Devil May Cry 5 thread

Devil May Cry 5 thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no womb tattoo

I don't know why but I agree with this, would have made it better.

>no bulge

Is it possible to ghost punch throughout the entirety of Nero's caveman combo without cancelling it?

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>no tits


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Just don't get hit lmao

Why did they ruin my Nico?

Explain how to keep enemies mid-air for combos for Dante


faust nuke him and dont get hit, literally a 20 second mission

Pay him 150k orbs to fuck off


Yes, Dante

Rose taunt user.

I'll answer that if you tell me how to S rank mission 18

I have a purple fragment and 4 blue fragments left to find and I'e done all the secret missions, where the fuck are they?

There's a million ways

Shoot them with E&I
Use air taunt
Use cavaliere air moves
Use DSD aerial
Use balrog punch aerial or balrog kick neutral swordmaster

What kind of magic is this
Hold on a sec, I'll try it

My last 2 fragments were literally on mission 2 and 3, no idea how the fuck i missed them

Just check a guide, we don't know which one you are missing and can't help you

>Don't do anything I wouldn't do!


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Rose isn't Blue Rose

Easy to miss some of them
I fucking hate that one purple orb hidden in V's last mission

what do /WE/ think of /OUR GUY/ donguri's latest BOSS RUSH video

>Girl is so shit you have to pretend she isn't a hick from the deep south just to make her fappable

And no I don't mean lady

Donguri's DMC5 videos have been pretty weak desu senpai
Sasaki's and even that one Brea video were better

If you get the timing absolutely right. Here I'm wondering if you can Max-ACT and ghost punch that combo at the same time.

Irrelevant, just like 4

Just parry a lot of shit early in the fight and don't ever revive. It's easy as fuck.

Learn 2 royal guard if you aren't a cheeky faust using scrub.

stfu and post more lewds

there's a weird lack of webms for this game

way too much faust using

the only negative to Nico is her accent otherwise you have bad taste

I can't figure out the fucking timing for ghost punching. Then again I'm also shit with Ex acting, I can only ever get it on the first two swings of a combo or the first swing of Neros aerial rave, and even then its not a guarantee.

add one simple change that would ruin dmc5's combat.
>guns now have finite ammo

enemies cannot be juggled

jump and press taunt

Nice fan art but Lady doesn't wear bras.

I know, why the fuck I haven't noticed it before. Thanks lads!

remove taunts

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>all enemies are flying

He also tosses a rose for his locked on S+ taunt just so you know.

DT is a stamina bar

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>Guns now have finite ammo
>But there are just-reload mechanics and mid-animation gun kata reloads that allow you to keep up the bulletstorm with good play and load shots pre-charged
Could work for Lady.

uninstall dmc5

If other people are like me they don't post many because they don't think its adequately curahzy.
I always giggle about bap'ing this fucking Fury though.

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this is an observation i have also had
fuckload of sekiro webms of people complaining and others saying git gud
shit when spiderman came out there was a fuckload of just swinging around webms and DOWNGRAAAAAAADE expositions

ive seen sweet fuck all for dmc5 and isnt this the game that webm's are made for? SSSMOKIN cmon faggots get on it

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just git gud and try not to get hit
even if you do get hit once or twice, you will still S rank it.

You can't jump cancel

Nothing fun happens when I'm recording so what's the point anyway

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>not Nero bending over half nude

You can't cancel at all.

no lock on

if Lady was blurred I would spend an hour redrawing that into Nero just for you, user

Why does the ice head of King Cerberus sound like he has sore throat?

Attached: Vergil has had it with life.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Royal Guard. I lost two thirds of my health before switching to RG and chewing him out in no time without taking anymore damage and ended with an S.

>have nero's shoot button on r1, breaker button on r2
>end up charging the breaker without touching the button by accident while holding r1

>have default style switching controls for dante
>constantly switching to the wrong style because pressing left/right often registers as up/down etc depending on the angle its pressed from

>changing lock on targets almost never seems to work unless the stick is in a neutral position

why is the ps4 controller such a piece of shit?

how the fuck do you s rank mission 10

>have default style switching controls for dante
>>constantly switching to the wrong style because pressing left/right often registers as up/down etc depending on the angle its pressed from
I only had that issue on a shitty 360 controller, never a Ps4 one.

Changing lock-on targets is a major problem with every controller, you have to change the way it works in settings
>why is the ps4 controller such a piece of shit?
Still better than xbox360 one

here's your Kyrie for tonight

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>Royal Guard his shit
>Hit him with long combos, mix up your weapons

Optionally just instawreck him with Dr Faust Lv 4

this ive gotten used to them now it just looks wrong without them

She saw Lady fully naked and didnt give a shit, I doubt her bending over will turn her gay

>ywn have a cute gf like this
I'll just play dmc till I die to forget the pain.

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Do you deserve a cute GF like this? Did you train your body to perfection?

will this suffice?

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It's partially people being more busy playing and partially people thinking they have to be infinite air juggle switch-through-every-option-available Donguri-after-five-years-of-practice-in-4-tier for anyone to care. Probably also the fact what most people deem impressive in DMC (be it a combo chain or handling a boss fight well) is quite lengthy, it's less about impressive individual moments, and for most people making a webm longer than 30 seconds without the quality going to shit is like black magic.

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>get to M19
>die a lot
>like a lot
>restart mission
>finally beat him for the first time
>get S rank

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I probably don't deserve shit, but I've started lifting yes.

I've got a 3/10 fwb at least.

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She's definitely interested to some extent, she probably just priorities her work over sexual stuff.

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>She saw Lady fully naked and didnt give a shit
Did you actually play the game?

If you do any damage, you die

>ywn go ass-spotting with your bro Nico

why is this so cringy to watch..

I wouldn't even want a GF like this because you'd have to fight off rivals 24/7

>Fighting Vergil as Nero
>Stagger him
>Overture breakage, Overture breakage, Overture breakage
>Buster breakage
>He dies immediately
How can one man lose so much

Because Nero was powered by sheer butthurt.

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you gay nigga?

Take the Goku-pill user

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No nigga

Have a cute wife but just fuck off and spend most of your time with an angry manlet?

Guys I love DMC5 but when you have to come up with little games to keep people posting maybe its time to move to /vg/

Dead weight like father like son

because you're trying to hard to be an edgey faggot?

only if we get our own personal general and not the gay as fuck one already there

You mean get a gf not for the girl, but for the rivals she will attract, and take pleasure in fighting them off?

exaggeration of feminine movements like the hips and the constant expression changing
if it isn't natural its always gonna be fucking stupid to look at

>hah V

God damn that shit is bad.

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That's it!

Let's not get /fit/ involved.

I love his stupid faces

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Imagine being Vergil in that moment. You don't use guns because they're technology, it's borrowed power requiring no skill, it's dishonourable and cowardly. Then your son catches you off-guard with his revolver, plants a load of bombs on you, completely disregards his own ghostly devil arm he inherited from you, and smashes your head in with a mass-produced imitation that has ten times the destructive power. As your failing body falls, you see him kickflip shouting, "Let's get airborne!" and the last things you hear are the revving of his sword (which in itself is an insult to everything you've ever believed) and Dante pissing himself with laughter. No motivation now. Just sleep.

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Everyones really just waiting for Bloody Palace, threads will pick back up then

He stood far away from the fight, efficient but not cool.


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That's basically what Gilver did to Dante in the novel.

>accidentally propose to a girl because you think it's a food
>10 years later she still wants you and you run off to be happily married innawoods
If only.

>dear diary

V is such a strangely expressive character. I don't even get why he looks so smug half the time.

>unga rabies

She's trying too hard to look cute and quirky, that's why.


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At least the artist had some decent taste and didn't give her all those white thrash tattoos.

Why is nero biting V's hand?

>I don't even get why he looks so smug half the time.
>when you're literally dying but need to keep that "mysterious and cool" attitude and fuck up badly

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EZ mode: Use Faust
Stylish mode: Learn royal guard

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You don't even need overture for that. Just stagger him and do a buster breakage. This alone literally melts him to like 1 HP. After that let him do his strafing run and grab him mid flight. Easiest S rank in my life.

I want to punch her in her ugly fucking face so bad.

>V is such a strangely expressive character
He is pure condensed humanity.

He's trying to rev V up.

>slight abs yet a soft fat stomach

Is humanity autistic


Not having low body fat?
I'm just taking a shot in the dark I have no fucking clue how physique works

-First phase: Bait him into long range mode by starting a combo, stopping, then sticking close to him. He'll teleport away then start using Summoned Swords. Spam Royal Guard against them, the timing is relatively easy. If he throws a Judgement Cut at you it's the same timing anyway, but deals more damage/builds more meter.
Do that until you can fully fill up your Sin DT and regular DT meter. It'll keep you in SSS rank for ages so that pretty much takes care of your mission ranking there and then. If need be, use regular DT to recover health you've lost, then build back up the meter for...

-Phase 2: Once you combo Vergil's ass (not hard, just do an aerial attack on him when he does his launcher move and style on him), he shifts to Sin DT mode. Just dodge everything until he starts going into jet mode.
THEN, you have two options: 1- if you're fast enough, Sin DT RIGHT as he teleports to the center of the room or 2- wait until he's doing a lap of the ring and transform as he divebombs you, then hammer square as he starts to fly. This will knock him out of DT and leave him vulnerable for Luce (R2). When you're almost out of DT, do that Square+Triangle super combo. That alone should be enough to knock him into...

-Phase 3: Charge up Sin DT a second time, might mean dodging and building up extra DT before you can. Again, just dodge. Maybe shoot the Doppelganger until he dies if you're brave. Then you use the R2 attack again, and square+triangle at the last moment.

If that doesn't kill him, hit him with the Royal Release you've built up. That will kill him dead.

Obv. don't die or use continues, and the S rank is yours.

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That's a lot more than many of us have, user. Feel pride in that.

I thought Nico had a crush on Nero

Y'all devils take the survey yet? I guess Capcom learned their lesson.

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She has a crush on everybody

Summoner Patty DLC when?

How do you do the secret move with DKA


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You're a dumb faggot if that's all you got from reading what I said.

Get gunslinger lvl3 iirc and hold B

Why are people so sure she is Kyrie and not some other female character?

what secret move?

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why is everyone such a fucking nerd in this game

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If shes Lucia i will eat 3 pizzas in less than 2 minutes

And if she is Nero's mom?

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That and a poor workout routine

That just does multiple twins, is there no other inputs?

The one where he stabs a Kalina Ann into the ground and leaves you with just 1 regular Kalina Ann to use

Wide hips + upper ab exercises (crunches) only.

Hold the shoot button, sorry i confused

He meant hold down the actual input that switches to GS for a moment, not the style button.

Bloody Palace official trailer will be uploaded 4 hours from now, about 2 minutes long and no it's not going to be an April fools trailer.

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Ah fuck, i though he was talking about the laser move. Sorry

Thanks user


>and no it's not going to be an April fools trailer

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Has anyone tried looking for other secret moves? There must be more.

So BP drops two days from now on, right?

Why did you even bother to save this retarded reddit-tier nonsensical wet dream of a post?

that's the dumbest shit I've read today

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Until now, we only found that if you hold RB + LB + RT + LT we unlock short haired trimmed Dante, hope there's one secret code for Devil Bringer Nero too

Because there's a minimal chance it's real

>got a load of free Red Orbs
>immediately spent them all on extra Breakers because I didn't want to unbalance the game for my first playthrough
>now I'm trying to earn enough Orbs to get the Ex Taunts

Holy fuck why are they so expensive?

Didn't someone say the same thing unlocks cracked V?


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>Because there's a minimal chance it's real
You are a fucking idiot. Or just baiting by pretending to be retarded.

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Does nico have a crush on nero?
She makes the flirting comments and insults him. But when he walks away she has a sigh of relief, as if she almost tried to call him flirtatious to avoid seeming flirty herself.

Very carefully

those 100k red orbs are nothing
I sure hope you're using dr.faust in mission 13 to farm

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kiss tummy

That's classic tsundere behavior for me, i do think she has a crush on Nero, but she also has a crush on Dante, Lady, Kyrie so idk

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It's an incentive to use real money to pay for red orbs.

I do but at the end of the day you realize that it's not actually that nice and you'd much rather have someone you really like than fwb.

Pretty sure that one was because she nearly fucking died and was just a sigh after putting on a cool face

>when you fuck up the timing on bustering Vergil's flying attack

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I really think those wings are weird, it doesn't fit his DT look. They should have made it more angelical like Credo or Bianco/Alto Angelos

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Nico just wants to fuck.

>no tattoos

They did say that but they were wrong. They likely tried it on mission 14 where cracked V is the default, if you try it in the void or any other mission it's just normal V.

She is a good girl and know he love only Kyrie but when he flirted with her as joke she still wet her panties.

Lmao I was listening to numa numa and the ma ya hi part fit perfectly for this webm

Find the link on the DMC5 twitter.
Rate my comment:
The cut scenes sometimes lacked a sense of excitement or energy.
Too many characters meant the plot lost its focus. Too many concurrent plot threads vying for attention/screen time.
Every character was unique, interesting and cool in their own way.

Itsuno and Matt will surely take my opinion to heart and proceed with it in mind.

o i c

>Morrison says RSVP, never heard it before
>look it up
>it literally means "please respond"

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She does wear bras

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I did a run of it once, but it'd take so many runs I'm not going to bother. The idea of grinding in DMC is insane to me.

She sighs because she nearly hit him with the van and drove herself off a cliff you fucking donut.

2anime4me desu.

>there are PC players who still didnt download the nude mods for Trish, Lady and Nico

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We need DMC2 remake. I want some more Dante in between his youth and current old fart boomer meme Dante. I know that remakes are ubiquitous right now, but 2 is barely playable garbage and must be replaced with something actually great since it was released half baked.

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don't call him a donut you fuck be nice

I didn't because my kids plays the game too

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You've never been invited to anything?

how to use fork power move with V on pc? I need to rotate the mouse? lol

i won't get the mods until the whole fucking gang can be butt naked

Hold gunslinger button, the d pad

Shut up dummy.

The path is clear to rule.


Donguris Nero is kind of shit desu (at least compared to others, his Dante is alright but it kinda feels like he's not putting too much effort into learning the new shit, His V is straight ass lmao

I would love to hide and wait when she's alone in room with some black guy, she would kneel to blow him. Then I would jump out and kill them both with shotgun.

Any mods for shirtless Vergil or Dante? I'm asking for a friend.

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use the fluffy manager, you can turn the mods on and off

Capcom (and maybe Japan in general) view remakes as a way to honour an original. If you watch the RE2 roundtable talks, it's not about improving or fixing, it's about paying homage to something they see as great and want to try and bring to a new audience. DMC2 remake won't happen, because no-one sees it like that. Everyone involved would prefer it buried and forgotten, and that's that.

Not in English.

Capcom's social media pages.

my game is a pirate copy, I'll be able to play bloody palace? :(

fuckin' knew griffon was a homo

What do you call Nico's top? A cropped sleeveless jacket? Is there a shorter term for it?

>places 2 before 4 on the timeline
>adds literally nothing except a continuity error where Dante could apparently Sin/Majin DT prior to 5

I don't understand why they bothered. 2 should just be remade and set after 5.

I mean you're right but i will kms before making a s*cial media account

You've been able to play Bloody Palace for at least a week now.

Have you even played the series prior to 5 lol

Don't be silly, he is asking for Shadow, who is a she and can't talk.

I Want to poke the tummy button

You don't need an asocial media account, i don't have one i just grabbed the link on their twitter page.
I rated the music as bad, i'm sorry anons i betray.

>feedback is just cutscenes and plot and story

>Replayan DMC3
>Go for Royal Guard this time around
>Suck massive dick at Royal Guard
>End up not using it except for very rare occassions that I remember when a hit is gonna land
>Master jumping and rolling instead
In theory I can now go for Gunslinger or Swordmaster but I've never given a fuck about them, I also like the massive damage royal release does.

Is there a reason why Donguri always royal guards midair? Is there a bigger guard window or something?

Think that one's a crop top.

how? I didnt find any link to download the game with the dlc included
sorry my low iq

When you aren't being vague you are contradicting yourself.

My only comment was that DH is fine as a default difficulty but SoS should have also been selectable in a new game.

Its just Tameem man

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>Is there a reason why Donguri always royal guards midair?
>Is there a bigger guard window or something?


Shadow is called a he in the tutorials

but the wings literally make it angelic tho

Jump iframes into the rg kinda gurantees the block. Avoids bullshit

All cats are female.
Have you ever seen a cat penis?

Thanks for your comment on my comment, can you teach me how to make better points ?

The gameplay is stellar, there is nothing to improve it's excellent. The only thing left are the other parts.

bigger guard window + the jump has iframes so it's similar to using shuffle as nero to parry; you instantly transition from iframes -> attack frames (or iframes -> gaurd frames for guarding in the air)

style switching has a cooldown

And yet its played by a chick in live action cutscenes, and Matt called it a she. Maybe Shadow, being a special type of demon, can change gender?

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>Play Dante
>Fun, varied movesets, all weps feel complete, can choose how many I want to bring, SDT allows constant abuse of DDT at S or higher, everything he does is satisfying and strong, no aspect feels underpowered, he feels complete as a character no matter what you bring

>Play Nero
>Have to tediously pick up breakers off the floor, can only bring his two weps, to compensate for this everything he fucking does is more broken than Datne perfectly abusing his best attacks with SDT DDT constantly. just absolutely shits outs damage constantly for free while shitting out damage for free while shitting out damage for free. Still ultimately feels satisfying, though, and stylish

>Play V
>Press 2 buttons 5 miles from the enemies

v was a mistake

Shadow is a tranny fag?

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250 words couldnt express what I wanted to say and just left a thank you note at the end for making DMC5 and DmC is not the last Devil May Cry ever made

it takes less than an hour to get enough for one taunt with fully upgraded faust using the follow up attack of hat trick or mad hatter
you'll also get lots of orbs just by doing the higher difficulties especially if you incorporate faust into dante's missions

More like gender fluid, a Shadow demon has no true form and can manipulate it with ease.

There's a pure BP trainer but it's not complete since the DLC will have 4gb

What’s their favourite character

I said I think it surpasses the rest of the series in all other fields except story and visual level design, and that it loads too slow on the PS4 but looks very fucking nice for it.

Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed an increase in pop-in the longer they've played? I've even gotten it in a few levels where it never happened before, most noticeably part of the church roof just before you fight Goliath.

I mean 250 characters* fuck

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>Tfw no cute Shadow demon gf

They really like Dante and Nero Just like me

>play the game in the most boring way possible
>feel bored


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Do I lose anything from torrenting this game?
Any online features?

i think is safe to say that Nico is a cray CUHRAYZEEE Nympho

mission 7 and 13 online, bloody palace online, other than that nothing really other than losing your dignity from pirating


Who can stop him lads?

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So if Vergil wasn't so obsessed with POWER and MOTIVATION. We would have a Vergil who is more into poetry, doing silly classical music and dance taunts?

>losing your dignity from pirating
Fuck single-player games with microtransations, get fucked. All you did was tell Capcom its perfectly fine for them to shove them into every single game they make going forward.

Weapon break mec-
>looks at Nero
Never mind. The madmen did it and did it right.

Missions multiplayer system
Possibly Bloody Palace COOP

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>Didn't buy any of the microtransactions
>Somehow supported them

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It is ok. This is a battle that's already been lost. You aren't a righteous crusader, you just don't want to pay.

Just imagine Dante's shop but with a grand piano and record player pumping Beethoven instead of a drumkit and jukebox pumping buttrock.

>Put microtransactions in single-player game
>Game sells really well anyway
>Continue to put microtransactions in single-player games

Its okay to like DMC5

Its not okay to defend microtransactions, in ANY game

>other than losing your dignity from pirating
Not counting Civ and XCOM, haven't pirated a game in like 8 years.
And I would buy it if based CAPCOM put a proper regional price in my 3rd world country instead of slapping 60$ price tag on all their new releases.
Made me skip MHW, skip RE2 and maybe skipping DMC.
Same goes for SEGA and their beyond fucking retarded 75$ price tag on Valkyria Chronicles 4.

But i didn't even knew it had MTX before lurking these threads

Enjoy games as a service and games that disappear forever, then.

Just don’t buy it lol

Show me your Steam, GOG or physical library. I know you don't have one because you for some reason have a strong feel to justify pirating a game.

>Capcom tells Itsuno there have to be orb microtransactions
>he adds in a weapon that earns 20 dollars worth of MT orbs in about 5 minutes
>faggots like you still complain

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The moar you know

If everyone said
>We don't like microtransactions
Instead of
>lol who cares XD
We maybe wouldn't have so many games that features them.

Games as a service and games that are literal treadmills for cosmetics is where we're heading.

Is this pic related scene?

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why are nerds under the impression that everyone is a lesbian?

I love mission 13, still fuck these useless orbs, I have like 80 or something now.

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Nero puffy bussy

>If everyone said
>>We don't like microtransactions
>Instead of
>>lol who cares XD
>We maybe wouldn't have so many games that features them
user, that would require people besides you to care.

We don't.

To forgo buying the entire package because one part of it is rotten is nonsense. Fact of the matter is the rest of the game is (arguably) fantastic, with nearly 5 years of extremely difficult work behind it, and there's no real justification for pirating the game other than just accepting that you're a scumbag that doesn't want to pay.

Yeah man, its just horse armor, you don't HAVE to buy it :^) Not like it'll lead to actual content being locked behind paid DLC! Nope! We won't end up with $50 season passes that actually finish the game, no siree!

Stop giving these mice fucking cookies. If more people were vocal about not liking them we might have fewer of them. You're part of the problem, enjoy your streamed games as a service.

Huh, no-one made a Nero with infinity gauntlet breaker shitpost yet.

The problem with micros is that they got us all by the balls. If you buy DMC5 you implicitly support these practices and your other choice is not play DMC5 which sucks, thankfully one can pirate DMC5 but for other games sometimes it's not possible and we're fucked. They collectively put their testicles on the table and went deal with it. We go their way or no way. Fuck these greedy assholes.

Cause fetish.

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Sorta, but with the middle person being a total bitch.

I'm certainly going to have to if that's my only option to play new games.
I can't make my own.

>still throwing around the bullshit "they lock content behind DLC!" line when DLC content is always made post-gold with extra funds
You're a child

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Because i want to masturbate, also Lady isn't lesbian and Nico fucks both man and woman

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His balls have finally dropped and it's showing.

Exactly, you're allowing treadmills for microtransactions to become the new standard business model for traditional games.

Get fucked, you're the problem, I guarantee you said the same shit about DLC too.

yeah man like that 50 dollar Bloody Palace expansion

Oh wait...

Definitely no universally true, games like Marvel vs Capcom Infinite provided an absolute shit-tier roster that was padded out afterwards with characters that were already IN THE STORY MODE at launch

>had to give it a 2 on the enemy design question

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Your voice doesn't fucking matter as long as people are ready to pay.

>The problem with micros is that they got us all by the balls

Because people like this
Dropped their pants and said "grab away"

Real talk, I would UNIRONICALLY eat her shit if she ordered me to.
Why the fuck is the male brain so weak to those fucking thots, bros? FUCK.

didn't someone find a special nero chewing gum taunt that gave you 2 hp bars back and could only be used once?

I have ~28 Steam games, half of which were gifts or free. Steam is basically just Dark Souls 1/2/3 for me.

But DMC5 has the best enemy design in the whole series

I gave it a 1, I hate the look of the enemis in this game especially the empusa

You know all you have to do is just support the indie scene. Modern AAA games aren't going to exist without extra financing unless we go back to PS2 era hardware due to how expensive develepment is for optimally using new hardware. Not that I mind that to be honest though, I still play PS2 games and enjoy them.

the point is that they're not fun to fight

user, you don't get it. You're in the minority.

People don't care that DLC and MTs exist. THEY LIKE THEM. People like extra content in a game without waiting for a sequel. People like being able to substitute their money for their time. If they didn't like it they wouldn't buy it.

Literally the only MTs that are a problem are in games designed to addict .1% of the population and siphon money from them like a crackhead

I buy indie games I like, Axiom Verge is one of the best games I finally got around to playing last year. Cuphead was great too, looking forward to getting it on the Switch.

I've got the picture but I'm not creative enough to write a shitpost similar to trishposting.

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They're better than Blitz, Chess fuckers, Fallen etc

That's not really a secret, it's once per mission and you get it for beating Nero's post-credits sequence.

Crash can't happen soon enough

Games are slowly turning into literal skinnerbox mobile bullshit and everyone eats it up

>Struggling through Hell and Hell without bitching out with Super costume or abusing Dr. Faust
Mission 12 is going to be the death of me

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>implying you don't already do that on a daily basis

3 more hours

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no enemy comes close to the angelos though


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Nico isn't a lesbian, but the hints of her being bi aren't subtle. She thinks Kyrie is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen and says she can call her "bitch", she drops spaghetti around Dante and Nero, and she makes a show of denying checking out Lady which means she obviously did.

It's useless telling them that since they don't mind having they balls crushed. Spurring rebellion is useless, only rebellion will accomplish something and that doesn't happen until things have already gotten irreparably bad..

It’s easier if you only do 4 of the 9 hits since it lets you do it from muscle memory. Trying to shit out all 9 hits requires mashing (or split second timing) and trying to knuckle and Max-Act with precise timing while also furiously pressing Y is impossible.

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Hahahaha, oh holy shit you can't be fucking serious

The market is fully developed with well-entrenched players who have decades of funds in the war chest, it's literally impossible for the games market to collapse outside of a total economic meltdown/apocalypse.

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I love how many dumbasses interpreted that scene to mean she likes nero. Ignoring the fact she drove straight down a fucken hill and barely stopped the car before leaping off to her death.

But a crash would require you to make normies abandon the console and AAA publishing oligopoly. The fastest way to get to that these days according to the people around me would be shilling gacha, since most of my normie friends who stopped paying for MTX console games are diverting their console money into mobile trash.

Visually they're all fuckin lizards with like 2 or 3 exceptions. Speaking in terms of gameplay, many of them are very similat, barely attack you, or are annoying to deal with (not as annoying as 3's cancerous enemies, mind you)

>it's not complete
Is it? On 81 stage right now, everything works fine.

The "Oh my gawd" part was she spazzing for Nero imo

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3 more hours until what?

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Full nude is shit. Now, Lady all nude but keeping all her leather stuff on, that i would download.

Just noticed that DT Vergil has a spike on his tail. Shame he doesn't have attacks with it.

don't fuck with me

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Of course I'm not fucking serious. But AAA bullshit can absolutely get too big and implode, forcing it to return to some level of normalcy. They can't keep pushing for more and larger profits every year, they'll reach a saturation point.

The way AAA games make money is now through micropurchases, they generate as much or more revenue than actual game sales for some of the bigger publishers now, and its fucking cancer.

But it doesn't have the multiplayer or Divergence mode

Don't listen "CRASH IS COMING" retards. They don't listen to reason. They are braindead fucking retarded and need to be ignored.

>Halve to play the char like a retard to make him fun
>The others are fun literally no matter how you play them

Dmc 6 :(

Until Dan spoils DLCs or DMC6

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oh, the AMA? where is it going to be livestreamed?

Aren't Divergence and Co-op open after completing BP?

Naked V mod's completion

It depends on the nature of the DLCs and MTX. I love Devil May Cry 5 so I forgive it its publisher-driven transgressions, but the day-1 mini DLCs and Red Orb MTX are honestly legitimate bullshit.

On the other hand, Bloody Palace is coming as a free update and I’d have been happy to pay for it, since it represents a meaningful addition of content above and beyond the (IMO already complete) base game. If the promise of more of my money keeps Itsuno and co. working for the next year to bring me more playable characters, more weapons, more missions, etc., then that’s good.

DLC isn’t pure evil and it hasn’t been since way back when it was called “expansion packs”. The problem is what developers decide it’s appropriate to charge for.

getting read as a trojan, will just wait until april 1st lmao

>Not wanting actual, real games to become skinnerbox mobile garbage is retarded

Stadia sounds like its right up your alley, seeing as how you seem perfectly fine with games as a service taking over. Enjoy having your games disappear forever because they're streamed server-side while end-users have zero control or input. Because that's where this is going, complete with micro-payments in every single fucking game like its on your goddamned smartphone.

I'm sorry, user

>It depends on the nature of the DLCs and MTX
Exactly, i don't mind story campaign DLCs, but treating Mods as paid MTX like Skyrim tried to do is fucking bullshit

Stadia is already a failure, it will not live

>DLC isn’t pure evil
No, but microtransactions are. There is no "good" way to implement them, they are by their very nature harmful to core game design, the publisher is far too incentivized to focus on game modes and features that help sell them because they're absurdly profitable.

Microtransactions are starting to make more money than actual game sales for some big western publishers. They're just going to keep pushing it further and further, releasing more online-only, mutliplayer games that are little more than treadmills for them, like petty much any mobile game. Its the exact same business model, doesn't matter if they're cosmetic or what.

I've been unironically enjoying the motivational Vergil stuff on twt. It's weirdly wholesome.

I think Blitz is fine for the most part.

I feel the same way about Nero's new hair. Quality of the mod aside, 5Nero just looks wrong with long hair or his hair from DMC4 now.

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Can understand there are bit too many lizards for my taste.

>So this is what they call a heartwarming family reunio-
>No it's, go away brother.

Attached: Go way brother.jpg (1920x1080, 678K)

The only thing stopping it is the fact that the US absolutely does not have the infrastructure to support it and likely won't for years and years to come. Uses 20GB an hour and requires a top-tier connection to be considered barely playable.

Maybe its all Google's plan to force ISPs to finally make some changes in that regard. They cockblocked Google's attempt to do fiber across the country, perhaps Google thought if they create this platform that doesn't work people would get pissed at their ISPs and demand better service. But obviously that won't happen.

She is literally panicking before nero interrupts her, are you just pretending to be retarded...?

you guys seem weirdly upset over this lol

We just need V voice actor

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The only lizards are Furies, Chaos and Riots nigga
>Death Scissors
>Hell Caina
>Hell Judecca
>Hell Antenora
Wow look at all these fucking lizards

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>Hated the King Cerb theme at first
>Now that stupid fucking rave song is growing on me and I can't get it out of my head

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>rave song

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>guns have finite ammo
>guns now do decent damage + small boost to rank
>air juggling capabilities reduced, max of two shots on the same enemy, any more makes them fall down + reduces rank

dont worry user, he was just parroting something he heard on a lets play

Riots are like niggas attack in groups and succer punch you and do massive damage when they dt while tanking a lot, i legit dont understand how do people stand them give me juddecabros instead

Mission 05's very first battle in Hell and Hell is going to make me go absolutely gorilla.

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>Faded Tone "C"

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r8, don't h8

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They stagger super easy, just juggle them or faust pull them

Which one, the lizard tunnel?

cancel the KA beam with quad S

Damn dude what the fuck did this guy do to you?!

Bretty good user. DSD is so fucking overpowered, the amount of shit you can pull off with it is insane.

>you will never be an Angelo who awakes to justice after getting your ass kicked by two autistic half-demons arguing which toppings to put on which pizza
>you will never pick yourself back up and tell them that the patrician choice is ___________ and _____.

Absolutely be sure to use Nightmare so they all focus him. And don't be afraid to bitch out and camera cheese to make it so they stop spidermanning and diving all over the walls.

He said Trish was best girl.


Since it's at the very start you only have 3 dt bars. Reading is out of the question, and jump cancelling air cane attacks to build meter is risky as fuck.

I somehow lucked out on my new attempt and go through but fuck if I didn't spend a good 20 minutes here.

I'll keep this in mind for the S rank run, thanks.

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Bullshit maybe the first one but the rest 9 will dt and stop staggering they wouldnt be shit if the game didint throw min 5 at a time

>3 Scissors and a Fury in one room

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I constantly forget about Quad S being a thing. I'll have to keep that in mind. I'm still learning Dante though, so I often drop my spaghetti hard when I get to the end of combos because I kind of forget what I was doing.

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Satsuki and Ryuko?

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its easily one of the dumbest encounters in the franchise

On DMD this is the room where I caved in and used my first and only revive.
Went back to it afterwards to do it legit and I just used SDT to oneshot the fury, it's easy afterwards

>Diabolical Incantation (Chaotic Ver.)

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I wish I was OG enough to work with Sparda/Rebellion, but I like the summoned swords and QoL change for aerial rave too much.

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>bought the deluxe upgrade because of gerbera gp1 and cavaliere r
>live action cutscenes are just sweaty chinks jumping around on fart-stained styrofoam blocks
>new unlocked songs are cool but don't fit as well as the original themes for 5
>every breaker besides gp1 is kinda bad
>announcements are cool, but don't make the whole package worth so much
>the price for everything is retarded

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Kek, I didn't know there was a continuation for that.

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What is Quad S?

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Hey at least you got the pre-viz cutscenes.

Any tips for S ranking M18?
I suck at Royal Guard.

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>Sparda and Rebellion are now avalable to use
is there a better feeling than throwing that hot turd DSD into storage and forgetting about it

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Allows you to use SDT for a few seconds for free when you're at SSS rank, also removes the animation that normally happens for SDT.

That's why i use Rebellion mod for DSD

Does she really check out Lady during that scene?

>Undeniable Fate (Rush Percussion Ver.)

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5 seconds of free Sin DT when you're at SSS in combat.

My headset died DMCbros, should i get Razer Kraken Essential or HyperX Cloud Stinger?

I wish I was competent at DMC. I can't even switch styles seamlessly without thinking about it and sometimes forget to switch back, so I'm constantly in Swordsman all the time, just going for move after move on a single, maybe 2 weapons in a string. JC only helps if I spam aerial rave like a retard, otherwise I either overshoot it or move slightly to the side so the enemy just flops on the ground while I embarrass myself.
I like this game but knowing I will always be garbage makes me not even bother.

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>Give that pillow to me.
>No way, you got your own.
>Well I want yours too.

>Blazing Muscle

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How about you buy an actual headset and not some devil arm artifact from underworld?

He's a rather smug little shit all around, but yeah he is expressive. That's what made me like him, because it's also a slightly more subtle subversion to what I think most people would expect him to act like--which is, grumpy or gloomy, never smirking and definitely not ever reading poetry in the middle of battle.

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Was I the only one who initially thought that Goliath will become friendly after his fight for some reason?

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How hard do you have to style on Vergil for the lyrics mix of Silver Bullet to play?

god that is such a fucking redneck looking hat i need it

Not getting hit feels like the only other way if you aren't going to farm style with RG. Some tips for the fights on SoS and DMD:

Be sure to equip Cav (either one) for the mission because it's really good at knocking them into core state.

For chicken fight, spend the beginning of the fight just dashing with trickster. He does two (might actually be three, I forget) volleys of those tiny shots. They don't stagger, but they will ruin a no damage run. After the second (or third) volley, he'll do the charged lightning that's like columns. You can dash around it or just use air trick to teleport to chicken, hit him twice with Cav in the air and he should go into core form. For maximum efficiency, you should probably switch to Balrog, ignite, and Real Impact the core for damage. When he comes out of core, he'll be unstaggerable and do his circular AoE shock attack. It has two reverberations on it, so don't get tricked and go back too early. If you're attacking him in the air, one air or ground trickster dash should put you out of range so you can shoot him with guns or whatever after the second tick on the shock. He'll fly off after this attack before stopping to do some other pattern. As soon as he gets done flying, air trick over to him and hit him with Cav again. With this basic loop, you can take him out pretty quick and he shouldn't get to attack aside from the first volley of attacks and the counter shock he does after regenerating from core form.

For catto, the rocket launcher almost always makes him stagger on hit, so use KA or Dual KA a lot. I don't really have much advice for his various patterns except that when he regens from core state, he always does the buzz saw move into porcupine, the big spiky bush move. So as soon as he gets back up from core form, trickster the fuck out of there and go back to pelting him with KA from a distance.

When you're fighting both, it's just like both fights combined, except catto spawns first.

this also the constant character switching during the campaign doesn't help

i beat sos a week ago and im only now getting to the dante missions on dmd and i'm so out of practice it feels like im back to square 1

You need to do the buster where Nero slams Vergil and his clone together

Phantom is

A. Going to show up in a future DLC.
B. Being ignored out of respect for Bayonetta.
C. Not here because Itsuno doesn't like him.


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You just need to headslam him with his clone.

Why would you want to be friends with a knuckle dragging fart in the wind?

D. Going to be killed in the V manga so we stop asking for him

>switch from trickster to swordmaster
>still using trickster
Anyone else know this feel

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the difference in age going on here is an underrated and unseen compelling argument yet to be made i feel

isn't Mary technically nearly twice Nicoletta's age given her first appearance when Dante was a teenager in 3?

>Used Trickster exclusively in 3.
>Use pretty much everything but Trickster in 5.
All I use it for is to teleport towards an enemy sometimes. I spend 90% of my time in RG or Swordmaster.

>switch to balrog in the air mid combo
>its in the leg mode

>beat Urizen in the prologue
>beat the game
>return it to the store

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Holy tism

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They're both adults, you probably would have your eyes glued to a mid 40s man getting changed in front of you.

>taunt all the time as V
>get to SSS
>boss one hit kills me in the middle of it

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I like hulking retard demons for some reason. Although it would actually be dumb for it to happen.

yeah that's cool and all, but where are we going to be able to watch it though

two hours until what?

Coordinating that song to your fight is the hardest thing in the franchise. It is the ultimate expression of style. You need to do the proper buster at the right point in the song and lame out the fight to sync the rest.

ama with the VA of vergil

I take that as C.
Phantom was my favorite and I'm butthurt Vergil doesn't remember him.


Yea Forums sings crimson cloud when?

Stop making me hope dan will spill something.

>yfw Vergil's dick is as long as a sniper rifle and is shaped like a sniper rifle


When chicken joins the fight, just focus on him with the same strategy as the first fight, using your camera to keep catto away as best as possible. He can be pretty annoying, teleporting to you while you're damaging chicken's core.

In the last fight, play like a huge baby whenever Nightmare is on the field. He'll constantly shoot lasers and teleport smash toward you, making hitting the other two without interruption really hard. You can tell he's about to leave when the sky brightens. Likewise, you can tell when he's about to spawn when the sky darkens. When the sky darkens, trickster dash like crazy around because he'll aim for you in comet form. Confirmed in DMD, seemed less like aiming for you in SoS. There may be a sound cue for this, but I had game audio off.

Another thing to note is that when Nightmare is about to disappear, so the sky brightens and he melts away, after the initial disappearance, so every disappearance after that, he'll try to sucker punch you by popping out of the ground where you're standing before actually going away. Again, just dash to avoid this.

After Nightmare's gone, the fight is basically just like the second fight, but they stay in core form way longer. Once you take one out, Nightmare should spawn in. If you're really looking for efficiency here and don't mind cheese, this is where you're going to be using Faust.

After Nightmare comets in, he'll disappear. He'll go to one of two places on the map, one near the big swirly vortex and one near the entrance to the arena, and recall Griffon and Shadow. As soon as he disappears, put on Faust and switch to Gunslinger. When he reappears, immediately start channeling the meteor attack. Wait until it gets fully charged and then begins draining red orbs rapidly before letting it drop. It should take out all 3 on SoS easily, probably leave just Nightmare on DMD.

Once you turn Nightmare into core form, he doesn't turn back, so just mop it up.

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Because they're still just flat textures.

Artichoke and Anchovies.

Not really, he just have that typical arrogant dumb demon DMC loves using, shouting "MUAHAHAHA I'M A BIG DEMON AND YOU'RE JUST A PUNY HUMAN WHAT CAN YOU DO- OH SHIT!"

not him but livestream will be at 3PM ET, not 12PM. he's just referring to a Bloody Palace """trailer"""

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What's all that shit at the bottom of the image?

>Torrent the game because unemployed and budgeting
>Quit after mission 10 because the game is too good and the team deserves to be paid
I didn't know I could feel this feeling

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Shipfags are a cancer that kill threads.

*maniacal laughter* -> "Oh shit!" -> *sudden, painful death* describes the villain arc of 3/4 of Capcom antagonists. They have a type.

>mfw those hashtags

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Good games are a beautiful thing.

>cuts his kid's arm off when he tries to snatch some junk food


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would be down

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>vergil tease in bloody palace trailer
Do it capcom

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Fury with anything more than 1v1 is pretty tough, even 1 Fury with meterless V because he likes changing targets often. Bitch go after my cat damnit.

Would also be down.

Is there a list of all the breakers’ move names?

How can one man be so based ?

i feel like demo nero was more fun than in game nero

postgame nero just has way too much shit and way too many ways to stay in the air and enemies on SoS+ have too much health for the basic breaker attacks to be worth using, if people never played the demo and just got the full game we would probably have never seen the interesting gerbera/punchline play from the demo

actually comparing this game with previous dmc games just makes me think less is more


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Why do you faggots even exist?

Nah, just remember the best time to ghost punch is between hitting the attack button and max-act

I think that's why they restricted Nero from being able to switch arms freely, that much at his disposal at once would make him too much of a clusterfuck to be fun

What are the chances that I fuck this up?

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In addition to vital stars and devil stars, there are now style stars that increase your current style when consumed.

dan seems to really love vergil, he even has him as his profile picture.

>tfw would organize it but the last time i did i had 15+ people say they would submit and only got 3 even with advertising

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Vergil remembers him. Meta reason is probably the fact a shapeshifting dumb tub catto is more appealing to the general public than a giant burning spider scorpion, but the story reason is V had to tame the nightmares to get their help and while Griffon was pretty noble, Shadows are fairly neutral, and Nightmare is just an unfeeling bioweapon, Phantom was a screaming lava asshole who hated Sparda and everything related to him and in his mind that's not a guy V can really win over to his side.

depends on if you do more than just mash buttons like a tard

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>Only use trickster/gerbera on select encounters on DH/SoS mostly using swordmaster for movesets and some rocket spam stuff
>Get to DMD
>Mostly using trickster/gerbera at all times and switching to swordmaster for Balrog unga damage.

Im not a stylish man but I could sorta style at almost all times outside of Vergil on SoS but DMD brought out the safety man in me.

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If Vergil is a poetry nerd with a stick up his ass, does that mean Nero is so unga bunga cause of his mom?


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Go for it, champ

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where is the bloody palace trailer?

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Jump cancel before the last hit knocks them away

Juggle them with Faust or E+I if you lose them and just teleport up to them

Also double kalina Ann's gunslinger move knocks enemies directly below you straight up, so if you end up right you were comboing, (like with rainstorm, same button) do that

nero was very vergil-like in 4

I doubt that they were worrying about what would be generally appealing and easy to digest, considering Cavaliere exists, It's more likely that they couldn't find a way to implement him gameplay wise. I think he could work as a 2nd DT he could choose from over Nightmare but I guess they just didn't think of that or couldn't make it work

I've played all the way through DMD, and mission 18 is still the only fucking mission on any difficulty that I have a C on.

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Maybe in his attitude towards people, but not so much when you look at his fighting style. Vergil was always classy, whereas Nero was known for literally smashing with Red Queen like a madman.


I played like a total coward and made it. Thank god I never have to touch this mission and its lizards again.

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link or you're a faggot

We'll definitely be seeing a lot more from the breakers, people are still just figuring shit out for them while at the same time juggling all his other new mechanics and all of Dante's new shit too. I mean it took like three days before people started figuring out and talking about Rawhide pulling Malphas, and that was something shown in the trailers. Punchline and Tomboy especially will shine, mark my words.

Underrated, and very irritating post. Never say this again.

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None. You got this, bro.


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>retarded children only capable of thinking in black and white
Don't forget to tell us how intellectually superior you are for pirating a fucking videogame.

Oh my fucking god, even to this day I still can't believe the hashtag PapaVergil is a real thing.

What a time to be alive.

>Trying to no hit Vergil on HaH without Royal Guard to get that S-Rank

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hunger meter

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Congrats. I haven't made it to H&H yet, does the judecca show up?

im not so sure

people in the demo videos were using the breakers almost like styles from dmc3 whereas most of the high level combos i've seen from nero players since the launch of the game involve cycling through different breakers constantly and in particular involve using the breakaway move for momentum which is undeniably impressive but it makes all the combos start to blend together

also we have the void now whereas in previous games you saw people in bloody palace/missions 1&2 of dmc3 doing combos against groups of enemies which encouraged different weapons and playstyles for crowd control purposes

Yes it does, but it's an easy kill because there's no one else but the judecca.

Just watch for Gilgamesh' arm though. Don't stand under where they pop or you'll immediately die.

Hence Phantom is shoved in the manga

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>considering Cavaliere exists
The fuck are you talking about? People generally wanting a cute cat pet more than an angry arachnoscorpiasshole pet has nothing to do with whether people think a chainsaw motorbike weapon is awesome. These are inherently different things. There isn't a large population of the world with bikeophobia for a start.

What does vergil have to do with this?


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>especially the empusa
you take that back

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Vergil was given and trained with a katana at a young age, a weapon requiring finesse and discipline. Nero was given and trained with a big fucking sword with a motorbike engine attached to make it explode. Why the fuck do you think his mom has anything to do with it?

empusa more like empussy amirite?

>Nightmare is a bio weapon
Man that’s the coolest shit about it. A biological demonic weapon

the reality is much funnier. Nero was given a regular ass sword and he didn't think it was cool enough, so he modified it by putting an engine on it.

Any webm or video that takes place solely in the void is worthless outside of being for instructional purposes, this should be well-established by now. Just because some people are being fags doesn't mean everyone will be fags forever. And if you want to see more of the breakers, go use them and find stuff out too, be the change you want to see. Have some faith and stop sucking dick.

Nothing, I seem to have hit the time when one shouldn't expect people with sense of humor.
Though Credo does have more finesse, despite having a sword from the same production line.

>switch to balrog in the air mid combo
>it's in punch mode

This is the actual problem

All swords of the Order have engines, Red Queen is unique in that Nero removed the limiter, giving it more power but putting himself in danger of injuries cause he can heal better than regular knights.

I was there too yesterday.
Said fuck it and blew up the fury with sin dt. The scissors somehow survived but were easy to handle and let me refill sin dt again.

>Slug Nightmare in the manga
>Not in the game

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I have a sense of humour about things that are actually funny, not just random half-baked dummy ramblings.

I wonder what happened to Nero, Credo was the one who taught him everything. I wonder if he would be so unga he can't be taught how to use a spear or a shield or a flail for example. Though maybe he'd feel right at home with a flail.

>Mission 12
>Get DSD
>This looks dumb as hell.
>Stuck using it until I clear Hard Mode
>Wait, where the fuck is Prop?
>Okay, summoned swords. Cool, I guess. Not much for combos, but it's free damage.
>Guess it's not just another Rebellion.
>Check the movelist
>High Times?
>Sure, I guess it's a neat attack name, and it'll do Prop's job
>Round Trips
>Dante's Devil Arm looks like a sword
>My mistake was in assuming it behaved like a sword
>It's actually a gun
>A magical gun that shoots swords
Holy Hell, I love this weapon so much.

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so satisfying

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>Switch to balrog to parry fury
>it’s in kick mode

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All Order swords have engines. Nero looked at it and decided it NEEDED MORE POWER.

>dumbasses can't use either of the two visual clues that exist when switching to Balrog and adapt to the situation if they're too stupid to just remember what mode it was in
This is the actual problem.

Kick mode is better for parrying fury. Flint Wheel is second only to Ice Age.

I swear I’ve started a mission and the first time I use it it’s in kick mode

There's also the option of switching modes before switching out of it. It's two weapons in one.

Nero has a lot of pent up anger, flail would be right up his alley.

I actually had to look this up, turns out I was wrong. I never knew that the regular swords had engines, that seems like such a weird feature to have on a sword of all things.

Are you talking about the breakdance spin? I dunno basic jabs seem to be the best

Both Reuben and Dan love their respective characters, because both of them are mainly stunt actors and they rarely get any major acting roles. So for them it's really fun to finally get some spotlight and not just be "the dude doing the movement".

Bosch I don't think cares about Nero that much, since voice acting is more of a standard gig for him.

I guess if V's tattoos disappear when he summons demens, so do Nico's disappear when she summons dick.

>parry him so hard you immediately send him into his next phase

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I wish one of the breakers was a pile driver or some other pure punch fist

I mean, guns exist, as do giant magical monstrosities that try to eat people.
Having a sword with a hundred-odd Horsepower would go a long way towards fucking up some demon's day.

Flint Wheel is the back+SM backflip kick, has a massive hitbox and tons of i-frames.

Game was kind of a letdown for me:
>journos implied the game would have a bunch of secret weapons
>it's just kalina ann
>no alastor boss or sword
>open ending
>half the game was shown before release
>V was just a plot device
>copy-pasted shit from DmC
>reworked Subhuman is worse
>DMD is too easy

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DMC 5 is kino

the duality of man

>copy-pasted shit from DmC
like what?

>Listening to journos
>Paying mind to every bit of info released pre-launch
>Expecting V to be anything other than a plot device
You only have yourself to blame.

I feel you. Rawhide is the only one that feels like it fills the role of a second melee weapon.
Why can't they give Nero a second weapon? Just give him a lawnmower battle-axe with a rev mechanic. Maximum Unga Bunga.

DS4 controller? It happened to me a few times, I think when it registers a diagonal input it switches to the last one, so if you pressed right and your finger slipped a bit towards up you'll get trickster again.

>journos implied the game would have a bunch of secret weapons
I'm a little mad desu

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>reworked subhuman is worse

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Agnus's idea, Angelos use it to propel themselves across the battlefield.

Whole Eva flashback, style narrator, music build-up the more stylish you get, finishers with the camera close, etc, etc, etc...

>Just give him a lawnmower battle-axe with a rev mechanic. Maximum Unga Bunga.
Let's take a page from 40K's retardation and give him a chainhammer. I think Chain-flails also exist. Chainsaw hammers and chainsaw flails seem very unga bunga to me.

Yeah, rawhide is actually one of my favorites because it acts like a second faster weapon in the same way as dantes balrog, the snatch upgrade is nice too

holy shit, that's neat. deepest lore.

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>open ending
it's for dlc

>V was just a plot device
we got spoiled about him month before the game was announced

All those things are good though, it’s not like they got rid of lock on and taunts

lol none of that were "copy-pasted" and using etc etc etc as points for your argument after naming four things is pathetic.
