>japan(one country) vs west
>japan(one country) vs west
it's already a lopsided enough fight as it is, it would be inhumane to match any other single country against japan when it comes to game development
NA / EU very rarely play Chinese or Korean developed games, that's why.
China and Korea are only interested in easy cashgrab games like gacha or mmos
They had to get good at something seeing as their movies are shit, they haven't written any literature worth a shit, and their music is awful.
one has the balls to make sexy children, the other doesn't
Actually it's more like Japan vs United States, since those are the only two countries on the planet that actually still produce culture. The best other countries can do is regurgitate stagnant stuff that's hundreds of years old as their culture, even though all the stuff of value has been absorbed by global culture leaving only the worthless trash for people to self-identify with.
>RE:2 remake
>Ace combat 7
thats what japan has give us this year alone , they deosnt look like gacha cash grabs to me
Because Koreans only make shitty grindy mmos and Chinks make shitty mobage that is a ripoff of something from Japan or the West
Japan is a US puppet. It's the most westernized country in the east for a reason.
>The best other countries can do is regurgitate stagnant stuff that's hundreds of years old as their culture
it ain't broke don't fix it
Take KH3 out of that list. That game has been delayed to hell and back.
found the korean
>can't even speak english properly
What is Kurosawa
Japan has many literature nobel laureates the last century alone, and Murakami is the best fiction writer currently active. I bet you think Stephen King is good faggot.
I don't even know why I keep responding to blatant bait.
>every country on Earth is constantly consuming American and Japanese culture non-stop
>even if they want to enjoy their own countries culture there's literally nothing they haven't already consumed before
it is broken. There's only so many times you can enjoy watching some boring traditional cultural dance
> 2nd Highest Rated Movie Ever (Seven Samurai) is Japanese
> Highest Grossing Media franchises are Japanese
> Highest rated animated film is Japanese
Cope more Americunt
Shut the fuck up white piggu
interesting arguments :)
but have you considered you're retarded?
Japan doesn't have a military so they decided to go for culture victory instead. And it's safe to say that they succeeded.
>half of their language is just english words bastardized
>MGSV exists because of japanese boomers freaking out about it
Because weebs claim that weeb games are better than anything else. Hence we have anything else vs Japan.
t.zhang kim
korbabies keep seething
come on
Because Japan is the strongest nation in the Far East. If they played their cards correctly in WW2, they would've owned the entirety of Korea and a half of China by now, which shows how superior they were to other Asians. It's only natural that they're the definitive Asian nation, and the one everybody likes.
>Many nobel laureates and how many of them killed themselves because they were total retards or ended up staging failed coups?
Yeah man, I love poorly retold Shakespeare plays and western tales. Very original.
r u ok?
Name 10 Japanese directors without googling it.
>Seijun Suzuki
>Kinji Fukusaku
>Takashi Miike
>Beat Takashi
>Toshio Musada
>Toshiya Fujitsu
>Hideaki Anno
>Michio Yamato
>what is hyperbole
By west you mean mostly USA, right? 'cause that's what happens in most shitty East vs. West threads
It's the only way for westcucks to pretend there's some sort of competition going on.
who /slavs&japs/ here
I counter your point with
>1 man vs Every Game Company
And it still beats the entire west anyway.
Japan in its tiny island nation has more companies focused on the development and distribution of video games than every other country combined.
I wish we had flags on this board.
Right looks like she's about to get blacked.
Because everyone else but Taiwan is a worthless thirdworld shithole in the East.
They were right about civilizing their neighbors
yeah, it'd be great to block all canadian posters
US hardware + japanese games only like the first XBOX was is the best combo.
>Japan in its tiny island nation
It's one of the most highly populated countries in the world and discounting shithole third world countries which produce fuck all it is the second highest populated country in the world beaten only by the US.
Because the west in general is a one trick pony, the entire 1st world do and like the same shit.
Yes and it need to happen again
Snoy is fake japanese at this point, those bastard, I'd rather buy a true american console
But the west pioneered most vidya genres?
It's literally every one of them. The Japs have never invented a single video game genre.
well we have him to thank for the bullshit that is evangelion
>United States
>produce culture
japan is pretty much a united states territory
we're too busy doing important things like protecting the world instead of jerking off to naked drawn people anyway
dead horse, but fair
>posting a Wojak without even supplying a hint of text
despicable and cringe
Japan is one of the biggest countries in the world and is bigger than a lot of European countries combined e.g. France + UK = Japan.
sour grapes
loli gives superpower
>terrible blueprint coded, half assed 100k tris meshes with default unreal shaders and copy pasted surface designer textures with post processing turned to the max
>nintards too stupid to understand what a hackjob this is because they're accustomed to terrible graphics
by tiny he meant the geographic region, not the number of population, you dumbass
Reminder that this flag triggers chinks and koreans harder than the swastika triggers white people.
>white people
Jews and commies.
>That game has been delayed to hell and back.
it's only delay was "Sometime in 2018" to "January 2019"
Not much of a delay
I couldnt tell you a single director japanese or american, so thats not really an argument