Let's get a vidya butt thread going

Post your favorites.

Hard mode: explain why you like the butt


Attached: loli-butt.jpg (843x477, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: kiseki cockslayer.jpg (1490x895, 428K)



You know, I'm not mad, I'm not telling you to "get off my board," I'm not even really going to stick around and wait for an answer, but I want to know: Why can't you people use any of the naked-anime-girl boards on Yea Forums? Why does this thread that's not really about video games at all need to be on Yea Forums? Why can't you use the entirety of this site the way it's meant to be used? Why do you think Yea Forums is an appropriate place for you to dump everything you're interested in?

Wonder how flabby sybb's ass is?

This is a vidya ass thread

Trails of Cold Steel II (though it's just a cameo chapter)

Attached: 1.jpg (728x1256, 232K)

Ah, so you're trying to avoid posting Samus or Vanessa but still gave yourself away with your poll shit. Nice try Sybb.

Attached: musse bikini.webm (342x556, 2.92M)

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Literally no one cares about your austism, dickhead.

Attached: 1553905085762.png (640x448, 31K)

>spamming Yea Forums with ass threads.

>still no 2b

Attached: 1516025067339.jpg (2894x4093, 3.18M)

Kys sybb

Attached: ehe.jpg (1432x1640, 666K)

>draw terrifying character art
>but the ass was fat

Attached: b1b.jpg (600x857, 39K)

That’s a flabby butt

They're not so much ass threads as they are "spam the same 3 pictures and then autistically debate people over their opinions of them"
It's an exercise in autism rather than eroticism

Wrong, it's a firm butt

I can get behind this thread.

Attached: DUN DUN.png (400x400, 25K)

Stop replying dumb fucks

Well if you're going to spam anything...

This, honestly. There’s like 12 other fucking boards where naked anime girls are 100% allowed and encouraged, yet autistic incels insist on posting it here with the paper-thin justification that said naked anime girls were in a videogame. Would it really be so hard to have two tabs open — /h/ for your dumb porn dump and Yea Forums to discuss videogames?

>A thread about vidya butts shouldn't be posted on Yea Forums, the vidya board because it's about butts
>Anything that straight men like is automatically wrong and invalid
This just screams SJW. Why don't you fuck off if you don't like it? It's a single image in the catalog. What's stopping you from ignoring it and moving on? What compels you to bitch and whine like a fucking harpy?

yes, and...?

Go away, incel.

No vidya butt thread would be complete without Woomy.

Attached: 1437560804585.jpg (800x600, 173K)

Too big and fat for her frame

Humor me and answer the question.
Hard mode: justify your position without resorting to the "butts are evil" copout.

id software gave me teratophilia

Attached: 379720_screenshots_20160704131240_1.jpg (1920x1080, 343K)

relax user, there's no harm in vidya booty

it's being posted by horny virgins who have reached a cap in sexual depravity that they get off people jerking it or commenting on their waifus/photos, it sexually excites them because of how empty their sexual life is when some random anonymous says their waifu looks hot.

Any other answer is objectively wrong. The people dumping pics itt and reading this psot right now are beating their meat and waiting for more horny posts and replies to ejaculate to. Imagine being you, a desperate horny virgin jerking off to words on a memeboard about your pixel wife.

>kodomo no jikan
i need to watch this

This thread is way more entertaining when you look at poster count and reply times to figure out who is who. This board really needs ids.

How about this one?

Attached: 1505082493790.jpg (1300x1596, 157K)

Attached: 7753EEB1-4DF2-43A7-9C45-3CAF8871D76B.jpg (400x315, 28K)

>All these assumptions

Madden NFL is a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: F226E855-23A8-427B-8268-061FCC4229EE.jpg (1200x800, 85K)

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: 3D29B2E3-9856-4255-80CA-58BAD0EA544F.jpg (500x587, 31K)

seething faggot

hie thee home

Discuss videogames.

Attached: E4DB98B7-FD12-4AE7-8A9E-29CBFF2C3F16.gif (544x500, 68K)

All this butthurt projecting, you sound like an insufferable faggot.

Go outside, live a little.

Attached: green_lex_luthor.jpg (628x599, 36K)

cheeky fucker

Attached: 1505055647441.jpg (800x800, 149K)

Which scene is it from?


They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: 404A6964-046F-41F0-A0C4-28D6031C1D04.jpg (490x600, 72K)

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: 95AE644F-A044-41CF-9BE1-BEA8802D8DC5.jpg (634x555, 47K)


Smash butt, no edits

Attached: Squid Butt.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

Holy shit, this program is godlike. Adding this to my toolbox. Good shit, user.

Attached: 941b2f75ac8a61428928868bca9ec56028294ed7.png (557x605, 1.29M)

What was Nintendo thinking?

I got this from GameSpot, a website about videogames, so this is okay.

Attached: 108415C9-EED7-47B5-A763-BDEE05ADCD28.jpg (1242x1164, 668K)


Just say you're a jealous roastie with no ass and get over it. Do some squats or something bitch.

Attached: 1550411435921m.jpg (576x1024, 71K)

He’s STILL playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: 38C9FCC9-0B91-4792-96B1-7EC181403557.jpg (634x464, 46K)

Here's another

Attached: Skwid Butt.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Lol imagine being this retarded.

Attached: E81058E9-AB05-46DF-802F-1351E962E27A.png (512x512, 23K)

They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: 357DE9C1-D877-486F-8555-A49553CE6B2D.gif (245x180, 967K)

Attached: 2Butt.gif (268x402, 2.37M)

god fags are really obnoxious

It's okay, femanon. There's nothing wrong with having a small butt. I'm sure your future husband won't be attracted more to anime and video game girls than you... but with the way you're acting I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Attached: 1551269364028.gif (140x140, 430K)

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: 53393DFD-6F1F-4F6B-823B-5392F3F996DE.jpg (960x1200, 176K)

>tfw superior big booty femanon
Feels good man.

Attached: Minmin ass.png (1167x1294, 875K)

Attached: Minmin.png (732x226, 33K)

Guess who made what posts in this thread, its fun.


Attached: Minmin's rumprump.jpg (800x1200, 206K)

better luck next time

Attached: Capture.png (776x204, 20K)

Which do you think is more likely — an insecure female is on the Yea Forums videogame board, or that there actually are some fellow Yea Forumsirgins who are sick of seeing off-topic porn dumps on the videogame board instead of one of the dozen dedicated porn boards on this very website? Fuck, you’re retarded.

Also, they’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: A406AAD3-75B7-414B-AF92-D0E23B11F6E1.jpg (960x1280, 199K)

They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: 51D07CFC-8E86-4D36-9B6A-D83FAF7CD50A.gif (220x262, 2.15M)

Pic or gtfo.

Also congrats on winning the genetics lottery.

>seeing off-topic porn dumps on the videogame board
imagine being this much of an unironic faggot

>What's more likely, that I'm a femanon or that I'm a faggot?

Compelling argument.

Attached: Booty_80a7e0_5296602.gif (640x360, 1.33M)

>Replies: 71

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6K)

I meant it literally, I was not implying you are op.

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: 50D9A260-ED93-4829-93A9-82D12AEB455C.jpg (1280x1280, 180K)

>Being this much buttblasted

Attached: zelda1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.51M)

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: AA408BF2-789C-46C3-AD35-5CB16B0BD02B.jpg (750x1093, 108K)

where is the cunny poster when you need him

He’s holding a videogame controller so this is okay.

Attached: D022E6D8-D9FA-4BD5-ACC1-9D2B1AAD5795.jpg (768x1024, 140K)

Are you only allowed to make one post in a thread?

i want to dick her and i play video games so it's ok

Attached: cf107b8b9b2bddf2a1577f1e5f2ed66b.jpg (1000x1414, 63K)

I want to marry and impregnate an elf

Mm more

They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: BB2C81C8-F164-434C-B95C-E8B39A18DEAF.jpg (236x206, 7K)

she's a child and video games are for children so it's ok

Attached: 1512378690379.png (1000x1011, 355K)

Attached: Kuma.webm (650x884, 2.97M)

They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: 2A8A4617-6602-4B5F-AAEC-837B78BA0CED.jpg (721x666, 73K)

Attached: 2Booty.gif (360x320, 1.94M)

Attached: 1550408744360m.jpg (1024x563, 65K)

Take us to the image limit gay chad

He’s playing a videogame so this is okay.

Attached: B08D1B87-0C6D-415D-8E2A-CF5A47AD1769.jpg (720x768, 108K)

Attached: Dirty Robutt A2.webm (460x398, 902K)

kuma kunny

Attached: 1540981273252.jpg (1718x1871, 642K)

Attached: 1541369867540.gif (320x180, 2M)

Attached: Sexy (You).jpg (875x1024, 77K)

no kat´s ass? c´mon

Attached: kat ass 1530573830381.jpg (1024x1024, 95K)

Is that a vidya ass?

why do ass threads make people so unhappy? is it one autist? who tf is sybb and why should i care that he likes asses ans posts them here?

They’re playing videogames so this is okay.

Attached: 7EF5700B-AA9A-44B5-BE17-800AEE6843EF.jpg (500x400, 42K)

Attached: 1550778773028m.jpg (1024x606, 50K)

>is it one autist?
We have a winner!

of course it is user

Attached: 1550760654507.jpg (925x1100, 719K)

Attached: The Better Sister.jpg (1457x3001, 1.84M)

Go away fags

>is it one autist?
Probably the same person who keeps pushing the br*p meme.

Attached: Died from the thiccness.png (229x298, 92K)

says you

Attached: sample_2b9be1b81e91c33aea77712b7f5f48b3.jpg (850x1200, 482K)

They’re playing videogames so this is okay

Attached: B1D0B89C-A5E8-4B3E-AA00-77D4B596D3B4.jpg (451x375, 39K)

I wish I wasnt so insecure so I could post the shit I draw of my waifu being autistic sucks.

Attached: 18_1.jpg (210x405, 37K)