What's your favorite RPG class?
What's your favorite RPG class?
either gotta god retard good with paladin or stupid evil with rogue
Any that shows off pantsu
How did they manage to make this series so bland and boring? There is not a single appealing factor about it and people still keep watching it and praising it.
What gives?
Any magic class, really. Love btfoing stewl armored fags with fire magic from a big distance
>episode 1
>"it's well-known that in MMORPGs the defensive shield users are the weakest and most useless class"
why do people write stories about genres of games they've never played?
like how hard is it for a jap mangaka / author to just buy FFXIV or WoW and dick around on it for at least a couple hours before they write a story about MMOs?
>speed watching/reading
Foolish frog poster
To be honest the shitty pacing is really starting to wear thin. "lmao he's the weakest" then proceeds to get overpowered as fuck abilities that one shot the thing they were barely able to scatch. Even generic shonen like One Piece or Naruto or Dragonball have actual explanations for character power ups. Shield Hero just expects you to roll with the fact that he's soooo edgy and cool that now he's the best.