Who was in the wrong here?


Who was in the wrong here?

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You for going on forbes

the only one in the wrong is the faggot who posts direct links to clickbait garbage instead of archives

kill yourself

You for thinking mainstream media cares about anything but ad revenue.
They would write about sexist patriarchy shown in the game if they knew it would bring in readers

>forbes is one person

This. Who the fuck goes to Forbes for vidya?

It doesn't need an easy mode but it could probably benefit from one.

>posting direct links to clickbait article websites
learn to archive or screenshot.

Both of them should get a real fucking job.

You think there’s awakard silence when they both pass each other by the water cooler or does the chad tell the easy mode dude to git gud only to get HR involved?

Haven't played it, but a few of my friends say it is way too hard. Not that that's a bad thing, but it might deter some newer players from enjoying it/finishing it. It could at least do with some sort of actual aid

>telling people that you're shit at games
> 1,368 words, 7,679 characters
>telling people "overcoming challenge is fun and rewarding"
>1,279 words, 7,139 characters
I fucking hate journalists.

>water cooler
I have no doubt both of them are just writing these articles from home. Why else would you go into this line of work?

Imagine writing this stuff and calling it a job. Fucking hell.

>he can't read at 800 wpm
o i am laffin

>Fromsoft game
>easy mode

It's not a matter of can't but want.
Most of these articles are filler fluff for like 800 words just to get that word count up. Every single article has two completely pointless paragraphs stating some general fact about life or shit.

Why can't these people understand that they just might not be the target audience and that it's not a game for them

shitposting about vidya for living seems like a sweet gig desu

I would be too ashamed of myself and what my family thinks of me desu

Isn’t Eric kein supposed to be pretty cool? I can’t egrn remember anymore

u mad?

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who the fuck goes to forbes period. theyve lost all credibility thanks to trump derangement syndrome

I would get a pen name and write contradicting articles for two paychecks

The game starts in easy mode

You can set it to hard by ringing the demon bell

Game doesn't need traditional difficulty options. It just needs more consumable items or skills that are actually useful to some degree.

Eating a candy to take slightly less posture damage is fine... and boring. Why not make an item to appease casuals AND make consumables worth using? Something like a candy that activates a slight time-slow for a short duration to help struggling players learn the deflection timings.

Forbes is a really good source my fellow anonymous, you should go on this website too. :)

Wasn't this guy blasted by other gaming "journalists" when he posted that article?

or struggling players could find another game to play

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Sekiro absolutely does NOT need an easy mode so the guy asking for it was in the wrong. However, the sorry excuses for people get paid based on clicks and the amount of articles written so both are just whores fishing for clicks, it's possible that neither dude cares about what they're writing.

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Either you lower difficulty so much that you can r1 spam everything thus breaking the game or you don't and people who can't finish the game will still not finish the game

To be fair that's essentially every single major periodical and broadcaster.

>does NOT need an easy mode
it's already on easy mode. You set it to hard mode by ringing the bell and giving the charm back.

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Just have the enemies deal half damage or something, completely brainless r1 spam shouldn't work but players bad at execution will be cut some slack.

You sound like a tryhard. Sekiro is not meant to be a game for IWBTG autists to jerk off over but rather a challenging but still fair experience. The challenge comes from the game expecting you to gemuinely learn how to play the game but it gives you the necessary tools to defuse the various situations. Of course the ''BRUH UR A CASUL IF U UPGRADE VIT EVEN ONCE'' tryhards are going in the opposite direction and demanding that the game would be unenjoyable to all except the >1 percent of players that enjoy CBT in vidya form.

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Like I said, the game is already on easy mode. There's 2 ways for you to make it harder. Sperging out doesn't make you right.

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Like I said, I am right and you are wrong

>fromcucks are so retarded they get baited by fucking forbes for easy clicks

Stop checking shitty sites and enjoy the fucking game, you moron.

thin skin maggot pls stop trying to fit in

I've been here longer than you.

$10 on this shitter is from 2010

Erik Kain is almost always right and one of the reasons I go to Forbes for video game news every now and then.

Can you guess which article is his?

you for falling for obvious clickbait
Journalism is a fucking racket and this is the loop

I think it should have an easy mode, but;
>Achievements/ trophies are disabled
>Everything dies in 1 hit
>You have unlimited health
>Game resets to Japanese with no subs
>Owl kills you on the rooftop in cutscene
>OST is replaced with babies crying

I'm fighting lady butterfly and I'd consider switching it on. I didn't know there was a phase two, this is horseshit. I'm a normy with a full time job and stuff now, so Im not as good at vidya as I used to be but it's hard as shit to go from bloodborne to this. my dumb fucking brain cant comprehend how parrys and dodge counters are supposes to work.

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the gameworld becomes colorful like pyroland in TF2. Blood turns to confetti. A sitcom laugh tracks plays when you get hit by a boss and it does .5% of your hp.

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the gameworld is pretty open. I suggest you explore and practice the combat system against weaker enemies.

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Presumably the one with his name on it, but I’m no doctor

Men are such low test faggots nowadays they can’t even beat a video game. No wonder so many of them are turning into trannies. Absolute failures at life.

I came back to LB later in the game once I had more stuff in my inventory. It's about playing it safe with her, to be sure.

Both, game already has an easy mode.



Cheatengine exists if you're really desperate for an easy mode.

I’m a normie with a full time job and I beat her on my first try.

Git gud, I say

I would only accept easy mode for this game if it met all of the following conditions

>The mode name is insulting, or along the lines of "Game Journalist mode"
>It's insultingly easy. I'm talking every enemy dies in a single hit and are basically hitting you with spitballs and paper mache weapons. Literally impossible to lose.
>Every NPC has a new line of dialogue implying you're a coward of some sort
>The game just stops after Genichiro(not the one in the prologue). Not even a real ending, just stops and rolls the credits, then tells you to play a real difficult mode if you want to play the rest of the game.

it respects its players by NOT having an easy mode though

>implying normies would know about it/bother with it
>implying more than 50% of the playerbase is not on consoles

You guys know what are click bait titles? Probably the real reason they are talking about sekiro is because is popular.

So we have an article from Forbes saying that Sekiro needs an easy mode, and an article from the very same website saying it doesn't.

...but which is better?

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DaS1 has black knight weapons and DaS3 has straight swords.

Kain obviously, though I noticed he ignored Thier's point about making the game 'accessible' to disabled players. probably because the only correct answer to that is
>who fucking cares

magic is the easy mode in souls games

>unironically quoting Dumbledore and Yoda

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