch
I just spent the last 3 hours playing nothing but MUL-T and then I find this. I feel empty guys.
Still room
It's Gearbox.
>unlock a teleported with no damage
>tfw did it in challenge in first try
It is really supposed to be rare achievment?
its not like he needs the bug to do well
1 more minute, we need a 4th, pls
>Is there anything as hard as the reach level 10 without getting hit once as Miner in the first RoR?
This isn't even that hard. The key is to be conservative with your skills and get cooldown reducing items asap
bandit had an exploit with a use item and it became a classic meme mechanic, who cares about balance?
is there any way to increase performance? I've done everything and it still chugs hard at the lava area
can someone try this?
open a dummy account or something.
I already bought the game once.
>Invalid lobby id
>playing engie
>"Sentries now also get affected by your items"
>putting two sentries next to each other with 3 (three) bustling fungus makes them basically unkillable since they heal each other AND heal themselves
>basically act as a super fast healing station for teammates
>dropping shields makes you absolutely unkillable in there
God I love this game.
I'm rain, run.
Anyone know all the Newt Locations on Roost map?
I only know of two, the one that you basically need to kys unless you can blink out down the hole and the one across the landbridge to the little island.
>wall is practically useless
acts as her SECOND aoe stun, and kills under a 25% health threshold for even more damage. it's pretty versatile, use it to keep your ass safe or to finish off stuff quickly without having to wait for other cooldowns. just use it more and git gud at placing it
This too is invalid. Am I missing something. Is it region locked? Do I copy only part of this?
What does the Rusted Key actually unlock? I haven't seen any use for it.
>You don't get more HP from Infusion when sentries kill them as an engineer.
For the record if an Elder Lizard, Imp Lord, Stone Titan or Magma Worm get inside your bubble they can 1 shot you in the later difficulties. This is particularly true of the Imps Flurry and the Lizards big meaty fireball.
I don't care about the bug. I want to go fast.
commando is top tier
Man what am I supposed to say. They don't drop for me. It has to happen to somebody.
No your sentries get the HP buff instead.
wait wtf? no way
that is bullshit
Same as I check the entire place after finishing the teleporter to get chests and coins. They just don't spawn for me. And at this rate I'll be around more than 50h by the time I get enough.
fuck MULT
Ropes when?
Enforcer when? Being a tanky wall of bullets is fun but I want to do it properly
Legit. I scour the map and never find shit. Its retarded that permanent progression items can be stolen by other players
What do I choose?
>speedrunning ASAP instantly activating teleported
>Opening up every chest possible
>Opening up the chests that you find as you go to the teleporter
I can't believe how well they have translated this game to 3d, it btfo my expectations.
>$5 in flip land
>yet still can't buy it because I have no credit card
I really should apply for one.
>Han-D's model was found in the files
Why the fuck has no one brought this up yet?
Just buy steam wallet. Debit card works too.
These tiny lockboxes appear when you have it, just act like chests afaik
Do they also drop banners as well? Since they level up when you level up.
is it possible to sustain the crowdfunder by using the crown that gives you money when doing damage?
everyone already knows
same with sniper and bandit
Are Lunar coins random or is there a way to farm them? I'm only missing one character at this point and it's the 10 lunar lord. I have 5 right now I think but I'm only getting 1 every few runs.
Unless you're trying to speedrun a Prismatic Trial or are trying to open that 10 minute lockbox on Stage 3 (you only need to do this once btw), There's no reason not to linger a little bit and get some items, because when you jump through levels the difficulty will jump accordingly anyways.
Could I run this on integrated graphics?
They are a random drop. Several people are having the same issue. Some get the 11 in 7h, others get 2 in 20.
Please tell me it's in
I can run it on my laptop but you have to use the lowest settings possible, a very reduced resolution, and tolerate 20 FPS
sorry bro
I refunded it and lost the gift version too, not sure what happens when you have gifted it though
>integrated graphics
Bummer. Definitely going to get 'too good to use' syndrome from these things in that case.
Saw the nichegamer article on this. Is this correct? Was trying to find the source on this. Would love more stages but there's only slots for another 5-6 characters in the unlock screen.
Did they just pull this out of their ass?
>good run, about to loop for second time
>beat the boss
>blue and gold portal open
>don't have Mercenary yet
>feel like I'm making a mistake by going into the blue portal but I really want Merc
And then I played Merc. Holy shit that guy is fucking incredible.
>Unemployed - Only spending money on food/fuel
>Put 80~ hours into the first game, solo
>Too proud to beg
Is it okay if I pirate it, or will you shame me nonetheless?
>Finally a crack to test it out
>Play it
>Extremely subpar performance even when limiting FPS by half
Fuck, I guess i'll sit this one out. I kinda want to buy it now so I can gift it to a friend, but it's gonna take a while before I can even think about buying good shit for my PC.
So is Huntress just the objectively best character or am I missing something? Sword boy seems kind of fun at times but I feel like they ruined my beautiful robot son.
I'm retarded, it's on their EA announcement on the store page.
>Everything they have already said they are going too add as fast as possible
>Bug fixes
>Some balancing (Buff rather than nerf, it's a PvE game after all)
>Some semblance of mod support, either official or un-official
Seriously though, the game is so perfectly designed around people just being able to add more content to the game through mods. We could add/change something as simple as a higher player count or custom balancing too something as complex as a new artifact or character.
With that said the game is in dire need of more levels ASAP
go straight to teleporter
kill boss
explore the map after
>Diablo 3 reference
this game is TRASH
Mul-T is by FAR the strongest character.
for a while maybe, the crown has 30% chance to get you 3(+3 per stack) gold on hit, so that evens out the cost, BUT the crowdfunder increases cost over time so to keep up you'd need more crowns
Nigga just get a job what are you even doing with your life?
Talk shit get hit, remember that bitch.
i mean ive been playing pirated because im too lazy to go up to 7/11 and get a steam card
i dont think anyone cares
>what are you even doing with your life?
Looking for another job
You can easily edit the amount of coins in the savefile with notepad, or directly unlock the characters. Not a fan of the latter but I'm betting a copy of this that the lunar coin system will be tweaked/redone before release.
Wut? I've played Diablo 3 and I don't see how it reference that
Is it me or this fucking matchmaking kicks me to the main menu all the time I enter any lobby? Or when I'm getting it to the lobby, others are leaving and that's endless shit.
Say this is not only for me
I'm curious to see how quickly a Yea Forums meta and ruleset will emerge.
it already has
Oh, are they noticably different from chests? I've never noticed any, unless I accidentally opened them while running around.
Post infographic then
Either play what you want or be a faggot Mul-T abuser
That homey feeling when you get oneshotted by a Rock Golem 1 hour in with 700+HP
Mul-T with crit exploit
you're mom
Can we just appreciate how few loading screens there are and how short they are? Going from loading the game and getting into a fight and moving from one level to another is pretty much instant
There goes my hopes for HAN-D....
Are you retarded? Mul-T is stupid OP right now, with Huntress being one of the worst. Yes, his Sniper is rather poor later on, but that's about it.
When I click play on Risk of Rain 2 in my steam library, I'm in a fucking game within like 20 seconds. So nice not having to blow through 15 logos and 2 minutes of loading screens.
Huntress is probably the most powerful lategame character with the exception of MUL-T with his two major exploits.
Not sure where you get the idea that Huntress is one of the worst.
>Getting into the game takes no time
>Getting into multiplayer lobbies is as easy as copying a randomized number
Its a Path of Exile Reference. Most valuable item in the game.
everyone with items is better then huntress with items. Thats why everyone is saying huntress is bad.
Huntress feels awful to play though unless you have bandolier.
>huntress with ocular hud and backup mags
Huntress is one of the only characters that can effectively take out a worm
wait holy shit how did i not notice that
Starting the teleporter and then spending all the money you have after is objectively the most successful way to do the most stages, and only newfags who never played the original risk of rain where the difficulty spikes are more apparent think farming gold isn't fucking retarded.
>PoE's Headhunter effect
>except it's utter dogshit
I fail to see how it's useful except if you manage to get it early on, having an extremely short "strong" buff doesn't mean shit if you'll have to fight a hp sponge for 2 minutes later on to even receive it. I managed to stack this piece of shit 3 times (unwillingly) and it was still useless trash.
Do tell how would you realistically implement HAN-D's kit into 3D? It was already a miracle they could bring Mercenary over, and largely thanks to the mobility of his kit. I very much doubt we will ever see HAN-D and Acrid in Risk of Rain 2.
are you nerds still here?
is this game meant to be boring until you get a bunch of items?
also everything is extremely damage spongy and it feels really inconsistent as to whether or not you'll find damage items
if i see one more mushroom i am going to scream
another unpaid shill thread for this cash grab
I've yet to see a character in the game that'll outclass a fully built huntress. Fuck even half build v half build.
She doesn't struggle v any boss, has some of the best mobility in the game and is great in any position. Her major downsides being the autoaim can be a bit jank but easy to play around and she's a touch squishy.
build fast
They just have to remove her lock on, really. No need for it unless you're a shitter who can't aim.
It's a rogue-lite. Sometimes you get shit runs. Sometimes you become a ludicrously powerful demi-god. It's the nature of the genre.
HOPE for my doggo acrid.
acrid is fucking 50%range from ror 1
an item
I didn't pay money for the game, a friend of mine bought it and gifted me it. I'd gladly have paid money for it, they've done almost everything right in terms of bringing their old game to life in 3D.
It'll only get better.
>The one ands only early access game that is legitimately worth supporting
>cash grab
It's an obvious bait fishing for (you)s but i'm still going to tell you to neck yourself.
tfw 3 fuel cells and a preon accumulator
Someone host EU lobby with non huehue br connection.
>tfw 3 red tails, 3 hoofs, 1 sprint boost drink thingy that i forgot the name of
is there a purpose to the celestial portal after getting merc?
when does this game give me more characters?
ive gotten huntress and mul-t so far
It can run on my i3/Iris 550pro laptop at 720p and shadows off at around 40-60 fps with most settings set to low or medium.
I'm not so sure that you can run this on IntelHD hardware though, Ryzen APUs might be around the same as my 550pro in terms of performence.
Ending your run there while playing merc on monsoon unlocks an item.
what items does huntress need to not suck ass
so far ive only found that the cube makes rain of arrows really good
No unless you want to end your run that way.
I'll go full out and say that I actually hate the huntress, with the exception of Merc she's my least played. (If it means anything MUL-T is my most played but 90% of that was P Trials) but even with the janky autoaim I don't think I've seen a character just tear shit up like a good Huntress will.
You can go to the log book and see how to unlock others.
Try reading the logbook... You can read, right?
memegame fotm
they saw posts on reddit about it and streamers got paid to shill it
Why play MUL-T when drizzle mode exists?
is it just me or is it just not attacking you at all in 2?
Every time i meet one it's just up and down up and down
you can trade in mobility for general tankyness, he also has a self heal to begin with. I don't see it being that hard to copy his kit over.
You need to do shit for two of them but Engi you get for "completing 30 stages". This can actually be done in P Trial mode. Just go MUL-T and try for the sub 1:30 time strat. 15 runs and you're done (probably less given you've no doubt finished some levels)
>9 hoofs
>6 energy drinks
>9 shots that make you shoot faster
anyone have the code names to unlock all items in the xml file?
>mfw stacking 25 syringes,stacking 20 armor piercing rounds as MUL-T.
Something to make Teleporters less of a chore to locate
and Bandit
From the times I've played cautious slug engineer so far, I can tell you that magma worm definitely targets your position.
any EU lobby?
>enter 4th stage
>welcomed by one magma worm
>activate portal
>4 magma worms
>constantly on the run from four greater wisps
>can't properly use huntress' 4th skill
Jesus fuck if I don't stock up on as much items as I can I become weak at 3rd stage
If I take time to open as much chests as I could I get welcomed by death in the 4th stage
I'm EU, but NA plays fine too
ok thanks, had to google the obelisk
1 more
Is it bad form to lurk for a spare code?
>play merc monsoon
>magma worm
Guess I'll just die
Thats what I did and I have the game now
stacking a bunch of chance on hit items makes all her abilities insane
anyone have all item unlock codes for the xml file?
>3 fuel cells for black hole cube
>3 spare clips
for a second I was a god
I just wish items were handled better in co-op. I've had good experiences with you faggots, but most people are just retarded item hoarders that loot everything from the boss.
I'm not sure the best way to handle it because I don't want to have to follow everyone as they loot chests if all items were shared. I'm just hoping there's some artifacts that make multiplayer a little more fluid. Maybe once the one that has mobs drops items is out it'll be better?
How many cloaked chests have you found?
The entire game really just feels different after you had that one ultra speed run
Is it laggy to play with you anons from other regions? I'm from SA but would like to play.
Slot open
>Be Huntress
>Find Frost Relic
>Give it to Merc so he can become a whirlwind of death and drastically increase his dps at melee
>Find Hardlight Afterburner
>Give it to engie so he can have more shields and become a God making the team invulnerable
>See MUL-T find an alien head and start walking away
>Run towards it, eager to have my fucking long cooldowns slashed and roid my dps
>The fucking robocunt takes it to reduce his miniscule cooldowns he barely uses
Does the difficulty setting when starting a game change anything else, like loot, lunar coins?
Holy shit what, I've never even seen one in 15 hours. Do they only appear when super close?
What does the rusted key do?
Easy route is unlock 2 chests on Stage 1. I actually skip this until after boss because I don't need the items to kill it but if you do whatever.
Stage 2 kill your way to the Teleporter, buy what you can and pop it, kill the boss, if you're weak, grab some crates, if not head to 3 and get the timer chest (supposing you've made it in under 10 minutes). Loot Stage 3 as much as you want.
Stage 4 I normally go around activating all the combat shrines and raking in the cash, if I'm strong enough already I'll pile it all into the legendary chest, if i'm weak I'll go crate hunting.
Neat. Such is the life of a poorfag.
>yfw starting a new run after a super speed run where you had 5 feathers
probably the exact same way you translate the other classes
what precisely about a z axis stops a punch from being a punch, especially now that you can actually move while doing it
where the fuck are people getting this idea that short range shit cant exist in this game now, the only enemy that really fucks them over is the magma wurm, and han-d would be WAY better at handling that thing than the merc currently is
if anythings not gonna work in 3d its probably gonna be loaders 4
a straight line aoe between two pylons is gonna be complete garbage with how much space there is on each map
Spawns small brown boxes, pretty inconspicuous too. They give you some loot. If you're co-op you don't even need to actually have the key to see or loot the box.
>Crack it to test it out
>Runs like shit, guess I can't
>Play until I at least run into a portal in extremely low settings
>Notice some red sparkles all over
>It's the portal
How the fuck are people having trouble finding the portal again? I was playing on like 800x600, + the lowest graphical picks possible, and I could still see the red sparks quite easily.
>cloaked chest
Because the portal is easy on either of the first 2 levels. It's a pain on the swamp 2nd level and the 4th level.
with low graphics settings you can actually see further than you can with high, high graphics has a lot of clutter and ambience that makes the portal difficult to spot. Also, it's only difficult to spot on the swamp level where it's hidden half the time.
am i missing something? every time i use a 3d printer it just eats the same item it spat out
easy to spot when you're not being hounded by enemies that are red or shoot red or in a stage where red stands out
Just 1, It was in one of the thin tunnels in the starter areas.
>first couple games
>can't hold sprint down and have it kick back in after doing most actions so you just walk awkwardly
>hands hurt because I'm supposed to hold CTRL 90% of the time, need to shift dodge a ton of shit, hold down defualt attack (LMB) and secondary pierce thing (RMB)
>every time I spawn the boss I get fucking jobbed by infinitely spawning minion waves who have a shit ton of health and fire a trillion beams I can't dodge with the 8 second or whatever cool down
What the FUCK am I supposed to do? Did I fall EA for viral marketing?
Fuck i just ruined a good run because i was out of it for like 2 seconds in insane
And you are double cancerous and cannot into replies, newshit. jezz new Yea Forums is fucking dead
What does it drop?
the magma worm and big imp shit are really fucking with my eyeballs, I don't think my eyes have ever been so strained playing a game before
>holding the sprint button
3D Printer will take an item of the same rarity it is offering, if you only have green items but 5 syringes and the printer is printing syringes it will just keep taking the syringe. (this also does not work to get the Just One More... achievement)
Similarly the Lunar Shop when trading items for a Red item will take 5 Green items and when trading for a Green item will take 3 White items
just rebind your keys to be more comfortable, dipshit
>TFW felt the same way after concentrating playing a bullet hell game
I swear I could see the bullet's shadows in front of me for a while.
How does Tougher Times work? I have 7, shouldn't I have 105% block chance? Why am I still taking damage?
>tfw so fast that I hit a hill, shoot into the sky and fucking die
you can just press ctrl once and you sprint til you break it. also focus fire on bosses and the minions will stop, if you get items that cause AoE's or hell even the ukulele to arc between enemies they'll all die quickly from you just shooting the boss.
Is there any confirmed way to get a lunar portal yet, or is it pure rng?
Does anyone remember how to open the console? I want to test item numbers
I've had it open a few times accidentally during games but I never figured out how
I changed my Shift button to F and rebound the CTRL to Shift.
it was printing a white item and i had seven other white items, it absolutely refused to take anything other than what it previously gave me
Final area being red with red enemies and red attacks is really stupid
Two more
How the fuck does that work?
The item barter thingy?
>die on a good engineer run
>wait on kill as sentries avenge me
Activate a Newt Altar for 1 lunar coin
Some items have a % limit.
because it actually has a lot of soul
does this game have VAC? I think I played with a cheater just now. all 4 of us we're levlling so fucking fast. we we're literally lv20 in 30 mins
shrine of order
without even playing or knowing the item, it probably gives 15% reduction to your new total each time.
highest you can stack it up to is 4 the logbook explains all that for the items
that's how i wanna go, you are a hero to all FASTFAGS in the world
I salute you
mommy huntress babies me too much
playing anything that requires actual aiming after her just feels like a slog
If you get a Lunar Coin you can take it to a Newt Statue. When you start the teleporter and kill the boss a Lunar Portal will spawn.
Also don't try to kill the shopkeeper, he'll port you out of his store and ice wall it off. I lost a Dio and my 5 items I paid because some mongo sprayed up the shopkeep.
MVP dumbass
Not pictured: 4 man wipe on the very first level
Are there caps for stacking items? Was 27 syringes a mistake?
Logbook only explains 15% (+15% per stack) it does not mention how many stacks it can hold. The Highest Stack Count marker is how many times you personally have stacked the item.
because it doesn't add up
it is a percentage based on what you have
say 15% chance on 100 hits outta 100 means you have 85 hits outta 100
stack another 15 and you have 15% less chance to get hit on 85 hits taken etc etc.
It never goes to 0 but just goes closer to it.
>he cant aim
need 1 more
us west btw
Is there anything there?
That just makes dodging impossible while holding D and very uncomfortable when using your thumb to push F
If we got a different boss we would of totally won
use lalt
No VAC. I don't think it has an anticheat at all. Each update just includes code to break previous cheats if they decide to do that at all. They did however remove the -50000 seconds time from the Prismatic Trials leaderboard.
>tfw ESDF move W activate ability, shift for utility/movement ability , m1, m2, m4 for other abilities and a for sprint
max comfy.
what the FUCK does it drop
I have absolutely no issues dodging while moving right because I don't have the dexterity of a young goat.
>10 lunar coins
>found newt shrine
>farming last lunar coin for an hour now
this , the only item I've seen so far with a limit is the predatory instincts. which can stack higher than 3 but maxes out the ability at 3.
Just play a game with a helpful friend who will burn a coin for you to get the mage. I got it solo but I've been helping folks get it that way.
a giant helicopter robot who's specialities are getting caught in the terrain and getting owned by worms
>Do quickplay
>retards stealing all of the boss upgrades
>Setting it on Drizzle
>They die 2nd level
I'm not the best by any means, but I suppose this is what I get for hitting quickplay. I've learned my lesson
He's IN
enemies really aren't hitscan you can evade wisps by jumping once you see the line pretty reliably.
>Magna worm as Merc
There is no Glass
And you won't have enough money to open more than 2 chests
Chance of the old soundtrack playing on levels
More procedural content in the maps
>got 11th lunar coin
>activate teleporter
>forgot I challenged the mountain
How do you even play this game past Easy? 30 minutes in and you blow up in 5 seconds. Is it really mostly RNG based without having to poopsock mlg autistic speedrun it?
Where the fuck is the guitar?
>And you won't have enough money to open more than 2 chests
yes you will
you won't have enough money to open more than 2 chests when you roam the entire map not killing any enemies at the start
>There is no Glass
there is tho :^)
is incredibly easy
just like all flying enemies as Merc after the first level
How do you activate the console?
Only real way to have a good time is to play 4 people you know and everyone go as a group, doing round robin while also accounting for optimal items for a character.
merc was ridiculously OP against magma worm in RoR 1, at least if you had wicked ring shenigans going on
how the mighty have fallen...
And all it took was one extra dimension.
gotta go fast man
scope out the teleporter and hit that shit asap
I have NO idea how people play monsoon though. Even with a 4man team we usually wipe sometime into the 2nd loop on normal, you're right about 30min being the literal killzone
strafe and jump dood, it's not hard
>tfw icicle builds
good old times
you get more items per minute fighting boss and then buying whatever chests are nearby compared to running around the whole level scouring everything
difficulty is based on time spent not number of levels beaten, so there's no use in trying to get "all the good stuff" out of a level before moving on
those damage number how is she under powered again?
ive had 60 minute runs alone with huntress on normal ez pz and huntress is my worst performing character.
Gotta unlock items and know what to print.
>magma worm as huntress
>in ice cave
somewhat harder to play because of no get out of jail free ability and slow as FUCK without items. Also dies real fast to mass wisps because shooting them out of the air is slow.
Strong character in multiplayer so far from my impressions
Best items to focus on for Artificer?
>more items
>more characters
>more maps
Also some kind of optimization, because after some time frames just drop to 40
It's Gearbox.
I got it last playthrough
>and his music was electric
difficulty jumps up like half a bar when you change levels though
She doesn't scale well with items outside of Mags for the M2. That's in my experience at least. Fucking plummets off a cliff by Map 4.
The 4 fireballs is kinda garbage, I don't think they should limit them that hard.
just arrow rain bro :^)
yes but you also have to account the difficulty increase for the time spent fucking around on the map
>magama worm AND fire golems spawn
>basic lizard boys are now fireball launchers
Why though?
Does the magma worm even do anything? It's just a pain to deal with but I legit don't know how it deals damage.
>People getting under a minute on time trial with commando and huntress
How though? I don't want to believe it's cheat engine but I kinda feel like it's cheat engine.
the huntress experience is just constantly mashing her two barely-have-to-aim damage abilities on cooldown
Well wtf do you print? And that's still RNG if it's printer based.
>he thinks huntress is good
Arrow Rain is fucking useless against the Clay Pot, Magma Worm, Fire Wisp and the Jellyfish boss since they're all up in the air
>trying to do first teleporter without getting hit
>sniped by a wisp that spawned above+behind me and attacked immediately
melee enemies aren't scary in 3d
in the first game you actually had to get into melee range to walk past them instead of simply walking around in the third dimension
Spits fireballs out and dives on top of you causing damage and setting you on fire which is a real pain in the ass in this game.
someone had minus 32000 minutes
Like 4 already.
I detect it by random "press e" appearance.
It still hits them senpai
Huntress is my waifu
yeah but they removed that score and any score that seems to have been acquired illegitimately.
1 spot
arrow rain hits airborne shit you just have to aim at the ground beneath them
huntress doesn't really have a lot of appeal though. unlike the first game everyone else can move while shooting too, and her abilities are kind of uninteresting "just do damage" buttons that you mash on cooldown
post fresh ror2 memes
yeah but you can't get hit so who cares how long it takes, spam energy drinks and rose bucklers
also you can pre-emptively arrow rain worms
you're too late I already married her
drops my fps by 10
you use it on the spots where the wurm comes out of or goes back into
Just got blue orb and killed boss, where the fuck is the portal to the bazaar?
Then why are the beatles a thing?
Also why is there tracking hitscan attacks since this whole game is about avoiding damage?
She can shoot while sprinting nibba
redpill me on medkits, they don't seem that amazing to me
Is it raining yet ?
Consolation is wisp attacks deal damage like mosquitos
As for golems, there's a visual cue for when they're about to fire
you just said all there is to say, user
>Then why are the beatles a thing?
cause you need trash mobs in any game
why are there the little crawler thingies in hollow knight?
why are there rats in mmos?
if every enemy is hard, there's no progression
>finally beat boss by cheesing an auto turret which does all the work
>game is just eye rape 90% empty map unity running simulator
>getting gangbanged from 360 as solo
>damage feels like shit, mobs HP keeps ballooning
>trying to hunt for upgrades before portal just makes things harder
>going through portal doesn't reset it back to easy
Yeah, astroturfing or something this game is shit. Hopefully I can refund it.
if you take them as meleemcfly guy and get 2 or more + ulil skill uses you cant die unless its in 1 hit
Is there a matchmaking system or it's just like ror1?
Holy SHIT merc is fun
I feel absolutely useless later on tho
So is merc the worst or what?
>hurhur have a puzzle that requires you to push pots onto specific positions hurhur or play online and wrangle 3 retarded mul-ts hurhur
>pot physics are the fucking worst and literally impossible to push uphill in any capacity
>all of the buttons are uphill
Can hosts with shit upload speed just fuck off?
He dies whenever fire enemy spawns or magma worm.
do lunar coin drop rates vary with difficulty? I've completed 30 levels on monsoon and haven't seen a single one
That's why you should always have a mouse with at least two side buttons
>Final boss is a roided corrupted version of you. that utilizes your kit and items with upgrades
literally the scavenger
I dislike the mechanic of chests/shrines/etc getting groped by glowy orange hands when teleporter is summoning. I want to turn on the portal, go near a chest, kill the enemies spawned and open chests. I don't want to
A: Run around the map unable to afford anything as the enemies increase in power
B: Run around the map to rush portal, kill everything at portal, wait for the gropey hands to finally fucking vanish then run around the map again to buy shit
Why wasn't this shit playtested
Id say vagrants are more of an issue because if you're fighting +3-4 vagrants you have to get in melee range, hit it a few times and get the fucking out before it oneshots you with the absurd aoe blast. You can I-frame a single one, but if its a group you're just fucked.
Magma worms just take forever because you have to chase it up into the sky.
you can usually spot teleporter within 15 seconds and get to it within 30-45
>solo fps
>never drops
>multi fps
>40 on the first level
>magma worm
Just follow the magma worms into the sky.
Regular golems are easy enough, but what about the boss golem with the beam that seems to track perfectly as it's firing?
Also is Spite in the game?
So? Being able to organically open chests as you fight shit is more fun than seperating the looting and fighting arbitarily like this.
>Run around the map unable to afford anything
that's why you should aim for health sacrifice shrines first. If there are none, then don't bother
Anyone know if you can gift someone the second copy from Europe from buying it in the US or vice versa ?
>what about the boss golem with the beam that seems to track perfectly as it's firing?
get behind cover. There's a reason why it has such a long windup
>Play multi as commando
>Every single other class has superior mobility and reach these first, using them up, buying all the items while I can't do shit
It being a given you take the on paper risky shrine also stinks of poor design
The problem is you just die from burn if it spawn on third teleporter and you haven't got any good sustain.
I agree
but the worst shit is when people roam around unable to buy shit for like 10 minutes, then fight the boss, then roam around for another 10 minutes trying to find the chests they couldn't afford yet
>playing commando
Should be able to, since Don't Starve Together was buy 1 get 1 free and I bought it in EU then gave to a US guy
Why do people keep saying portals have red particle effects? on my game they are drab grey things you can only see because their prongs stick up slightly in between the mess that is the rest of the game. Been running around for 20 minutes on the second portal still can't find the fucker in the huge ass maps.
>pretty soon every single quickplay fag is just gonna bumrush the map for money shrines
Can't wait to hate this game soon
The farther you are from it the easier you are to target
It can't turn as fast when you're closer
Just hide find obstacles to hide behind in once its name comes up
New lobby, all plebs welcome
US West Lobby had to be restarted cause of bug
Come on in boys
>for another 10 minutes trying to find the chests
you have to have the memory capacity of a fucking goldfish to not be able to remember the locations of stuff
Its great how the char everyone starts with, the first impression they get, has unsatisfying attacks, poor mobility and ends up feeling the weakest in pretty much every run because everyone else can rush all the resources before you
>Fun gameplay
>Pleasing graphics
>Great soundtrack
>Thick Huntress
>In this state even in early access
How did they manage to make the perfect game?
>back down to 12th on steamcharts
Well it's been nice guys but this game's dead, rip.
It is, gotta do 2 levels in a single run
The particle effect isn't on the portal itself, it's on the air around it, and it keeps spreading.
>playing quickplay
you're just begging for a shitty experience
I've seen it but it's very faint
three other people have been and are running around
chests you left behind might have gotten looted
Still spots left open, come on in
>Tfw have to play quickplay because every single server posted is not recognized
>can't get items until the teleporter reaches 100%
What's the mindset behind this? I can understand for the boss fight, but that should free them up. At least half the time there's a fag that spams teleporter asap, if he wasn't the fag that spawned the boss early in the first place.
the only issues are no iframes on dodge roll and shitty pierce attack. aside from that he's decent.
>poor mobility
that's what items are for numbnuts
>come into thread
>not a single post of huntress ass
this place is slipping
that's our boy hoopoo
god bless this gentleman and a scolar
>want to sleep but really craving some ror2
>ill just do a quick commando run before bed
>tesla level 1 (and a lunar coin)
>two more coins on level 2
>fucking gold portal too
>kill gold boss
>mad theres no unlock for doing it
>get 10 stacks of armor piercing
>get every good fucking item in the game
>have to concede run first celestial portal i get because i'm fucking knackered
Why can't I get a run so good when I'm not horrifically tired?
>get into QP
>fags have been stealing items all game
>3rd round, 2 die
>thik I'll finally get some items
>last guy manages to die at the same time as activating the portal
>I get no items, and didn't even get to buy this round
I left instantly
user, don't tell me that you're too incompetent for ctrl+v
>Just get items to fix his mobility, just rig the RNG bro
>Just open these chests people who start with superior mobility already opened because they rushed the sac shrines before you could get vaguely near
>Just out of the tiny portion of pity chests you actually get, guaranteed, every time, first item, pull out mobility items bro
>It won't take several floors bro its guaranteed just do it bro
Its CTRL+C. The game auto reads the copy. And has been completely unable to recognize a single lobby posted here.
How does money work? Is it shared no matter where you are? Or only if you tag monsters? % of hp done?
>overloading mini-cremator
Hotpoo if you're in this thread right now I want you to fucking delete this before you add the real thing.
I wish I was that syringe.
asking the important questions here
1. artifacts aren't in the game yet?
2. which classes are available?
3. how do i know my own lobby number if i want to host?
No matter where you are. On swamp I like to stand on the highest point of the map, where enemies seem incapable of hitting, soaking in the free money and scouting chests, taking it all for myself, while calling my allies noobs in chat
>Just get items to fix his mobility
have you never played ror1 ? Almost all the characters have shitty mobility and you make it up with items
>just rig the RNG bro
That's what 3d printers and three choice stations are for
>Just open these chests people who start with superior mobility already opened because they rushed the sac shrines before you could get vaguely near
stop playing quickplay you fucking idiot
>pirate the game
>multiplayer doesn't work
oh no :(
"error wrong lobby id" means lobby is full not that its wrong
>magma worm
>as merc
>find syringe printer
>practically beg my shitter teammates to use it
>none of them do
some mage slut, bow slut, gunboi, turretboi, robo, naruto
top right
>Commando, Mul-T, Huntress, Engineer, Artificer, Mercenary
>This button in the top right of the private match screen
restart your game, it helps
>artifacts aren't in the game yet?
>which classes are available?
commando, huntress, mult, merc, magic bitch, engi
>3d printer syringe at stage 1
>get no white items for fuel
>stage 2 has 3d printer tooth necklace once i start getting whites out the ass
Fuck that's retarded as hell, might as well just play the fastest class then and let everyone else be your wagecuck. Guessing Huntress is the best, fuck I hope there's major changes for this game soon.
1. No
2. See pic
3. Don't know, i play solo.
how do these desert buttons work, do i need multiple people to stand on them at the same time or can i just go around myself and press them to get into whatever they unlock
Nah MUL-T is the best.
>play any multiplayer game
>say literally anything
>no one responds
I don't understand this at all. I get not sayin "Hello" back, right. But if I'm literally saying "hey fellow player, do this thing to achieve greater victory" I can stand there for literal hours and the only reply I'll ever get back is "dude wtf". Like I've been playing Deeprock Galactic which is a mission based coop game, and I can sit on the objective pinging the shout of it and spamming chat like a million times, and people will never EVER take notice.
>>have you never played ror1 ? Almost all the characters have shitty mobility and you make it up with items
Good thing we are talking about 2, not 1. Where everyone but Commando has better mobility than him guaranteed. And commando is the starting char. And rushing sac shrines to rush items is a thing every single map.
1 is not relevant when discussing 2.
>>That's what 3d printers and three choice stations are for
>Just rush these and have them guarantee your items bro
>Just trade the items you don't have for items you need to be still worse than every other char with mobility items bro
>Just hope 1/3 items on a rare spawning pedastal everyone else can reach first is mobility and you get it first bro
>And still be worse
fuck off. it worked in ror1 perfectly fine and it works here too. you just gotta stop playing with dumb faggots over quickplay
>tooth necklace
What are others are almost-shit? Fireworks?
On a side note, do you become invincible with 7 teddy bears, or does blocking only reduce partial damage?
You need multiple people to press them. Or you can try to push pots on and hate yourself because the pot physics are fucking dogshit.
Or play Engineer and place turrets.
Multi does work and I bought it.
Well that's misleading.
If I already purchased the game for myself and got a free copy, if I purchase another as a gift will I recieve another free copy or is it one time only
MUL-T is overtuned to all hell he's getting nerfed next patch and also has a crit bug
how the fuck do I join?
>70+ minutes run with randoms
>get lasered out of the sky by a Stone Chad in one shot
christ all mighty the tracking is ridiculous
>Where everyone but Commando has better mobility than him guaranteed
all he needs is iframes to his roll
and again, stop playing quickplay you fucking idiot and communicate with your fellas.
in multiplayer it snaps to you, while in singleplayer if you are fast enough you can outrun it.