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Other urls found in this thread:


Hollywood is pure cancer.


dios mio...

i want to fuck the 3D boipussy

dios mios...

What a nasty little goblin.

I'm colour blind. What's the problem here?

uh yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me

Why isn't he asian?
I get they wanted minority representation, but wouldn't asian work better.
Pokemon is from japan and asian minorities don't get as much representation in cinema to boot.
It feels like black representation instead.

Calling a man's asshole a "boypussy" doesnt make you any less gay.

Lets be honest. It's the most accurate depiction of an American.
Left=Accurate and true to life
Give it another 10 to 15 years and blacks will stop being minorities.

What phenotype is that on the right?

Hollywood will never be representative of our world, they're godless idiots.

Its like they want the movie to fail in the overseas market. Hope this mutt movie bombs.

>vidya movies are STILL fucking retarded

Attached: Bowser.jpg (576x429, 181K)

user hollywood only likes blacks hell they won't even get spics unless they're 48 percent or more black hence why mutt boi in OP's has those proportions

asians are the same as whites, according to sjws
white and asian men are too intelligent and productive
and that's a bad thing

I'll never understand white Americans. They are the only people that cares this much people that isn't them in media.
The movie should have been some asian faggot because it's a Japanese created game with their ideals of the characters used, that's being ignored, but at the same time, I don't care because it is an adaptation in the end.

I just hate Americans projecting their hate at the top of their lungs towards the rest of the world. Fucking hell.

Golly I guess they've never seen Chinese

Unironically doesn't matter in this case, Tim is supposed to be a bland self-insert so when you make a movie you can do whatever the fuck you want. The guy's a decent actor too.

video game movies will always be SHIT

No one here gives a shit about the Original Detective pikachu anyway so who fucking cares


He isn't asian you retard.

He's called tim goodman in japan as well.

"Tim Goodman" sounds like some generic white guy name that would be made fun of in a Key and Peele sketch, why is the role being played by a mutt?

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All Americans are mutts, even white supremacists.

just admit you hate blacks already


>americans are whi-

I don't like to look at blacks for longer than necessary given their unappealing features. Which is why casting the main character as a black dude is a surefire way to make me skip a movie.

I don't see a problem with casting your average American

yes, fuck niggers

Have sex

You need to get out more. Most countries are way more racist about this then the US. Especially in asia.

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Han Chinese unironically outnumber whites not only that but they study literally everyday. Get your head out your ass chinese have literally 1,000s of movies where every actor is chinese and they only speak chinese , same goes with japan. Blacks only want representation because they don't view africa or any country there in as their home.
They identify as decedents of American slaves and thats it.

No other minority limits themselves in such a way that they need to complain to another race to represent them

Same honestly. Same reason I skipped Pacific Rim 2.

>I don't like to look at blacks

>Removed Chewbaka
>Made the chinese bootleg r2d2 smaller
How dare they

I fucking love asia
>white or light skinned hispanic
>get all the pussy and easy money
>no one wants to hire you and only get trash women at best. Or even worse BRITISH/IRISH WOMEN *shudders*

>most generic cartoon male you could ever think of
>real life guy who happens to be a minority
fucking CRINGE ooouh im so mad.... how could they do this to us bros???

I have sex everyday and tell my girl i fucking hate niggers all the time. We are not even white.

This. Asian American actors get upset about representation as far as it limiting them getting work but I've known a fuckton of Asian's that are just introduced to J-dramas and K-dramas by their families so they cans see themselves. Same with Hispanics/Mexicans and telenovela. Black families however do not have this at all. Netflix doesn't even pick up African television the way it does TV from other nations. Other races find ways to prop themselves up. It's kind of interesting honestly.

Damn he got glasses.

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.

>The movie should have been some asian faggot because it's a Japanese created game with their ideals of the characters used
Actually, they're pretty clearly white people in the game. Most of the characters are white. There There's an "Japanese" character in the game with a Japanese name, and she looks like you'd expect a Japanese character to look.

Tim Goodman is not Asian. He's white. Meiko Okamoto IS Asian. And there's a black guy too, and he looks black.

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dios mio...
right out of the 56% memes

Sure thing, incel

I'm married. Stop shaming us incels

People are missing that this is not a standard Pokemon story, it's a game that was obviously intended to be turned into a western movie from the start. The white characters are white, the Japanese characters are Japanese, and the black characters are black. And then the movie studio just goes and changes that because what the fuck ever man it doesn't matter if we change the race, it's not like anyone other than RACISTS care.

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Blacks certainly won't. They've hovered around the same percentage since emancipation because they continually kill each other in droves. Other minorities are the ones that will grow in America.

Oh shit and how could I forget BASED PABLO.

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No we won't, our population is predicted to stay the same (12-14%) by 2050. We aren't growing, others are.

t. incel

I mean, Justice Smith is half white.

So what you're saying is that he's not even a 56%er?

Never heard of that old joke? You fucking faggot

This site's obsession with black people is really weird.
You're going to give yourself BBC fetishes at this rate.
Stop caring about Detective Pikachu it looks like garbage like all Pokemon post Gen V

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somewhat based but turned cringe at the end

I bet you're so much fun to be around.


lmao and captain marvel is gonna bomb too, right?

Yeah yeah mr master race, enjoy living in your trailer in bumfuck no where, at least you'll have your sister for sex.

Damn, the ogre meme is real. Goddamn.

I see they had to get the whitest man in america

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I don't care about his race, I just think he's ugly and has that fucking obnoxious sissy personality where he overreacts to everything in jurassic world fallen kingdom as well as this movie.

Take me down to the mongrel city where the people are goblins and live is shitty!

I am from a non white coutry and I hate seeing white countries starting this trend of mongrelizing their movie characters or videogames. Keep them white.

If he was white every non-gamer who went to see it would think he was Ash Ketchum

>his mother is Italian and French-Canadian.
In other words, whiter than you, mohammed

el abominacion...

>vidya movies are STILL fucking retarded
>posts image from the best one

USA isn't a white country

>Give it another 10 to 15 years and hispanics will stop being minorities.
fixed that for you

La Creatura...

whats wrong with casting a cute (white) boy like this?

do they not want MONEY?

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It is still mostly white but sure it's becoming a mongrel nation fast

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>do they not want MONEY?
No. I think the last half a decade has shown that certain multinational conglomerates, that are too big to fail, are all too happy with putting their social agenda ahead of turning a profit.

I don't give two shits about changing race in a movie role but he was the absolute worst part about Jurassic world 2.

>Italian and French-Canadian.
>means Sub-saharan Algerian-chink

>falling for the DNA test jew
they literally toss minority races in there for fun

Not videogames.

It's laughable than offtopic posting subhumans don't even bother typing anything at all for their worthless threads.



I've seen this face

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Although I don't like Reynolds, this movie looks fun.

>caring about Pokemon past the age of 10

No need to be triggered, nigger.

Your mother was a WHOERR, Tim

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Better to be 1% black than 100% Achmed like you.

You either can't even figure you left from your right or you're calling the nigglet ideal. Either way you're retarded

Wasn't this thread made by a millennial, AKA an honorary nigger, who was triggered by a movie about a franchise for 5 year olds?

>implying this side character matters in any way.

with jews...

>honorary nigger
xplain this to me nigguh.


If you put an asian in your movie, the asians that aren't of that race won't watch it. They fucking hate each other. There's a reason Disney made the Ancient One a white woman over a Tibetian man, and they only used the gender as a shield from the backlash.

I dont care MK was a good vista movie.

We don't talk about mainland China.

hispanic is a retardedly broad term. i'm a "hispanic american". i'm 100% spanish, with blonde hair and blue eyes, but essentially mexican according to liberals.

I don't genuinely understand what the problem is here.

Tim's such a boring looking motherfucker that they could hire a monkey to play him, so they did. What's the issue?

This fucking guy looks worse every time I see him

Wow, the Tim Goodman (Detective Pikachu, 2018) fandom must be so upset their non-character is black in the movie.
all of you are mentally ill if this irks you

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does japan and korea hate mulan?

Tim is fucking generic anyway what does changing his skin color actually change besides making you seethe and shitpost because he does fucking nothing in the original game.

>they actually considered using Danny Devito for the movie
>but they decided against it
200% ANGRY

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>Sonic is a generic hedgehog who cares if the turns into a monkey in the movie wow it doesn't change anything

it irks me because it never happens to any other race

you never see black people being recast as white people

you never see asians being recast as white people unless they're doing a full fucking recast of the entire cast

you never see spics being recast as white people

but white people? who fucking knows what color they'll be in the end

Blacks, as in non-pure Whites will DEF become a majority and in that time Blackness will no longer be defined by skin color or ancestry but by ideological allegiance. Fuck it we are already seing statements such as “your soul is white” or “light skinned privilige” being thrown around.

>Honestly thinking Tim and Sonic the fucking Hedgehog are comparable
Keep seething over this non-issue

The left despises anything lacking that diverse melanin.

the problem is he is ugly

Who cares?

Sonic has millions of fans. How many do you think tim motherfucking goodman has? Less than 10? Any? He's a blank self-insert for the 8-year-old boy target audience. You're an absolute retard.

What a sad angry little person you are

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>who cares if the black panther is supposed to be black lmao keep seething niggers
Your next post will imply blackness is allowed to be a character trait while whiteness isn't

The Detective Pikachu movie is not an adaptation of the movie. It's like complaining about Light being white in the Netflix Death Note movie. Stop whining, your victim complex is showing


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No I'm going to tell you you're a fucking retard for thinking they're comparable just like the last poster who implied the same with Sonic

that's just a chinese poster tho. they just can do whatever they want.

Have you actually seen what he looks like these days? Dude hit the wall hard

>same characters
>same plot
>but it's not an adaptation

And again, who cares that a character not one person liked is replaced?

Movie has more problems than just this blaucasian being the main character

You did exactly what I said you would, thanks for confirming your racist bias.

I liked him. I'd hit that.

It's not the same plot and it doesn't even take place in the same place. It's just the same as the Netflix Death Note movie, but you didn't complain about that one because it's an asian character played by a white actor. Your victim complex is showing.

Maybe it's because hardly anything noteworthy media-wise actually comes from Africa. And black Americans don't really relate to that.

I actually didn't really notice that the main character was black until Yea Forums started pointing it out. Then again I never played the game or saw what Goodman was supposed to look like.

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You guys are like flat earthers at this point

I was upset af because I look like the original, even wear a red hoodie and white shirts


ooooooy veeeeey

user I'd like you to describe to me why Black Panther, a character who lives in Africa and Tim Goodman are comparable

>Location is still Rhyme City
>Main Character is still a guy named Tim Goodman
>His dad is still a talking Pikachu detective with amnesia and has no idea how he got turned into a Pikachu
>Mewtwo features prominently
How is it not the same plot?

They have their own language and phrases like this too. Like "Globetards"

that's not the plot, that's characters and the location

>A non-white in a starring role
The world is ending, pack it up, our vision for a pure white ethnostate is doomed :((((((


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if this bothers you, you're an autistic /pol/lack and have to go back to your shit board



Tim Goodman is clearly portrayed as a white redhead in the original source game and all artwork.

They're trying to find Tim's dad without knowing that he's actually the Pikachu. That's literally the entire plot and we know it already from the trailers you dense fuck.

Nope. 90%+ of white Americans have zero nonwhite admixture.

>A butt ugly non-white in a starring role


i wouldnt mind a cute asian shota

Character's white, plain and simple. Black Panther is black in the comics and the movie adaption.

Looks brown to me

>He's butt-ugly because he's non-white
This is where you're going with it, just admit it and move on

>People actually self-insert as a boring protagonist
How pathetic can you be?

Does the majority of America hold sjw ideals? Is that why Hollywood is so afraid of making characters white?

>religionless is now the largest single denomination for the first time in history in the USA.

This is fun.

did you even read the 2nd part of my comment?

wow thanks for the fucking spoiler asshole

No, it's because he's black

I only want to insert my penis into game Tim. Movie Tim can go die in a fire.

>here's the plot to both
I hate you people.

They hate Chinese (and each other) so yeah.

You act his whiteness is iconic to his character

No one has to "admit" anything, we're all in agreement that darkies aren't attractive. Ask the Chinese, there are billions of them. They'll tell you the same.

And yet you're a bitter incel. Have sex

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Well yeah it is, the game is targeted at asian and white kids with the whole detective schtick, if they wanted the black audience they would be doing a fighting game.

>your faces after posting this

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Yes it is. The founders dictated that only free whites could become citizens. This lasted until after the civil war and race-based immigration continued until 1965, when the country was still 90% white. America has been more white until around 1990 or so than most European countries are today.

Who's the incel when you're the one saving webms of your cuck fantasy? You really showed him, bro.

I only know the story from friends, and am assuming the movie is the same. Does this mean Ryan Reynolds is [playing a black guy disguised a furry]?

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>Yes it was

We be takin' over an' sheet, deal with it tiny-dick whiteboi

No, it isn't. Pretty much everyone in America agrees with this, your opinion doesn't matter

OK but what does ACTUALLY changing his race do to him?
Black Panter is born and raised in Africa where unless you're in the south part is Black-centric so unless you wanna rewrite a bunch of his origins it's not a simple change
Same can't be said for Tim, His fathers still white all they've literally done to his origin is go "Btw his Dad banged a black chick"

Guess I won the argument, thank you for giving up so easy.

His dad's white

I'd say as a white his opinion automatically matters more than non-whites

fuck that was supposed to be spoiler tags

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The vast majority of hispanics are mestizo. The US government used to categorize people based on this term, but whiny faggots cried racism and now they use the term “hispanic” and collect data solely around that. That’s the only reason anyone uses that term now in reference to demographics, so you can stop acting like an idiot.

>Post gets deleted
>"I won"

We seet he dad in one of the trailers, he's white. Presumably the mom is a nigress.

Is he played by ryan reynolds?
I can't see deadpool haha fart joke funnyman as a father

And yet his opinion doesn't have any impact on anything.

Yes you fucking do

Confirmation bias to just sad, sad levels

Show me an adaptation of something from the past 20 years that has had a black character changed to white.

Reality isn’t determined by consensus. Sorry you’re such an impressionable faggot, I guess.

The original character is generic as fuck, so I don't think it's much of a deal they made him a different race.
What is a big deal is that they cast an absolute shit actor.

Go fuck yourself, you just wanted more (You)s. This barely worked on /vp/.

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Why is this argument suddenly about “impact”? You’re posting on some anime forum on a saturday, retard. None of these posts have “impact” beyond basic entertainment in the moment.

Doesn’t change the fact that everything I’ve said is the true and ignoring truth doesn’t make it go away.

The reality is that only a small minority of retards think America is a white country. You don't have any power, you will never be able to do what you want, you will never be worth more than anyone else in America just because you're white.

Ah shit I forgot to crossboard

>story about a kid trying to find his missing dad
>make the MC black

>Yet it had a black president
>Yet there are lot of non-whites in high positions
>Yet pretty much everyone in America doesn't think America is a white country
Suck to be you. Keep believing that America is a white country as much as you want, it will never be true

>X isn’t real because this number of people think it isn’t
I’m simply explaining to you that this isn’t an argument. The USA is a white country, founded and built by white people as a historical FACT. I don’t care if you believe it or not. Truth does not conform to consensus.

Angelina Jolie's character is Black in the comics


Fuck Japs who steal white people's faces, just like they rape white kids and make porn with them. Jap shit deserves to have only niggers in it.



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>Yet it had a black president
The vast majority of African countries had white leadership during the decolonization era. In fact, most African countries only exist because white people created them. Are they suddenly “not black” because they depend so heavily on white people?

You’re an idiot. The USA has had 1 black president and 43 white presidents. It’s a white country that speaks a European language and is a clear exemplar of European-derived government.


Not an argument.

Black people have been in Pokemon for how long now? Why is this an issue when the main character is Detective Pikachu? Tim is just a blank slate of a character or the game and movie would be called Tim Goodman featuring Pikachu the Detective.

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I get it. A white country, with lots of non-whites in power positions and almost everyone agreeing on non-whites being a part of America. Keep living in your dreams, your opinion will never ever matter.

The fuck? Half of Europe currently has Africans in government positions right now. Is Europe suddenly not European because that makes you feel better?

Those are black Europeans :)

So do almost every government official in the western world. The political elite is a bunch of satanist child molestors, and in league with multidimensional alien demons.

reminder that this is a dance event in FRANCE

*Christian child molesters and *in league with Jews. Satan is a white male btw

Not an argument

Nope. The majority of politicans as well as citizens are still white as well, and nearly everyone speaks English and follows western lifestyle traditions. And the demographic situation has only trended away from a European supermajority for a few decades, which most Americans have been alive to witness. Sorry you’re so delusional and entitled to a country that isn’t yours.

Nobody with any relevance will ever agree with you. Your opinion is absolutely relevant. America isn't a white country and this will never ever change

>Satan is a white male
Don't worry! *SIP* I'm on my way!

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The browning of America has been going on for 54 years

Yes it is. Saying otherwise doesn’t change that fact. If other people want to disagree with provable reality that’s fine, they’ll reap the consequences of choosing to be factually wrong.

It was. Up until 1964

can someone explain this to me
if whitewashing exists how is blackwashing not a thing?

I can tell you don't live here

Because anti-racism just means anti-white.

America stopped being white when they brought over slaves to do the work instead of doing it themselves. Shouldn't have been lazy and picked your own cotton.

Keep living in your dreams bud
>they’ll reap the consequences
Made me laugh. What consequences? All you do is whine about non-whites in childrens movies on an anime imageboard. As I said, you'll always be irrelevant

"tim goodman" looks like the most generic fucking character on the plaent, does he even have any character defining traits that make it that important that he's a white man? who gives a shit except retard /vp/onies

Americans should've done it like the Arabs and castrate their negroes.

Plenty of people already do. As he said, most Americans were born when it was a white supermajority. Plenty of people have made a vocal case about this. Just look at Ann Coulter, who is outspoken about this fact and has millions of followers.

Blackwashing is when Cleopatra is depicted as black. The inbred Ptolemaic dynasty wasn't african/black.

>implying whites ever had a say in that matter
Black slaves were brought in by the same 2% elite that makes movies with black actors today

The consequences of carelessly turning a white country into a nonwhite one. Take a look at South Africa or Rhodesia. I’m sure you’ll be having a “good laugh” when your electricity is gone and you’re hunting rats for sustenance. It’s the future you’ve earned.

Ann Coulter is a shrill dried up wine aunt who isn't even good enough for blacks to rape, nobody but boomers listens to her

Are you fucking retarded? USA is absolutely a white country, it has been from the start. The fact that we have a lot of non-whites here doesn't change that fact. Whether we remain a white country is the only question that's up for debate.

Incels iffy uh
Cali got the cine uh
got diversity uh

*leeeeeeeeft gang*

Shitting on /pol/ gives me life

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Have sex

The game was released 2016, therefore your picture is gay and you're a faggot.

>USA is absolutely a white country
Not anymore m8. You're in the minority now. If you're gonna do something about it, do it now before it is too late.

Whoa, your ad hominem is so convincing.

Try going out in public and proclaiming that USA is a white country

I'm not going to do SHIT about it. Blacks are self-regulating their own numbers, Asians are mostly based, Hispanics really aren't that different from whites, and whites in general aren't really that special to begin with.

If America was a white country, you should have rallied your numbers and overthrow them. Isn't that was 1776 was all about?

Well, I reckon most people would agree with me considering I live in the based and redpilled state of Texas.

Pro-tip: Mexicans don't give a fuck and niggers know it's true.

Don't you fuckers have your own board to shit up? Back to the cuck shed with you

>Blacks, as in non-pure Whites
I think the worst part about race being a social construct is that psychopaths feel the need to make as many races their are genders

>I have white skin but since that can be breed in with two generations (hence black grand parent or parent) you're a mullatto and this is the pure white which is made up of aryan, Mediterranean, debateably the irish, and slavic, but not the jewish (this is a religion but is an ethnic race too because social construct), and if you race mix despite being able to flip races genetics wise quite easily instead of going from one to the other you become a new one

It's so unnecessarily complicated, has no basis in genetics (there are no genetic races, only a pile of human genes that get expressed differently depending on surrounding influences which is why Polynesians can get natural blond hair) If you guys can tolerate so much race stuff why can't you respect gender?

texans will shout that america is a white country before going home and letting some black guy fuck their wife

blacks are on the way out, each interacial couple make them whiter, not darker. this + mexican immigration means they are only going to be less and less of them

You guys ever notice how these threads always keep calling Mexicans based? What's up with this are spics making these threads?

I mean if that's what you're into, go for it. After all, it's a FREE white country :)

>Hispanics really aren't that different from whites
You should move to El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras then. Prices are lower there.

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Even this one is kinda suggesting immigration is a good thing and that Hispanics are white

argue with my dick by using your mouth

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Once they become Americanized they're basically not that different. I mean, it's not like we're talking about blacks here.

>Once they become Americanized they're basically not that different
Like the thousands of rapists that come to America to stay. You have to be a spic since you keep trying to push this Mexicans are so based meme

Mexicans aren't based, but *modern* whites aren't all that great either.

its all political. leftists are trying to secure the minority vote for future domination of washington(blacks are the largest minority in USA). republicans are focused on "the now" while democrats are smartly playing the long-game.

u gay

I don't know what is rarer a spic protagonist or a chink one. Hollywood really needs to get over its nigger boner. If we must have diversity then less niggers is a good thing, they have too much representation.

Sure but Mexicans are much worse than these modern whites and blacks. I lived near Mexicans for a few months.

are beans white now?

That dude isn't even black.
Not sure what he is if I'm being honest.

In comics there are more Asians and Spics in current year. The blacks in Hollywood aren't numerous either it's just since Yea Forums hates niggers they notice it more

Those groups don't need Hollywood, they have their own institutions to work in.

Yes, so let them invade the country just lile the Arabs

No, he's 100% American.


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>He says this when the chinks complain about not enough Asians in Hollywood

>not the vet bitch

There is actually no racial or politic reasons here, it's just that movies as crappy as "detective pikachu" (pfffft ha ha) can't afford to pay better actors, and thus they have to go with the cheaper ones no one else wants to hire.

Bullshit, depends heavily on what is considered "white." I know a ton of people who say they are white and look mixed as fuck. Usually the purest white Americans live in rural areas. The rest are a mix of kikes, "Sicilians" or some other mutt race.

>Americanized Asians who kiss white ass and fall for the model minority meme rep all Asians in the world

Even the ones in China complained about The Great Wall movie having white leads I don't know how they felt about this but I think they're mad about the female lead having a white father

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Americanized chinks are cringe as fuck, especially when they try to imitate accents to seem more authentic. Like fuck off, you are slant eyed gook you have your own culture stop trying to pretend you are white. I don't even know why anyone would want to pretend white when we are the biggest cucks on the planet at the moment and actively trying to destroy our culture. At least asians have kung fu and math.

>Yea Forums loves brock
>Yea Forums hates rl brock

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Math is arabic, but the problem is 99% of whites don't truly know thier culture and just try to make everything their culture like you have Germans thinking they had something to do with the Alamo because they're white and you have neets thinking they're smart because Albert Einstein existed and nothing else


Too many niggers.

>math is arabic

That was pure kino you plebeian.


The left looks like a Christopher Robin knockoff while the right looks like a delicious chocolate twink, the rarest and most beautiful gem of all

It's true

I mean, if Egyptians and Babylonians are white now.

Saving it for when they cast a 12 year old Asian boy as Ash Ketchum

Unironically Based

the honest truth is nobody likes niggers or wants to look at them for two hours, much less half breed abominations. they're shooting themselves in the foot for chinese/japanese releases

Its true though, that's why mathfags are all rapey virgin losers lol. Like you!
Imagine being an adult virgin lol.

I think she got whitewashed into the girl with psyduck for the movie, kek

Aryans, not Arabs.
>ancient Egyptians
Egyptians, not Arabs.

Didn't Black Panther make over $1B? and the only movie the chinese complained about was the White female?

Ah yes Tim Goodman, the beloved and icon Tim Goodman, everyone knows Tim's iconic look and it's a travesty they changed even a single aspect of his memorable design

No, that's probably the girl who had the Fletchling. Fletchling girl is nowhere to be found so far and this girl has a birb pokemon too, technically. Asian girl was a minor character in the first place.


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>There is actually no racial or politic reasons here
don't keep your head in the sand for too long or you'll get stuck

Is that egoraptor

>scruffy haired brown people from the middle east are "Egyptians" and "Aryan"
So Mohammad was whiter than me the whole time.

Ah so if there was a white lead it's a symbol of white power and anything else is white guilt?

Modern middle easterners aren't the same as the middle easterners of antiquity.

>Semites are white now

Still not the same fucking people.

Based on your posts, all we can conclude with certainty is that you definitely aren't white.

>Modern middle easterners aren't the same as the middle easterners of antiquity.
>they were white for the important bits then turned not white
>despite the fact that melanin loss in colder environments is what breeds whiter skin meaning that middle easterners back then were almost certainly the same as they are now if not darker
Kek. Racists pretending their weird fetish has any real precedent is hilarious

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I'm gonna watch this movie and I'm excited for it.
>It's okay when movies recast ethnic people for white Hollywood sluts because muh sales buts it's not okay to do the reverse because muh politics
>implying any one of you faggots ITT have even played the original game
Yea Forumseddit/r/theredpill makes me laugh sometimes with it's delusion and sheer retardedness

>Show me an adaptation of something from the past 20 years that has had a black character changed to white.
>Joseph Fiennes played Michael Jackson.
>Mariane Pearl played by Angelina Jolie.
>Fox from Wanted played by Angelina Jolie
>Coleman Silk played by Anthony Hopkins
>“Stuck” is inspired by the true story of Chante Jawan Mallar, a 25-year-old African American woman who hit a homeless man and left him for dead stuck in her windshield. Mallard’s name was changed to Brandi Boski and the character was played by Mena Suvari in the film.

>Math is arabic
But that is factually incorrect. Math is Greek and Indian. Arabniggers just had the forsight to protect Greek scrolls, rather than burning them like the barbarians and Romans. All "arabic math" is merely interpretations of theorems developed by the Greeks and knowledge they took back from India after they ravaged it for centuries.

>Alright guys we need to hire the actors, we can hire this decent white guy for 50k bucks
>What is our budget?
>Damn, just hire the black for 10k

In the racial questions, the left has no comebacks except either "race doesn't real" or "whydey deserves it," usually both at the same time.
I don't know why the mainstream right doesn't press them on this harder. Conservatives are chickenshit.

Are you fucking retarded or did you just come out of the closet for one day to reply to this bait thread?
Have you missed the giant wave of anime movies and live action series recasting Asians to white people for the last 10 years? Have you even seen a movie that isn't the avengers?

La creatura de americano...

I feel like his casting is more realistic. I mean after all, how many white people lose their dads? It's much more likely that it'd be a black/half black person that's looking for him.

Why are you faggots suddenly pretending to care about Tim in general just now?

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It is important to protect the heritage of the white race.

Good point user.

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I am more surprised the thread is still up. I am gonna assume this was posted in /vp/ but immediately sniped, but the mods in /vp/ are dead.

>Math is Greek and Indian. Arabniggers just had the forsight to protect Greek scrolls
You do realize Babylon and egypt came before greece? Now there's no arguing the Greek did a lion's share of the foundation of math as we know it, however the basis for all math started in the middle east. fun fact, for quite some time the middle east (and Ireland to lesser extent oddly enough) was a bastion for sciences because Christendom was too busy punishing smart people for interfering with the collection of church bucks and spreading itself across all of Europe whether they wanted it or not.

I saw a random retarded whitoid pick a fight with a black kid (probably like 16-17) in my shitty city the other day
The white dude called him a nigger and later whipped him with his chain like a pansy and the black kid just one punch ko'd his scrawny ass. It was pretty funny

>Christendom was too busy punishing smart people for interfering with the collection of church bucks and spreading itself across all of Europe whether they wanted it or not.

Read a fucking book that isn't written by a liberal jew. The clergy during the middle and (((Dark)))ages was where all of the scientific and epistemological advancements were made.

Also, Arabs =/= Babylonians not by a country mile. Arabs have always been subhuman barbarians. Babylonians were an entirely different race of people.

Nothing to do with color, just disgustang apeface. That is all. Nice try tho

Sure thing schlomo

No, that didnt happen.

>white people can't be degenerate
Have you ever been outside in a large city?

Holy fucking shit is this really all it takes to trigger Yea Forums? My fucking god i dont know many people who would even think this is an issue to be discussed much less have a 400 post thread about it.

you motherfuckers are obsessed with race

Doesn't look like the average French Canadian

why does 3ds tim look like a soulless ripoff of nate from yo-kai watch? was tpc really that desperate?


Holy shit user, are you okay? This is just basic history. The church was far more concerned with money and Europe was an absolute hell hole because of it. This is why the protestant reformations happened. The whole point of enlightenment was scaling back the power of the church. The dark ages however, were a strictly european (minus Ireland) thing. While it was happening arabs were expanding turf and progressing, which is why Arabian empires like the ottoman were fucking huge. Honestly if not for the fact that Islam is insanely strict and thus prone to going to war with itself, over extending and thus making themselves vulnerable to uprisings, as well as general incompetences that come with empires, the Arabs would have become the preeminent race after the fall of rome. But that's what makes European history so amazing. It's the greatest comeback story ever told.

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What's actually sad is being so indoctrinated that thinking that anyone who cares about ethnicity is immediately "obssssed" or "racist"

Yes, and you made that story up and its pathetic

kid on the left is definitely a "white" "american"

>says "haha america"
>but the kid has euro genes
Really makes you think

Given that Yo-Kai Watch briefly shook the foundation up, yes.

past tense: obsessed; past participle: obsessed

preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.

If a fictional black character, something that is merely a concept with no ramifications, existing offends you, you care too much. #obsessed

>brock has a human nose tho
actor has nigganose

>leaves out the sub-human genes

>If you werent indocrinated by society then you would angrily post about black people being in media all the time too like a rational sane person does

>white people are literally perfect and the church is awesome. everyone else are smelly subhumans
>i swear this is scientific and historical fact and not just what makes me feel better

White person here. Asians get treated worse than anyone else in Hollywood. It's actually pretty fucked up.

Brock is okinawan

> Why isn't he asian?
Because Asians hate being Asian.

Asians want to look like white people. That's why millions of them wear make up, pay thousands for plastic surgery and wears western clothes.

> asians are the same as whites
Keep telling yourself that, gook.

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Yikes, the delusion
Back to your own country wh*toid

>preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
>If a fictional black character, something that is merely a concept with no ramifications, existing offends you, you care too much. #obsessed
i don't see how your definition meets your criteria, looks to me that if anything you're just deluded and obsessed with "racism" friend

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> White person here
You sure you're white, ChingChong?

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Heh, dumb SJWS - do they have a problem that makes them unable to relate to white dudes or something?


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>Yikes, the delusion
>Back to your own country wh*toid
the irony in this post is astonishing

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>Asians want to look like white people. That's why millions of them wear make up, pay thousands for plastic surgery and wears western clothes.
somewhat true, fair skin will always be the most desirable but you pic related seems to imply you think asians suffer from any worse monkey face than whites. strange.

>asians are the same as whites
they're in the highest iq bracket with whites, so essentially yes.

>it's okay because it can't possibly be politically charged?
>why isn't it politically charged? Because I'm white

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>Asians want to look like white people. That's why millions of them wear make up, pay thousands for plastic surgery and wears western clothes.
But every asian culture that wasn't occupied by America after ww2 hates white people with a passion. I've been to china once and the fucking looks you get from people if you speak to them in English is unsettling. Then their american allied asians who appropriate american culture but really hate white people. Woe be to the weeb who moves to japan or SK thinking they're going be venerated as a superior in the land of anime only to end up alone because race mixing in japan is largely frowned upon, especially if the foreigner isn't a soldier or diplomat. They'd legit refuse you service in some places.

>thing exist
>has no reason to care about thing
>does anyway

It's not just fair skin. We're talking about hair color, eye color, body proportions and much more.

>they're in the highest iq bracket with whites, so essentially yes.
What the fuck are you even implying, you gook loving incel?
Asian countries take selective IQ tests from their selective and trained personnel. If they had high IQ, they would be innovating instead of stealing and they wouldn't cheat in tests and anywhere else.

Shouldn't this thread at least be moved to /vp/? I don't get why mods let these hit the bump limit.

>it's okay because I'm white too

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>But every asian culture that wasn't occupied by America after ww2 hates white people
Doesn't change the fact that every single Asian wants to look white.

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>Doesn't change the fact that every single Asian wants to look white.
I mean, if that helps you sleep at night. But here in reality the concept of "looking white" isn't something that crosses an asian persons mind. They're more concerned with looking youthful and well, Asian. I can't even name a white idol that got big in japan. espiecially a male. I know you want to feel super special but trying to insist a race so nationalistic they had to eat a nuke to end a war that would have annihilated them secretly has a crush on you is delusional.

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gweilo delusion

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>black stop being minorities
doubtful. spics will take over
asians are already dominating on the world stage
blacks will be just as scarce as us whites