Japanese """humor"""
Japanese """humor"""
Based. Weebs eternally BTFO.
lol its funny cos they dance XD
I'll take this over Borderlands 2 humor.
precisely, it's just cringe
I don't get it. From what I can tell she's forced to do a silly dance routine she doesn't want to, in front of people she likely knows. It's embarrassing for her. Probably mildly amusing depending on how much you like the characters.
Go back to resetera, trannycels
>Tranny tries to call others trannies, after realizing the thing it hates the most is what it is.
Honk honk
Stay mad ninceI
>N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N--N-NO U
Fun fact: resetera hates XB2 not because of the game's actual merits, but because it's "cringe" and "creepy". Just like you.
God I wish this game wasn't fucking full price still
repeat """thread"""
>sòycon owner mad
Why eric suddenly returned to this shitposting strategy? Specially now that mods actually kill off these threads?
American """humor"""
california isn't american
japan is the superior culture
Trump won, and so did I
cope with that
Unfortunately it looks like it is.
WTF is that shit??
not after we sink it with nukes
you may fire when ready
What the fuck is in her eye?
> Final Fantasy dies with FFX-2
> FF’s horrible games afterwards proceed to kill the entire RPG genre
> It’s now acceptable for garbage like XB2, Persona 5, FE Fates, Skyrim & Witcher
Was the Enix/SquareSoft merger the worst thing to ever happen to gaming?
what game is that?
drakenshit 3
haha imagine the smell hahaha
don't know
japs seem to just use some kind of randomizer when making new character designs
Persona 5
Haha all their pants fell down, haha isn't that funny, haha.
>Final Fantasy dies with FFX-2
t. never played FFXII
>trannies are still mad over xenoblade 2 being a successful game
I thought trannies loved weeb shit, /lgbt/ is like 99% anime girl pics
And how do you know that, user? Do you go there often? Is there something you want to tell us?
I'm gay
85 % of Resetera’s top 100 RPGs are JRPGs, Xenoblade 2 was in the top 30. If anything JRPGs are Tranny core
Honestly, between retarded humor involving pickles/cock and cringey dances with sexy anime waifus, i'd prefer the cringey jap humor.
GG western trannyforce. Female objectification is still superior to retarded puns.
That's like saying pissing your pants is preferable to shitting your pants.
Well it is.
>are ya winnin son?
What drives a person too shitpost one game for two years? Continually changing his strategy and returning to old ones at random?
people keep replying to him
it is you literal tard
it is
wow dragons have really small peepees
Not anymore in his previous strategy, why you think "japanese humour" spamning suddenly returned?
>pooping my pants would be bad so I'm going to piss my pants instead
How about you do neither?
demon flower that gives her superpowers
Taro has a thing for white haired protagonists with something covering their eye(s)
Stop making these threads you autistic fucking nigger.
tpbp, truest thing I've read in a while.
japanese humor is pretty
That's not what the original post said, idiot.
Nigga you said whether one is preferable than the other.
Do you know how preference works?
13-2 and Lightning Returns was actually fun games.
13 had its ups and down, but I've played worse games. It had a great soundtrack at least.
haha thats funny imagine what if i was under that dragon and like lol it peed on me as a joke you know like humorously and haha imagine what it would smell like
found the mudass tranny spic
Stay seething, Soilentia
i dont play chinese games
japs are truly pathetic, and the people who obsess over their media are even more so
how would you know?
Screencaps on Yea Forums
The story on the left is just as generic and overdone as the one on the right and if you can't see that then you're a retard, and not just that, but one that think's it's smart.
Totally not biased at all
Do you even know what a dystopia is? This shit post is on a whole nother level
"The story is of a dystopian society..."
>weebs dont know what 1984 is
not surprised at all
thats what i thought
>Coerces them with pleasure
It's Brave New World, and Orwell was a hack
Everyone who's been to highschool knows what fucking 1984 is. You're not special, you absolute dweeb.
I dont think they teach it in modern highschools
>1984 is an example of high intellectualism in narrative writing
That shitpost is about brave new world though you mong.
Inb4 lol i was only pretending
1984 is the ultimate "okay I don't actually read books but I know the name of one of the most popular fictional novels in existence so I'm pretty much smarter than everyone here".
It's like bragging about knowing what Pink Floyd is.
>no great suffering, barely the injustice of having pleasures controlled by the government.
You have the intellectual power of a vegan cheese sandwich.
But it does deprive people of their agency and autonomy.
>thinks suffering only comes in the form of boom boom no no violence
You're retarded and a faggot
It seems you don't either, because that description doesn't tie with 1984 at all.
To be fair this entire game was a toilet.
the proles population in 1984 were given basically anything they wanted as far as drugs and porn is concerned to occupy them since they were basically slave labor anyway
It actually is
how many people do you know irl that take advantage of that?
do you not realize how many people on the liberal spectrum just want to sit around and get high all day?
You need both for a dystopia retard.
>loosely categorize the control of pleasure as suffering to fit the dystopian society genre
Unless you're thinking of We Happy Few (an exception to the rule) I'm gonna have to say you're full of shit.
And somehow the lol so randumb show manages to do subtle humor without acting like abunch of faries like most jap "humor"
Do you need to be spoon fed? see as a quick example
umm, sweetie? I went to college, so yes
>manages to do subtle humor
Sure, sometimes...
>without acting like abunch of faries
That'll be a hard no from me.
then why ask such a retarded question?
Name 3 videogames that do this, brainlet.
How many times has this exact same thread been made now?
>over a year
>this webm still makes the same butthurt fanboys respond every single time
>caused complete infighting in the xb fanbase on Yea Forums due to their insecurity when seeing this webm
fucking 10/10 and literally the most based spam on this site
>subtle humor
There's honestly a lot more to japanese humor that relates to wordplay, but the overwhelming majority of that gets lost on people due to the language barrier.
every single video game ever created, just apply it to real life dumbfuck. Theres plenty of big smelly losers that don't do drugs but play smash brothers all day.
people say the same thing about germans, and we all know what those autists are really like
>japanese quality "animation"
t. pervert
>make joke
>nerd falls over
>deretsunyankenpon girl gets big head angry
>other girl blushes off of her face
>characters literally get stickers on their heads to tell the viewer what they're feeling
>OP's post was about western game devs using storylines compared to jap devs
>brainlet goes into a tyrade about how pleasure control = dystopia
>brainlet gets called out as to what video games use that plotline
>hurr durr video games are like drugs.
you missed the short bus this morning, didn't you buck?
what was that girl doing in guys' bedroom anyway?
>Not rating German humour
Your loss
I find that somewhat more difficult to believe about German, but considering how the Japanese language works, it's much easier to see how they'd end up with so many puns and such.
I specifically said wordplay, but I guess that's a long and difficult word for you.
if this post is you you really need to kill yourself immediately for creating such a strawman
She was lonely but had to cause a scene so it didn't seem like she was a slut.
It doesn't matter what joke you make, when you follow it up with anime overreactions, it's not subtle.
OK but how's the gameplay?
Recreating another classic cliche from 80s and 90s anime. I can't understand how anyone thought it was entertaining in the first place though.
Why would you follow up wordplay with overreactions?
Sidenote but the overacting in Japanese stuff tends to be due to their everyday conversations and behavior being incredibly muted, so their media overcompensates in return. Not that this is supposed to sway your opinion, just something interesting.
I like how piss poor the writing went from Xenoblade to X and 2
At least in 1 the characters were likeable and all dealt with conflicts in their own life's that the player helped them through and in, turn joined you on your quest. In X and 2 I hate most of the characters and I couldn't care less about their faggot feelies because they're unrelatable and are on par with a shitty anime with "lol so tsundere kawaii uguu~! Fuck you monolith, you make a game overflowing with soul and then turn around and make straight trash. I guess it was nothing more than lightning in a bottle.
In retrospect nobody knows why American Pie and the era of movies like it were so popular either, but they were.
To be quite honest, I'm pretty sure Japan is what happens when you try to christianize a Buddhist country. Repressed sexual desire because of some A-Bombs.
>every single day
What a sad life
It's a meme that the bombs caused any kind of damage to their culture. Fact of the matter is that their culture simply wasn't up to the standards of current days and they couldn't adapt, resulting in this poor mockery.
Christianity is still a tiny minority in the country though (2.3%). Less than 3 million christians in a country with a population of 126 million.
Why do Japan jokes need explaining after the joke?
There are plenty of cultures with far more promiscuous societies that have adapted better than Japan. Take pre-contact Hawaii, sex was basically the foundation of their society and everyone did it because their island isolation meant no diseases.
Because your average Jap is just that fucking stupid. There's a reason their "professional" comedians don't actually tell any jokes and rely almost exclusively on being outrageous. It's the only form of humor a Jap doesn't need explained to them.
Japan is a good example of a culture that's not different, or exotic, just plain inferior.
Besause explanation is the funny part of the joke.
>you will never hear youtu.be
Literally one of the most magical moments in any game I've ever played. The music, the blue trees and calming atmosphere, it's seriously something other worldly. Satorl marsh is the only place I hundred percented because of how perfect the music and landscape go together.
You feel it too, don't you Yea Forums?
Isn't this game basically an anime game? Are you really so surprised they have kawaii uguu~ ecchi shit in it?
the whole game is filled with toiler humor, this scene is perfectly fitting
Not surprised, but disgusted all the same.
>There's a reason their "professional" comedians don't actually tell any jokes and rely almost exclusively on being outrageous
They do tell jokes, they're just absolutely fucking awful jokes. Watch an M-1 grand prix sometime, it's possibly the most unfunny couple of hours you could possibly spend, and these are apparently the BEST amateur comedians every year.
Their jokes all tend to just revolve around shit every Jap has experienced in some form, and a solid 50% of them are based on literal nursery rhymes and children's stories. It's the most toothless comedy on the planet, and they seem to mistake mindless repetition of material for comedy in a lot of cases, as if spouting shit as fast as possible is funnier than having good timing.
The nips are at least good at reaction comedy, which is basically just acting surprised when you get ambushed for the 5th time this week with a schoolyard prank by a TV crew. It's bizarre, after a bunch of TV stations were accused of faking situations back in the 90s with hidden camera shows, they've somehow regressed back even further into a format where the only people who appear on such shows are known celebrities who understand that they're on a prank show within the first 5 seconds of something strange happening.
I legit love these threads.
>babby mode is being a normie liking Western games like Halo and GTA
>faggot mode is being a Jap worshipping weeb
>elder god tier is knowing the best games come from slav land
>>elder god tier is knowing the best games come from slav land
And what games are those? What the fuck have the slavs produced worth a damn in the last 20 years apart from The Witcher and STALKER/Metro, none of which are especially amazing. The only thing the slavs are consistently producing in the realm of video games are shitty unfinished asset flip porn VNs about incest.
Stalker is a good series, faggot. The other games are absolute abominations and anyone who enjoys them is braindead, though.
>Stalker is a good series, faggot
The first game was good. The second and third were lazy cash ins.
>What the fuck have the slavs produced worth a damn in the last 20 years apart from
>incredibly well-selling game franchise considered by many to be extremely enjoyable
>cult and somewhat mainstream favorite series the atmosphere of which other games like Tarkov only dream of
>very well-received series from a literally who developer who had to smuggle computer pieces through the border and beg their fans for pizza to eat, come out with a series considered to be really good by many
Fucking hell man, what even is your measure of success here?
i fucking hate you fatherfucking faggots with a passion for saying "this"
fuck you
Mafia? Vietcong?
>what even is your measure of success here
Japs and west = hundreds of great franchises and standalone games over the last few decades
Slavs = just three
Only a fucking idiot thinks slavs are at the top.
>american """humor"""