"sjw ruined my games"

"sjw ruined my games"
"that character just used a slur, baysed"
"everything mainstream is bad my unpopular medicore game is better than this Normie trash"

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Old game good new game bad

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Ebig sdore STOL muh data and sold it to Chinese government

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those are all unironically true though

SJWs would hate Fino.

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>muh overpriced ecchi kusoge are RUINED

I just hate it when they demand a game to change when they werent interested in playing it the first place and probably wont ever

Sekiro, RE2, and DMC5 are 'normie' but also good.
Also learn to greentext.

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No it's not, you're just a retard

best girl

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Fuck off weebtrash

>"this ugly ass "female" that looks like its been dragged off a chimps' anus the true definition of beauty"
>"you're a sexist if your don't like it"

Based retard

not even fucking close

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Hé is right though.

tranny discord thread

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>"sjw ruined my games"
No doubt about it, censorship, fake outrage, politics, forced diversity and shit are ruining games. Hell, compare Return to Castle Wolfenstein to Wolfenstein: A New Colossus and see for yourself
>"that character just used a slur, baysed"
Yeah that's dumb
>"everything mainstream is bad my unpopular medicore game is better than this Normie trash"
That is mostly true because mainstream vidya is fucking awful and was like that since the PS3/Xbox360 era

When did Yea Forums get so obsessed with trannies? I can understand disliking them, but it feels like people are constantly crying about some discord tranny boogeyman

I miss the show

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this but unironically

Holy fucking based

Wow, that anime looks like generic romcom harem shit.

die tranny

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This but unironically

No real Harem stuff, but everything else is right.


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Basic delusional retards

>tfw joined the discoed tranny server
>tfw no trannies there
>tfw in anons posting tranny surgery pics
>tfw Yea Forums lies.

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I want Fino to laugh at me.

Based and redpilled

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I’m a sjw and I adore her .

Yea Forums and /pol/ loves a good conspiracy theory