Jesus is gonna bring back ti life your favourite dead series and it's going to be instantly GOTY wich one you choose?
Jesus is gonna bring back ti life your favourite dead series and it's going to be instantly GOTY wich one you choose?
I hate everything just take me Jesus
Midnight club
xenogears pls jesus
the xenoblade games are so much better
Thief. Please God...
I would say Banjo-Kazooie but it would be on a Microsoft system
w i p e o u t
jesus isn't real
*blocks your path*
Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre without a second thought
debunked eons ago
based and euphoria pilled
Jesus is an allegory for the sun and his 12 disciples the 12 signs of the zodiac
Parasite Eve
I love Aya Brea!
>magical space fairy created by some high asf sandbros
The test was compromised.
none, nothing in this world matters at all compared to what's waiting in the next life and that's why my bro here died for me
Faithless fool.
>carpenter who told the religious authority of the day they were all a bunch of hypocrites
>space fairy
t. heathen
Even if he didn't exist, humanity would greatly benefit if everybody tried to follow what he preached.
Legacy of Kain
This so much.
Jesus died for you, he died for me, He paved the way to get all of us into heaven, your time here means nothing, earth is temporary, heaven is eternal. Forces conspire to pull you off the path, to keep you from salvation but if you follow the plan you've got nothing to worry about. That's why its called faith, so have some
Wait a minute, that isn't a picture of Jesus!
Lionhead's Black & White!
He's real, here's proof.
Uuuuum....sweatie....I have better chances believing in a flying spaghetti monster than your invisible man in the sky!
This blatant christfagging itt is really making me nervous, you fucking fascists weren't so many back then...
I'm gonna dilate now
>I'm gonna dilate now
Based and trannypilled
Fable nigga
Dark Souls.
Fuck you just because the rigor mortis hasn’t set in doesn’t mean I’m not sad.
Dead Space
Fuck this guy and his followers
Shame they worship him being tortured then pretend to eat his body and drink his blood instead
Taken in commemoration of his sacrifice.
Drakensang. Radon Labs didn't deserve to die like this.
uuuuuuuuh, no? I have literally read many reports and anecdotes on the internet that chriSTAINS LITERALLY believe this shit is the body and blood of their nonexistent god
I mean how much of a braindead sheeple do you have to be ahaha
Christ lived, id doubt Tacitus (a ROMAN SENATOR) lied and his followers and apostles let themselves be crucified, drowned or stabed for a non existsant person.
Aw yiss.
Catholics believe that when the priest blesses the bread and wine it is transformed into Christ's flesh and blood while still being bread and wine. This is called transubstantiation. Protestants maintain it's entirely symbolic and simply bread and wine (or crackers and grape juice if you're too cheap for wine on a large scale).
Ya boiling?
Ta daaam!
okay what the fuck is this
just so you know this board was atheist before gamergate
Legacy of Kain
Generic Theists trannies are way, way more common than you think, user...
Ya seethe?
Goons doing the good old theist vs atheist circle jerk are even more common.
Learn2falseflag, you imbecile. Only Yea Forumsstrawmen use all those terms and arguing points in the same context.
Of course I seethe. Before gg and the elections Yea Forums was the last bastion of free speech for us atheists, along with reddit.
Do you know how dangerous it is for me to loudly exclaim I don't believe in gOD? There are literal christian death squads roaming where I live.
>muh falseflag
I bet you believe in an invisible sky daddy as well.
An altruist lie to make people serve and go against their interests. There is only one worth having faith for and that is the self.
Thanks Jesus
classic phantasy star
Va a giocare a Ultimate Arena bimbo.
The fedora backlash started long before gg and was inevitable.
i concur
no way dude, the elections ruined everything
we atheists worked so hard for us to be accepted and magaturds ruined everything
i think you mean islamic death squads. christians don't chase anybody witch machetes. well, unless you live in the shithole called USA, then anything is possible.
no thanks, that means it's going to be dogshit. stay dead, Jeez.
Mass effect.
I’m still not over it.
>Of course I seethe. Before gg and the elections Yea Forums was the last bastion of free speech for us atheists, along with reddit.
>Do you know how dangerous it is for me to loudly exclaim I don't believe in gOD? There are literal christian death squads roaming where I live.
Fuck you Canada, we'll wall you off too
But Trump is not even that christian and that's what makes him good.
why did he go insane bros
i don't care about video games, just bring my dad back.
I live in Sweden man, the muslims are not the problem here, it's the shitstians
Time to start your own militia then. Let them meet their maker, the idea to put some meme above the holy self has corrupted humanity for long enough.
>Time to start your own militia then. Let them meet their maker, the idea to put some meme above the holy self has corrupted humanity for long enough.
Lost planet 2, just erase 3
Ah yes very manly to put faith in big skydaddy. Otherwise people have to go through life without a divine plan, oh no *gasp that will mean people will serve their own interests instead of sky daddy, how selfish how evil, don't you *sob *sob have empathy?
This, Imagine what technology would be like today if the middle ages did not happen, and we all know it happened because a cabal of jewish shepherds who claimed they believed in an invisible sky fairy but really didn't infiltrated Rome and destroyed it from within,
Fuck me, I could have a robot wife right now in my floating house but nooo, christfags ruined everything again.
>Ah yes very manly to put faith in big skydaddy. Otherwise people have to go through life without a divine plan, oh no *gasp that will mean people will serve their own interests instead of sky daddy, how selfish how evil, don't you *sob *sob have empathy?
>This, Imagine what technology would be like today if the middle ages did not happen, and we all know it happened because a cabal of jewish shepherds who claimed they believed in an invisible sky fairy but really didn't infiltrated Rome and destroyed it from within,
>Fuck me, I could have a robot wife right now in my floating house but nooo, christfags ruined everything again.
That one was definitely sarcastic.
Dungeon keeper
Then he's going to put diablos shambling corpse out of its misery. As a new commandment games are only announced 5 days prior to release and he destroys micro transactions.
All is right with the world, amen.
>That one was definitely sarcastic.
Already happened twice this year. RE and DMC.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
It's really odd to me that out of all the things Yea Forums unanimously gives people shit for, you would think it wouldn't be being a atheist.
The problem with Christianity is that it has corrupted our morality from the core. Turn the other cheek, equal under god, the promotion of sacrifice compared to selfishness. Christian ideals still make the moral consensus of today.
This is pretty interesting to read.
Legacy of Kain. Give the series a conclusion
Jet set radio
guaranteed (you).txt
ultimate arena
Saints row 5
and it has to be like the first two saints rows.
If Jesus can do that, I will believe in him.
I know, right? I should have the right to kill my enemies without worrying about """morality""" and """goodness""".
To be good is to serve your own interests. If it is in your best interest to kill your enemies then you should.
if only jesus was real
That's what I've been telling my mom when she bitched at me for not wanting to come to grandma's funeral.
That fucking bitch took away my fucking games and anime figurines, that fucking christian cunt.
Age of Mythology pls, the series has so much potential.
Your mom? The corruption is probably in your genes too. How sad.
Genes don't exist. They are as fake as the god of the jews.
I will enjoy nothing dude!
Thanks. I don't want to live forever and be awake for ever at all. I don't get the point of why this upsets people so much.
Wasn't she voiced by Yvonne Strahovski in the latest release? I miss Yvonne.
He already brought back Rune Factory, so let's move down a spot and go for Starfy.
Please oh holiest one.
Only you can deliver us from Nintendo’s lack of faith and put Kamiya in the director’s seat for his first sequel ever.
no hesitation