How many Vbucks will Epic try to throw at this?
Borderlands 3
when will the looter genre fucking die and stop polluting every game
i swear to god if nioh 2 has the same loot autism im gonna shoot up a school
probably at least 10
2k already sold out with outer worlds
bl3 being epic exclusive is a forgone conclusion, deal's probably already done
Please dont give Epic ideas
Randy's wife is like 400 pounds btw
Chinese government will buy it for Epic
At least she is real unlike your animes
>Still buying Gearbox games after Alien Colonial Marines/Sega embezzling.
I can think of few things that deserve each other more than 1989 Store and Gearbox.
hopefully never, lootershooter is fun when done right.
Epic already have this idea.
Epic can have it, I'm not giving a fucking penny to Gearbox either way.
This game is pretty much confirmed EGS exclusive
>no release date so far
>no required client so far
>no mentioning of Steam
But the biggest reasons are
>uses Unreal Engine 4
>Randy has praised EG in the past
>cut off the press conference as fast as possible after the trailer so no one could as the April fools joke question
>EGS is trying to get as many good games as possible as exclusives
Today I have installed the EGL so I can play Borderlands on release date. All those pirates who only want a steam release because of fast cracks will get fucked. Even Metro was only cracked because of the steam version not EGS version.
what the fuck is wrong with lilith's face? She looks hideous!
I'm glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks this.
Yeah real obese
>taking responsibility for a 400lb whale for the rest of your life sounds more reasonable than splurging to a nonexistent 10/10 and forget about women for a while
None of the games at the event were epic exclusive.
Imagine the smell.
At least not to our knowledge, since they didn't announce which PC platform it's going to.
All the trailers on Youtube show Steam
>White Male
>White Female
>Indian Female
Gearbox finally did it.
They didn't pander.
The gameplay is most definitely going to range from ok to good but god do I hope they tone down on le epic 4th wall breaking jokes and references for this one.
Imagine being hyped for Reddit humor the game.
If it goes on epic (i have a bad feeling it will) i pirate and if it's online single play i simply won't play it.
No steam no buy end of story.
Burch isn't writing this one. the reveal trailer was already more grounded.
Borderlands was a fun game, and kept the annoying claptrap shit to a minimum. Borderlands 2 fucking ruined it, I remember everyone and everything being extremely fucking annoying for the first couple of hours in forced handholdy tutorial sections. Did they not play test it? Claptrap barely shut up for a second. Fuck everyone that approved that shit
I will never understand how you can have "loyalty" to a multi million corporation that has over and over again screwed over consumers, how can you actually like being forced to use a DRM platform that collects and sells your data?
I fucking hate zoomers.
Yea Forums is particularly full of retards. But the Steam/Epic thing is one of the reasons I don't buy digital.
>>no release date so far
October 1st. Keep up faggot.
Boy you have no idea LMFAO!
Both the teaser and trailer of BL3 didn't show shit.
better than giving gooks my data
Oh you're one of those retards who think its about client loyalty and not due to forced exclusivity that ignores the biggest digital store for PC games on the planet.
Not to mention that I can buy keys for PC games on many different sites, hunting for sales and promotions instead of Steam. Whereas I can only buy on the EGS exclusively. Nice competition you got there mate.
Yeah, real fat.
None mentioned using the Epic store retards.
>forced exclusivity that ignores the biggest digital store for PC games on the planet.
This i don't want nor need a faggot ass digital war over exclusivity this is for console faggots to deal with not pc.
>I’m a faggot who likes monopolies
But I got teh cheap game sometimes because digital keys cost nothing to produce anyway! You saps just keep giving Gabe more power to fuck the industry. Steam has ruined PC gaming - competition is what is needed to crush Steam. I buy games exclusively on DRM free platforms, and pay nothing for those that attach themselves to Steam
Don't bullshit me LOL
First of all
>thread about Epic store
>image about Epic store
>responds to a post complaining about the Epic store
You really show what kind of people are shitting up threads with their "loyalty" nonsense.
It has to spread elsewhere now that PoE holds the absolute monopoly on the original genre.
Nobody gives a fuck keep your console war bullshit OUT OF MY PC CUNT!
>literally mentioned that I can buy keys on many different sites whereas you can only buy on EGS directly
>Epic literally trying to create a monopoly by giving its engine out for free.
>calling Epic actual competition
You're a fucking retard mate.
It's fine when it's done well
But it'srarely done well and Borderlands is one of the fucking worst
Steam is console bullshit but for PC. We didn’t have retarded fanboys for a shitty online store until steam came around. Steam has caused all the ills of PC gaming and hell even made console gaming worse. Steam introduced micro transactions and loot box faggotry
The fuck they did to Lilith?
Runing what little character she had with 2 and TPS wasn't enough?
Epic Literally live rent free in VaIvedrones heads.
You are still FORCED to use Steam, agree on the ToS that allows them to collect and sell your data.
It doesn't matter that you a game on a site buying keys with stolen credit cards if in the end you are FORCED to use Steam.
You can buy keys that all link to steam and aren’t DRM free. Great competition there
I see. You're one of those boomers who still sperg out over DRM in 2019.
>Steam is console bullshit
>It's ok when Valve does it
>Outer Worlds
You mean T2
Your goddam right fuck off gook!
You start sounding like a really obnoxious faggot man.
Yea because being forced to use another client, and not even being able to choose what client to use is so much better...
You talk about being anti DRM which is all about user control, but literally defend the Epic store as good competition when all it does, is taking away user control. You're so far up your own ass you literally cannot see straight anymore because Steam put such a big chip on your shoulder.
It’s ok when Steam forces you to use their client but not another company! I’ve been sick of having to have Steam to be a PC gamer for years. Fuck those cunts, you don’t have the option to not use them 99% of the time
No one mentioned or defended Epic
Why do people think this looks bad?
It's not the most original and creative concept, but it isn't worn out either.
>Inb4 niggers or poointheloo
that's just your opinion, but I dare to say this character is objectively at least 7/10 in design
More competition = cheaper games with more choice of how you want to purchase them
Currently if you want no DRM, you’ve got GoG or you pirate. So many retail games force use of Steam to play and that’s not ok
>Steam is console bullshit but for PC
And epic is not pulling console bullshit? riiiiiight say to metro exodus and that was on steam and took off but it's ok because epic did it right? fuck off epic is just as bad.
>Yea because being forced to use another client, and not even being able to choose what client to use is so much better...
Not him but you seem to have forgotten that Steam used to be a DRM-only piece of shit and Valve's games absolutely required for you to have Steam in order to play them. Steam was not any better during its first years. Its good that Steam gets more competitors, just look at Youtube or Facebook to see what happens when theres not enough competition and a web service gets a monopoly chokehold on the industry.
Because she's ugly as shit.
Looks like a goddamn tranny and no, it's not the muscles, it's the ugly face.
Epic just started, Steam has been ruining PC gaming for 16 years
>More competition = cheaper games with more choice of how you want to purchase them
That's cool n all in theory but how does it look in practice?
Steam is already dirt cheap with their Steam sales, and keysites are even cheaper. How cheap do you think things will actually get when you can grab some AAA games for $2 on Steam during promotions?
GOG is great but has shitty sales and shitty game selection.
Epic is all about monopoly and exclusives so you cannot even compare games/prices like you can do with Steam/GOG.
If you wanna talk about competition, actually talk about competition and not about theorizing.
curry flavored whey
>It's ok when epic does it
Enjoy eating your own words fuckstick LOL
It's just a "rougher" face for me
I've seen women with a face like this IRL and i don't give a shit if a ficitional girl is fuckable or not.
It's not a bad executed uglyness like MK11 had (did NRS fix it already?), it's a design choice, which may not appeal to you and that's ok.
But please don't act like she is the epitome of ugly characters. It's annoying and derailing.
>giving your money to the chinese government
Fuck off ching chong.
>le Steam is bad meme
Steam got a "monopoly" because the put in digital print what physical games had on little sheets of paper for a decade already.
You can like Steam ruined anything when it just accomodated the change to digital media.
Instead of PRM we got DRM because games got digital.
Please don't be like those faggots who pretend that physical games didn't come with a note that you don't own anything and that your rights to use them could be revoked.
Yeah fuck giving developers more security and control right? Its all about the players!
Remember when Gabe literally went to every big developer and put a gun to their heads to release their games on Steam? And how it totally wasn't that devs jumped on the Steam train because it was the perfect solution to the rights problem when going digital?
I can't decide if you're just stupid zoomers or those retarded neckbeard oldfags who still rant about physical games disappearing.
I still rant about your mom not putting out enough. My balls are the size of a basketball!
borderlands is the best looter shooter franchise
unironically this
what did she even have? I played her in bl1 because I liked running around quickly which always annoyed my friends.
Daily reminder!
epic is the start of console wars on pc you can stop this now buy NOT buying a fucking thing from epic. Exclusive games are coming to pc this is the beginning of the end you can stop it now or let epic win the choice is yours.
>exclusive games
>litterally just clicking an extra button nigga damn
Does what?
Fuck off gook i will pirate daily to put epic out of the game. THIS IS PC NOT CONSOLES FUCK OFF FILTHY CUNT STAY OUT OF MY PC!
>>exclusive game
Uh yea clearly you haven't been paying attention moron.
Steam already had exclusives that you couldn’t fucking play without installing it
Just like a console
Randy already said that it will be an Epic exclusive.