Why the fuck is vidya so transphobic?
Why the fuck is vidya so transphobic?
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Degeneracy is not progression.
its actually pro trans since its saying they cant change their true gender
being disgusted is not a phobia
Are you saying dickless people running around don't creep you out and scare you?
i wouldn't give half of a shit about trans
if it were possible to perfectly switch a person's gender
but as it stands it's just a bunch of gayboys going and getting mutilated
Imagine not being transphobic kek
Go ahead and continue supporting mentally ill people mutilating their own body which will eventually lead to depression and that will lead to suicide.
Imagine for one second, not even having the mental awareness to realize how insane it is to try and change your gender with surgeries and drugs
Why is it so controversial to say that trans people are mentally ill? They literally suffer from gender dysphoria.
nips are based and they know that LGBT community is mentally ill freaks
:clown-emoji: :earth-emoji:
gender was coined by a literal mad scientist who kade two brothers fuck each other and kill themselves.
I used to think gays were annoying, but trannies are a whole different level of mental.
you say this as if you're somehow ignoring the massive fan service for yuri and traps in nip products
>Using Naoto for these kinds of threads
Naoto is too pure for this.
Gonna need a source for that one.
Who do you even have to group gays with trannies? It's one thing to have a different sexual preference and another to think you're the opposite sex and to mutilate yourself and take hormones.
if you cut off your bits you got problems.
You want the horrorpill?
If the trannies have problems what does that make the ones doing the surgery?
Naoto needs some T supplements and to transition ASAP
>another thread of couch commentators who are absolutely clueless on the issue and talk as if they are the experts
Cringe and obsessed
I want to go camping with this dumb cutie!
Fuck off back to resetera, mentally ill retard.
tranny seethoid detected
>daily reminder gender dysphoria is no different than body dysphoria in general, but we aren't prescribing diet pills for anorexics
You are not the opposite sex, and gender and sex mean the exact same thing. KYS
Slaneesh dropouts or Khorne initiatives either or
You can change your gender
But never your sex
tomboys with that hairstyle are pure sex
gender is pseudoscience and doesn't exist.
It's almost like a game repeatedly having a message about accepting yourself might be trying to have a totally different message with Naoto like not being ashamed of your own biological gender in regards to your dream vocation.
She's not a tranny to begin with, though. She just acts like a boy because her literary heroes are all male and she thinks police men will respect her more as a male.
they put that shit in for irony, it's a comedic relief
it's not as bad I guess but it's still sick, sticking your penis inside another man's shitter is not OK, it's nasty and unnatural
penis goes into vagina, anything else is wicked
I agree.
Gender is just in your head and should stay there.
Naoto only needs Kanji
You can't change your gender that doesn't make any fucking sense you delusional fucking faggot
Let me guess, being an expert means agreeing with people cutting their own dicks, taking drugs and hormone pills?
Remember back in the medieval age, """expert doctors""" thought that bloodletting was a legitimate form of medicine?
It is natural but it is not normal. You can see it in nature with other mammals.
You really think he'd go out with a loser like Kanji? He's getting filled up by Dojima-senpai every night to try and get a promotion.
if that's what you want to tell yourself go ahead. at least in anime that shit is played straight and the massive growing trap fanbase is proof of that
One can modify their body to look like the opposite gender as much as possible, but will never truly become the opposite sex.
What Naoto means by "wishin she were a man" is in a way like "I I were a man life would be easier" not as in "I am a man born in the wrong body".
Fuck trannies and fuck jews.
Cringe but redpilled
>massive growing trap fanbase
yeah, just like the "massive growing incest fanbase" right faggot?
>penis goes into vagina, anything else is wicked
yeah, wicked sick
animals are braindead, we humans have physical hygiene and moral standards
thanks user
Gender does not mean sex user.
According to porn hub searches, that one is actually true.
yes the incest fanbase is growing, no one is saying that actual incest is increasing. news flash a fetish doesn't mean you actually want to act on it in the real world
you can change your gender technically (gender being the pronouns one is referred to as, while sex is more the technical term for your genitalia i guess)
but its fucking stupid and manipulative to do
dick = he/him/his
vagina = she/her/hers
even if you lop the shit off you still got the chromosomes buddy
Gender and sex are the exact same thing to anyone who was born before the millennium. Here, this is Mitt Romney's birth certificate from my home state. Gee, why did they ask for his gender? Where they wondering what his gender role was going to be?
Newsflash, it isn't and never was, and is purposefully being put at the forefront. The "searches" you are talking about come from California (of course) and society is definitely not all-of-the-sudden growing a new fetish of incest. Stay delusional tranny faggots
You are wrong, you cannot change your gender. Gender and Biological sex are the same exact thing
You speak like a fag and your shit's all retarded
Trans arent mentally ill. Meanwhile playing video game is.
>massive growing trap fanbase
traps are gay, deal with it prison faggots
Imagine being this buttmad about what other people do with their lives.
the fuck happened to this board
Is this Diavolo?
Why don't you ask those leftists. It's not us who coined the term LGBT.
She's not even trans her whole character arc is about her learning that it is ok for her to be herself regardless of gender rolls
Her going trans is flat out against her whole arc
kill yourself
>Majikoi screencap
4channel was a mistake.
Yea a country more censor heavy than america that censors porn and is on its own responsible for the rise or yuri yaoi and traps sure is based
I mean I dont give a shit outside of the censorship stuff but stop lying to yourself you retarded weeb
I don't think making homo parades, censoring entertainment and screeching that "IT'S MA'AM" is "living their lives". KYS tranny.
>t. seething
I want to fuck her in the grass.
That's a distinction that exists exclusively in the disciplines of sociology and social psychology, biologically speaking they're synonyms
im not the one thats going to commit suicide over a pronoun
Is that swirl the pedo symbol?
Why does that bother you? Is it making you confront something about yourself that you try to repress? It's okay, user. People will love you for who you are.
>the fuck happened to this board
We've become aware that discord tranny invasion is real. It's better to be agressive than doing nothing letting them ruin our board.
you should just huahhuahhuah y'knowutimeen? huahhuahhuah
kill yourself faggot
btw the real epicenter for this shit is on /gif/. they unironically talk like they are on their discord
disgusting trannies get my wife junko's song out of your mouths
>being this mad over someone else's life
How do you live being this angry all the time? It must be hard for you, especially not having anyone to talk to about it (besides other disenfranchised white 17 year old boys).
How come things I don't like now are called phobia's?
I'm not scared of trannys, I just don't like them
>saving pedophilia on your computer to make a point
good goy
>Mitt Romney was not only a Mormon but also a genuine 56%er
Kill yourself you fucking faggot
You know what annoys me the most about this picture?
100% none of those people watch any anime, let alone the ones they use for their profile picture
Imagine giving a shit.
You ain't going to win. You might as well go dig your own grave and eat a cynade pill there right now.
anybody that uses discord is the fucking cancer that is killing 4CHANNEL! This is a safeboard ok? Sigh
Try opening your mind, it may help your suffering.
There not you're an overreacting faggot! Go back to the cum encrusted sock you crawled out of and never return.
Trans is a mental illness
I would say people with arachnophobia don't think all spiders they see will kill them, just that they hold a strong dislike for spiders. I would think that's the angle they are taking for by hating trannies into trans-phobia
>rise or yuri yaoi and traps
>what is a meme?
English is stupid
Why is one thing two different things
Hate and Fear are two different emotions so why use a term that encompasses both?
>there are people coming from reddit onto Yea Forums that unironically think this is normal
Trust me, your transphobia is irrational, you're just too ignorant to see why. Maybe some day you'll wise up, but time moves on regardless of your opinion. You'll never achieve your dream of a homogeneous utopia, and I get a kick out of seeing you cry about it.
Why do you think they're killing themselves, retard?
Obviously not cause half the population is calling them mentally ill and mutilated.
>there are teenagers from /pol/ who think all of Yea Forums share the same opinion
>being defeatist
I'm not yet sure how, but one day this clown world will end
Being trans on the internet is just another form of escapism.
They are all 10.
Why is it irrational?
I get the same kind of disgust from trannys on the street as I do from seeing clowns or street performers or homeless people
I think with 7.2 billion people but with systems and resource allocation set up for 3 billion, that having people who essentially useless to the progression of society but rather exist to detract from it due to their own mental instability is a hindrance and a burden a key factor to my dislike, but the added bonus is the way they present themselves as if they're a weird post modern art project makes the very people just fairly unpleasant to look at
It would be irrational if I did not understand the cause of my hatred
Hence why the term phobia just to describe any sort of negative comment from weirdo's is a retarded word to use
How much do you bet lactatia’s dad went to get a pack of smokes and...
>I get the same kind of disgust from trannys on the street
Where do you live? They are a small minority why do you see so many trannies?
Jewish tricks, dont fall for em. If your gut tells you something is fucked up or weird, then trust it.
Goddamn you're fucking stupid. How dare you conflate clowns with trannies and homeless people.
you are mentally ill and mutilated.
>having people who essentially useless to the progression of society but rather exist to detract from it due to their own mental instability is a hindrance and a burden a key factor to my dislike
The irony is palpable. Imagine hating someone just because you don't like how they look. Really, all this is is a severe case of cognitive dissonance. Science proves you wrong, and deep down you know it, you're just so afraid of letting go of your false beliefs because it would open a can of worms related to all your other reactionary views. It's okay, though. One day you'll leave high school and gain some life experience, maybe then you'll become a bit intelligent and gain some empathy.
yes that's why gays have historically had suicide rates near the level of trans people
oh wait a minute it's nowhere near. This reasoning is so fucking retarded, no other group kills themselves on the same level as trans regardless of their levels of abuse.
I was visiting New York and saw like 3
I also don't believe the small minority number seeing as how many trap gifs there are on the internet
You can't judge your own rationale to determine if it's rational or not. Insane people 'understand' the cause of their beliefs and actions too.
If everyone's saying you're irrational, simply stating that you don't think you are isn't how you disprove it.
what are you even talking about? retard
compared to what?
So by your logic, we should kill all Japanese people because of their propensity for suicide?
The stats were like 3% of the population I think. That is pretty low. Maybe they are just more noticeable because they are usually LOUD?
if genders are equal there should be no reason to feel the need to transition to the other one during your day to day life outside of your head and the bedroom.
I love Naoto!
We fucking should.
>it’s above the Viacom building
What is rationality then
Is it not logic and reason to come up with an end conclusion?
Like populist produced morals and ethics are not a great way to determine if something is based on reason or not because tyranny of the majority will more often than not do something that's not beneficial which ends up blowing in their face
So you can't really judge your own rationality off of other people, no?
So how does one prove their rationality?
they arent only trannies and faggots could be deluded enough to think that feelings trump biology
>call out your bullshit logic
>"wow why do you want to kill all trannies"
do your hormones fuck up your reading comprehension too? Or is this just your propensity to imagine there's some active genocidal conspiracy towards you when most people just think you're gross weirdos because you all act like gross weirdos
It's supposed to be 0.6% but stats also can go up to 6% - 7%
This is only America btw
Im fine with them identifying differently as gender dysphoria is real,but the surgery should be actual gender changing.Ie take out a womans womb and put it in a trans guy and cut his dick and sperm and reproductive shit off and put it on a woman so both can reproduce as new genders
When your "solutions" open up more problems than you had before, you are irrational
Welcome to post-modernism. Now, be more like Jesus and be kind to your fellow man. There's no reason to be an asshole. You're just attempting to shield yourself from new ideas, which is dragging society down.
I love my Detective Princess!
you think 3% of the population is tranny?
Can’t wait for this thread to be moved to /pol/
lactatia???? that guy produces milk or something???
>assuming I'm transgender just because I'm defending them
Believe or not, there are nice people out there in the world. I know you don't want your opinion changed, so why don't you go back to /pol/ and talk to the rest of your ilk about how smart you are, when deep down you're just a pussy.
no one is ever going to accept you as the opposite sex you fucking delusional piece of shit
isn't actually around 0.5%? or am I pulling that number out of my ass
By that sort of logic, something like the World Wide Web would be irrational because that is a solution of communication but has dramatically created the biggest amount of problems
I think you're wrong in that statement
Why are you trannies so easily triggered and hostile? Face the facts: this is Yea Forums, we rate each other's dicks, and fap to traps, but will never show interest in people who pretend they are not the gender they were born with. Aka people like you. Cry somewhere else.
Virtue signaling like a fucking faggot ass bitch doesn't make you a good person
Wait no just do brain transplants and switch there bodys
I'd be far happier to say nothing can be proven entirely rational than to entertain the notion that an individual can adequately assess their own rationality without external input.
>still being this mad
No matter how loud you scream, you're still on the wrong side of history, pal. I imagine this is what it'd be like to watch the dinosaurs all die in person. Thanks for the entertainment.
>he thinks about trannies everyday and doesn’t do anything about it
>you aint goign to win
The fact that youre treating this lifestyle as a "game winning scenarios" only shows how immature and delusional you are.
Shouldn't you be in school, junior? Or do your teachers let you have your phone out in class?
>you're still on the wrong side of history, pal.
You dont understand, NO ONE will EVER ACCEPT YOU as the opposite sex. Youre going to die alone and miserable lol
A. Today is Saturday
B. Not everyone on Yea Forums enrolled in gender studies
Have you ever heard of projection?
Naoto isn't even trans, she just pretends to be a dude so the police force would respect her detective skills.
Her wanting to be a dude there isn't her LITERALLY wanting to change genders, it's her frustrated over not being able to be herself and get the respect she obviously does when she's pretending to be a dude.
>Youre going to die alone and miserable lol
TBF most of are either going to either way.
Nips have their own bunch of trannies in their culture dumbfuck.
Aren't Naoto and Kanji's whole character arcs about accepting themselves and how they don't have to abide by gender norms despite being the gender that they are? Wouldn't becoming trans just delete their entire development as characters? Why do people say these two are representative of trans people?
you mean what a delusional tranny does on order to act like something they arent?
>You're not going to win
Watch me, faggot. If I go out I'll shoot up an entire club of those degenerates and then others will follow my example. Enjoy going to sleep at night knowing that behind the whole media façade, people will always hate tranny's guts. And no amount of social engineering will change that in this lifetime.
nah most straight people don't have to worry about this lol
Or any lifetime.
Naoto was totally a transvestite for a good portion of the game but idk where they get transexual from.
I think there are many reasons to be an asshole without the need of Godly morals
For Religion is an institution which cares only for what is beneficial for it, busies itself only with Itself, thinks only of Itself, and has only itself and it's followers in it's mind
So to suggest that one follow both a religious testimony but also not be an asshole is a misnomer
There are many ways a society can progress without the need of trannies, to believe otherwise is an ideological retard
For what good are trannies in the cold harshness of space?
Holy shit, this post is hilarious. I'd like to see you try to shoot up a place. How do you plan on getting the gun? Will your mommy buy it for you?
>youre on the wrong side of history
>your side isn't going to win!
The fact that trannies on this website have abruptly began speaking like this only proves their silly lifestyle is on it's death throws
Let me tell you a secret user.
Nobody that talks about Kanji being gay or Naoto being trans has ever played Persona 4. It's just used as bait for both sides argue about trannies.
>nah most straight people don't have to worry about this lol
Oh no you'll die alone unless everybody drinks the kool aid before you die. They will just find your corpse faster if you have family. Look forward to that.
Yes, sorta though Kanji is implied to be bi a few times as well. In the end he's thirsty for best girl though. Naoto is just this though I guess she could like cross dressing? Im not sure if female cross dressers are really a thing though. I mean I don't think even the right would give a fuck about Naoto wearing what she does in game
>homosexuals unironically believing most men in life having a difficult time finding a woman that wants to have a baby
ahhhhh hahahahahahahahaha
I ___ TO ___ RISE
It ain't about winning a game, it's about winning a culture war that puts people like into the same Camp as "people who think traina will kill their passangers with their speed" and "people raging against Irish-americans".
>Implying I am trans.
Guess that explains why people here call anyone talking about a newly-released game positively "a shill": the idea that you defend things only if you have a direct stake into them.
Trannies are disgusting but dickgirls are awesome. All girls should have dicks.
right, but here in reality the world is indifferent and there is no culture war. All of this shit will be laughed at in 10 years like people laugh at hair metal in 2019
First I'm straight. Second that isn't what I said at all. user you will die alone unless your significant other dies with you or you die in your bed one night you are gonna die alone. We mostly all do. Hell you might die today in a crash or something. You usually don't see shit coming.
are you purposefully trying to pretend like "dying alone" doesn't mean dying literally by yourself and leaving the world with absolutely 0 people giving a shit?
>Following your examples
So, just like how the Pulse Club shooting lead to more shootings in gay clubs?
Speaking of which,
>Won't be accepted in this lifetime.
>Under the facade, everyone actually thinks like me!
Homosexuality has changed position in society a fuckton since the Seventies. Cry more.
I want to marry Rise!
I love her!
proto rise>>>>>rise
That's fine Naoto because you were made for breeding.
Transtenders and SJW/anti-SJW culture will be passè, not transsexuality. You could argue it will mellow out, but not disappear.
No that is what I meant the first time I mentioned it. Leaving behind family or friends still doesn't change the fact you WILL die alone whether you are remembered or were loved is entirely a different thing. Because you literally die alone! Yay!
Rise is annoying and clingy and her being so flirty fucks up her character
Yeah that must be it, the suicide rate is so high because people are mean to them. Couldn't have anything to do with mutilating their bodies in an irreversible way and pumping themselves full of sex hormones. Its very naive to think that if people stopped hurting their feelings they would stop killing themselves in droves.
Do you think trannies who cut their dicks of get phantom pain on their cock?
Let's say I want to be black now. Can I just go around saying I'm black now, even though I'm actually white? Isn't that basically the same as trans people?
If they say no you can't, can I just shout ''omg why are you so chromophobic?'' Is that how it works in todays life?
are phantom boners a thing?
I'm not saying it will completely disappear, its just going to become completely irrelevant to everyone but a few weirdos a niche people still holding on to a obscure trend
>mfw getting a weapon here is easier and cheaper than in your country where it's legal
>mfw in several other countries including my own you get curbstomped in the middle of the day if you're a faggot with a loud mouth (or just a crossdressing faggot in general)
>projecting this hard
Stay mad, Axewound-kun
OK tranny.
Keep telling yourself that, must feel good :^)
The most annoying thing about the trans movement is the way it piggybacks on the gay rights movement and basically means you have to support both even if you have an issue with one of them but are cool with the other.
Damn maneijya Inoue-san turned that into Rise?
When you get old you will wish you had a clingy flirty lady friend when you were younger.
homosexuality is on its way out, the more this info driven world grows, the more exposed fags are going to be as all being Smolett's
gas the /pol/tards
"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my dick... And my balls... even my put something here i'm out of ideas... The body I've lost... the money I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there."
I'm just stating facts. Literally.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Gay rights aren't going to be taken away unless the entire modern world collapses
I honestly don't have that much of a problem with trans. What really bothers me is when they get children to do this like
For fucks sake they're still young and trying to figure themselves out. I wore dresses out of curiosity and thought about being a girl a few times but that doesn't mean I wanna be one.
Also child drag queen stars disgust me. Not because they're in drag, but because drag is about showing the beauty and sexiness of a woman while being a man. It's borderline pedophilia.
Because her whole character is based around the fact that she always wanted to be a man, maybe?
To be fair, beauty pageants for little girls are just as creepy a lot of the time
How does a manlet land a (girl) female like that?
Fat isn't called hydrophobic because it's scared of water, it mixes poorly with water.
...and when the said kid points a gun at his/hers head one day because he/she had shitty parents who fucked up their kid, they will blame society.
Youre just an immature faggot. Populists come and go, it's nothing mind blowing. How do you think the hatred of homosexuality grew into what it was, fall out of the sky?
Right man, I'm sure any day now they'll take back all the rights blacks have gained over the last few decades.
The fact is the laws protecting them are here to stay for the foreseeable future
I don't see the problem here. What she said is 100% correct.
>an angry Russian/some flavor of slav takes out the fact his government treats him like a slave on gays/trans/whatever the 3000th time
Go home ivan
No, her character is based around detectives being a male-dominated profession and people not taking her seriously because she's a busty babe.
ironically enough there is deep seeded hatred for gays in the black community, thatll probably disappear though too
At first I respected her because she knew what she wanted and went for it, but it quickly became otaku pandering.
Do Americans get phantom pain in their foreskins?
That doesn't really have much to do with what I said, I'm commenting on how now that the laws have passed in the federal level there isn't much chance of then being changed, even barring a huge social shift that I'm honestly very skeptical about existing.
I can see it with the trans movement since it has a metric shit ton of actual biological issues at it's core that are being handwaved away but the big issues people typically have with gays isn't on the same level. It's most just moral and social ones.
It's why Yukari is best girl. Everyone in P4 and P5 throws themselves at you and no matter how rude and dickish you are still fall in love with you. Yukari thinks you're a creepy weirdo and wants nothing to do with you although she eventually comes around to you, but the incels who just want waifus hate her for it
people said the same shit about abortion but that is quickly becoming a topic more and more people are willing to debate again
Mental illness should be treated, not encouraged.
They can debate it all day, call me back when it's actually made illegal again
please, as if the full blown delusional panic mode when Kavanaugh was elected wasn't evidence of anything
Both things correlate with each other.
Ironically once she did a 180 she became the craziest MC-thirsting bitch of all.
>People freaking out about nothing like they always do
Like I said, call me back when a serious push is made and it's actually in danger of being made illegal again
>loses her shit the hardest in the Answer because she wants Door-kun's dick
Yukari is better than Rise, but don't pretend she wasn't constantly shooting hints at Door-kun.
But that's because she slowly realizes he's the one and then he dies before she gets to tell him she likes him, her then getting distraught about him dying without ever knowing how she felt is more realistic than UGUUUUU LET ME FUCK YOUUUUUUU DON'T YOU THINK I'M PRETTY? being shoehorned into every group conversation
>>People freaking out about nothing
oof, keep telling yourself that
It's not transphobic. Naoto has no innate desire to be male. She resents her biological gender because of how it affects her career and is perfectly fine being a girl outside of that. Her shadow and gender hangups are caused by outside factors and are not due to her brain chemistry causing some sort of gender dysphoria.
Fuck /gif/ used to be good for porn now it's fucking Cuck this and Trap that. Worse type of "kinks"
>Any day now everything I hate will be made illegal
>I swear
Whatever you say, user.
does that mean all women theoughout history that dressed like men wanted to be a man?