Wait a minute, Jade looks like THAT? I'm preordering this game, holy shit she's hot. And her gameplay...

Wait a minute, Jade looks like THAT? I'm preordering this game, holy shit she's hot. And her gameplay, best I seen in ANY fighting game, this shits all over SF 5 and Tekken 7.


Attached: goddamn.jpg (2048x1152, 172K)

Fuck off, shill.

Bland, forgettable design.

nice thighs

dont know why people are crying, you can see skin there

Why are you bringing up DOA and Soul Caliber girls in an MK thread?

Stop posting your Korean MMO toons and trying to pass them as legit game chars. It's not funny or witty.

I don't even play Soul Caliber, but at least they actually have consistent designs that stay close to the original. MK just made them look like generic cosplay.

Attached: 478307-soul1[1].jpg (1000x562, 120K)

Looks like generic MMO starting outfit. Boring as fuck. Art team made ninjas cooler and more distinct than before, Noob even gets a cool new weapon that fits him. And then all the female cast look more boring than before. Whats up with that?

I wouldn't even know that was Jade if you didn't tell me.


This doesn't even look like a Mortal Kombat character.

too bad SC designs look like garbage from a f2p korean hentai mmo

Still better than the burgas in MK11.

Samurai Shodown is our only hope.

>Buying Muslim Kombat

still better then Mk11

it looks great , you are just salty that MK doesnt have this alpha females .

Attached: IvySC6.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Ivy looks fat and like a dumb whore, MK 11 women look like FIGHTERS.

She looks ugly as shit

Uh thats a tans fucker OP

It has the same artstyle as shit fighter 4 and 5, and it has tons of effects filling the screen on hit. It's gonna be shit. Just get Mortal Kombat 11 if you want a fighter with blood in it, the Japanese can't do it right.

I have to agree, and I truly hope OP was being sarcastic.

>>MK 11 women look like SHIT

Jade is fucking cute

Attached: 1553719033641m.jpg (1024x791, 59K)

nice false flag dumbass

retards will fall for any kind of bait

incels don't agree, they want ugly plastic dolls like ivy and taki and kasumi, who act like bimbos and apologize anytime they hit someone

She looks like a low caste street shitter

ah! i get it , you are salty becouse you will never look like her .

Attached: EtaVpka.jpg (3264x3066, 2.25M)

Nah, Jade's face looks fine. Her outfit on the other hand is ugly and cheap as fuck.

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too much skin showing

I dont want to look like a whore though

Better look than an ugly fat man in a wig.

slut shaming fictional characters lol.

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Too much skin. Put her in a dress that covers her legs and a full on robe.

Also a hood for good measure.

Looks more like shes envious of her looks than anything.

Attached: danger5.gif (250x250, 992K)

Horrible jawline

>Like a whore
You dont know what the honey trap is dont you? Kunoichis used that a lot

They're called breasts

Can someone post the original webm, I want to see more of this cute cosplayer

Is this the best you have to shill with? Your masters will be very dissapointed with your low effort shilling. Now take your poo in loo Jade over to resetera where you belong

> Oniksiya Sofinikum
google her and thank me later

Attached: 1552787788536.jpg (633x640, 51K)

She improved alot compared to the weird face in MK9...but now Yea Forums find a reason to bitch about MK and they gonna only care about that now...i mean seriously btching about clothes?when there is a PC version when people will mod the shit out of it?top kek.
i can see already,peole will mod some skimpy outfits just to show that Netherrealm is full of shit to the point making then bring it back in MK12

Hello my name is ranjesh. Thanking you for contact Microsoft today. I will helping you with your problems.
Please tell me what is your happenings.

Thank you

You mean Skarlet

Attached: QT.jpg (508x544, 76K)

That's a female? I thought it was some sandnigger boy.

They don't even look like fighters since actual real life female fighters wear way less.

this post gave me cancer...

I sense retardera in this post

Too bad SC's gameplay sucks my nuts lol
Not that you nerds play it for the gameplay

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>MKuck resorting to samefagging

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Muslim Kombat

Attached: 1553876275570.jpg (972x710, 108K)

Leatherface sucked the most out of all the guests. Who will be the guest this time? Pennywise? Spawn?

>Implying that wasn't always the case

Attached: Muslim Kombat.jpg (500x597, 57K)

>please buy my game

agreed. ma' boi was cool though

Attached: MKX jason.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Literally the reason I got the game. Then Alien came out

Michael Myers is really the only choice left to fill out the slasher quota.

But since they're going to have to go with some WB distributed franchise I'd like to see Mad Max, Pennywise or Regan MacNeil make a guest appearance.

Attached: mm.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Her hair looks like a penis lmao

>Michael Myers
as in Austin Powers and Wayne's World?

That's Mike Myers, user.

>He hasn't seen any Halloween movies

Attached: sLe13h3.jpg (1224x1445, 247K)

>WB franchise
Are you saying Deh has a chance here

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holy shit now thats a good looking female

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Why did they give her down syndrome??? Look at her face!

Jax looks like he has downs

young jax yes. old jax looks just like michael j. white, and that is good, since he played jax in mk legacy.

Reminds me of the Mass effect chick

Attached: Sarah_Ryder-0.png (295x295, 178K)

Shouldn't you Netherealm employees be working on the game?

>women don't want to look sexy
>go to a convention 80% of the women choose skimpy costumes

Attached: 9678'598741321.png (1200x800, 577K)

Yikes, go outside and have sex with some random roastie if THAT is how fucking low your standard are, you soi chugging cuck.

you can buy sluts that looks better than that for the price of the game you fat incel.

but user they are just going to a convention. if that was a fight for theri life, they would cover up in hoods and loancloths and wear those high heels just like the women do in mk11. you know nrs took a more mature and respectful route in mk11.

Attached: steve beran.png (435x499, 326K)

thanks steve , logic is what i need on my Mk game .

Attached: cassiec.gif (400x232, 1.71M)

unironically this

man i hope they have cassie's workout clothes from mkx back as a costume. she only has special forces outfits and they are all covering her curves.

At least she has a proper haircut this time

T. Has never watched a female combat sport ever

The entire MK11 style is all over the place; Shao Khan, Noob, Johnny and Cassie all look good but none of them look like the same game and most don't look like their older designs or revamped versions of older designs.

They just look like a pile of OCs that were all created in separation to one another.

>this shits all over SF 5
SF5 is the worst modern fighting game, it also has garbage falke's pole animation. I don't get your irony, op-faggot.

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Looks horrible shill

That doesn’t look like Jade it looks like the main character from Assassins Creed: Somalia

kinda looks like that girl from asscreed but there's something a bit off in this pic
that and I think the girl from asscreed wasn't this dark

barely a 6/10, forgettable, bland poop face.


and a proper face.

Attached: 3508610-mk11-cassiecage-promo.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

isnt buying a new mortal kombat every couple of years comparable to buying fifa? it's the same shit and never changes

MkX is 4 years old and the gameplay does change not like fiifa or any other sports game

Attached: Kitana.jpg (1619x1080, 150K)

found the faggot tranny

not at all. they even changed the meta of mkx with the final patch. it plays completely different now that it did by release.
what goes for mkx it is also different. slower paced, no run buttons. no combo breaker. meter is filling up automatically. just to name a few.

Mk "swimsuits"

Attached: 414019-mortal-kombat-ii-sega-saturn.png (640x448, 87K)

>big breast

Attached: 1552435717399.png (514x536, 322K)