Play game

>play game
>think "Wow, this is shit" and drop it
>come back to it a year later
>it's actually amazing
What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Deus Ex

Soul hackers


The first witcher. That was easy.

Dark Souls, PC version, no fixes, KB/M. Once I came back to it a year or so later, it quickly became one of my favorites.

Dark Souls.
I was stuck at the graveyard because i didn't notice the stairs to the fucking first area


Dark Souls

Persona 5

I need to get back into this, I want to atleast get to the bug mech but fuck getting any key quests done is a pain in the ass.

Monster Hunter Tri. I timed out on Jaggi the first time.

Dark Souls
Silent Hill 2 fuck me sideways

Pokemon Let's Go

Too many to count

Twilight Princess

Played it when it first came out, couldn't be bothered to finish the Goron area.
However this past year I marathoned the 3D Zelda games and was surprised to find it was actually awesome. Probably helps that Wind Waker set the bar so low

Grim dawn

but mostly because when I first played it I was sick of the whole open world mine tree with an axe and smelt iron thing.

Total War Rome 2
Civ V
Mount and Blade warband (didn't like the vanilla game setting / difficulty).

SoTN only reason i replayed it was because my bf wouldn't shut the fuck up about me needing to play it

im not retard who get mad at game after 15mins and call it shit

although, "a year later" isn't accurate too my list. Try 2-3 years later, and there is a bigger list, (1 year later) most games haven't improved much or the market hasn't shifted enough yet too make it stand out.

Final fantasy 14. Agarest: Generations of War, Darksiders 1 and I think the same thing happened with fallout 3 or oblivion don't remember which and many other games. I drop games early, uninstall due to autism and try again much later on.

Rome 2. I'm not saying the game is one of the best in the series, but damn did I enjoy it two years after the shitshow of a launch.

demons souls

A game only I played.
Kingdom under fire : circle of doom.
I bought it years ago on my 360, played for thirthy minutes and regretted it.
Then, two years ago, my PC died so I as I needed my dose of videogame I installed my 360 back and gave KuF a second chance, and God it's actually a great game in a great serie, with amazing lore and characters.

>play first 4 hours of Bioshock
>"wow, this is shit"
>come back to it 2 years later
>play the same 4 hours again
>"wow, this is still shit"
I don't know what I expected

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Demon's Souls. I distinctly remember looking for good games on the PS3 and I read about it on GameFAQs. I bought it, I really liked the aesthetic but I couldn't beat the first level so I returned it.

My autism activated two weeks later and I decided to give it another go. I took my time and learned the systems and played it like a survival game instead of an action game. Needless to say I was hooked and the unconventional story presentation kept me diving deeper every time I played it.

Never happened to me to be honest. Had some games which would only "click" on the second try, but never ones about which I would make a complete 180 degrees change of opinion

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Obviously OP is hyperbole, dumbass

I've never had this feeling because I always restart from the beginning when coming back to a game

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dark messiah of might and magic

Bloodborne my first souls game. Reached all the way to matyr logarius and the boss at the end of Eileen quest. Realised I wasn't having fun and it was only making me frustrated so I dropped the game. Came back to it 2 years later and it just clicked, finished it and played all the other souls games after that. DS1R=DS2>BB>DeS>DS2. Can't wait to play sekiro in July

Are you me? This is exactly how my first playthrough went. Did you also do it as thief? Did you also try to kill the Crestfallen Warrior before quitting for a while?

VTMB but i played it again a decade later.

Hollow Knight

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I hated PoE and couldn't even get through the 3rd act on the easiest skill level and quit, now i have like 3k hours kill me

>pick up toy
>think "wow this is shit" and drop it
>other kid picks it up
>it has a hidden function/mechanism and it's actually fucking awesome
>kid never gives it back

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Shit taste.

Reminder Axolotl's are extinct in the wild due to the Spanish destroying the Aztec captial's canals, dike, and aquaduct systems, and since it was built on a lake, the subsquent Mexico City kept flooding due to those water mangement systems being destroyed, so they just decided to drain the fucking lakes and their natural habitat vanished as a result, aside from increasingly shrinking and polluted canals left today in Xochimilco


Gothic 2

Most RPGs, but specifically Hordes of the underdark I was an ADD little shit child and just wanted to hit things and didn't bother with paying attention ot the story, side quests or actual character building.
Deekin is best boy.

Monster Hunter Tri. Been playing each game from every generation since.

I struggled with PoE as well, especially with restarting over and over because I think a class would do better at a certain part and just restart the game entirely
After a few hundred hours it took me finding and discovering Fighter, suprisingly enough, to get through it and once I did it was pretty okay

Rain World. Bought it for $15 or whatever, thought it was neat but way too hard, so I refunded it. Much later on bought it again for $5 on humblebundle, gave it another shot, found out it really is a pretty good game.

Hollow Knight.

I brought it about 12 months ago on special. Played it for an hour, got lost, turned it off and never played again.
Until about a week ago, now im addicted as hell.

Rain world. V threads convinced me to give it another shot so glad i did

Why in July?



Metal Gear Solid. Marathoned 2-4 immediately after.


didn't really like the protag or combat system. came back to it months later for some reason and became one of my favourite games. loved nekus character development, combat system clicked, and the ost is unmatched

Fallout 4

Shit, just jump into the hub. I'd do them with you, I've run out of most shit to do other than kill the rest of the EX deviants and max out HR.

Pokemon Black

Seventh Cross: Evolution

Hotel Dusk is the only game I ever replayed after not enjoying it & ended up enjoying

First Witcher was fucking amazing from day 1 to me. It's Witcher 3 that took me time to warm up to it. Open world with the majority of the game's content being fluff sidequests that have nothing to do with the main plot in a fucking Witcher game was such a big mistake. Good for them though, casuals ate that shit up and blew up it's popularity.

Guild Wars 2

Nothing. If I stop playing something I will never touch it again. (like your mom)

FEZ, then bought it four more times on different platforms, it unironically cured my depression for a while.

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Hollow knight
Didn't think it was shit, just couldn't get into it until I tried again a few weeks ago and burned through the game in a few days.

I needed 4 attempts to finally love it

world of final fantasy

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The controls are still garbage especially compared to world but other than that it was a great game

PS2 Monster Hunter.
1st time a friend sat behind me and told me what I should do every step of the way and I hated it.
2nd time I just did what I wanted and fell in love.

Dark Souls.
Because I got stuck on Capra demon and I didn't understand how the stats worked (because the game doesn't actually explain it), nor did I know about upgrading weapons and armor from the blacksmith.
Once I learned about both of these I gave the game another go and fell in love with it.


dragon's dogma

Same, it's notoriety as THE MOST DIFFICULT GAME EVER worked to its detriment. I legit thought it was the first area.

People complained about this game a lot when it came out saying it was a mediocre mess.
But I got it on sale for the Switch the other day and I was pretty impressed by it. Did the expansion and/or any updates improve this game in that time period, or were people just overly harsh on it?

I did this too.
I did this too.

I think that's a lot of people experiences with the game. They pick it up, hate it, it lingers in their minds then they go back and have a blast. Those are the best experiences.

None. My decision is definitive. If the game is shit, it is shit. I will never touch that piece of shit ever again. I actually can't remember when I've beaten a game because everything is this shit.

Only first Resident Evil did this to me.


>dark souls
Reddit leave. If this is your first hard game, you are not allowed to post on this website yet.

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That's not even remotely what OP said... You've never experienced buying game (or getting gifted) never really play it much, maybe the first few levels and then you stop playing cause it just didn't keep your interest for one reason or another. But eventually one day you get reminded of that game again somehow and you boot it up, and all of a sudden you're enjoying yourself.
It could be bad timing in your life, and it honestly this applies to everything than just games.

Come on, user, I know you have at least one game in your life like that.


What's a cute axolotl. :3



warframe is the only time this happened with me, I don't play it anymore though cause of the tranny moderators banning people

ur welcome fag

Grand Theft Auto Online.
It sucked shit at launch in 2013, sucked less shit at PC launch in 2015, was actually pretty fun in 2016, then went back downhill sometime in 2017 and has been getting progressively worse ever since.

>tranny moderators banning people

my main issues with it initially were the characters and the plot, but once you finish the vampire dungeon i found things started to improve and come together. i also bought it on sale on the switch, figured i’d spend the extra $5 to own it on handheld rather than get the expansion on the ps4, and i think the game lends itself much better to handheld play

Sekiro, I almost dropped it because the early game was batshit retarded with two shots up the ass and no heals.

Dragon Quest in general

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The latter, Maxima didn't change that much and the other DLC is blatantly useless fluff that got included for free in later ports

It just got really heavily dismissed or overlooked, especially for the chibi thing

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>I don't play it anymore though cause of the tranny moderators banning people
I don't play it because there is nothing to do after exploring every bit of content the game has to offer to you. The game is a glorified discord ERP circlejerk which is held only by the zealous retards who think they are the beacon of light in the kingdom of bad videogame business practices.

I think its a mood thing. Sometimes you are in a mood for a particular game.
Like Toejam and Earl (gen). This game is slow, and quite annoying so I never got into it all too much when I've played it over the years, but I played it on a whim because the new game was coming out and aside from some things that do kind of annoy me a bit (just the game speed mostly), its actually a genuinely fun game and I almost beat it in one sitting. I kind of want to get the new one now because of it.
Sometimes you want an RPG, or a fighting game, or a Tactics game, or a platformer.

I like that the chibi stuff is relevant to the actual gameplay too. You can make your MCs small to combo them in a big stack, or have them big for more stability.
Evolving and morphing monsters is neat too. Kind of has an almost sphere-grid-lite quality to the customisation.

Prob because they played with the dubs and wanted a FF game to play like 15. NEVER trust faggots.

Busy till end of June. Every fibre of my body wants to play dmc 5 and sekiro already. Still haven't beat kh3 yet too. This year has been packed

Yakuza 0
to be fair the start is really fucking slow

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New Vegas
I was in the camp of people who played 30 minutes before calling it a brown FO3 mod with wasps and gave up

Fallout 1.

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resident evil 4
dark souls 1
parasite eve 2
the last remnant

Early XX/GU is understandable since the game's pacing was earnestly bad in the high rank game as-is.

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MOBA games

It was more like a week but New Vegas

NFS Pro Street

Bravely Second

Fallout 1.
Tried it out when I was a bit young. Got to Necropolis, got taken to the Lieutenant, died, and was pissed because I hadn't saved for a while, and also didn't really know what I was doing. Fast forward a few years and it's now one of my favorite games.

Arena shooters.
I remember thinking they were too archaic and repetitive, got into 1.6 and NS1 and didn't realize I was being a fucking idiot until years later.

it was more the framerate desu until I let go of my inner snob / graphics whore. I was playing splatoon at the time and had convinced myself not to play anything less than 60 for some idiotic reason. almost missed out on some great titles

Dark Souls 2

>putting gravel in a tank with an axolotl
Why would you fucking do this? Do you want to kill him?

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