People who are angry at Sony "censoring" Japanese games:

People who are angry at Sony "censoring" Japanese games:

The only content they are banning is sick filth like pic related.
They are actively making videogames less creepy

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Other urls found in this thread:

so you're saying they're censoring things
fuck off and don't tell me what I can or can't play

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pedophilia.

We should have the freedom to play what we want when we want, without censorship.

Just because it does not appeal to you, does not mean you have the right to censor it. If we could, then why not censor gays to appeal to the religious fundamentalists?

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>Just because it does not appeal to you, does not mean you have the right to censor it.
Based centrist


I'm glad Sony is going full retard again, they seem to work better after a loss.


Nothing wrong with me

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I've complained about censorship of sexual stuff, violent stuff, religious stuff, whatever, for longer than most of the people on Yea Forums have existed. I don't even like the removal of the lingerie outfits in Fatal Frame V despite:

- Not caring for fanservice stuff
- Knowing Japanese, so it doesn't affect me anyway


They censored a horror game before


Nothing wrong with me

heh you self centered pussy ass faglords. You are allowed to play whatever you want. Just how people are able to alter whatever the fuck they make/sell for whatever the fuck reason.

Really shit is some faggy surface level thinking since you only think of your own selfs and unable to go past that. Since you want to infringe on the right of others to do whatever the fuck they want with their private property for whatever the fuck reason simply cause of your gay ass fucking dumb feelings.

This. I didn't care about the fanservice clothing either, personally, but I was againdt its removal on a principal level.

that is indeed sick as fuck, pedos should get hung


I'm already pretty hung tho

I'm already hung

but then they wouldn't fit inside children as easy and it would hurt
you're wishing harm on children which is a lot worse than what a pedophile would do

Here (You) go

Thanks for the opinion Helen Lovejoy

Imagine being a Snoyfag.

I don't understand people at all anymore.

>wanting porn in your games

What gaem

You need to leave

Wow here is proof that Sony still has active shills on Yea Forums


>the pic I made is now routinely used for shitposting
I made it bros, I became famous on Yea Forums.

Thank you for your service

They won't care until it happens to them.

>game is censored=cut content
>pay the same or more for the game
>SNOY's are ok with this

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What a waste of oxygen you are

My favorite one was the ghost girl.
My sides fucking flew off when she started shouting:
>I'm being busted!

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Is this a cunny thread in disguise?

That is one flimsy disguise.

Hey OP you're completely right! But let's not stop there. What about fictional violence and murder? I just wonder what kind of sick fucks enjoy killing in video games. Jesus.

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How about you go eat a fucking dick. This shit was already fine by CERO standards, so there is zero reason for Sony to intervene and censor them anyway. They're doing this strictly because they can, because they actively want to antagonize Japanese developers out of some misguided crusade.

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Gal gun

oh right that game is illegal in my country

You weren't going to play it anyway, and you're not going to play it now. Don't kid yourself.

>playing ecchi on a console
>playing kusoge at all
If you care about this I genuinely pity you.

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>there's no reason for sony to do this except the explicitly given reason that they want a family-friendly image and the japanese don't say "you're fired" they fuck with your job until you quit

You type like a fag but your base premise (4channers wanting to infringe on the rights of publishers and devs because MUH BONER) is correct.

>video game titties designed and published and distributed privately having lens flare added by its owners is freeze peach
Goddamn you kids are stupid

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>wanting a family-friendly image
>when fucking Nintendo exists and already has that niche cornered
>while pushing games like GoW, TLoU, and MK
This is retarded no matter how you try to spin it. Hell, even WITH their family-friendly image, Nintendo is still cool with this shit as long as it follows CERO. There is literally zero excuse for this outside of Sony just straight up being dicks.

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>those hands

there's a difference between action games for adults and literal pedophile simulators for jacking off to lolicon

>no no it's not a questionable business decision THEY HATE ME PERSONALLY
You are a sad, strange little man and I pray you find some perspective before you start applying this thinking to large swaths of people

>censor the things that people don't want censored

Sauce on game?

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People want this censored. You'd have to be mentally ill to not want it to be censored.

This is some great bait. Nobody can stop replying like retards.

GalGun 2

Sounds like you're mentally ill and are speaking for a demographic that is already outspoken about this bullshit censorship.

And this kids is why its VERY important to learn the difference between words.

I don't care if you find it creepy or whatever. If I want to experience something made from another country I want to have my experience to be the closest to what the developer had in mind. No matter the media censorship is retarded

>they want a family-friendly image
What first party games have they released recently that are family friendly if you believe this is the case?

>gal gun

jacking off to anime girls who don't look at all like real children is A-Okay and if you think this is at all on the same immorality scale as actually raping a child you are an idiot
thought-police get fucked

>They are actively making videogames less likely to be an accepted art form
Video games will never be considered art as long as professional critics and developers are pushing for pieces to be censored or banned.
Art is steeped in the controversial and pushing to silence artists or stifle artistic creativity is the same kind of behavior as the Church back in the Dark Ages where only approved pieces by the Church could be considered appropriate to be released for public viewing. The rest of the art world is at the Rennaissance stage only games are struggling to leave the Dark Ages. We ALMOST escaped into the renaissance era but then we got pulled back into the black murk of the Dark Ages.

Sony learned from the failure of the Vita.

If they let weeb pedo trash run rampant, people automatically assume the whole platform is for nothing but virgin nerds. They have to forcibly stop waifu shit to keep their game library clean and decent looking instead of a loli-infested visual novel shitshow.

Bravo to Sony for taking a brave stand against the lowest common denominator in gaming. If only Nintendo cared about their marketplace in the same way.

God I wish the Adult Only label wasn’t the death nail for a game, but instead was treated as an actual category for porn games to be sold freely. All these censorship issues would automatically disappear.

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Why is Sony becoming child-friendly? I thought Nintendo were the kiddie company?

If you want poser porn games, go to PC. Steam is currently flooded with the shit cause they have no quality control and virgin nerds like you are too scared of real women to use Pornhub.

Weeb game saved the vita because they were literally nothing else on the console.

Death knell* you illiterate boob.

I sleep
I sleep
Still sleep
Now thats the real shit.

>forget to put games on the vita
>get mad when 3rd party devs take it upon themselves to cater to your audience
> kill the platform and any hope for a successor in favor of more movie games
Nah, fuck Sony.

Yeah I really never got that either. Why even bother with the rating when it's rarely used and everything it gets slapped on ends up being super niche because of how the rating is treated.

Sumimasen, sempai.

I'm not creeped out by it, all I see is content being taken away. If I have the option to buy the version with more content or the one with less then I'm going with more. And if one platform holder continuously takes away content from games then I as a consumer will no longer buy their products.

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>infringe on the rights of publishers and devs
So it's fine for platform holders to infringe on them and not fine for consumers to complain about it? Very cool.

>Sony kills the Vita off on its second year of existing.
>Niche Jap devs proceed to keep it alive for another 5+ years
If anything this shows how powerful and important niche devs are if they can literally keep a system alive single handedly for 5+ years with no help from the platform holder.

yooooo are you joking?? this is why people get upset? this is a straight up pedophile game. ill actually have to watch out for people who own it or talk about its censorship so i can avoid them lmao

The fact that you see children as sexual and creepy is creepy.

gal gun 2
its actually pretty good

pedophilia isn't content.

lets not kid ourselves, anyone who complains about the censorship of something this pinpoint-specifically perverted is savvy enough to find the uncensored material easily. its just a form of crying about kinkshaming but about something actually harmful.

do you retards crying about freedom of expression not realise that sony is using it to choose what NOT to express? god damned idiots

I am not seeing pedophilia. I don't actually see a child at all. Maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter before you actually harm children, you sick fuck.

what a piece of shit style to argue

You are saying that "there are no children" is not a good argument against pedophilia? Are you mentally retarded?

I like games like that.

I want to play that game now

>do you retards crying about freedom of expression not realise that sony is using it to choose what NOT to express?
Which then at the same time goes against their views of games being more than children's toys as children's toys need to moderated and ensured to be safe for their audience. Art however embraces controversial matters and thus doesn't need to be moderated. So by defending Sony's actions, you are in fact going against their beliefs of games being a mature medium and art form and instead saying that Playstation is the toddler's console due to artistic liberty being stifled.

would you be attracted to the character in question if she didnt have qualities of someone who is underage?

this is the 1000-year old dragon clause. nobody is attracted sexually to those designs because of their "real" age, but because they have qualities of a character who is underage. youre defending yourself with a running joke


good. im glad.

>would you be attracted to the character in question if she didnt have qualities of someone who is underage?
I am not attracted to her at all. If you had actually read my first post I made no negative or positive comment about the game in question. In fact I like the fat onee-chan type characters, but I don't condem anyone who is attracted to anything 2D. It's not real, I don't have a reason to judge anyone for it. Even if it's guro, scat or anything. All I can say is that it's not my fetish.

Can you just kill yourself already?

So you agree that Playstation is not a mature system and that the games made for it are nothing more than trash to entertain small children as if they were Candy Crush or some shit?

videogames are rarely more than entertainment. they are a really young form of media too, so it remains to be seen if they get actual recognition as anything other than bing bing wahoo.

but they're not? its already been shown they're censoring pointless nudity anyway. (dmc5) And where this silly shit begins, it has no ends. Sony has the right to do what they want with their products, and i'm fine with it. It just means I probably won't be buying their games for much longer.

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What show is this?

Twist ending: both provocative and boundary-pushing masterpieces and the most soulless of BING BING WAHOOs were art all along and you're both pretentious cunts

what in the fuck? imagine seeing a grown ass man playing this on a bullet train at full volume LOL

Fuck off
If these games weren't meant to exist they would have died off in the early 2000's and would not have made it to the west.

There also is zero reason to censor a game thats been rated by the esrb other than to be anti consumer

Snoy will not get any money out of me until they fix their shit.

ok fair enough, i probably jumped to conclusions. its easy to personify everything you dislike in a subject of debate onto the defensive party.

BUT, loli and shota are harmful. they are used as grooming material. if you want to argue that its not legally questionable, its definitely morally appalling to become aroused by porn about children (or characters that just LOOK like kids but are really not, neener neener).

i wonder if the frothing channers who yell about gayness and trans being a mental disorder think the same about pedophilia.

Personally I believe they'll never be considered art because its the only medium whose critics push for the censoring and banning of foreign works and shows no respect or appreciation for other forms of art.
If that one issue was fixed games would be considered art instantly.


More cute AND funny!

How are they making video games less creepy by censoring games nobody cares about?

>BUT, loli and shota are harmful. they are used as grooming material
ACTUALLY, research shows the opposite. Loli and Shota are in fact NOT harmful and shrink the crime rate when it comes to crimes against children. Counter to that the more a person pushes to ban shota and loli the more likely that person is involved in grooming, prostituting children, raping them or having real child CP on their computers such as the UN among many other "activists".

How are they used to groom people?
You know all porn is used as grooming tools right?

I guess it doesn’t matter for your 3dpd shit


>they'll never be considered art
By whom? That sentence has no meaning.
A game is art. A movie is art. A song is art. A dildo is art. A toilet is art. A monitor is art. What in the fuck do you care if an imaginary person in your mind tells you that something doesn't deserve to be art?

Or do you not really give a shit, because that would be insane? No, perhaps it's just that you've got a chip on your shoulder and this felt like the "high road" to reaching the conclusion you want.

Or you could just be insane, this is Yea Forums after all

this is exactly the problem, not only does a game like that have a niche audience, but the people who are vocal against this kind of game have no and never will have intention of buying a product like this in the first place.

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>By whom?
The art world, the critics and artists of the other mediums. Also you don't seem to be able to read. Since I said once the censorship issue leaves forever games will be considered art as they would be the one medium no longer trying to keep itself in the equivalent of the Dark Ages.

They've literally never heard of it before the censor.

>The art world
Something that doesn't exist
>"the critics"
Which critics?
>Artists of other mediums
Who gives a shit?

>Games will finally be considered art by people I don't like once publishers stop dictating the content they want to publish!
You really are a stupid cunt

Imagine thinking the AAA games industry has any artistic integrity, lol.

I'll give you FromSoftware, but that's it, video games are the most money-centric creative medium out there.

And we're allowed to complain about whatever we want

>publishers aren't infringing of the creative freedom of the developers, nuh-uh
Yes, this is how retarded you actually sound.

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I don't want something to be censored because it's creepy to some.

>Art is about integrity!
Nope, try again

Sure, but I think very low of people who complain about others enjoying harmless content.

>they seem to work better after a loss.
Tell that to the ps4.

I will unironically never again buy a Sony console

>Some half-naked girl
Imagine being a brainlet.

As long as you understand the difference between 2D and 3D, 3D being superior in every way.

Lol what the fuck did you just say? That's alot of words for saying nothing.

Sauce on pic m8

I'm not buying a PS5. Weeb publishers might be able to get away with Sony releases now because everyone and their mothers already has a PS4, but next generation will be a complete shitshow for them if they don't pressure Sony or completely shift their focus to switch or PC, or possibly support xbox

He said "your rights aren't being abridged, and in fact you are calling for the abridging of the rights of Sony and/or the owners of the intellectual property in question."

the ultimate redpill, folks.

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If the censorship was the intention of the creator sure. But they're mostly forced by laws and regulations.

even if this were true how low T do you even have to be to do something like that

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You don't think at all.


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Games being creepy keeps people who dont normally care about video games on other hobbies that are boring and predictable like hollywood movies

I have never seem a entertainment medium get so stale so fast.

but that's wrong, it's mostly a result of market forces and self-regulation.

This is honestly what pisses me off the most.
>Faggots who only play console AAAs that appeal the mass audiences and only watch shit like MHA talk about how "creepy" they find sub genres of the medium, to mold it to ONLY appeal to the mass blob of shit.
Maybe not everyone WANTS to make another military FPS or brutal 3rd person game, what if someone wants to make AND play a game about hanging around cute girls, and they're fine with not getting 3 trillion in profit because they made something they poured their interest into.

So be like every other creep and develop/play on PC

I thought they didn't censor GalGun?
them fucking with my titty ninjas is unforgivable though.

that said if the next game has the girls fully clothed I might be alright with that too. A hot outfit goes a long way, maybe even further than ecchi bikinis and lingerie...

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I do asshole, you can enjoy your censorship box and realize when it's too late that pushing away people willing to actually spend money on more than Madden, Fifa and CoD isn't enough for the AAA industry to survive.

>I do
Then why the fuck are you complaining

>These franchises that make enough money to literally keep a massive publisher afloat aren't enough to keep massive publishers afloat
lol wat

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>He thinks Activision can survive with just CoD
>He thinks Madden and Fifa can survive with just funds from Madden and Fifa, doesn't take into account all the roster updates, news and stat tweaking
I know you have no idea what you're talking about console nigger, but at least don't pretend money is printed inside of big companies.

i see you have some taste. Still, especially for you, you should not abide by that kind of censorship. clothing and costumes should be an option in that kind of game, not enforced.

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Fifa 19 earned 3 billion dollars. With a B.

You're an idiot.

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give them a finger and they take the whole arm
its gonna start small and get worse and worse if its not opposed

fuck off, I'm creepy and I have creepy hobbies that are none of your business

what's going to start small and get worse

Don't hide behind vague rhetoric, tell me in plain and certain terms what you think is going to happen.

>Exclusivity deal with the league
>Sign deal to use player names with the league
>Have to hire players to do voice overs for themselves (Madden at least)
>Hire announcers
>Maintenance servers
>Advert costs (Even though the same people buy it every year)
>Physical costs (Discs, shipments, retailers)
>Funding their leagues for esports
But no, tell me how how that 3 billion won't dry up quickly, consolenigger, surely you're good with money, that's why you bought a HAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry, console

I know, I don't support that shit in the slightest and it should be optional. I'm just not inherently against showing less skin.

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Pedos unironically need to be hanged

So you're literally trying to say that it costs more than 3 billion dollars to develop a Fifa game.

That's the stance you want to take, despite Fifa regularly being the largest profit driver EA has by a wide wide margin.

Points for bravery I guess?

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Obviously not or they'd can it, retard.
But 3 billion revenue=/= 3 billion profit.
If it were that easy another company would swoop in and try to bully EA out of exclusivity rights

this but ironically.

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>If it were that easy another company would swoop in and try to force one or both partners to break a binding contract with extreme punishments for withdrawal so they could build everything from scratch and pray that their game will sell as much
You really are a fucking moron, user.

>not recognizing that artstyle


I like this thread but if Kagura/waif anons are gonna keep posting their singular waifu I'm just gonna go play vidya.

If they're making 3 billion in profit they would, fuck, even competing and only getting 1 billion would be worth.
Sorry your tiny brain can't grasp actual business expenses and risk/reward, consoletard

>The only content they are banning is sick filth like pic related.
Guess which pic is taken from PC or Xbone and which one is taken straight out of PS4.

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>Think of the VIRTUAL children!
Go die.

Fine il just rape real children then.

>fun thread about electric plugs gets 404'd
>blatant (You) fishing censorship thread stays afloat
Yea Forums moderators and janies are people far worse than psychotic canibalistic necropedophiles can hope to be.

>PS4 has exclusive gfx effects
sony always wins babe

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Don't like it, don't buy it.

thank you SNOY for protecting us beta males from having to see unwanted sexual themes!

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If the ESRB, PEGI, and CERO all cleared the game for release, then it should be left uncensored by Sony.

Prove me wrong.

Subscribe to pewdiepie

Friendly reminder that these are the kind of people that share OP's mindset.

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sauce? Not even looking to fap, this just seems interesting.

>The idea pedophilia is wrong comes from Christianity
>Argument against these games is they turn pedophiles
>Japan is a country that actively hunted down and tortured Christians, culture has minor Christian social morals
>These games and other lolicon media have existed for decades in Japan
>Less pedos in Japan than in Christian institutions like the Catholic church that want to censor/ban this media

Really makes you think

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Fuck off, hole.

Why is this content problematic and this content isnt? We all gonna pretend there wont be at least ONE scene where the these two are wearing nothing but underwear and are writhing over each other while some shitty folk song plays. Why is lesbian sexual content 100% okay (and the game even uses a photorealistic style as opposed to a the clearly exaggerated proportions and cartoonish nonsense that is part and parsel to all anime) but heterosexual content is vilified and "creepy". Why is it that nonexistent digital women have more rights and influence than the real men that would like to play these games and why is it that people that arent even probably EVER going to purchase games like this afforded the right to shut down the consumption of people that enjoy said content, it would be like people that drive only hondas exclusively enacting and lobbying for legislation to ban the production and sale of toyota or ford it just doesnt make any fucking sense, the only argument you have to fall back on is "um its creepy". Personally i think the idea of transgendered children under the age of ten to be incredibly disturbing but they exist and society doesnt consider it child abuse. Why does shit no longer make any sense?

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There is a very simple answer for all of this.


This is the part of the argument I don't understand. What harm do these games bring to you by being on a console? You can still enjoy your FIFA or Madden games, they're not going to change whether these games exist uncensored on a PS4 or not.

>This is the part of the argument I don't understand. There's no argument to misunderstand here.
One side is saying "I want to be able to do X"
The other is saying "You can, just not on PS4"

It has nothing to do with harm. It's a private platform. They can do whatever they please on it. Preventing you from doing X on a private platform is not the same as preventing you from doing X anywhere ever on any platform.

fuck off pillock

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Sony isn't the one making these games

Please... Allow me to become older, brother.

not him but just lurk more phoneposter


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Isnt there sexual content on games released in japan though? So cant you actually "do x on ps4"

What the fuck, I want this.

They're cracking down on that too.
See Senran Kagura's producer's recent departure from Marvelous.


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People should be allowed to play these games without censor.

Go back to your sick Muslim Kombat game.

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Have sex

Yukari is so cute!

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I have it everyday with my neighbours daughter you nigger.

I know this is bait, but have you ever met a person that was raped as a child? They are damaged for good and forever wounded.

The fuck is wrong with you? You know what Gamersâ„¢ are like. Telling them to "have sex" is basically giving them permission to rape.



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PS6 will only allow FIFA and GTA and you will defend it.

This is why the NPC's say that to incels. They love seeing kids raped.

she needs big hand for big penises

As long as the raped kid is white and then becomes a tranny, it’s ok.

> tfw I get turned on more by women in cute, revealing clothes than outright naked

Censorship of art.

During early PSV and PS3 era
Sony: "Please please please please buy our systems! We need to avoid bankruptcy!"
Normalfags: "Lol no! It sucks"
Sony (to weeb-game devs): "Please make games for our systems! ANY games! It's a chance to work on your passion! We'll give you free dev kits!"
Weeb-game devs: "Well if you say so."
Sony (to weebs): "Look, we have titty ninja and panty quest! Only on OUR systems. Will you buy our systems now?"
Weebs: "Oh wow! Sure!"
Sony (to normal game devs): "Look, people are buying our systems! Making games for our system is the right choice!"
Normal game devs: "Okay, let's talk money..."

After PS4 pushed them out of the red
Sony: "You guys can't have titty ninja and panty quest anymore because it offends the normalfags! Suck it!"
Weebs: "Wait, what?! After all the money we threw at you so you can get out of red?! All of a sudden?!"
Weeb-game devs: "Wait what?! What about all these ongoing projects we've spent money on?"
Sony (to weeb-game devs): "Change it until we like it. Also don't think of cancelling it or there will be penalties. Now bend over!"

When their next console comes around, I'm sure they can subsist purely on sheeple's money alone.

Can you tell me what message conveys?
What does it say about society? How does it help progress of cultural values?

Well shit. That would explain a lot.

its the thinking man's fetish.

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puffy nipples are the best thing ever

Not really, both are meant for adult audiences and should be equally moderated as such. That's why there are rating systems. So random soccer mom can look like a retard when she buys little Timmy MK11 and is shocked that there is gore she can see that it wasn't meant for him in the first place.


It means there’s still hope for you.

It should be more acceptable now in the digital age where AO meaning you don't get put on Walmart shelves doesn't mean the death of a game.

I would a witch if I could

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Still way too vague.

Who is going to censor what and how will this lead to it.
Show your fucking work, faggot.

but which hole do you put it in first

>The only content they are banning is
Factually wrong.
Devil May Cry 5 had a full grown woman, Trish, butt censored in a non sexual scene.
One Piece World Seeker also had an entire mission with the adult One Piece characters at a hot spring censored.

>Can you tell me what message (OP) conveys?
Cute fictional girls just wanna have fun.

>What does it say about society?
Guys like cute fictional girls.

>How does it help progress of cultural values?
It doesn't. That's how you know it's art.

what about a thicc, goth, mexican loli?

Attached: goth mexiloli.png (267x298, 91K)

why would you censor it? better to keep pedos contained in their virtual wanking than out there doing actual harm


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Sometimes I think people just throw "cute" on everything to the point that it lost its meaning, especially in the Yea Forums world.

Art needs not convey a message about society, politics, or the world. The cave paintings depicting prehistoric hunts said nothing about how the artist felt, but were art all the same.
Eat shit, fag.

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is this a loli witch?

Attached: AKKO.jpg (1024x576, 29K)

lol triggered

Dada says eat a dick.

Fuck off retard

No, that's just a dumb witch.

>it's not censorship if it censors things I don't like

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Based and lolipilled

You know OP what is sickening? Shooting other people/monsters/animals with plenty of different guns? Boobs are not killing people, but guns do.

Attached: havingfunallthetime.jpg (325x473, 38K)

you're right. my idea of cute and revealing would be closer to this.

what's yours?

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girls can be cute and funny

I want to be killed by a pair of boobs or thighs to be honest


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But what about person who was raped BY a child? Ever though about him/her?

What game is this?

yeah i dont like it so no one is allowed to like it ! let's show those fags how it is done

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Wouldn't it hurt the girl though if everyone was hung?

Companies and/or governments
By closing the overton window ever so slightly bit by bit until any lewd depiction is seen in the same light as OP.
Proof of this lies in every nation that currently censors pornographic material without uproar or complaint for fear of being socially punished because of advocating for such materials.
That clear enough?

That game is great

You are faggot

ladies and gentlemen, "liberals" in 2019

You don't belong here anymore. Get out.

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but Nintendo allows it and nobody thinks the Switch is "just a weeb console" or whatever
explain that one faggot

not an argument

>sourcing the fag who left because he didn't belong

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"cuckolding is a thinking man's fetish" - Moot 2016

this but unironically

>retards clamor to get tiddies removed from anime game #43546
>dev/publisher caves
>these same people proceed to not give a shit or buy the game because they never had an interest in it outside of outrage culture
>people who actually were interested in the game are now passing on it because it's censored

When will they learn? The only reason to censor anything is if it would have made the game AO in the west.

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Something between stylish and "pure/innoncent" I guess. If there's anything else but doesn't override the whole idea, then its just sprinkles on top of the cuteness.

If it's just loli wearing slutwear, then it's not cute, but its still something a person can like. Writing that down though, many people think they can't like something because its not "cute", so its easy to throw the label on everything for justification.

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Cute girls are cute and some people like cute girls

'calarts' is just a meme buzzword now that doesn't mean anything anymore because weeaboos just call anything western calarts now.

t. Calarts alumni

Man, Teach is cute.

>Sony facing bankruptcy coming off of the PS2

>eastern picasso shit
at least post more cunny

>these same people proceed to not give a shit or buy the game because they never had an interest in it outside of outrage culture
See Liberals want these games expunged.


Still saving bros, still saving

t. Sony shill
If Nintendo, Microsoft or Steam censored games you'd probably throw a fit.

tits are life, ass is hometown guy who actually works in the industry thinks it's a problem. if it was purely loli shit not being allowed I wouldn't give a fuck to be honest but that's absolutely not the case.


That's bullshit and you know it. Calarts refers to a specific style pervasive in 2010s cartoon network shows that have undefined tube like limbs, bean shaped mouths, and completely flat characters. All based on Adventure Time's aesthetic to varying degrees, because most CN shows are currently made by former AT staff.

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what? your virginity?
lol dumb weeb

if this keeps going we will reach a point when not even bad words will be allowed in vidya , good job on making the world a better place . and whats with all this sony fanboys defending sony's censorship ? didnt u guys used to mock nintendo for being overly family friendly ?

Attached: pslogo.jpg (960x720, 28K)

Are you retarded? Have you seen Senran Kagura? Have you seen that VN where they didn't want to show her belly button so they made sunlight over be whole buddy. Also there is objectively nothing wrong with cunny

dude i was talking about cute and revealing so i get what cute is, but also the revealing part yes?

thats cute but its full armor. i wouldnt call it revealing

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Oh no Sonybros

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I wish I saved my virginity for Abby!

how to spot a sjw

fuck off western animation is getting uglier and uglier

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Let me know when it starts to affect video games

are you fucking faggots going to post more cunny or not? dont tell me you just crashed in for the consolewar shitposting, you niggers


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Fuck off, OP is a fag as usual. Censorship of fictional shit is stupid, go breath some exhaust fumes. I don’t play that game but censoring things that aren’t even real is big gay.

>Samefagging this hard

Attached: MV5BNjUxODY4ODMzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDQ4Nzk1NjM@._V1_.jpg (1013x1500, 378K)

That’s anti loli for you

i know what it is, but retards will say stuff that clearly isn't calarts is just because its western. mainly because they dont watch anything besides anime

whats wrong with their heads and mouths?

What does that have to do with pedophilia

moot was gay , what a surprise now back to resetera zoomer

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shes not 40yo, has blue hair and 3 black children user

to americans she is LITERALY A child

Good luck bro

Disgusting nonce.

What if I want to get cucked by a loli

>sometimes people use this word wrong so it doesn't mean anything
this is how retarded western animation fans are.

Who cares what some literally who tripfag thinks?

Why are westerners so afraid of cute things

>no "I'm normally against censorship but support this because it's funny to watch virgin weebs seethe over their cartoon pussy being taken away" space


Attached: baboon magic.webm (720x720, 2.93M)

Censoring any kind of sexual material in japanese games just makes it difficult for eastern developers to work with. There's a market for these kinds of games and taking away what made them sell will ruin it. That's an indisputable fact. And anyone who defends Sony's actions policing devs and also driving them away is absolutely part of the problem. It will lead to many dev teams going out of business due to lack of sales and hurt the industry as a whole. And that is not good. And the Olympics coming up just make things worse. I hope to god Japan wakes up and takes a stand from these morons who don't even buy and play the games they bitch about.

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the fuck? what are you, some kind of mindless lemming? who gives a shit about his opinion

Sony california are the ones responsible for the change in policy. Japan has nothing to do with it.

Then fuck em'.

stop being jealous of the beauty and youth of imaginary characters.


Everything. Pedophilia hurts the victim forevermore.

She’s old and busted.

Who is the victim of pedophilia?

Companies are not capable of censorship without an illegal monopoly (spoiler: there is no such monopoly in gaming)

Sony censoring games on their private platform does not move the overton window. You do not know what the overton window is.

>proof that governments will completely take over all artistic expression is in governments that require pixelation of vagine
lol wat
>people fear asking for uncensored porn because they'll be socially punished
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about

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The child being raped by an adult.

You're absolutely right, user, morally there's no reason for their new platform regulations and when considering the amount of violence in video games, the sexual aspect is laughable.

That moral high ground evaporates when your argument becomes "They shouldn't be allowed to do what they want with their intellectual property"

>Shitting on Misae
Fucking pleb

>They are actively making videogames less creepy

I am all for hanging the pedos, but there is nothing to be gained from making video games more appealing to normie scum either.

>find 18 year old attractive
>"yeah breh she's hot"
>find 17 year old attractive
>"fucking pedo psycho kill yourself"

>Western shitsniggers think they morals are better than Eastern's
If the western world didn't exist, this planet would be a better place, with actual culture, no niggers, better food, better women, better entertainment, no SJWs and no Muslims.

and where are the victims of this products ?

Extremely based, unironically

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Loli should remain 2D. The problem are the people wanting to fuck real children.

That isn't pedophilia though

Is a man raping a woman the definition of heterosexuality?

>oey vey goyim, its impossible to censor if you dont have a monopoly ( a fallacy), if you dont like it then you should leave it ( a fallacy). why dont you just make your own international multibillion dollar publishing platform, its easy!
>remember, censorship is fine if a megacorporation does it, they are private entities after all tee hee

unironically isekai yourself.


Get over it bigots.

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When you allow censorship, you allow censorship.

And inevitably someone that dislike what you like will take control over it, and censor it.

>not wanting pedo shit in your games makes you a normie
"I am all for hanging the pedos" my ass. Fuck off pedo.

My wife

Normies shouldn't be allowed to enjoy video games. They bring down the quality, this is a irrefutable fact.

Cute and funny pilled.

this is like going to the vidya makes ppl violent era , turns out playing vidya doesnt turns u into a mass murderer

"user your date is here"

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I think I'm going to puke.

Based and cute and funny pilled.

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

Even 100 years ago it was common to court and groom a young girl for marriage and to become a wife and mother, but there was never any sexual activity. At least, there wasn't supposed to be, I'm pretty sure if the family of the girl found out you were fucking her when you were supposed to be waiting until she was older they'd beat your ass for defiling her or some shit. Women only ever love their fathers now and it's because they're the only male in their life they can imprint on, whereas courting a girl for years until she was of age meant you could condition her with the help of any of your sisters and mother/grandmother into becoming the kind of woman you want, rather than a slag who barhopped and choked on cock for 15 years before settling down.

That said fucking children is wrong.

wait a minute, I didn't order the brown one

>I'm incapable of actually addressing your points, so let me degrade into slurs and strawmanning

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Mostly in countries like India, South Africa, the UK and the US.


I'm not dating a fucking nigger!

My date looks like THAT?!

>"censorship" (read: doing things I don't like) is fine if a megacorp does it because they are private entities
Unironically yes.

Attached: david164chanuser.png (498x403, 142K)

GalGun2 was probably the last lewd game we got on the PS4. Their censorship killed any chance for us to get a VR update though.


Don't be disingenuous, you're ignoring a lot of factors with this picture, like how all of those places are 50% shitskins.

Not saying the comic is incorrect, but I wouldn't put any stock into crime figures from Japan.

Think of it logically you retard!

All those genres destroyed!
All those franchises stomped into the dirt!
All because some faggot thought "Hey, maybe gaming isn't as creepy as I thought it is"

This shit can exist in its own bubble as long as it scares these assholes away it's fine by me!

well then source any case where a men or women raped a child becouse of vidya

And what's wrong with that exactly? I trust a pedophile about as far as I can throw them. Take the arm, take their whole damn existence, I don't care.


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I wanna FUCK Kuro

>brown skin
>pink hair
does she taste like chocolate or strawberry?

>3 major media platforms basically control 90% of the content normies see on the internet
>It's no big deal if one, or two, or all three decide to censor and ban people for certain statements or opinions


Google child pageants. It's the same exact thing.

>I don't enjoy this therefore nobody should be allowed to enjoy this

KYS yourself.

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>there are people who think this show is okay but want to censor games like in OP

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like prolapse

we are talking about video games not real life . you are doing the same thing that ppl did back when violence in vidya was turning kids into mass murderers

Whatever happened to "Don't like it? Don't buy it." Not like this niche shit sells enough to affect whatever triple a trash you play.

If you are lucky you can bed one Yea Forums

If you are good you can bed both.

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>sony not showing titties is the same as or will lead to the major media conglomerates AND all major ISP's conspiring to censor all media because ????????????????????????
Cool story, bro. Very believable. Well thought out.

Attached: akanewalkinggarbage.jpg (853x480, 76K)

Loli should not be censored. Real child rapists must be killed.

>brown people commit most of the rape
>comparing countries that have vastly different legal definitions of rape
Get off Yea Forums and read a statistics book you moron.

>literally say it's okay for a megacorp to censor things
>whine and act like you're smart because you don't know what you're asking for


what will it take to bed you?

Censorship is:
Nazis burning books because they were written by jewish people

Censorship is not:
My kids toys don't have naked underaged girls ;___;

>opinion bad becuz they are ugly!!!!
Post a pic of yourself then and we can compare

>act like you're smart
You can just admit you don't understand what I'm saying and that makes you angry. We're all anonymous here.

Then the universe implodes

Oh it's this argument again, why do people like it so much? Every area in every western country that has a huge population of shitskins is a crime ridden hellhole, regardless of which crime you're looking at. Unless you wanna argue about countries having different definitions of murder, as if a nigger killing someone in the US is different than a sandnigger killing someone in the UK.

The sexual content isn't even the worst part of that image. It's the bland mash x to win gameplay that it's pushing that pisses me off.

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>Censorship is only good when I say it is!
You are so stupid you can't even see the irony in your post.

Can I just watch them fuck each other?

>doesn't know what he's actually saying
>has to hope someone else will figure it out for him


Free speech isn't the first amendment of the US constitution. Free speech is a value, one of several competing ideas. If free speech stops being popular, stops being desired, it will disappear.


Where's Miyu?

>hey let me just pull complete nonsense out of my asshole and hope no one calls me out on it
You need to go back

>art on a pedestal faggit

where do idiots get this idea? if it's creative, it's art. that's it.


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The nazis burned those books because they were text about naked underaged girls.

>the bait is weakening
time for a nap big guy

>watch them fuck each other
>masturbate and cum on their faces
>watch them lick each other clean
>masturbate some more

Free speech hasn't been popular for at least 20 years and it's disappeared in about the same time, too, just like pretty much everything else in the Bill of Rights.

based inti

>unironically bringing up the slogan of turbo-retarded libertarians
A fitting cap to your idiocy.

Attached: time.png (480x716, 325K)

>have more shitskins
>have more crime
Huh... really makes you think...

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GalGun2 was a legit fun and tight rail shooter, it wasn't Mash X to Win by any measure.

That it was really erotic is just a side note.

Why is kuro so fucking unsexy?

I want the one on the right.

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Quick someone grab the bird poop

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Can you name me 5 areas in the US, Canada, Northern Europe, or Western Europe that have populations of shitskin over 20% that aren't full of rampant murder, rape, and other crime?

>unironically using unironically


>Copying Tameem

>my rights end where another's begin
Yes, that's pretty much what everyone agrees on.

Their opinion isn't bad because they're ugly, it's not even wrong, or outrageous. It just loses all of its weight and meaning because they're a disgusting crossdressing pervert who doesn't take care of themselves, is probably mentally ill, and is also a furfag.

god I wish I could inhale illya's farts

>finding a highschool senior sexy
>sick filth
Better ban the entirety of America from existence, then.

>tfw 3rd grade reading comprehension


As someone who's actually bothered to look at population and crime statistics you'd be hard pressed to find any area that isn't rural bumfuck nowhere population of 7 that has a %population below 20 for african americans

Even when I was high school 10 years ago, most of my classmates would agree that people like the Westboro Baptists had a right to protest, and things like Bush's "free speech zones" were widely mocked.

Attached: Free-Speech-Zones.jpg (640x490, 97K)

>them not publishing titties on their private platform violates my rights!
Not really, no.

You're just making an ass of yourself at this point.

Corporations aren't people you faggot.

>Free speech isn't the codified and agreed upon definition of free speech, it's what -I- want free speech to be

Attached: whatthefuckareyoudoing.jpg (700x648, 251K)

There are many smaller cities in the US that are 95% white and big surprise they're not crime riddled warzones. It's weird how every single place that becomes 1/4 or 1/2 or more brown becomes an oppressive violent garbage dump.

Sony is actively discriminating against Japanese titles. Forget your prejudice about waifus or anime titties, they're almost exempt from exploring sexual content in their narratives. And that's gross; the Japanese have, typically, never been particularly squeamish about such things, and it's what's lent them such a refreshing flavor.

Ahh, so you're saying companies shouldn't be able to own IP then.

Another brilliant reply.

LMAO, people actually take works of fiction this seriously? And you thought these fuckers can't get anymore delusional. I bet they want to censor and ban these because they are the one's afraid of committing whatever fiction crime they are thinking of. Embarrassing

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unironically, yes.

Highschoolers don't know anything. People get arrested for saying naughty words on twitter - not threats, just mean things - and college campuses routinely censor and police certain speech and ideas, going so far as to involve the cops. People in the UK get arrested all the time for tweeting something about immigration. The concept of freedom of expression is dying and it's going to be gone in your life time.

Kinda off topic/Call me low T but are people really able to fap to this? as in its both not actual porn and is a videogame(therefore your hands are using the controller), i hate ecchi in general because it tries to be both things and achieving none: comedy/romance and porn for the viewers, and instead of that I get low quality "comedy" that hinges on charachters being incredibly stupid for the things to happen and end up being "teased" to hell and back knowing that the anime/manga/vidya will never cross that line, seems more like the author creates charachters only for doujin artists to make the thing people want to see their charachters doing.

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This is why I prefer China's law. IP's and Copyrights are a joke now, and only used to abuse the fuck out of whatever flawed system it is just to squeeze money out of the lesser people.

Yes, that is my position. If free speech were redefined through legislation and court rulings to mean only the right to express the "correct" opinions, I wouldn't agree it was truly free. I know that makes me something of a relic.

>LMAO, people actually take works of fiction this seriously?
Not really, but people here will twist themselves into knots to try to apply vague libertarian rhetoric to places where it doesn't at all apply just to appear justified.

Never assume people on Yea Forums are arguing in good faith because in almost every case they aren't.

Then videogames as we know them cannot be developed or sold. Congrats, you killed what you love.

>private government endorsed electricity monopoly shuts off my power in the winter because I said something they didn't like


They censored an adult woman’s ass in Devil May cry 5

The IP should go to the owner of that company.

Such as her own.

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only one way to find out

Yeah I know Yea Forums or Yea Forums is really just arguing for the sake of it, I was mostly referring to the actual fuckers on Twitter, etc, losing their shit every time they see lewd anime. Really baffling.

>cinematic garbage
>legit fun


>If free speech were redefined
No one's attempting to redefine free speech except you.

No, that's highly illegal for a number of reasons and has absolutely nothing to do with editing content to be published.

I don't find it particularly hot in the manner that I'd jerk off to it, but I think it's kind of cute and like looking at it once in a while. Like a nice painting or a pretty garden. Something I'd look at once in a while and admire for a couple minutes and then go on with my day.

free speech as a conception existed before specific legal placements you idiot

>as a conception
>legal placements
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

>Congrats, you killed what you love.
about time. IP is anti-competitive, anti free-market, and evil

>giant monopoly on important resource everybody uses becomes a public utility regulated by the government and so them abusing their power is no longer okay


ecchi is just softcore porn

apprently you dont dumbass

This board barely understands what this word means anymore.

Japanese game developers are QUITTING THEIR JOBS over "Sony USA constantly meddling in their game content".

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a Japanese person to quit a contract with a major publisher? Sony is making life so frustrating for the people making games for their platform that they are will to give up the money Sony is offering them in order to try and make their careers in the wild west of indie game dev.

"lol they'll only censor the visual novels, calm down"
>Sony censors SK and Neptunia
"Who cares? It was weebtrash anyway."
>Sony censors Devil May Cry 5
"S-s-shut up incel. Sony can do no wrong"

The fucking state of Sonyfags having to constantly bend over backwards for these people. And when it happens to Persona 6 they'll do it again because they're the biggest cucks ever.

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>her own
you can clearly see she doesn't have oneunless you mean she owns every penis that masturbates to her

>hur dur there's a difference between extreme violence and sexual content
Only to Americans.

He's literally right, there's nothing wrong in pedophilia, children molestation is wrong


Free speech existed before America, and its scope in the US has been alternately expanded and limited over the last few hundreds of years. The legal limits of free speech are constantly being tested. You have a child's view of the law.

Why does it make me mentally ill to mind my own business? No one is even getting hurt. They're just pictures. You should try minding your own fucking business some time. It leads to a much less stressful life and people like you more.

And were allowed to hate them for It.

Exactly. Laws are fucked it's up to the people to decide


Sexual activity, including looking at pornography, changes how the brain works in children. Simulated violence doesn't have the same affect.

[Citation needed]

Wow. Did you read that in your Hillbilly Christian newsletter? I don't even know where to start, so I'm going to let you do it. You are so factually wrong, you have no idea. You are absolutely talking out of your ass.

Looking at porn doesn't make you 100% guaranteed to rape someone, that seems to be your argument here.

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>he thinks /l/ was deleted because of 2d

Attached: 1465440016148.png (499x338, 38K)

>no argument from people who've been staring at pornography since they were 12

Hey son, whatcha playing?

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That's a good thing.

Reminder that Sony gains nothing from this.

From neither a business nor image perspective

That doesn't really make much sense considering the ps3/xbox360 days were filled with kids going into unhealthy online environments full of people shouting niggers. Every cod game was a bad place for a kid to be.

I've been fapping to "loli" for years and I consider myself to be the most morally righteous person I know.

>nearly 500 posts
And this is why I fucking hate jannies on Yea Forums.

you've made this exact thread with the same image, fuck off resetera tranny

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Shut the fuck up tranny. You don't belong here.

too brown, send it back over the wall

>obvious tranny calls me a tranny
What did they mean by this?

Next time censorship will be so out of hand, even games rated E will also come with a mandatory disclaimer that requires your signature to agree, and SONY fucks will still think its a good idea.

>make a assertion with our proof
>get said assertion dismissed without proof
take this PDF and fuck off:

Videogames have always been creepy though.

Thanks kuro, I always wanted a pale white haired girlfriend.

But I like sick flith!

Attached: XYoOMMN.jpg (2000x1333, 113K)

How did I even fuck that up?

Attached: 1553636379699.jpg (719x699, 60K)

If Little Girls IRL Don't Want To Get "Raped" They Should Stop Dressing And Acting Like The Total Fucking Slut Whores That They Are.

Who is this oldfag quoting?

Wasn't this obvious though? The Vita which had shit like op's pic in abundance was abandoned and straight up ignored by Sony even before the headquarters moved to California. Which meant they've had a distaste for it unless it actually tries to be moderately sensible like Persona.

Then you wouldn't mind having your 5yr old kid getting picked up by a 30yr old after kindergarten to sex up and deliver back to your place after midnight right?

Or does pedophilia by okay only apply when it's you doing the act and not you having the child who gets fucked?

moralfaggotry should be a bannable offense

>all the seething degenerates ITT

Attached: 1540933523632.png (441x302, 58K)

Based literal boomer born during the baby boom

silence tranny.

the vita was left to die before the anime went to it. It had so much support in its first year and got abandoned, with the anime games being the only reason to care for it.

Seethe harder

They are mostly furry trannies so...

Amongst the top 5 pedo states, 2 are from Africa, 1 is from Asia. The other two are the US and UK. So, I guess you are not wrong.

>being obtuse
The governments prove that they CAN censor shit completely, because the porn is just current day shit. New Zealand banned the stream of the Christchurch shooting. Undisputed factual information is banned in a western country in 2019 and you're confused that I bring up censorship as an issue?
Second point is based in Japan and Korea. Japan most importantly because they're where these games are made. The majority of the country agree that censoring porn is stupid and useless but nobody will ever call for the law to be changed because they would be disgraced as the "porn minister".

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Well, there is actually effort put into censoring so they should actually charge more.

You're saying that as if they aren't both disgusting.

Good lord

Pedophile isn't the term used to describe a rapist, though
Were you born with lack of oxygen or are do you just pretend to be a braindead cretin?
Meaning of "Cat" isn't the term "Dog".

why are shooters not being censored? murder is illegal

Because it's not the ESRB's decision whether to allow adult games on consoles or not.

Begin Normal and Natural


Why mods haven't deleted this thread already? It's obvious low quality bullshitting bait threads ffs

Because its funny.

If they deleted all of those Yea Forums would be empty.

>Or does x is okay only apply when it's you doing the act and not you having the child who gets fucked?
Most of Yea Forums has this mentality about literally everything. Unfortunately very few and far between are posts exhibiting actual empathy or self-awareness.

And cute.

>Then you wouldn't mind having your 5yr old kid getting picked up by a 30yr old after kindergarten to sex up and deliver back to your place after midnight right?
You don't want to use this argument, because while it's rare, there are some parents who actually wouldn't mind.

It's NTR

Just admit you have a clothing fetish than try to jump through these mental hoops.

Ya totes kek bro Yea Forums- Worksafe Random is also my home and favorite board

lots kids in my class come here for lolz every day computers is the best class kek

That "sick filth" is a highly gameplay focused, score based, rail shooter, that is both great fun and demands great skill to master.

This morning when I was getting out of the gym I saw a pack of middle schoolers wearing volleybal uniforms, you know those super tight, super short shorts, just think about those perfect silk smooth and unblemished legs, how can anyone possibly prefer old women?

what does admitting i have a clothing fetish have to do with not tolerating pointless censorship?

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Attached: 1467056469689.png (770x622, 154K)

give the source, brother

I like both but the olders womans have to look Young.

What if the child consents though?

Attached: 1506401195630.png (709x1000, 186K)

Yandex has it

remember to lick cunny at least once a day

All I see is a petite woman doing incest play, nothing wrong here.

and what happens if someone doesn't?

they get sad and unhealthy

Corporations have more power and control than any government. For even a single company the size of Sony to say "this is not allowed" limits the scope of what is artistically able to exist on a global scale more than a law ever could.


Wish that I could make out with an 1X year old.

Children cannot consent, they are immature and therefore any sexual relationship between an adult and a child is non-consensual, the adult would be manipulating the immature.