Time to buy 8 copies on release!
Time to buy 8 copies on release!
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i fuking hate old people litrally the cancer on this earth
She's gonna be dead before the game comes out anyway.
fuck you, Yea Forums
only this shithole would get mad at this
I'll be a fucking grandma myself by the time it gets released
Too bad she wont be able to play.
Can’t wait to install sex mods
>hating a little old lady who plays vidya probably because her husband died and she's lonely and trying to fill that emptiness
She's more like you than you think.
Nice can't wait to see her in the game with sex mods installed
>Legendary Skyrim enthusiast
Oh wow, did the old lady play the game? She did she!? what a legend!
TES VI confirmed for Skyrim 2
That must be because you will probably commit suicide before you hit 30
She know loverslab exist right?
Oh yeah, some old bitch. That'll really make the new elder scrolls fly off the shelves.
But you're just asking for an older bitch...
I sure am!
No wonder the games have gone to shit if that is their targeted audience.
She's comfy
Imagine getting mad over this
What the fuck
I can't wait to see how she gets gamerpoop'd
Can't wait for those nude mods.
>he didn't watch the blades part of e3
Todd said his life's work isn't complete until degenerates like you are all rotting in unmarked graves
>Come to make sfm joke
>Like 4 different anons have already made it
You niggas are alright
She better be marrieable.
That's pretty cool.
guys, I'm on reddit right now. it's not so bad.
I don't know why you guys freak out about it.
What's her source for that?
>We can stabs her in game, nerco her corpse and stabs her again
Based Bethesda
I though that being reddit was a buzzoword but this is the fucking most reddit thing I ever saw
>she has almost 500k subs doing nothing but playing skyrim
Based granny
I would be like her in the future when my husband died. Probably.
A shallow games like Skyrim ins't going to fill shit.
It's the most boring RPG in existence.
This is unironically really cool.
she's a pretty good streamer desu
they better do it fast
are we surprised?
in skyrim every villager has some kind of life routine programmed, not very complex but at the end of the day it's not too different from real life, think about it is the world you live in filled with extremely interesting people everywhere you look, no
this makes its villages somewhat believable and likable, after a while of having your home in whiterun whenever you come back to store or sell stuff it's like "home", and you could go to the same pub every day for a year but i doubt your relationship with the bartender would be much different with what you have with the merchants in skyrim, so overall they don't feel too fake
put this in comparison with other rpgs where every city while full sized is filled with default villager 57 and weapon seller 12 with dialogue variation #4, sure, core story character are more developed but the world feels very mundane
because it's genuine.
She is a real videogame geek.
Her playstyle is unique and she doesn't imitate anyone else to get more views. She dgaf about what's popular, she just wants to play Skyrim.
pic unrelated
You must be real fun to talk to.
>Being so jaded everything is a cash grab
Hey, faggot. Maybe they just want to show their appreciation to a fan who is a sweet old lady and likes their game? Maybe the team is a fan?
This is actually incredibly wholesome and I'm happy for her, I hope she's alive to see it. I imagine she'll think it's the sweetest thing ever.
wow i read it again and it's phrased like it was written like some underpaid chinese child
sorry about that
ive been playing this game religiously for the past 8 years and this old demented bitch shows up in tes6 instead? just fuck society, honestly
>Legendary Skyrim enthusiast
literally never hear of her until now.
>500k subs
>5k-10k views a video
Don't mean to crap on granny, but vast majority of those subs are just virtue signaling redditor who don't care about her, but more about the positive social reputation and attention it gets them personally.
"haha dude i love skyrim grandma xDDD i watch all her videos!!" *gets thousands of le upvotes*
"dude bro no frickin way, you subbed to skyrim grandma too?? :OOO here's some le upvotes and le gold reddit badge"
It's all just shallow bullshit.
You sound like a real bitch.
It's called being a decent human being.
You should try it sometimes, maybe you won't complain so much about being lonely all the time then.
old people are ingenious assholes who pretty much destroyed civilization
That poor old woman will surely die before that game is even released
>having a spouse
Normie ass bitch
I've never watched her till now but she has a comfy voice and seems to enjoy the game. I'm not sure I'll be that coherent if it make it to that age.
I think she meant a hundred NPCs
this is how libertardians and neocon faggots end up
its reset/v/ that we are talking about, the nu autists here will bash this, DMCV,RE2R, SEKIRO or even Doom.
But defend SJW garbage like VtM2 and Obsidian Games post Pillars IS FINE, YAS!
>Euroburger trying to be the voice of reason
how is the caliphate user?
desu shes not funny or really engaging, her videos are just her playing the game but slowly since shes old
Cool, what am I supposed to get mad at?
I spit on people like you, degenerate dog.
Nah user, nu-Yea Forums just hates video games and will take any oportunity to bash any of them for attention
inb4 she dies before they can record her
RT and follow please
>giving your life for Israel and the 1 percenters
Do Americans actually, unironically do this? Why?
Voiced by the same VA that voices literally all other female characters.
imagine getting mad at this. I for one love old empowered people and the fact she's a woman is even better. grow up incels. games are for every age, gender and sexuality and ethnicity. who cares if the writing, story and overall quality suffers for it? if you try to criticise my argument I can just turn around and say 'who cares it's just a game :^)' we won.