Grim Dawn

How are your new builds going?

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Not running a new build per-say, getting back into the game with AoM expansion so on Inquisitor / demo, standard elemental gun user. It's ok not my favorite, at least the frost rune is powerful early game. Having a hard time finding any decent 1H guns and wishing I had took Shaman as secondary for 2H ranged ice build, but I already have a shammy warder I was leveling.

What's the best leveling skill on Oathkeeper?

best is subjective depends what you got in your stash for which levels.

OK/occultist, hate how it's focused on retaliaton damage
NB/OK, basically acid DW melee shit. It's okay but barely feels different from any other DW class.

I tried Oathkeeper, but it's shit so I went back to my purifier.

Rejoice, my fellow HC players.
There's a new circuit breaker

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.30 - (1920x1080, 2.02M)

The new unlock-ultimate item is kind of weird. Doesnt level you up at all so it takes ages to kill anything on ultimate, and doesnt give you any devo points. I guess you do that, then bust out all the shrines on normal/elite, then start ultimate after that?

I'm leveling a Paladin (oath + inquis) should i go sword and shield? or 2h? I can't decide and keep swapping

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I guess the idea is that you can level a new character through the randomized dungeons instead of going through the story three times.

It's really up to you, all devo shrines are now available on all difficulties so they're pretty fast to get, even on ultimate, but shit's tough. On the other hand, you're level 60+ by the time you finish act 1 even while skipping most trash.

People had been asking for a way to play harder difficulties earlier. Most of the experienced players laughed at them, said it's pointless the higher difficulty is designed specifically for higher level characters. So ya, this was the foreseeable outcome just something they added for a vocal minority of players.

is there a grim dawn equivalent to righteous fire or deaths oath or autobomber from poe?

Dual wield guns

what does it do?

I wanna play this:

I'm pretty sure its shit and aint gonna work, but I'll try regardless.

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Oh I didnt know that, that's an interesting change.

Yeah, I guess its nice to be able to speed through it without missing the optional quests that give character boosts.

basically a constant aoe damage aura, all work in different wants but im basically looking for something that gives constant aoe damage and i can use movement skills to run through areas

1)thats not very paladin like
2)I already have a DW gunslinging pyromancer, and i dont want it to feel too samey

>pull niggas into molotovs while ghost niggas beat them up
Sounds fun, give it a try, you can always change to something else.

How the fuck do Servants of Empyrion work
>no visible summon duration
So basically just passive damage?

Maybe like Vindictive flame/calidors tempest? I dunno how viable it would be for end game but you can make pretty much anything work up to lvl 75 or so.

There used to be a thing called auramancer, stacking up damage auras and melting everything around, might still be viable.

Protip, get the fiend devotion and attack flame torrent on them if you're playing fire
Eye of guardian with the spinning eyeball if you're playing acid
They're great

I feel like there is not enough defensive abilities in there, you cant get anything from Oathkeeper without getting heavy focus on retaliation as well...

>focused on retaliation damage

i am running an acid/poison cabalist right now nigger, wtf has retal got to do with it

What the fuck does a cabalist have to do with oathkeepers though

Not that user but I also did that. Still wondering what I should apply to my eye of reckoning though. I was thinking fissure from the magi constellation.

*sentinel, fuck if i can remember all the class names

elemental storm

I never did a retal or acid build plus I have this bad boi waiting so I'm cool.

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Sentinel is fucking great. Having a blast with a sword and board spin 2 win retaliation build

I'm still convinced OK has way too many good abilities though. You can make assloads of builds with OK just by the sheer amount of actually good utility and skills.

Ok/occult isn't focused on retal unless you want it to be you dum dum

It's fine because the only way to make a bruiser type dude before OK was soldier and it wasn't really fun to play so OK fits that role just fine and has innate synergies with other damage types.

OK is boring as fuck, who thought adding a generic shield dude was a good idea?

>there are actually oathkeepers in this thread who turned their back on empyrion to take witch god cock

absolutely disgusting

but mah shield throw
but mah eye of reckoning

Absolute brainlets

It gives you all skill and attribute points from normal/elite quests, and also gives you all bags. A single quest in ultimate shoots you up assloads of levels at the beginning. Its for people like me with like 1.5k hours in the game who don't want to have to play through 2 difficulties doing the basic character prep before we can start the game. You can level up super fast. It also unlocks all rifts in normal/elite so you can bum rush rep quests if you wish, or rush for shrines.

Its there for alts, and its much welcome.

Sounds potentially like Paladin?


Max guardians and their aura
Choose the aura skill in inquis

They both lower enemy resistance to fire/elemental as well as dealing good aoe damage

I don't like weak gods.

OK+Inq - paladin
Quite boring because OK is just like Soldier, but instead of weapon passive skillsin the first row its shield passive skills.

But I guess I need a good weapon and then I might specc to whirlwinding.

so why are you worshipping the losers who ran away the minute the atherials invaded

actually "Safeguard"gives you tins of damage when you wearing shield, so for Eye of Reckoning you dont need good weapon, you just need "any weapon"+"any shield"

Don't forget that maxed ascension gives you +195% damage and can pretty much be used every 10 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds but it lasts for 10, so you only need to wait 10 seconds to use it again.

yes but that means you need to press extra button every 20 seconds. there are lot of better stuff without pressing anything, although 1 have +1ascension, and it additional effect, and some +skills items, so it works nice

Nothing yet. I want to run a physical two handed melee character, preferably without using active magic but I'm not sure what combo fits that best.

>doesn't keep their oath
really makes you think

Sounds like forcewave tactician is your best bet. Primal strike warder is excellent too. But that'll rely on the item that changes its lightning damage to physical. I forget what it's called.

Who /fashion/ here?

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>you never hide your use of occult abilities

crate what are you doing

there has to be an endgame version of this, right?

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take shaman with primal strike, then see for yourself

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Not really fashion but it amused me

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I just got this game yesterday haven't read anything about it. Is shaman/demolitionist a good build?

Speaking from experience, if you try to theorycraft and min max for your furst run through the game you're going to have a bad time. Just play what you want and have fun with your first run. It's very hard to make a build that will straight up be unable to clear normal/vet.

>Is shaman/demolitionist a good build?
It has the potential to be great fun.

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>it's been three days and multiple characters
>still have no idea what the fuck I want to play
Fuck, I'd want to try something with OK and a shield but I don't really want to focus on retaliation damage, but it seems that it's all the jazz.

It's not, think of it like a damage type, some skills have hybrid damage types and you don't always use every element.

First time here on normal. Should I finish the whole base game before doing dlc, can you do it in any order. some dude is calling to take me somewhere after I beat warden im guessing its the dlc start.

I kinda like /pure/ builds, only one mastery. Now trying nightblade blade trap + blade spirits. So far only act 3 end, so shit melts.

So what pairs well with the new class?

>Should I finish the whole base game before doing dlc
I think it would make more sense to go through the base game, then AoM then FG in terms of storyline, but if you don't care about that there is no real reason to follow a specific order.

just take OK with shield and dont focus on retalitation damage


Demo and Occultist

So i;'m guessing it kind of scales or something then.

With OK added to the game + movement abillities, you can pretty much recreate D3's barbarian playstyle in GD

So what's the best build for maximum spin2win with the new whirlwind skill
preferably something that just lets me spin forever at high speed with lots of buffs to keep me healthy and strong and to make my deeps ridiculous

Ashes takes place after the base game and thematically forgotten gods takes place after ashes. though you can start it any time after krieg. I'd recommend doing them in that order for your first run.

mate I regen about 10k hp per attack and I do 4+ attacks per second

and you know what? those fucking shards still rape my ass
my hp is literally jumping from full to almost nothing multiple times per second until those fuckers eventually scale way too high despite me having 85%+ resistances to the incoming damage

how would that puny thing you posted there help?

yes, enemy levels scale with yours no matter the expansion.

i mean, come one, Ok have Safeguard. take this, take shield, take any +%physical damage passives, and you easily killing anything up to 60-70 levels and so on

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WoTW + Bul Kathos blades WW barb is too much fun despite being so mechanically simple

Diablo 3 had some fun skill combos. Playing wizard with the black hole + death ray was great.

Why this fucker not allow me to craft Tainted Brain Matter?

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Wrong guy. The one in necropolis does the vanilla materials.


the random skelet-ghost guy in "skeleton key" undead dungeon you mean?

Oathkeeper/Necromancer y/n?

How do I make my oath keeper not suck? Righteous fury feels shitty and so does aegis of menhir

No, he's hanging around northwest west of the gate to the necropolis

Nah. Not enough damage type synergy.

why does it suck? obviously onehand+shield does only like half as much damage as other builds, but instead becomes nigh invincible

could go for a weird pet build but I don't know how usefull it'll be past veteran difficulty

2H weapon + vire's might + eye of reckoning

I don't feel invincible, everything in the new expansion content is wrecking me at level 24

What makes these classes pair well?

Damage synergy. Oatkeepers can go fire/physical which works very well with demo. And they can also spec into skills to turn their fire and physical damage into acid/vitality to pair with occultist or nightblade, though nightblade has less ability synergy than occultist does.

Pairs well with everything really

If I want to play a summoner class what do I go? Necro/Occultist?

Yeah or occult+ shaman


picture related my shit at 54level, very nice working

Not without the right items, there's probably some aether or vit conversion stuff

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what are you using for your left click?

really enjoying Necro so far. How is inquisitor and necro/inqu combo?

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2h lightning dude, should i put stuff into cunning or spirit, and yeah im putting a bunch in phys too

Inq goes well with everything elemental based
Inq/necro is very gear dependant

Could work with the Dark One set and necro's AIDS pit.

nothing. right click for Eye of Reckoning and circle click for mp potion

I usually only put points into shit when I need it to equip the items.

>come up with a decent acid NB/OK build
>realize I'd have to hit Amarastas' Blade Burst every 4 seconds

Is 2h really better than sword and shield? You're losing survivability and access to the safeguard passive.

All physique

I'm having such a hard time finding a fun build in this game, the 'wizard' class seems to end up using the boring as fuck aether ray all the time and so many melee builds just have buffed auto attack.

this is why keeps me away from this game

the shitty fashion? you'll be zoomed out far enough that can't really see what you're wearing anyway so it doesn't matter

what are some fun ranged builds?

no vire's might?

yes, on higher difficulties you find higher versions of it :D


yeah, game has build "diversity" but they end up playing the same. Eye of Reckoning is the reason I bothered to play this game again.

fuck minor duration buffs/debuffs that are necessary for your build to do damage, just give me a goddam aura. ABB is exactly the reason i will never do a cold NB

no vire's might. Vindictive flame give you lot of speed, so with+speed items i have cap of movement speed, so i dont need Vires Might as gapcloser, and for damage i have other stuff. Eye of reckoning does lots of damage, but not only that, Vindictive Flame with all those +fire bonuses does lots of aura damage around me, and Bull Rush from Eye of Reckoning does lots of Internal Trauma dots, with all those +trauma bonuses, and guardians of empyreon doins some damage

i think there are more sources of damage because of refcelt/retalitation bonuses, but im not depending on them, they just there

>have to press a button every 4s
hard fucking job

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Fuck off, Germans aren't welcome here.

>Bull rush

Not elemental storm? Or are you just using it as a placeholder until you get something better.

>pressing buttons in 2019
although i wonder, does Grim Dawn has such good gamepad controls like in tree Of Savior?

So how do the factions work in FG, are they exclusive to each other? Do I just pick one per difficulty?

You pick the one you want for the story, you can still build rep with all 3.

No clue but I've heard people praising the control scheme so I guess it's good

Nobody gives a shit about your dead bugman game.

I'm not sure about elemental storm. i have lots of physican damage,and lots of +%%% physican damage, and lots of ++internal trauma, so Bull hits nice.

Elemental Storm is little of elemental damage and lots of elemental dots. And from all elements i have bonuses only to fire, and almost no bonuses to elemental dots. Elemental Storm looks like waste.

also, doing my way to Light of Empyrion, i wonder if it will be useful

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I played it in beta and it was already shitty enough without the micro transaction shit they added afterwards.

It will be, user. Believe in Empyrion.

Is there a non-steam version of it yet?

Eldritch nemesis was a pushover. Then again, I have enough lightning res to facetank Mog. Anyone else have experience with it?

Which one? There are two iirc

Probably the combo with the worst overall synergy. Which is a shame, because the aesthetic is very badass.

>have to press a button every 4
feel the same way, doing a skill rotation doesn't feel natural and fulfilling because you end up just pressing whatever's off cooldown
also doesn't help that skills don't look like they have 'weight'

well, i played it in beta, and on release, and a little after that

no but steam version is ok. recently someone took over TOS, so there are no suck bad lags now, lots of updated, come content, and some stuff

it s just players very sad because of years of sadness, so players not playing tos now. but it got really better now, there are lots of stuff now.

im not playing it too, of course, but game was so nice

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Waiting for Monmouth & Crucible to get to a reasonable price before even thinking about FG.

I'm playing this game for the first time, have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm having fun. Is Demo/Necro a good combo?

Nope. Demo is phys/fire/lightning and necro is aether/vit. No synergy there and demo others no synergy for necros pets either.

It's one of the hardest class combo to build for, I wouldn't recommend without extensive knowledge of the game and items.

Oh okay, thanks. Thought it was nice because the skellies kept enemies away from me while I spammed ranged attacks. What's the best class in combination with either Demo or Necro?

you can just take any skill and build aroud it. think more widely.

necro - you can build around skelles. take some other sumoner class with more +pet bonuses and more summons

or build around bones/poison field, then you would need another poison class

or build around ice necro skills, so you would need some ice bonuses from nightblade/arcanist

or around lifeleech attack which does vitality damage so you would need occultist

just look at skills you want to use and build around it, it works with everything. that s why Grim Dawn is nice - everything is viable, no meta

>tfw I missed the sale

feels sad man

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Good points, thanks!

For your first build go with something simple. Don't spread points around into too many things. Your devotions should be things that compliment your build but don't neglect defensive stuff.

It's still on sale at gog

Though if you buy it on gog you can't play it with people who have it on steam

oh god dam it guess i gotta wait

what's the most sekino-esque build?

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Grim Dawn is legit terrible and i'm glad i pirated it
It's like a worse than Titan Quest which is just worse Diablo 2
I can't even make TQ Evoker/PoE Righteous Fire build until super lategame

I don't think there are any katana in Grim Dawn

>it's like a worse than Titan Quest
You can say it's worse than some other game in the genre but it's literally titan quest improved in every way possible

I have a aether ray necromancer build. 6k damage and i'm still in act 2 desert

Fair enough, just try to have fun instead of constantly comparing it to other games.

Last time I played this, there were either facetank builds or something that could deal damage while moving constantly (summoner), because every single challenging enemy moved few times faster than the player, and gameplay with ranged build consisted of extremely tedious and janky kiting.
Did they fixed their shit design?

That's literally every diablo clone ever

Every ARPG has that problem, where ranged dps is usually not ranged because you'll be surrounded by enemies anyway.
You're probably better off playing an MMO if you want true ranged dps.

Game that shall not be named there doesn't have this problem somehow.

I have 38 hours in this game and I've never gotten past act 2

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Same here except I have 50 hours
I keep restarting because I get into act 2 and realize I hate my build.
It doesnt help that act 1 or 2 are not very intersting. Starting to wonder if I'll ever really get into it to finish the game

So does OK/inquisitor work as an alternative to demo/inquisitor for the pewpews or is fire strike still too strong?

Which one? Diablo 3? You kidding me?

PoE also doesn't suffer from this problem but it's just because you 1click your entire screen several times a second

PoE most definitely suffers from this a lot with bosses like Minotaur up in your face 24/7. It suffers less because you destroy most everything and can kite way way better than in other games.

DIablo 2 is my favorite game but I hate how this is what this genre has become

just 1 hitting your whole screen or more with every attack and moving at 1000mph through maps just in the hopes of getting slightly better gear in order to be able to go 1 click your whole screen at 1000mph on the next level difficulty maps

I liked d2's slower pace

>Pick up this game
>Make melee build
>I liked it, except I stopped getting weapon drops I need and by act 3 of 3rd difficulty was literally unable to deal damage because I had nowhere to get gear despite have lots of purple shit in stash I had no idea what to do with
Was correct course of action making character that can progress through the game without having gear, like caster or something, just to farm shit to get to play what I want? Because they didn't bothered to add any non-bullshit way to buy what I want from other player, which is generally present in games with similar loot system (d2, poe). Did new expansion added something to help with horrible itemization?

>thats not very paladin like
deus vult my fellow magapede

>relic requires Kilrian's Shattered Soul.

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It's viable. Clearing ultimate is more a matter of gear than anything else. May not ever be up to bosses like Ravager though.

>I liked d2's slower pace

People played D2 the exact same way people play games like PoE, D3 etc, today.
You were just never exposed to it because of the lack of streaming.
I guess you just have cognitive dissonance about how people were able to teleport from the WP to Baal's Throne in a few seconds, or could spawn and kill Diablo in less than a min from opening the new game.

Build going like ass because i'm dumb but i'm having fun with the DLC.
I just want my loading screen titbeast back i really miss her

wanna build a necromancer with pure pet usage.

straght up exist, drool all over the keyboard and let my skellies do everything

viable lategame? so far it's easy

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>i really miss her
Then go to her user. :)

I just love how gross those goddamn maggot carrier beetles look when they pop.
>get stung by a demon bee
>maggots begin growing inside your body

>drool all over the keyboard and let my skellies do everything
Yeah, I thought that is what I'm going to be doing too when I build that. Turned out I had to juggle 9 active skills, ressumon skellies and direct them all at the same time.

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i just wanna drool....

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skellies sorta turn fragile at higher levels compared to big beefy single pet, but that was intentional balancing. they're fucking skellies and you get a swarm of them.

make a retaliation damage build, then
you just stand there and everything dies

that's TOO boring, i want a drool pet based build with my army wrecking shit

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I pseed through the game on every new build with trash gear I forget to change all the time, it's just your build.
Until the end of elite, you don't need any damage from your gear, it's all skillpoints and devotions carrying most of the damage.
Can always check vendors for some good rares.

you can try Word Of Pain inquisitor build, or Aether Ray, or Druid's roots

if you take necro+occultist, it s obliously you will need to press al of occultist buttons - green buff, red debuff, other stuff

I think it's partly the closer camera of POE and D3 that make people feel more hurried.

>mfw following a necro occultist build

how many spells we talking? the build seems to be based around 6-7

i can deal with that

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Who Witch Hunter here

actually not much active buttons, but there are some and you will need to press them

you will need Curse of Frailty, it s aoe debuff that cut speed and defence of enemys, and you put some devotion on it

and you will need to rebuff on yourself Blood of Dreeg because it s insane heal/regen/damage buff to you and your pets

and resummon skeletons

i think this il almost al your active buttons for, like, first 90 levels. other buttons will be some auras, passives, and summon pets

and you may want Reap Spirit, it s necro summon, very strong but live for 15 seconds with 10 seconds cooldown

I fucking hate Grim Dawn.
>Play HC only characters
>Everything is piss easy
>Can't stop my autistic ass from wanting to clear everything
>Keep losing my chars to Conflag / Port Valbury or whatever the fuck it's called

Yes you can. They recently added cross play. It was apparently as side effect of the 64bit client

They did? Awesome then.

But she disappears after you complete the FG main quest :(


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yea, port valbury and red dungeons are cool. skeleton and jungle dungones are little weaker

Ancient grove is the best one though imo

So the three cult leaders are actually the Witch Gods themselves in human form? That's why they disappear after we defeat Korvaak?

too short, no decorations, nothing around. port valbury and red one was more interesting

how this game fares compared to d3 or poe

what should i play
i rolled ravenous earth but got bored
recommend me something cool

>realize I hate my build
happens frequently to me. a lot of the combinations sound great immersion wise but end up sucking, or the fashion won't support it.

I like it more than D3. never played POE though.

Compared to poe it's so devoid of endgame content it almost doesnt exists.
However compared to d3 it's still alive.

inquisitor dualgun wps
aether ray
eye of reckoning
inquisitor flames on infinifmar
necro drain essence
stun jacks demo

You just have to wait a few days after each patch for multiplayer as gog is slower to roll our their patches.

>eye of reckoning
is that the Whirlwind skill?

Does the groble vile effigy also convert the vit damage from the "wasting" skill or is it literally just the initial bloody pox skill and not its subsequent tree skills?

Nah it's the perfect length. That's what's so good about it. Doesn't feel like it drags on forever like BoC


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I don't suppose they ever added a procedurally
generated maps for the campaign, did they? I played a couple of hundred hours of vanilla and I'm just completely burnt out on running through the same static map over and over again.

>when you play bloodoy pox and have to disable gore because if they explode they don't spread your pox

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Guys, is the Inquistor plus Demolisher still OP?

Conversion happen after damage calculation of the skill and its subskills.
Meaning the whole Bloody Pox line is calculated, including the +vit damage from black death and the raw damage from wasting, and then converted to Acid.

>came to bake some bread
>y'all already got a loaf made
I may play my Necro minion man a little more through Ultimate if I don't get fucked too roughly. I boosted my dual-wield phys Blademaster and Acid Retaliation Oathkeeper to 50 + Ultimate but I am so squishy, probably due to not knowing what components are practical along with not wanting to invest the effort into doing so. I may up them to 65 since a lot of sets begin dropping then and give them some gear to help along.

I lost my vitality Pox AIDS Cabalist build and need a new one.

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Cheers - i just got confused because the damage on pox updated but not on the wasting tooltip

then i realised i was being retarded and looked at my character sheet and saw the damage

Recommends me tank+magic build

That's the theory.

Bastion of Chaos is a bit lengthy and it's all the same.

>aether ray

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looks fun but god damn eor is 25 lvl req
how did you level it to 25? aegis of menhir?

I want to play this but have no money.
What should I do?
Is there a way to get the game + all DLC for like no more than 20 bucks?

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Wouldn't I have to re-download the whole game whenever a patch comes out?

God, poison whirlwind build is fun as fuck.

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For farming earlygame? Honestly choose another mastery. Oathkeeper doesn't have any mob-clearing spell like forcewave or locust swarm

literally all they need is to tweak aether ray to pierce enemies fuck sake

How do you get into the bonebleach basin?

what does your witch god choice say about you

follow the teachings of uroboruuk or get lost

Let me give you some advice. You can make a totally passive pet build where your skellies are able to stand on their own. It requires you to sacrifice some point and equipment that would otherwise be used to make top tier builds, but even Ultimate is pretty easy, and only the Super Bosses require actually giving that much of shit.

Now, the gist of it is this, usually you can have a max resistance to any element of 80% (and getting that 80% is damn important), however, there are ways to raise that cap by a couple points here and there. Pets use their modifier on resistance caps though, which is where this comes into play.
That will get you up to 95% resistances, and there are a few other ways to push them up even higher. By maxing out your skelly resistances, they can totally handle most of the content in the game without major intervention.

the maggot carrier is based on an IRL beetle

i felt his inclusion was really out of nowhere

it kinda did. In the base game it was implied he was fighting/fleeing from aetherials, and now we suddenly have him here on a place with no aetherials on sight

Tell me how to level a fresh spin2win OK/Shaman on Ultimate.

Just start with Shaman and level with Devouring Swarm, Grasping Vines and Wind Devil. This should be enough to get you to a sufficiently high level where you can comfortably respec into your "real" build.

OK is pretty good, but it's in an awkward position early on since it lacks easy leveling skills. Devouring Swarm on the other hand is top tier for leveling.

What kind of endgame does this have compared to Path of Exile or D3?

Is this more of a "play through the story and done" game?

Fire strike or righteous fury for a shieldbreaker?

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>Is this more of a "play through the story and done" game?
Yeah. There isn´t really a reason to farm for equip after you are done.

Endgame used to be either doing farming runs or playing Crucible. The latest expansion added a new game mode, but I haven't tried it yet.

Around what level would you suggest respeccing? In 30s I can max EoR but it doesn't feel very efficient against bosses and tougher enemies.

Do I miss anything for a taky fire paladin besides damage

There's a thread on the forums--it involves a secret quest.


ps. praise empyrion

Depends on how many points it takes to get the bare necessities of your build, but typically somewhere between 30 and 50 will be fine.

EoR is better at clearing mobs than killing bosses, but you can try hooking it up with some devotion skills for more DPS since it procs shit pretty well.

Is pet spellbinder actually a thing?

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What is a good crit multiplier for pets? I see x3 to x4 with buffs (without tincture) and maybe as low as x2.5 for base, I decided to get a Bound Wraith so my 22/12 Primal Spirit is basically a permanent summon.

Is it worth putting acid spray on OK guardians?

doing a pox build

It's like D3 rifts, but worse

plz reply I have no idea which is better

Firestrike offers I bit more damage I suppose?
Fury offers a nice speed and def buff.

Lads how does the RR from viper works? I know that it being scaled by weapon damage but does it also works on procs? What if I attack with eye of reckoning (29% WD) and then proc smite (136% WD) does then 0.29*20RR from eor and 20% RR from smite stacks? Or does it apply only the highest value?
Thank you

I've never really been a fan of melee firestrike to be honest.

I haven't played in a while, is pure Demolitionist a good build? I just wanna be a jackass who walks around a fantasy world throwing bombs and mortars at people.

Only thing I dislike about savagery/fury is that they only deal single target damage. They're abilities to use against bosses. Its annoying as fuck against regular enemies because you have to chase after every single one of them.

> reach lvl 40
> full perdition set
> use all my fancy high lvl componentes
> almost full acid damage conversion
I have become a walking aids fortress

Gonna try doing AR Necro/Arcanist. Which one of those is faster to level and who can run through the game quicker? I want to skip the 2nd-3rd zone as fast as possible because I always start snoring there.

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Shattering Smash and Smite are quite good for AoE, Vires Might for chasing.
And lets be honest, there are relics and other stuff that grants you Aoe, but bosses are the actual hard part of the game.

So I wanted to make an OK/Inquisitor focused on sword and board spin to win, but whenever I look at what the inquisitor bings to the table, it looks like ass compared to soldiers passives and skills
Is sentinel good? I’m at lvl 50 and haven’t picked a secondary class

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nvm eye of reckoning doest proc fucking smite what a shit fucking game

Necro easy. Either go full skellyspam (with maybe Blight Fiends later on) or go with Bone Harvest+Ravenous Earth if you don't want a pet build.

>Fuck yeah Inquisitor sounds cool
>It's just a mage with a cooler name
Fuck. I imagined this class to be way cooler. Half the skills feel like they belong to the Arcanist.

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>what is a default weapon attack

But yeah, shame shit that annoyed me about Shaman on the road to become a thundergod.

Its pretty much soldier but with elemental damage.

Inquisitor is basically a filler class they came up with to satisfy unsatisfied dual pistol, trapper and mage fags all at the same time

I need a vitality caster Pox build because I lost the one I had been following.

Should I skip straight to ultimate after act 4 elite?
Kinda starting to fall asleep going through expansions content.

Please hold still while I shove your shitty witch gods up your ass, heretic.

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> Oathkeeper/ inquisitor for paladin memes
> grab spinning hammer devotion
> light of empyrion devotion to blast unholy wretches
> spear of the heavens for more paladin rp
It’s probably suboptimal but it gets the job done and fills the paladin fantasy

How is oathkeepers damage? Its not completely survival oriented is it?

They can get absurd damage if you stack fire or acid/poison and go with demo or occultist

It's not *level* 25, it's 25 points in the skill tree. Something about level 9.

Soldier obviously
Strong as fuck passives
Field command and that shout that reduces enemy heath by 35%

You can murder shit pretty good with blender and shield throw builds, plus retaliation likely isn't bad either

I looked at the skill and devotion screen for half an hour racking my brain about what I want to do with this class but nothing feels satisfying.
Maybe I should do a Wtichblade instead.

I'm gonna try this game out for the third time after quitting within the first hour twice.

What do I do to not get immediately bored?

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I don't know, play games you actually like instead of forcing yourself to like something?


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>default weapon attack
Ohhhh I see now how retarded I am
I literally thought you have to put as a right click to count

Is there any build where the Occultist's familiar isn't just a waste of points?

I like having a crowbro follow me around, but it seems so fucking pointless.

Game is easy enough that it doesn’t really matter outside of the superbosses, take you crowbro for the entire story

Im not a pro in this game but lvling with summons sucks fucking dick till like 50 from what I know
But crowbro deals sick fucking dmg but you need to lvl him up to get 3 projectiles, then you pet move him just in front of dudes to shotgun them with all 3 projectiles
Last time I played, raven builds were some of the strongest in the game.

Has anybody come up with a good true melee build for Oathkeeper yet? I'm running into the same issue as most stuff in GD, where it seems like ranged/caster builds just end up being straight up better than ones where your character actually hits enemies with their weapon.

>where it seems like ranged/caster builds just end up being straight up better than ones where your character actually hits enemies with their weapon.
welcome to arpgs

How is demo better than soldier when it comes to complementing OK?
Demo has blast shield and that fire weapon enchantment
Meanwhile soldier has strong buffs and passives
I’m planing to go spin OK but not sure wether to go soldier or demo

Any cool Aether damage items in this DLC?

My first class was a Nightblade with tons of pierce damage and I mostly held down M1.

Probably soldier
Grab phys damage passives and get constellations like oleron and that sand lady

desu this game does have a very long and boring start. I only started having fun beyond level 20

Nice Kylo Ren cosplay you fucking eyeball worshipping dweeb

ps. praise Empyrion

Imagine being fooled into serving an evil fuck who wants to destroy the world instead of chilling with big titty witches.

How deep have people already gotten in the realms?

Physique: Should it be gotten rid of as a stat you can choose when you level up? Its too powerful and a boring ass stat. "Can't wait to level up so i can put another point into physique!" - noone.

Yep, Titan Quest definitely had a better stat system. Every stat was useful for some builds, even mana.

the stats need a rework though some people may use a non physique stat to dump for added difficulty ;\

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It's a double edged sword. Either the game is too easy and you don't really need survivability, or the game is hard and you have to sacrifice everything else for it.

The new soundtrack is nice. I have music at 100% and fx at ~30%

What's that retaliation meme build everyone is talking about?

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this passives/buffs can help to eye of reckoning build

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>Armor of the Three from Tomb of Nephos Blacksmith
Welp guess I need to powerlevel my Oathkeeper

>I looked at the skill and devotion screen for half an hour racking my brain about what I want to do with this class but nothing feels satisfying.
Inq/demo is basically
the class

do you guys use some custom keybinds for your skills? using numbers feels clunky as fuck when you have many actives

depends on what kind of damage you deal
if Phys/fire then righteous fervor
if fire/lightning or just fire then firestrike

>Im not a pro in this game but lvling with summons sucks fucking dick till like 50 from what I know
Someone hasn't tried out skeletons

I like thicc blight boi better. He is expendable and deals fuckton of damage on lower levels.

>new character
>everything under 125% MS and 125% attspeed feels slow as fuck

Also, is there a way to check if I missed a shrine?

Here's mine and my devotions are:
Crossroads: Ascendant
Crossroads: Order
Ulzaad, haraold of korvaath
Azrakaa, the eternal sands
Dire Bear - 2 points

Attached: eye of reckoning.png (1994x640, 832K)

most people seem to; i have a gaming mouse and just mapped the mouse buttons to numbers though


How do I get to forgotten gods? I heard it can be done after act 1. Do I need to go to covens refuge or what?

Space for healing, Tab for mana
1 for weapon swap
ZXC for skills
Though I started using Alt and Ctrl instead of D and C

As soon as you killed the Warden, there will be a dude standing just next to the spot where you start the game. Talk to him and he'll start the expansion for you.

Going through the new stuff with a lightning Warder first, it's a remake of my first character except with less of a meme build. Then I'll try something with Oathkeeper.
I play an Infiltrator with my friend's Death Knight so once he gets the expansion we'll continue on those

sweet thank you! this was a hard question to google

so if you actually want an aether melee character its battlemage right? even krieg's set is for battlemages. Death Knights seem much more vitality focused

I use 1234QWERTF then ` and Z for bar swap. Sometimes I wish toggle buffs would persist after exiting so I can swap those skills for all the potions you can make or hoard.

Fire commando stacking a bunch of auras is fun, although you do rely on several things to trigger for max damage but blast shield+menhirs will

Can a sentinel (ok + occ) with dual sword or 2h play through ultimate?

>head, arm, and belly armor
>chest and legs are completely bare not even protected by clothing

lol I thought only the Japanese were this retarded.

Sounds like playing Warcraft 3


I'm running a Inquisitor/Solider and I am also having trouble finding decent 1h guns.

Its called transmog


~ for skill bar swap
\ for pet control

is warder the perfect class for starter meme build or what?

by the way where you byuing this item that allow you to get to ultimate

What should I roll ravenous earth cabalist or pets conjurer?

Its in the very first FG area, don't even need to do any quests, its from the normal vendor, not a rep one.

Thorns. Stand there and tank while your enemies die killing themselves hitting you.
Well built its nearly immortal but takes forever to kill anything. And its boring as hell.

Vires might

>not spec-ing exclusively into soldier

both of them ok but both of them birong at some moment. espicially skeleton one

by the way, does anybody running with Aegis of Mehnir build? how is it?

Grim Yawn

Fuck all you OK haters this class is fantastic

By meme build I meant "let's get every lightning proc in the game at once and see how much of a mess the screen is", this was back before the expansions. My new version is a lot more practical

I've got an aether death knight with the old cookie cutter krieg set/mindwarp/will of the living or colossal bulwark setup and I've had no issues with anything outside of Mog/Ravager/whatever the FG superbosses are because I've never bothered with them though I've seen a setup that killed ravager. It's not one of those melt nemesis in 2 seconds builds but it clears stuff pretty fast and can facetank virtually anything.

>playing lightning warder any way other than 2h primal strike

so, where is the ultimate item? am i missing something?

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what difficulty are you on, I’m pretty sure you have to be on whatever difficulty you want to buy

I'm kinda mad that there is no option to no swear an oath to any of the witch gods. fucking pussies hiding in their faggot realm

Why do people put all their components in their characters bag and not the shared stash?

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fuck i don't have this and never seen this one, although i completed normal/veteran and all FG locations


You need to have a character that actually has access to the relevant difficulty buy the item then transfer it to the one you want to boost this way.

i, like, visited all accessible difficulties i have: normal-veteral-elite, and there are no such thing. and there wasn't such thing when i started. i 'm not sure why but oh well, i might as well complete Elite. i think.

I was just wondering exactly the same thing.

Yeah you're missing a brain, retard shitter. Try getting to ultimate.

Of course I have that, I just skipped some kinda shit stuff like Reckless Tempest for more survivability/resist reduction


so what's the point of the merits? Any newly created character won't be able to do shit on elite and ultimate

well you, like, getting 60 levels from first quests and do your stuff after that

For what purpose?
Making a build without items is stupid in general.

Its wierd, I keep seeing it in so many screenshots, surely theres something to it?

You'll just have to scrounge for resistances
The only problem I can see is getting Revered for armor resistance augments

Ultimate is unlocked when you have a level 60 character in Elite difficulty I believe.
From there you will be able to go to this merchant and he will sell you the item.
I verified this by way of a low level character that has not yet access to elite. Can't buy it, when others in Ultimate can.

So in order to buy it a character needs to actually have reached Ultimate.
Its for returning players anyways.

Merits should have automatically leveled you up to 50 at the very least.

you need to finish the base campaing on elite to unlock ultimate

so disappointed with shattered realm. what a fucking snoozefest

Aegis of Mehnir actually sucks because cooldown too long. although it can be 0cd 2-3-4-5 times in a row

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Did this game always have level scaling?
>create a new character
>play through act 1 and FG
>end up at level 37-ish
>get the skip difficulty thing on my main
>apply it to the new character
>ultimate enemies are at level 38
So either I remember everything the wrong way but no way in hell were they 38 at the beginning of ultimate.

I mostly use it as a supplementary AoE/breather for my AIDS to fuck shit up.

yes always have level scaling

nigga, a physical retaliation warlord geared right can kill ravager in around 1-1:10mins

But it sucks as an AoE skill.

Elite scales to bosses being like 5 levels above you
Ultimate scales to everything being 12+ levels above you.

i think my lvl1 Guardiand of Empyreon doing more damage/time than this shield throwing

and i think this skill need some indicator when 0cd procs. you know, i cant look all the time on skill panel, or press skill button all the time, there are no reason to press it all the time because 0cd proc is like, 20% or something

Hmmmm I just killed that ugly shit in act4 (i think) should I continue and do act5 and act6 or go to elite?

Works fine for me.
I basically rushed through Elite today and it was enough to 1 shot most packs on my way.
Get more skills you can cycle through in the downtime or something.

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Just go to Elite now, then do everything on Elite and you should be good to steamroll the start of Ultimate.
Remember you take a -25% hit to your resistances on Elite so don't let those get too low.

Might as well keep going just to unlock the other factions.

>live for 15 seconds with 10 seconds cooldown
man summons like this piss me off, wish they just made all pets/summons permanent cuz I like walking with an army and not having them vanish then reappear 5 seconds later ad infinitum

Ultimate and Elite being downscaled is new, it's for characters using merits, they can start ultimate from level 1, it's hard as fuck though.

>relic requires four other relics, two of which you don't have the recipes for
And it's one I really want for my minionmancer. Fug.

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what build is this?

My elemental ones are preety bad (-1, -11, 1) is there anything I can craft on my gear to improve those? I dont seem to have any components that add elemental resists

There's a bunch of devotions that give elemental resist.

Do the last quest for kasparov on all your characters, reward is a relic blueprint.

old ass stunjack spam build. It pre-FG it was dogshit cause it had no fucking sustain. Dunno how it is post-FG

nah, almost all fractions sell relic recipes on "friendly", so you have almost all basic relic recipes from start

Elemental Resists are generally pretty easy to find. Dense Fur, Molten Skin, and Rigid Shell cover those three as far as components go.

Spirit of Empyrion + Blade Spirit + Living Shadow might be fun. Thoughts?

The main chest at the end of skeleton key dungeons rolls 10 times to try and drop a blueprint you don't have yet
Nemesis Chests behave the same way

What level should I start dipping into another class?
t. level 30 oathkeeper

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i have a question about conversion.

i'm playing a OK/Occultist and i have the fire to acid conversion on aegis. i also have the final passive because it gives the energy cost reduction and chance to refund the cooldown, but i notice it adds a burn effect onto aegis as well. is it still a burn or is it now poison because i'm converting fire to acid?

empyrion spirits are more like tanks or supports. they not doing much damage, just flying around

As soon as you get access to one point wonders with relatively low investments. So usually, you're doing alright if you get to 40+ without investing anything in your secondary class.

when you feel that your build sucks and you need something more

Damage from the skill and its subparts is calculated first, then converted afterward.

thanks but that's not what i'm asking.

does fire to acid convert burn to poison as well?

Should I do FG DLC right after warden, or should I do Malmouth first?

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What's the deal with the blocked off door in the Tomb of Nephos? It has a green sigil on it.

If you've never played before I say do Act 1-4 -> Forgotten Gods -> Malmouth but otherwise the order doesn't really matter.

Doing FG after warden in coop with a friend. It's kicking our asses pretty hard but aside from some bosses we're mostly doing okay

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How can i auto-loot components?

Eh, can i get advices on creating a builds that probably at least don't suck. Ehm, maybe what i should at least know, so i wouldn't suck hard later in endgame ?

Pick 1 or 2 damage types and focus on those
Pick 2 classes that compliment those damage types (you can do weirder combinations but they often require specific sets for goofy shit like converting Demolitionist's abilities into 100% Cold Damage)
Your own Resistances are really important
Enemy Resist Reduction is really important (there are 3 types that stack in different ways)
Don't neglect Offensive or Defensive Ability. IIRC you need like 2700 Defensive Ability minimum to be uncrittable on Ultimate.
Everything should fall into place easily after that

And what is the best order storywise? I imagine FG requires you to know some plot points from the main game, and kinda ruins the experience otherwise.

>so i wouldn't suck hard later in endgame ?
You can reset everything except your 2 classes really easily so don't stress too much about fucking up.

Story wise you can do either expansion after the main game and you'll be fine. Although some of the leadup to FG is kinda hidden in a secret quest, or in the Kymon's Chosen questline.

Oh, i see. Doesn't look that hard, i suppose. Thanks al ot.

I havent played since the game was new, and my build was occultist and demo using dual guns
Now theres a class for that specifically, what should i match it with? Otherwise im thinking occult/necro

choose 1-2 core skills that you really like and build around them

i have an inquisitor/soldier that just uses cadence with all the attack proc skills from soldier and inquisitor. its pretty fun to just hold right click and rapid fire 2 pistols that create lightning, fire, and ice shots and can create electrical storms, fissures, and elemental seekers.

Where is that tomb again?

oathkeeper/shaman 2H eye of reckoning, it fell off hard when I got into elite malmouth
now trying nightblade/shaman veil of shadow + wind devil + blade spirit, it's going OK but I have this feeling like it's going to fall off soon too

Just before the Korvaan City Rift

One of the Tombs--might be Nephos, actually--has an altar too.

What's better for a melee build, 2h or sword and board? I'm leaning towards a Soldier/Necro atm

Are you sure you weren't undergeared?

Which cult should I pick for Aether damage?

>grind through all the roguelikes 3+ times each
>not a whiff of the vanquisher set
>grind through 15th shard of shattered realm
>just one purple and one glyph recipe
did I miss the hotfix where they actually included the drops?

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Sword and Board is a lot safer generally and a lot of Soldier abilities scale on Shield damage as well.

how do you even want to play, you giant faggot

oh come on man, second mastry for dual gun inquisitor comes so lately so you may noot need one

at first you leart dual-weapon mastery
then fire wps because it s nice
then ice one because it really good
then thinder one because it s really good and aoe
them you max this crit passive because everybody likes crits
then of course you will need aura of conviction to boost ALL of your damage and inquisitor seal because Inquisitor Seal is best inquisitor seal it allow you to stand on one place and piss on every enemy

then you want to boost Word Of Reneval buff because it s nice, gives lots of survivability and lots of damage

how do you think on which point you will need any other mastery??

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The option you like the most, seriously, there's at least a dozen known builds for each class combo, just do it how you want and change if it doesn't work.

I've been looking for the rest of the Belgothian set on and off for such a long time, it's ridiculous

I found a build for witch hunter that legit makes the game too easy
>Dump points into witchfire, shadow strike, blade burst, ring of steel
>shadow strike in the middle of a mob, blade burst, ring of steel
>mob instantly eliminated
Night blades really have way too much going for them

You can get all 3 anyway, the one you pick just reaches max rep more quickly.

>undergeared in elite
any build that that's a thing for is a shitbuild to be quite desu

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>all that shit when you could just level Word of Pain and breeze through normal

Melee only but maybe with some support skills or pets from Necro. Is Soldier/Necro even good or is there something better that pairs with Soldier?

Everything is fine early on, it's your ability to fine tune for ultimate and above that decides whether or not the build works

but he wanted dual gun

Word of Pain's damage drops off by the time you hit Act 4 so you might as well have you real build planned out
It's still great for resist reduction and devotion procs after that though

Are there any fun AOE builds?

Haven't played the game since it launched but the expansions look neat.

Soldier/Necro or Occultist/Necro with the Blood Knight set is probably up your alley.
Soldier/Occultist also works for that if you don't want to constantly respawn your skeletons and just let your big pets and passive pets do all the work

eye of reckoning

What's the best build in the game?

Try focusing on one damage type. That's pretty much it.
Also, if a class offers a damage conversion modifier, it usually means that there are items that would improve such a playstyle. Just keep at it, user! Ganbatte!

Might be related to dreeg's questline, just like there's an alatar for bysmiel in some previous tomb and one for solael at the end of the last dungeon.
That's my guess.


Eye of Reckoning
Primal Strike spam
Literally any Arcanist build, you can even buff Replicating Missile to the point where you turn into a fucking 2hu boss


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I wasn't a big fan of the occultist when I first played so looks like death knight it is

Nope. I thought so too.
>finished FG content the other day and chose Dreeg as my patron

Druid with OFF/TSS. Freeze the world and then call the sky down on them.

Future roguelike dungeon entrance maybe.

That's what I'm thinking, like with the Map Room of Rahn.

>killed final FG boss on two (2) characters now

Where does Byscilla go after you finish the main quest? I didn't ask the messenger immediately and now I can't ask him again

Need some more of dat corset

I am giving everything Super Ebola with CoF to really rub it in.

actually those character models looks like they re from Neverwinter Nights, they re not very nice

Did they buff droprate? Got to ultimate and stuff's dropping like candy.

yea, good stuff drops like 10 times more

so, to unlock ultimate i must kill logorrean on elite or flesh carver?

I really need to try the AIDS build, sounds goofy.

Huh, pretty stupid for units without health

all the Cult leaders seem to go poof. I would assume Crate has plans about what they went to do for another xpac, assuming they don't quit Grim Dawn (i think they're supposed to have a new game project in development right now)

What's a good secondary class to take with Arcanist if I'm going AAR + Disintegration? As far as I can tell my only options are Demolitionist for that early fire buff or Deep Occultist for the Hellhound + stats.

Shaman or Inquisitor can compliment it well if you want to focus on the Lightning damage part

Are you going to do any conversion?

FG is the last major content push for Grim dawn

i think aether ray would benefit from inquisitor seal and inquisitor stuff

Shaman and Soldier work well for their defensive abilities. You can get utterly stupid dps solely from your arcanist abilities .

Inquisitor's Deadly Aim and Inquisitor Seal are fucking busted if you're going to just plant yourself in place and deathray all day

Is oathkeeper any good or is shield using a meme?

I was originally planning to go Converted AAR + Disintegration + Occultist Doggo but I think I changed my mind at some point. Might change back.

anything related to eye of reckoning is 10/10
aegis of mehnir have 10/10 potential, but 5/5 on fire OK, and 6/5 on poison/acid one

and well this is all skills
Judgement is mediocre filller
Vire's might is ok but mediocre filler too
Righteous Fervor is errr anyone using it?

Soldier/necro any good? Can I be the Arthas?

When did they say this?

Was one of the streams. They basically said they had no new masteries they could do and they wouldn't do a new expansion without a new mastery

In their streams. They said the Forgotten Gods will be the last GD expansion, unless it sells well.

God I hope it sells well or we get a sequel soon. I backed this game from kickstarter on, and i love it.

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death knight is the newbiest of the newbie builds
it's even got its own set that can be easily target farmed and allows it to take on literally any content in the game except maybe mogdrogen/ravager/ulgrim

I'd love for more content simply for a lore perspective but as the user said Crate haven't really got any gameplay options to take it in

If you can kill a god then we need to track down C'lthon and take it out for good.

Wouldn't mind sneaking into whatever void the Aetherials were hanging around in and taking down the invasion faction too.

fucking sick thanks

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>Veil of Shadow
>Viper constellation
>Wind Devil
>Elemental Storm

>mfw ~120% cold resist reduction on a pure cold build

Attached: kind of cold.png (196x143, 45K)

What makes the last 3 so hard?

Yeah but you forgot the biggest con. There are very few cold skills to utilize that with.

What class combo are you rolling there?

Superbosses that are on a completely different level of damage and health pool.
Generally can be done with optimized builds, not run of the mill.

i am doing an arcanist shitting those ice meteor thingies.

problem is that it crashes the game like 1% of times, does anyone else have thi sproblem or knows how to solve it?



They hit fucking hard and fast and have a million million HP
There's tons on Nightblade alone. Blade Spirit with the pure cold converter, Shadow Strike, Blade Burst, Ring of Steel with the transmuter

I was thinking either Soldier/Necro or Occ/Oath, is the difference mainly just the damage type in that case, since it looks like you're using a shield?

Loghorrean, I'm pretty sure.

Grim Dawn 2 would be nice instead of another expansion. The game could be seen as a bit bloated. Seven Acts is nice to have but an even 8 to answer some questions would be rad too.

Sadly I think crates next game is some sort of town building game if I recall

>tfw been playing Grim Dawn periodically for ~5 years now

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i kinda want to reroll, but this thing kills everything with 1 button

I disagree, there are still features and QoL improvements that can be implemented. Namely, a fucking search bar for stash/inventory/blacksmith. And more end game shit.
Sauce? Cause if they do that they're retarded. Gotta strike while the iron's hot.

I agree with you but I'd also like a new engine.

Well solider/necro is typically about auto attacking and constantly hitting with your weapon.
Occ/Oath, in my case, focuses on roleplaying captain america.
It's a different playstyle, not just damage type.

>can't get my stash until i do the first quest
why, i just wanna jump into ultimate NOW

Would be nice but considering how small the company is I wouldn't bet on it. They pulled off Grim Dawn because they managed to bodge the Titan Quest engine into working

>Sauce? Cause if they do that they're retarded. Gotta strike while the iron's hot.
Can't actually find it, but I recall reading it somewhere. I might just be misremembering pretty bad though so ignore me.

Been leveling some dumb style of OK. Probably won't work late game but the class and playstyle is fun as fuck at least.

>Still no way to change secondary Mastery in the new expansion
Having to restart the whole fucking game because I made a fuck-up early on is not good game design.

>he doesn't have Crucible!

How come my FPS counter always stays at 60 but there are times especially in combat when it feels like I'm getting dips?

Just use the Grim Dawn defiler

You can edit your characters to your hearts content with it

>it won't let you use it in crucible

oh wait i'm retarded why didn't i just pick it up and use it in the base game

what other class to pair with OK for a phys/fire aegis build? also what aoe skill should i use? aegis not that great for that with the cooldown and target limit

Thanks guys,

demo sounds like what you're looking for, my dude

Demo, probably.

I've just started a shieldbreaker (OK/demo) and I'm having a blast so far. Lots of overlap with damage types, access to lots of buffs and crowd control options, and going sword and board gives you a lot of survivability.
>Pull in group of enemies
>Grenado the pack
>Flashbang what survives
>Click until dead

Demo my dude

ok i'll go for demo.
so you use grenado for aoe and aegis for single target/supplementary aoe?

I'm doing a spin2win sword and board Shieldbreaker with Ulzuin's Torch bound to spinning. Planning on getting the sphinx too.

Going great so far, though only lvl 45 but shredded through Log and going for AoM content now which should be a tad harder.

Mostly played a pet summoner but stopped for a long while, did the xpack add anything cool like new pets that are actually usable?



i personally hold all the ones that aren't complete and combine them while im doing a run or after finishing a run and then i bank the completed components. i honestly don't care about the space because i have enough space with or without them there.

these shits should've gave you all the previous Devotion shrines too, holy fuck thats the sole reason i hate making alts in this fucking game. always have to go out of my way to grab the shrines.

At least they added a lot more to compensate. Devotions are half your build though so they are rather important.

I mean I'm only like level 19 or so on him but it works pretty well. I'm using Righteous Fervor with points in Flame Touched, Safeguard, and Vindictive Flame. Single target damage isn't stellar but its fun wiping out packs in a flash, and you have some solid suitability to boot.

where the hell do you complete this quest? I've gone through the entire temple of ateph and haven't found a damn thing. Anyone know the exact location for this? I've wandered around looking for the quest star icon and couldnt find it

Attached: quest.png (350x478, 387K)

>go into optional area
>it has the marked affix

Attached: sickos.png (152x254, 40K)