Other urls found in this thread:
Some wannabe QuarterPounder chinese dude.
So what exactly do you hope happens when you make these threads?
>wannabe QuarterPounder
Kill yourself QuarterPounder
Get banned
I don't think he's as obsessed with muh sjws as the burger dude
How do I become one of these fuckers to make some easy money. I already have a large following on YouTube
not vidya
Read Kotaku/Polygon articles
>video content consists of reading reddit and james journo posts, with like 5% personal centrist input
>300k to ~ 1 million views per video
what a smart business model
games journo***
Would Yea Forums watch me if I turned it into a parody? I'm sure you guys watch me or have seen my stuff already. I actually already considered it. I planned on flat out making it obvious what I'm doing while keeping it entertaining. Satire of sorts about the news channels, but mixed with actual news.
It really bothers me that he wears his glasses crooked like that. Even if you have slightly uneven eyes, you should still wear them straight. Look at Gosling.
post ur channel
so you mean to say he's an actual journalist that sources his videos and tries to remain unbiased?
whoa he's already better than most professionals nowadays
so he gets less than 30k a year for free thats pretty boolin
see this thread daily and never noticed it was a webm of him dabbing lol
I believe you mean a royale with chink
>predatory practices
>go get your mom's credit card and donate to my patreon
what did he mean by this?
>Yong threads stay
>Quartering threads get deleted
every day
the same fucking threads
every day
why does chong yea talk so strangely
quartering threads devolve in tranny vs incel spam
Jannies only allow people of color threads.
that beard
>Yea Forums allowed on Yea Forums
>/pol/ not allowed on Yea Forums
Yongyea is like fastfood video consumption. I have him in my sub box for when I literally cannot find anything else Id possibly want to do, so I turn on his video half paying attention and half wishing I were dead
I'm pretty sure dongyea was doing the jewtube thing before quarterpounder, just that he started as a metal gear fan channel or something then switched to the news anchor/pundit thing when kojima got cut from konami.
Video game journalism is by far one of the most cancerous things to happen to video games now everybody has an opinion that nobody gives a shit about and some actually give them money just to talk
Ah yes, the general for MGSV fanboys used to watch this faggot's channel and then when MGSV turned out to be trash you went full emo and began shitting on everything you praised, from Kojima to this literally-who.
Mods need to rangeban anyone who posts about this fag, or about MGS or Kojima.
That cancerous fanbase and their shitposting need to die off already.
so then eurogamer is /pol/ too right?
Both get deleted, just report them and let mods take out the trash.
>tries to be unbiased
nah modern gaming company are just shit, he's unbiased
>The Qaurtering just reads other peoples articles sarcastically then whines about SJWs
>Yong Yea is literally an emotionless robot
>Jim Sterling used to be okay but hes been cramming his politics into everything lately.
>Bellular is a blatent shill
>Heels is a bleeding heart boomer who can't get over nobodies losing their jobs
Is there not a single good youtube newsman out there?
I never thought that someone with such a huge beard could look like such a faggot.
They are youtubers, they are all human garbage.
Really hoping youtube keeps fucking them over, would be funny if they now had to find an actual job.
What do you want out of them? The problem with Yong and Jim Sterling is that they are trying to be news with commentary. They won't ever "break" any news so anything they report on you've already heard about, and their commentary is just the most overwhelming majority opinion found on reddit / twitter / youtube comments, so they aren't offering you anything special.
>Just tell me whats happening without telling me how to think about it really. I guess no actual news outlet does that so why would these guys. Folks just want to be told their opinions are correct these days
they're still all objectively superior to the likes of eurogamer and polygon though so whatever
shit's just become too polarized really, maybe laymen gaming?
This thread is populated entirely by zoomers.
Mods, do your job and delete this garbage eceleb thread.
Human garbage is still miles above actual game jurnos.
>in flyover city
>moving to basedlifornia
stop looking at the mirror
>and tries to remain unbiased
Oh yeah, forgot that Yea Forumseddit is full of autistic MG Survive apologists solely for the fact that it wasn't made by Kojima and people are assblasted over MGSV.
As long as he keeps making neo-Yea Forums asshurt, he's fine by me.
>post proof of Yong being bluntly biased
>"hurr durr fucking apologists"
Don't forget to support him over on Patreon.
How is that proof of him being biased?
>hate literally-who youtuber that literally no one knows about
>hurrr lets spam shill threads every fucking day
I swear I have no idea why mods aren't range banning all you eceleb loving subhumans.
And why the fuck is this thread still up?
>And why the fuck is this thread still up?
Nigga cunny threads reach 300+ replies.
What the fuck are you expecting here?
Unbiased way of saying it would be "Konami doesn't want to tell how much Survive sold". He's obviously trying to present Konami in the most pathetic and laughable way possible.
>hurrr lets spam shill threads every fucking day
Good thing I'm not the one making these threads.
>be obese redditor manchild
>unironically watch manchildren on youtube
>unironically discuss which manchild explains to me as if I was a 5 year old what's happening in a manchild industry
Exactly what's wrong with your brains, redditors?
Were you hit in your head when you were five?
You can't find information for yourselves?
Do you also discuss how much money you give to these manchildren for free?
No, that's the same but written another way.
You are just another MGS redditor assblasted over Survive flopping.
Thank god that worthless franchise was put down like a rabid dog.
>wants to be a voice actor
>burned every entry level VA job by shitting on every game company
(lol what a retard
>No, that's the same but written another way.
And that's the difference, retard. Instead of going the neutral way, he's going full negative.
Yet you post in them and bump them.
Everyone who posts unironically in this threads deserves a permanent rangeban for unironically discussing a bunch of stupid youtubers who have nothing of value to say about anything.
>Everyone who posts unironically in this threads deserves a permanent rangeban
Goes the same to you.
Reminder that there's no such thing as a zoomer
So you idiots unironically spam threads about this fatass chink every day because his titles hurt your feelings?
Are you autistic?
Who gives a single fuck?
see , tismo.
No because I have zero interest in them and I want to see them gone.
Youtubers are not videogames, discussing youtubers is something for zoomer scum such as yourself.
Damn, yong think he slick
>No because I have zero interest in them and I want to see them gone.
That's not what you said
>Everyone who posts unironically in this threads deserves a permanent rangeban
I don't give a fuck if you didn't make it, you idiots unironically come to this threads every day because the titles of the videos made by someone that literally no one but you knows hurt your feelings?
Again, are you autistic?
Or are you just some kind of millennial?
he's Korean
t. never played MG Survive
it's a good game and feels more finished despite being shorter and having smaller budget compared to MGSV. All of that for half the price of the full AAA game.
Who says that he has to be unbiased?
He takes a shit on lootboxes and a company that has spent 10 years killing every single franchise they had, all beloved franchises.
What's so wrong about that?
>Or are you just some kind of millennial?
Here comes the 1993 ""boomer"" thinking he's all superior and all.
Here's the apologists of that worthless paid mod made from the worst open world game in videogame history.
Thank god Yea Forums has no relevance in this industry, that Survive flopped and that MGS died with it's reputation in shambles, it's exactly what that cancerous piece of shit deserved.
i thought quarter was based and Yong was shit? what gives?
>Who says that he has to be unbiased?
see , can't you follow the conversation?
>QuarterPounder actually believes this
He's not a journalist, he's a fucking youtuber, which of course you are obsessed with because you are a millennial manchild who actually, unironically, watches youtubers and the garbage they vomit.
You must be illiterate, aren't you? Since you're sperging out for completely unrelated to the topic of the conversation reason.
thequartering is our guy
>le centrist
fucking fence sitters.
>grinding simulator with zombies set in a 2010-tier grey and brown dead open world where the objective is grinding so you can grind harder and then grind some more
I played 5 hours of that piece of trash and it was just as terrible as MGSV.
>hurrr muh ebin culture war
Sorry that nobody cares about your irrelevant, pointless civilian politics.
Don't worry millennials, you will totally save the world by discussing the amount of niggers there are in shitty superhero movies.
Stop shilling yourself you fat fucking faggot
Then report this thread so there's no thread about youtubers in the first place, you autistic zoomer subhumans obsessed with youtube fatasses.
Woah, what an epic youtube video from le epic youtube eceleb of epicness.
Me upboated this epic video for my epic playlist of epic videos from epic ecelebs xD
I did and the thread has been up for 2 hours now
hi everybody it's az here from heelsvsbabyface
Is this the reddit general?
yet another epic as fuck reference to another EPIC as fuck eceleb from my epic as fuck list of epic ecelebs xDD
i love le youtubers so epic lol =DD
cool that's fair
Quarterpounder threads are actually fucking spam though you retard
Check the archives whenever you see them, some autist is obsessed with him and posts threads about him every few days
virgin sõy beard
Do you think this faggot is self aware enough to know he is the embodiment of being a soiboi?
>trash beard
>plays video games in his 30s
>get's beat up by drag queens
>some autist is obsessed with him and posts threads about him every few days
He encourages his fans to do it. He used to tell them to tweet his videos at Kevin Smith every fucking day.
>messy haircut, and not in a good way
>messy, unkempt beard
>background is filled with "le geeky stuffs xD"
How can this preson be expected to be taken seriously?
literally just keep up on "gaming news" and (rightfully) complain about all the garbage that is happening. Maybe if you can put a slight right wing, "fuck da joos" twist on it, you can rake in the big bux, because as far as I know nobody is doing that right now.