was this the peak?
Was this the peak?
Maybe peak easy.
It was too easy.
But yeah, it's a pretty good 2hu on the whole.
EoSD is objectively the best one and only contrarians disagree
who would win - eosdshitters or pc98boomers?
Posting best spellcard in 2hu history
Peak of what? Being a shit STG? yeah probably. 2hufappers haven't even played a real STG like Dodonpachi, instead they cling to this jarpig elf faggot shit like the manchildren they are
>Cavemen thinking they have any right to say what a good STG is
o i am laffin m8
Seething jarpig elf faggots. If you want to evolve past your manchild garbage head to /shmupg/ on /vg/, the only board who despises jarpigs and 2hufappers. I'm known as retardo over there, just tell them I sent you
omega cringe
>discordtranny board
even worse
2hu never peaked
it always was and always will be shit
this isnt even a video game
touhou is video games as fuck
kill yourself normie
>touhou is video games as fuck
>kill yourself normie
fuck marisa's third nonspell
fuck tewi's first pattern
fuck eirin's midboss nonspell
fuck buddhist diamond
Stop replying to bait, idiots
I want to fuck both Alices
Why? Because it was the only one you've played because it was easy? Kys secondaries.
Fuck eirin literally
It's the game with undeniably most content
>2 final bosses
>last words
>team based, you get to see a lot of characters with a lot of funny interactions
>you can even pick only one character from each team
I don't even think it's the best game but it's easy to see why so many people do
and let's not forget:
>practice mode
>time mechanic
I don't understand the difficulty complaints. Is Lunatic really too easy?
Touhou has yet to peak.
ZUN's got something up his sleeve
Why are you posting my wife
>game that teaches you bad bombing habits that is hard to unlearn and adjust to a proper Touhou game for a newbie
No. Far from it.
>shoulderless shirt
>short skirt
Is Hecatia the 2hu with the lewdest design?
On a regular Lunatic run, I'd say it easily rank amongst the easiest with PCB, mostly because the game throw a lot of free bombs and lives, along with the fact that you pretty much can't die with bombs in stock.
If we're talking about no-bombs, I only have experience with NB IN, but I'd guess it's still on the easy side. There's like a 3/1 ratio between routable/easy patterns and hard, reaction-based ones (I consider the hardest of them, but you can add in Kaguya's first spell and her very last spell, and Mystia's and Keine's first boss spell).
PCB was the peak
Forgot to mention I only fight Marisa. I heard having to fight Reimu no-bomb makes things significantly more complicated.
oh! inuyasha!
no, it peaked at phantasmagoria of flower view
>it's been 14 years since PoFV release
Will we ever see another game?
Yes, it had everything.
Definitely the best Touhou.
Best story/characters, yes. Overall best game? No, that goes to LoLK.
>that goes to LoLK.
I can habeeb it.
Well, Yea Forums, what's YOUR excuse for not having a fumo of your favorite character? Her not having one is NOT an excuse