Can't wait...
Can't wait
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She only has long hair in the front though, like a reverse mullet.
She also has long hair below
cool man can't wait for the constant viral marketing here like BL2 had
hope you fags refined your campaign since then
If there's actual BL3 sfm porn then Im buying day 1.
will asanagi ever learn to draw a different face, probably not
sameface is tolerable when the 1 face is a good one
Finally something other than Moxxxi
Can't wait...
God I want her to pulverise my penis with her 8 muscular arms.
Of course there will be you dipshit.
i mean I agree that the face is good but it means that i never care when new stuff comes out since it will be indistinguishable from everything else he's done. can't deny that some of his stuff is a very safe reliable fallback option
It's not
This is my wife.
Say something nice about her.
she's a massive cunt throughout 2 and the dlc's why did no personality blank slate roland have to die instead of that bitch
Everyone might as well have been an unrelated new character in 2.
Everyone ignores the story in it anyways.
Hope your wife dies a horrible death in BL3
Have sex
have dex
have sex together guys!
they fixed her face, gearbox please hire this talented man!
is maya a playable char again
Show me the female psychos
Have pecks
no, you're a transexual nigger this time
The tats look like they were drawn with a marker pen, that hair needs a lot of work, to say nothing of the mouth, and what the fuck is up with her left hand?
I would be lenient about the "quick render" part, but don't lewd Maya if you're not going to make an effort.
Not really convinced this was the best hairstyle.
one hundred percent agree
Tiny Tina's finally 18
i'd suck her 4 spectral dicks
>le diablo with le gunzzz!!! part 3!!! lol xD
destroy yourselves already, shitbox
all entries in this shitty excuse for a franchise has been nothing but mediocre garbage
you just can't have borderlands 3 threads everyday until game's release date
I really liked Maya with long hair
>le ebic meems da character
tiny tina a shit, fuck off
Enjoy your transexual nigger user, to each their own I say!
Fuck off retard newfag
Too bad boredomlands is the most boring game series ever.
They literally only added the long bangs to cover her boob shape, it's sad how embarassed they are for a woman to look femnine.
Every woman has to look like terry crews and run like they have a dead baby in their underwear now.
I will, dont you worry user
no shit but it just got announced the circlejerk will last for a few days than fade away just like every AAA announcement
Too bad she looks so small ingame, like a gym bunny in her first year of working out.
But DMC did it. And they are still doing it.
what's that shit around her bellybutton
i watched the trailer
why is the robo dude with the giant jacket the only character that looks like a not-disaster of character creation
I wanna fuck Maya
You have horrible taste
Someone make a webm of her running at 2:49 It's fucking hilarious...
Her looks suck compared to Lilith and Maya but damn if she plays like a mix between Brick and Siren with an elemental skill tree I will play that She-Ogre for sure.
i wonder how she'll fuck over everyone this time
>abs on her ribcage
hopefully lilith teleports herself out of existence
I see no problem with that. Nor with constant BR threads.
Fuck, I meant BL of course...but BR games are fun haha, Randy said so.
>those short stumb fingers
ewww yikes anime not even once
this time around their focus seems to be on waifu baiting and shilling their el goblinas.
if anything that was BL1 you newfag
She's literally the reason for everything that went wrong.
She's burned the coal, just waiting for her to pay the toll.
fuck off resetera
the entire fucking game is made by people who post on resetera
>Tfw the majority will be futashit
Wait a minute, is this the same guy from last night?
Moxxi was the reason. She was just the final blow
you realize Yea Forums is made up of maybe 6 people shitposting constantly right?
>female psycho navels
My dick
BL1 was ded game that nobody cared about outside of the first trailer having a catchy song retard.
Why do blacks in games always have to be caricatures that look straight out of /pol/?
She's so much better than the tranny nigger.
What a shame.