Kuro is cute-o. CUTE-O!

Kuro is cute-o. CUTE-O!

Attached: sekiro-prince-kuro.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have sex-o



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anally and orally with Kuro-o

genociding paedophiles and mutilating their corpses

woah, settle down tough guy. This is a thread for cute things.

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imagine being gay

>Implying there are any women in this thread

I wouldn't do lewd things to Kuro and corrupt his pure heart.

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I want to do lewd things to both Kuro and rice loli!

How is falling in love with a beautiful little girl gay? I haven't played this game yet so I don't know anything about the girl in OP's pic.

You have to pick one though.

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based and red-pilled

I'm fine with cute Shota but i'm never going to get good porn of Emma because of all the artists drawing Kuro, am I?

>weebs are pedophiles
what else is new

full pic is about Sekiro's furrowed brow everyone gives him shit over

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Wow, did Men in old time Japan really looked like this?

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>want to be straight
>every woman I've ever met outside of my family except for 1 girl has treated me terribly
Gays have a better deal I can assure you.

Why does Kuro have giant tits?

It's that and that they're gay, which is why traps and futa are so popular in anime and amongst weebs

I'll pick loli so she can give birth a kuro.

>futa are so popular in anime
Asking for a friend

on the internet

His name literally means Black.


Made for ___

Too bad I'm not attracted to 99.9% of guys at all irl and cute femboys are rare as fuck, not mentally stable or already have a bf

At least I can find solace in shotas I guess

Japan didn't know niggers existed back then so "black" didn't have as many negative connotations

>(Maiden in) Black

I love how the website that boasted about staying virgins until their 30s is now using shit like this as an insult. Newfaggotry knows no bounds.

Anyone else always wanted to lick his feet?

nowhere, kill yourself faggot bitch

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

Of course.

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Fucking rude
I just wanted to know what anime has futanari in it

Reminder that pederasty was common in Japan during this time period, and texts were written about how sex between a man and a woman was a regrettable thing that had to be done to further the bloodline, while true love was reserved for homosex with cute boys only.

Futas don't exist, they're a fetish. Anime still has traps and newhalfs though.

Am I the only one that feels bad for him? I got the ending where he asks Sekiro to kill him to end the cycle.

You don't if you pick the right ending.

The purification ending is the right one

Nice. Wish I could play this on my toaster

dragons homecoming aka rice loli ending is the true ending which sekiro 2 will follow

And Buddhist teachings said that homosexuals had to watch their lover burn for eternity in Jigoku and embrace them whilst it was happening so which is it.

>this is what faggot weebs actually believe

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Who cares about Buddhism, they cut that tumor off with the Meiji restoration.


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most japs aren't buddhist

cheeks too chubby, makes him look very round and boyish and not in the trap side.

Can't wait for it. I've been wondering what kind whack ass shit we'll experience in China.

What does Avoid additional hardships mean in NG+ at Sculptor? I gave Kuro my charm to make it harder, does it reverse it as the last chance?

What is boy version of cunny?


dragons and winnieh the pooh

Butt cunny, obviously.


Not really
The kanji is 九郎 which literally means Nine + male suffix

We might see more Indian mythology, too, considering they're going for a Journey to the West.

>Futas don't exist
In anime they do

Can someone explain why can't we at least appreciate the cute part of lolis? if you just hate lolis because of ''pedos'' or something then at least hate on something else.

post more Kuro

I betrayed this bitch IMMEDIATELY, I have a save a few days back and my only regret is that I can't betray him again to play all the bosses.

>they're going for a Journey to the West
They're going to mcdonalds?

>grooming children is okay because they're fictional
ur all pedos lol

not him (xer?) but maybe because as time passed by people realized that there's nothing to be proud of being a virgin for over a decade?

undeflected blocks now do 30% chip damage, you can get the charm back later.

>there's nothing to be proud of being a virgin for over a decade?
user, I don't know what you are implying here. I hope it's not that everyone under 10 should've had sex by then.

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>falling for a 3 year old Yea Forums meme
I do hate how people try to shitpost like there's some sort of "tranny" or "SJWs" that do browse this site and attempt to use it, but HAVE SEX will still be one of my favorite Yea Forums memes

There isn't much more, all the art fags are probably still stuck on Genichiro.

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t. was never a cute boy

>he hasn't seen bible black

Good, traps are too gay

Pedos get the Grapple

Yeah there was a single black guy in Japan at that time, he was a Portuguese slave and when Oda Nobunaga heard that the foreign traders had a 7 foot tall guy with black skin he rushed to the town centre to see him. He didn’t believe it at first and ordered his men to try scrub the spot off him but when that didn’t work he realised he was in fact a black dude and thought that was the wildest thing ever. He asked the Portuguese if he could have him and they said yes, so Nobunaga had him trained as a samurai and made him his personal bodyguard. He even took him to negotiations to spook the other party because they didn’t know black guys existed and thought Nobunaga had an actual demon under his command. The black guy (who they named Yasuke) served Nobunaga faithfully until his death, because being a warrior who got preferential treatment and yellow gash on the daily was obviously much more appealing than being a slave nigger on a boat.

What a time to be alive

That nigger must've lived a great life. I'm unironically jealous.

>see Kuro

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that's cool

They say it because it triggers you.

>has sex
>life doesn't improve
well shit

There's 2 endings where you can save him, one of which is true ending

>See them confirm Kuro as male.

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>Ywn be a black man in fuedal Japan
>You will.neber be treated with a mix of awe and fear for being a fucking coalskinned giant
>You will never be a warlords favorite status symbol and heavy
>You will never be given servant girls as a reward and see the dear and awe on your face as you unsheath your magnum dong folded 1 gorillion times
>You will never teach them to enjoy the punishment of being given to the demon savage via said magnum dong

On the downside Yasuke was almost certainly lynched/murdered after nobunaga ate it but that was pretty standard for a samurai anyway

Not your safe space virgin faggot

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>ywn be a literal demon right hand of a powerful warlord, getting everything you could ever want out of life just for being your skin color
why even live

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Different user, but the black samurai's name was Yasuke.
Oda Nobunaga was captured by the army of Akechi Mitsuhide and was ordered to commit ritual suicide. Yasuke managed to survive and briefly fought for Oda's son, Oda Nobutada... That is, until he was eventually captured by Akechi's men in battle.
Yasuke was presented before the warlord Akechi himself and he let Yasuke live for two reasons: 1. He was not a Japanese person and thus had no business living, dying, or really involving himself in any of this nonsense. 2. Akechi was convinced Yasuke was just Animal Person/Beastman and therefor wasn't entirely responsible for his own actions. Akechi had Yasuke sent to the Christian Church in Kyoto.
Nobody knows what happened to Yasuke after that.

>Probably lived the rest of his life with monks
Cool, I'm glad Yasuke made it

Michael Jackson, please go

fucking cute traps and shotas were common during the age of the samurai.

Ranmaru was specifically noted for looking like a girl, being kawaii and listed after by men and women alike, and was Nobunagas friend and lover.

>picked this up because loli
No regrest

So when does he unlock his Sharingan?



Just be straight, do you want to play with his little peepee, user?

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Or s(he) could play with mine.

lose weight, fatty

Does he have that name because that is his favourite color of dick?

>Sekiro 2.
Clamoring already to retroactively make a good game shit and sullying the series you made, huh?

that pizza looks bad.

I-it's a girl in your pic, right ? Pls answer yes, I don't want to be attracted by a trap.

Worse, user. That person is straight.

If your peepee can't tell the difference, its not a problem

rice loli>everyone else

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>sekiro 2

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This is not a joke.
That is a professional league of legends player.
Let that sink in.

It's Nineson

like Sampson or Jetson or Simpson

Kuro, the Divine Heir, Son of the Nine (consciousnesses of Buddhism) 九識 or kushiki

>i hang out in a den of pedos online all day but im not a pedo i swear lol

Good, just dodged a bullet.

Fuck off fag

(S)he wasn't looking that good though

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You guys do understand that Kuro is a BOY and therefore is a SHOTA not a loli?

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>SHOTA not a loli
what's the difference

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the gender you retard

Shota means young boy

Dumb mikuposter. People who say "loli" refer to Divine Child, not Kuro.

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>that ending with sekiro going on an adventure with rice loli
fuck, I want to see what happens to them

>search tag "Sekiro"
>still no Emma x Kuro grorious /ss/ arts
It's ok, I'll wait.
also dat corrupted monk art

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What does it say about me that shotas make me want to be a cute little shota like them, too? I just want some ( comparatively ) older woman to prey on me like it's her reason for existence.

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Literally the worst hairstyle ever.

You've just described every (heterosexual) boy's adolescent dream

It means you had an unfulfilled fantasy of fucking your teacher or babysitter or whomever when you were younger and now you're too old to properly fantasize about or fulfill it.

You're doomed to suffer this frustration until you die.

t. goldberg

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For me, it's that I have certain submissive fantasies but I can't fap to them unless the female in fantasy feels stronger and somewhat physically intimidating. I'm not into muscle girls, so I turn into self-insert shota.

I never had a single attractive female teacher in my vicinity until I got into college. My first crush was on a girl who was 5 years older than me back then ( I was 13 ), though.

Thanks, but I'm not into sissification.

You're a lowtest newsoy cuck along with all the other femdom incel losers

Same here. I get the occasional desire to submit to a woman, but I can't and won't submit to 99.99% of women I encounter. They just don't trigger the desire for it, so all I'm left is the wish to fuck them in the arse like it's the only thing they are good for.

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>that ending with sekiro going on an adventure with rice loli
She looks pregnant in the ending.

She is.

>professional league player
>literal faggot


Pure and teeny peeny!


well that's the one of the reason why people enjoy /ss/. they self insert as the boy