What triggered their redemption arc? Firing ono?
What triggered their redemption arc? Firing ono?
Kenzo Tsujimoto is slowly retiring and his sons who actually understands the modern video game industry are taking over.
partially that, and monster hunter selling extremely well.
The Mega Man Legends 3 debacle because you can only ever bounce back from a low like that.
Inafundme "retiring" and being exposed as a fraud.
>Focus on making quality video games over meeting sales expectations and licking the boots of your stock investors
>Your games succeed and your fans love you
If only everyone else in the industry took note.
>Muh redemption arc
This kind of shit is exactly why companies keep relapsing. They put out shit for years and the second they do their job right once or twice you get back down on your knees and suck them till you're blue in the face.
Play the game if they're good, but stop acting like it's all water under the bridge.
I don’t deify companies, but I’m enjoying the games they’re putting out comparative to the trash in the decade prior. Hoping we can get a DD/MML sequel in the near future. Just nice to see a batch of good games in a sea of shit from seemingly everywhere else lately.
>I don’t deify companies
When you use words like REDEMPTION you're basically waving away everything they did in the past. This is battered house wife shit.
I always got the impression people who spend time about talking about "company redemption arc" barely actually play their games and really don't value them for what they are.
It also makes noticeable how quick people tend to forget about mistakes.
it’s important to not forget their transgressions, but with your mentality is nobody supposed to buy or play any of their games ever again because of it? hell, it could just be a lucky streak and they go back to shit immediately, as they tried with the leaf studio that made that pile of shit DR4.
Ono's not fired, he just got demoted.
This. Literally all they've done is stopped being full retard and not forking projects off to canadians.
>but stop acting like it's all water under the bridge.
See but you're doing the same shit he is, if we're supposed to be objective and ONLY rate based on quality, that should mean you'll throw down cash if EA or Ubisoft makes a good game too, even if they've been pumping out shit for the last decade.
Capcom looks like they're coming back from the absolute shit heap they became, that much is true, and people will turn on them again when they fuck up, it always happens, but as stated earlier, if a company does turn it around, there's always that one faggot that's all "B-B-BUT THEY DID BAD STUFF BEFORE THIS, THEY DESERVE NO MONEY" as though the good product they made has anything to do with any of that.
It's like they suddenly figured out that making games your fans want is actually good or something. Give me DD2 next.
What redemption arc?
>Company does a thing right, they get praise.
>Company does a thing wrong, they get shit on.
It's really as simple as that. Stop being a faggot about it.
monster hunter world basically.
they still need to fix their fighting game division, sfv gameplay is shit and mvci haved good gameplay but everything else was shit and killed the franchise, i hope they release darkstalkers 4 someday.
I literally said, in that very same post, to buy and play the good games. I highly encourage people to buy their good shit because that's how we get MORE good shit. My point however, and actually listen this, was that they're NOT REDEEMED. They made a handful of okay to good games after YEARS AND YEARS of putting out shit and you all act like their on the top of their game again.
WOW! They did their job! Good for fucking them. That totally makes up for being years of shit. You're an idiot.
The reality is that you should be as objective as possible and compare the negative and positives. Companies are not your friends or enemies, they're companies. Buy good games, don't buy bad games.
Ono still works at Capcom. They're still mediocre. They just went back to their main IP pool and gave more of the same. They haven't made a new IP in 7 years. You'll be angry at them in 3 years once you realize this.
I don't give a shit about new IPs.
Did you start gaming 3 years ago and are upset you can't follow stories that span for more than a decade or what?
Read a wiki
>they still need to fix their fighting game division, sfv gameplay is shit and mvci haved good gameplay but everything else was shit and killed the franchise, i hope they release darkstalkers 4 someday.
MvC4 is coming, mark my words.
They scrapped the MvCI DLC and started working on an overhaul for the game with a new artstyle and x-men.
No. I'm just calling them out. I also made a mistake. They're outputting inferior versions of more of the same. RE2make has no zapping system or good B scenarios. DMC5 has casualized the franchise almost at the same level of casualization as DmC. JC and gravity buildup are so easy to work with that they triviliaze the game. Enemies are braindead and the bosses have extremely telegraphed attacks that even a retard could dodge it.
go away shill
>RE2make has no zapping system or good B scenarios
But has made combating even average enemies 10 times more dynamic and threatening with the dismemberment and damage balancing.
It's a shame that they did what they did for B playthroughs, they honestly should have completely fucking axed B scenario and dedicated the 2 different stories to be wildly different.
>DMC5 has casualized the franchise almost at the same level of casualization as DmC.
DMC was absolutely never meant to be Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls, the entire premise of the game is that Dante is SO POWERFUL that simply killing his enemies isn't enough, he has to absolutely humiliate them while he's doing it, making weak, or every enemy a pain in the ass doesn't accomplish this, common enemies in DMC3/4 were fucking garbage and these games are literally defined by their bosses, just like DMC5, and DMC5 Vergil is tooled to fight a 4 styled Dante unlike DMC3s
When is Konami's redemption arc?
When they stop making pachinko shit and make a good 3d CV.
i want a new legends game.
>They just went back to their main IP pool and gave more of the same
That's okay, Capcom doesn't need to make new IPs when they've got established well received ones they could be reviving after they single handedly murdered each one by themselves along with help from the outside. Devil May Cry got lucky, but series like Lost Planet, Dead Rising, the fighting game division, that's all up in the air.
When they let Cygames make Zone of the Enders 3. They were allegedly such big fans they begged Konami to let them remaster 2 and said they would love to work on an original one.
This. All they did was make 2 walking sims and 2 albeit very good games (with dmc5 being my goty and I put almost 200hrs into MHW). Doesn't redeem them for years and years of garbage.
The death of MvC
Sure had to be a wake up call if nothing else.
>Ruined Dead Rising
>Fighting Game Division is shit
>MHW sold great, but casualized the hell out of the game
>Megaman 11 was meh
>RE3 Remake is getting outsourced
They've made positive strides with RE7, RE2 and DMC5, but they're still a good ways away from having a "redemption arc".
The consecutive failures of giving their IP to western studios.
>RE3 Remake is getting outsourced
Source right now
They had me back since 2014 desu
>Capcom been making nothing but good games since RE7 besides the unfortunate stumble that was MvC:I
>Making huge efforts to improve SFV along the way
>People sperging out that "W-W-WELL THEY DID SHIT STUFF BEFORE!"
Doesn't matter in the now. No company has been perfect.
getting rid of the deadweight
>DMC5 has casualized the franchise almost at the same level of casualization as DmC.
You aren't even trying here. Show us your sick Dante combos user if it's so easy
anyone who claims mh got dumbed down and not improved in every notable way is a retarded nintendoshitter
I think they dropped SFV, and that's a good thing.
>Still no update
shills and gullible retards like you and most of the brainlets on Yea Forums
Because they want to make movies for their major IPs and are releasing new games in to start renewing public interest.
That's the problem with people seeing companies as anything more than a logo on the box.
It's hilarious because in this very thread those same people will accuse people of "Humanizing companies" despite the fact they hold a vendetta on dev teams that probably never even touched the games they're so asshurt about.
It may be easier than ever to get S ranks in DMC5 but the game is still as technical as you want it to be. I think they just made S ranks easier so journalists would hear the music
They finally got free of Keiji "Con Man" Inafune.
They're redemption ark doesn't begin until X9 comes out
Been playing since Freedom Unite, World is dumbed down and didn't really improve much of anything. All it did was make already easy gameplay even easier outside optional endgame literally design to be challenging.
I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't want more X. I'd rather see ZX 3 close that universe off for good.
I'd love to see more X if it's actually, you know, about X and not the staff jacking off to how cool Zero is or whatever the fuck that faggot Axl is supposed to be.
Getting rid of Inafune and his push to westernize the company, as well as promoting the CEO's son. As well as bowing down to talent so that they don't quit.
I guess for me I just feel like most of those games have been pretty shitty and it doesn't really offer anything unique compared to the original series.
I'm waiting for the retarded excuse they'll give for Sigma coming back since Capcom seem to think (Going by MvC) that he's actually important or something.
At least bring back Doppler or something. He was fun.
Give me Dynamo. all I want
old men running the world
Firing Inafune.
I would say it did a lot of good in terms of the non-hunting portions. Stuff like being able to join quests already in progress, seamless zones, and so on.
However as soon as you get into the actual gameplay I feel they made it far too easy and make a few key mistakes in terms of the endgame, random decorations being the key horrid thing they did in that case.
In my opinion they tried to fix a lot of things that didn't need to fixed at all.