Risk of Rain 2

Based Hotpoo Games

Attached: Risk of Rain 2.jpg (460x215, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hang yourself worldstarhiphop blm dindu kendrick lamar bernie sanders millenial protesting niggerlover

Need one:

>join quickplay
>leave portal area at 60% (turrets already stacked there anyways)
>MUL-T faggot follows me a few seconds after, contributing nothing the whole duration to the portal fight, and takes the item
Reposting because quickplay MUL-Ts are faggots


xth for Ifrit's Distinction (makes you an elite burning enemy)

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Who's the best tried-and-true gold portal solo character? Is it Mul-T?


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>turrets have small ukeleles on the sides
Truly Hopoo are gods among men.

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Why is the Engineer Turret AI so fucking shit?

They literally stop working randomly even though theres enemies all around them.

>Reposting because MUL-Ts are faggots

Remember to thank your engineer for all the bubbles and heals.

the turrets copy all of your items and they also appear on the turrets

Oh you thought I couldn't run it huh.

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exactly, it's adorable

So who's in at this point?

Yeah, their target acquisition is crazy bugged, I imagine it'll be fixed soon.

>decided to try online
>have money for chest and open it, guy from behind takes my item
>in the boss fight, 4 items drop for everybody for us
>he takes all of them
>we died on level 3
>check his items
>lowest dmg/kill despite having the most items
>there is always that one guy in MP

Hope they add the Force Item Sharing soon


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commando, mul-t (rip han-d), huntress, engineer, artificer, mercenary

I got 10 hopoo feathers
turrets are also weak as shit and die quickly without fungus, I swear to god everytime I see someone pick up fungus when an engi doesn't have it I cringe

When the turrets get bugged they don't attack any enemy unless they're attacked first.

Based Hopoo making their game able to look like Atari for potatobros.

Damn that's more than I was expecting, cheers user.

Item sharing was AIDS, though.
What we need is "item desync" as an option, where each player gets to open the same chest as a separate "instance" for a separate item.

Let's try that again:

Was having the best run I've ever had yet since playing, could have gone way longer probably but had to cut it short because of unlocking merc. Bittersweet feel.

Attached: merc yo ass.webm (924x520, 2.86M)

play with Yea Forums you retard, anyone that plays quickplay deserves shitty games

meanwhile Yea Forums is actually quality people who are willing to cooperate on some level and learn or be polite

quit using niggerloving reddit millenial twitter pale white neckbeard faggot words

>force item sharing
>some faggot has to walk across the whole map to get an item so you can get more
no thanks

Why is the soundmixing so bad

>play with normies
>they're total dickhead retards who do shit like this
>play with internet hate machine 4channers
>everybody understands when someone's clearly calling dibs on something and respects it, only takes their portion of boss drops

>villian is the real hero

Attached: Providence_Portrait.png (239x239, 3K)

I accidentally unlocked merc on my first run, thought I was going to go to nu providence or something

You're so adorable, how have you not been cleaned up by the friendly janitors?

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Is there a consensus on the "flow" of going from stage to stage or does it depend on the character you play? I like to rush stages as Engineer and end up getting maybe 1-3 items per stage (not including boss item) because it kept the difficulty low but I guess that's not very optimal, is it?

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>play with Yea Forums you retard, anyone that plays quickplay deserves shitty games

Well ok will try, I assumed that most people on Yea Forums are like this

>Yea Forums is actually quality people

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>What we need is "item desync" as an option, where each player gets to open the same chest as a separate "instance" for a separate item.
user....in ror2 more players = more chest spawn

how the fuck are people doing the prismatic in 1 minute it takes me an entire minute to destroy the pink crystals and run to the teleporter

Based schizo-poster, now back in your chamber

I take every item I see. Don't like it? I got two words for you: git gud.

honestly i was on a god run too but unlocking merc was so worth it he feels so nice to play.

I don't even think this goofy ass gold gun is useful but damn if it doesn't look cool where it is.

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not really
there are plenty of kikes on Yea Forums



Post some webms of this in action.

the only ror1 hosts usually had pretty chill people in it i would assume it would be the same with ror2

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that's just Risk of Rain 1

>ukelele procs sticky bombs procs missile procs sticky bombs procs ukelele procs missile which gives me enough gold to open a chest with a sticky bomb and the fireworks from the chest proc it

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Good if you're playing MUL-T and want to be even more overpowered because you always have a shitload of money.

>stealing items from others that paid for them means that im better

>play with Yea Forums you retard
>jews steal all items
no thanks

If he has to put the graphics setting that low there's no way he could record anything

>warbanners don't meaningfully stack
>game drowns me in warbanners
T-thanks. Can you select what to sacrfice to 3D printers somehow?

how the fuck do you do the "charge the tele without getting hit" mission?
wisps attack as soon as they spawn, and its not like the last game where you could always see them

>Random pub noob
>Speedrunning teleports instantly

>High tier Yea Forums bros
>Taking the time to get all the chests and good loot

>God tier
>Carefully making sure that you go through the levels as fast as possible while also farming gold and picking up as many chests as you can but never backtracking or staying too long

So? Have the world generate with the singleplayer amount of chests but with Multiplayer money scaling if Item Desync is on. It's not that hard.

pol are one of the worst at using fucking niggerloving faggot ass ebonics millenial twitter slang i dont associate with beta male cuck ugly fucking whities who say retarded shit

pirate link when :^)

>mfw ror friend gifted me ror2.


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>tfw your buddy bugged out and couldn't move when spawning into the gold portal but it's ok because he had Dio
>And then you both die with the boss at 300hp

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they really are
people are actually nice in game, are fairly skilled and nobody ever steals my items

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I tried several times, still had people who just grabbed every item and took all item drops from the bosses. If you really want a comfy game, you have to play with friends or people you know are decent

How do I get there?

Give them to your teammates bro
>Can you select what to sacrfice to 3D printers somehow?
It picks an item at random of the same color.

How do I unlock other classes? I know merc but I havn't gotten there yet. Most of time I've played so far was dead because the people I've played with are fucking terrible to co-op with.

>get 2 lunar coin drops within a single minute

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What is with the skeleton under the swamp? If I kill him nothing happens.

>post yfw you see Magma Wurm in 3D for the first time
>completely dark winter stage with a blue hue
>see title bar
>goes completely red

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sometimes a blue portal appears without me paying the newt statue, does it also lead to the bazaar?

Might be an unpopular opinion, but HAN-D was easily the most boring character, so i'm not too sad that he's gone.

>get brilliant behemoth
>get ceremonial daggers
>daggers explode

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the bigger a community is, the faster things get cancerous
this game just launched and has a lot of attention, of course a few non ror 1 fags are going to shit it up


Well you sure as fuck sound like it creep

engi is so fucking fun but their DPS feels so incredibly lacking

Hey you cuck, does this still look like a fucking browser game now? No? That's what I thought. Don't talk shit about my game ever again or I'll fucking stick that manbun up your ass to flavor it with the bullshit that you spew before forcefeeding it to you.

Whe's bandit

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Huntress unlocks after finishing the third level, engineer unlocks after doing 30 levels total across all playthroughs, the mage you buy from the bazaar for 10 lunar coins


Yes it does, unless it'sa celestial portal

After your first loop in the 2nd or 3rd stage a portal opens to take you there

what does the ukulele do?

Item sharing fix when? It's too inconvenient right now.

>"lol that thing is so wild, there's no way it can damage me as long as I'm moving, its tracking is ass"
>breaches near me
>health starts rapidly ticking down

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So is commando bad or is Mul-T just fucking ridiculous?
Never played ror1, and it feels like these two have very similar kits(rapid fire, stun, evade) but mul-t just does it all and better.

It's random

fuck off shill


Thank you.

dont give me that gender neutral shit
HE is a bro, and yes hes shit compared to ror

Iguana shrines forces a blue orb to appear on the portal. If you see a text about blue orb complete the level and the portal should appear.

>After finishing the 3rd level
As in after going through the 3rd teleporter? I've done that for sure, maybe it didnt count in co-op cause I died that round? Thanks user.

Newt shrine or get lucky

Chain lightning

what's the celestial portal look like?

i guess. he was fun to watch though.


Commando was always kinda shit in RoR 1 since he's the starting class, but Mul-T is also absolutely fucking retardedly good.

It puts a tiny brown container somewhere on the map that gives you an item when you open it

Hopoo is a treasure

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of, retard.

on the same map as the key drops or on the next map?

MUL-T's just an overtuned piece of shit that's getting nerfed/fixed. Commando's an alright, reliable pick.

Same as the blue portal but bigger and light blue

cool thanks

'dis game aight?

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he is easy just wait for overload version

All maps, the more keys you have the more boxes that spawn

>everyone shits on based Bustling Fungus, with some of the best animation and most satisfying effect, as being a bad meme item in the first game
>2 releases and Bustling Fungus takes Engi from decent to unstoppable
>everyone jerking off over it now
You are weak-willed and will not survive the storm.

Commando's kit sucks ass. None of his abilities are flashy or fun. I never want to play him again.

I wish this was true, he's terrible now.

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thanks friend

Ah, i like him but he certainly does seems way too good, though I only have played those two so far. just got huntress so gonna try her out.

Yeah you have to do it without dying

engi didn't have a camping shield in the first one

yeah it doesn't count if you died, you need to make to the 4th stage without dying

Never played the first one so much but this is fun

you are shilling retards of Yea Forums just like you retard

>tfw people who have not seen the light are saying nu-Engi is bad because he doesn't have the ebin off-screen AFK farm ability anymore

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>mfw a Magma Worm comes out of the teleporter as the Engineer

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i vote rusted key as most retarded item in the game

Its amazing

this is fun, actual real fun.

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The 3d printer is basically just command but balanced

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Commando is decent when you actually have attack speed/on-hit. He could maybe do with a shorter cd on his shift? Possibly a wider spread on his r?

Well fuck. Maybe I should try a Yea Forums game cause the people I play with leave me to deal with the enemies while they go hoover up all the items.

post yfw this game managed to beat out Rust for today's playercount

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>Hope they add the Force Item Sharing soon

Forced item sharing is bad because if youi overlook a chest, you will be fucked. Insted they should have like instanced chest, where a chest can be opened several times by each player.

agreed, this shit is infuriating as fuck, I stopped playing quickplay and now I just play duos with my brother on voicecall. don't have to deal with any of that garbage anymore. we can actually coordinate cool character builds now, before the game starts we'll each call dibs on 2-3 items that our character might need and just leave those for the other person, everything else is fair game. shit makes the game so much more fun as you essentially get a guaranteed build for your character that you want instead of hoping that the other 3 faggots you're playing with don't swoop all the items out from under you

>be Merc
>really enjoying going rules of nature in 3d
>get this red item H3AD-ST v2 that lets me jump really high
>"hold jump to slam into the ground"
>jump into the sky and dash a bit
>do this much damage
>delete both of them the next jump 10s later
Who the fuck even needs a sword?

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Entire squad of randoms from Yea Forums. Nobody stole boss items from each other, everyone performed pretty well.

You sound like one of those fags who ticked force item sharing in RoR

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what's the deal with the 3d printer? does it take a random item? I never bother with it because it might take a really useful item

It only takes items of the same rarity but other than that it's random


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i think its a random item of the same tier, so a white item in the printer will only take other whites

The game is such a success, why the fuck did the devs partner up with Randytrash?


all they did was advertise for them and help with a few code related issues

desu it's popularity probably has something to do with gearbox advertising it.

Because gearbox is desperate I imagine.

it takes random item of same rarity and print what you see on 3d printer
cool thing, this shit can even print rare drops if you are lucky

Again, you're still using it wrong.
Make an effort to learn English you underaged ESL moron.

Gearbox has no control over the project, Hopoo still oversees it, Gearbox just takes a small cut for some big advertising and help with coding. A lot better of a deal than Cucclefish gave.

first person to change their avatar to this and link their steam profile gets my extra copy

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>cybernetics enhanced ninja who can double jump and presses shift to do do a dash forward attack that takes up pretty much the whole screen
Hmmmm, wonder what game they ripped off to get that one...

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Already did it in the earlier thread, but you didn't deliver..

literally just stand away from your turrets
it's that easy

Official Tier List

merc is a ronin, not a ninja

wow it's cool to finally get some recognition around here!

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Why did you have to remind me of their existance.

>When youre Engi and the Warbanner plops down right on top of the teleporter

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>turrets with fungus, war banner, leech seed, and every proc item

>posting this shitty bait again
you're pathetic

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Merc existed before Genji was even conceived in development.

risk of rain came out in 2013...

you're so cute user

gearbox let them play their trailer right before the borderlands 3 reveal on stage, which had a TON of normies watching it. probably significantly helped the popularity

*laughs in overloading worm*

Do we know of enforcer is getting in?

Any general tips/item synergies for merc? I still can't figure out how to play him well.

Are the random disconnects a latency issue with the host?

>Special snowflakes gatekeeping their favorite game

Fuck off.

Anyone down to split the purchase?

I fucking hate those green flying niggers. FUCKING HATE THEM
>shoot at them for 10 years because their healthpool is absurd
>finally kill them
>they get off a shot just before dying
>boss spawn is multiple green faggots

Crits, syringes, and mobility items
Look for a primordial cube, you do A LOT of damage to groups

bears and crit are top tier as always
I found a lot of success with attack speed specifically though

I kept thinking of this episode while playing

Attached: ror2.webm (640x480, 2.26M)

Stack syringes, crit, feathers, and movement speed.

any open lobbies?

eviscerate->whirlwind->dash x3

the floor is lava. elder lemurians will one shot you. the bigger the group the better.

>not being quick enough

>only 3 months in
This year is already shaping the fuck up to be excellent for video games.

I tend to get all items but it's probably more optimal to pop the teleporter when you do find it.

join bros

Play Engineer. Get lucky on boss spawn and location. Hide behind geometry and let turrets and equipment do all the work. It's lazy but effective.

Bandolier stacking unironically. Since you're always on top of them you pick up the reset packs instantly. Extra mag is also really good. Also if you find hardlight afterburner, get it 100%.

hes in the files so probably
acrid, loader, miner and chef are mia as of now afaik

>Miner not confirmed
don't remind me

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>see people doing shit like that
>leave and join a new game
Not that hard user

kill all enemies the second they spawn, you can get that 15 second achievement as well

Will we see him again, bros?

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What we really need is Butterlord to top it all off


chef was my favorite in ror1, but i just don't see any way for him to work in 3D sadly

I never played Risk of Rain
I keep seeing you guys making thread
I keep seeing my Friends playing
You look like having fun
Sell me this game

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unironically cheating, clientside edits are really easy to do in real time with cheat engine

he's canonically dead, read the item logs


Either intentionally disabled to trickle down content updates during EA or not ready yet.

I played a good bit of RoR1 but I thought they all got off the planet? Did they crash the ship again?

Thanks anons, I'm gonna try to get at least one loop.

Go play with your friends

No. Google it you lazy fuck.

Wings are the best item for Commando
I feel like Starlord from Heroes of the Galaxy!!!

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 2.32M)

How the fuck do you deal with titan lasers in the orange portal? I didn't see any cover and got completely and almost instantly obliterated because nothing stops those stupid fucking things.

So the first game was the best damn indie game ever made. This is the excellent - albeit bare-bones for now as it's early access - 3D sequel. Don't let the early access scare you off either, because this game has TONS to offer day one of release.

>this entire post
jesus fuck, i can't tell if you're being a buzzword spamming retard unironically or not

yall ever just have a magma worm with happiest mask?

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-30 04-21-36-00.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

>Risk of Rain
>No rain
Excuse me?

>play MUL-T for the first time
>die to the first portal fight
>decide to give him another chance
>obliterate myself from existence
I can now never touch him again because god damn his sluggish movements get on my fucking nerves.

Play engi or get behind them

>in zone 3 for the first time
>bighorn bison in 3D kinda attacks like a sirian werebull
>it clicks
This just feels a hell of a lot like serious sam with all these goddamn enemies to shoot, and it's just so satisfying to shoot them.
I've got everyone but artificer unlocked and I can't stop picking commando for the dual pistols and non-stop piercing shots with a couple extra mags.

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I had some drinks and made a thing. I have done worse things after drinking.

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Sell me your gift key, user.

Is that two magma worms fighting each other? This game is so fucking rad.

I'm really sad to see that ability go because it was one of the most satisfying abilities in the first game and it would've converted into 3d great. Well at least we have the missile launcher equipment and now you can get those items to add charges to your equipment so it's not all bad. Haven't had a chance to play engi in 2 yet.

get red whips it makes him a lot more bearable, use his shift to get out of sticky situations and the red whips will kick in less than 5 seconds after getting away from combat to recuperate

>got this achievement
>game crashed soon after

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It only takes stuff of the same rarity, so if it's a white printer with something that'd be really useful to you you may as well cash in all you've got, since 26x of one item > 1-2x of a bunch of different items, at least when it comes to Whites.

Reminder that bazaar portal can appear at random at the cost of zero (0) lunar coins

>risk of rain
it might rain, could not

Actually the logbook says the stacking makes the tier of the item go up.

ive already bought the game for 4 anons
who's next

fuck yes it is i was laughing so hard watching them try to fight and constantly missing.

Someone else should set them this low th--
Oh wait I can do that

Fuel cells are the best item in the game


>Sold my extra copy for 10 dollars
>Got some booze with it
>play RoR2 drunk
>Feels good

yea the ror community is pretty chill.
Just dont play with THAT person

pretty sure that's not tesla

I like it, please make more things. All I can do is make webms so it's nice seeing some real OC.

Multiplayer is probably going to be easier. As with user said, Engineer may have a better time.

Are the monsters slightly different in single player based on what character you use? I played Huntress on Monsoon and almost no enemies were spawning, it was easy as fuck. Then I tried the Commando and there were enemies fucking everywhere that were all tanky as shit

>on a great run as MUL-T
>basically shit on everything instantly because I have so many stacked on-hit and on-kill effects
>see shrine of order
>new thing what does it do
>pic related

Attached: ror2 shrine of order.jpg (1920x1200, 245K)


Attached: help.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I wonder how Sniper's gonna work in 3D. They *will* add him right?

anyone got an extra copy that they don't need?

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The years I've played multiplayer games with Yea Forums just proved how everyone including me are a bunch of wholesome normies looking for some fun

is artificer fucking hard mode?

>7 fuel cells on Mul-T
>Ocular HUD
>Strange Fruit
Permanent double damage and practically unlimited heals. Fucking beautiful.

backup magazine

Looks like a battlefield game cover.

>pick MUL-T
>get 6 dash speed, 9 overall speed, and 4 speed out of combat upgrades
>press shift

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He starts slow, sure, but he's OP as fuck in the offense department. He MAIN weapons are either a weapon that fires like five times as fast as commando OR a pierce-everything high-damage sniper shot worthy of being a secondary fire on its own; his secondary his a huge AOE stun, and his dash gives protection and deals damage that scales with movement speed increasing items. And he can fucking hold two actives by default.

Every other character has some items they kinda can't use very well, but MUL-T can use anything. Getting nothing but movement speed? Great, now your dash deletes bosses. Getting crowbars? Perfect, now your piercing weapon deletes everything. Getting fire rate, crit, procs, and other stuff Commando would like? Perfect, you're now Commando But Better.

commando's whole schtick is that he gets good really fast with item stacks, which sorta falls flat when the game is about collecting items regardless of class and we still don't have command


>20 shields
what the fuck man


There's been pre-release footage of him scoping into mobs, if memory serves right.

If you don't mind.

[email protected]

I remember using that and got eight sticky bombs plus five of that Berzerker Pauldron.


i saw one with cerem dagger once and i had no rares to trade :(

Time for THICC


>After your first loop in the 2nd or 3rd stage
So you have to "beat" the game first and start a rerun?

Just like a sniper in RoR1 worked, I assume. One shot - one kill.
Charged shot would only work efficiently on bosses, though.

I keep getting kicked out

tfw engineer gets good use out of every single fucking item in the game
backup maganzine doesn't count
why is he so fucking based bros

>Open chest, stand right where item drops
>Friend standing to the left of the chest gets the drop
Nah fuck you fag

speaking of thicc wheres that one thicc mod dude

I do. But fuck you, go buy one yourself and support the devs.

anyone hostan?

/rorg/ when

>tfw no chef
feels bad man


RoR threads are always the comfiest on Yea Forums

I love you guys

considering how much stuff you need to dodge roll for it'd be nice if strafing was just better

Bandit is going to suck shit in 3D

Dynamite Toss was only good in 2 dimensions and it was his only trash deletion.

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>going FAST for the first time

It's not beating the game, you just go through 4 stages. Pretty sure there's a final boss but I haven't reached him yet, just seen screencaps on here.

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Late night game sesh. From California.


How many healing drones is too many

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invalid lobby number

he thiccened too much and it opened a black hole in his computer

How about the FIFTY SIX FUCKING STUN GRENADES. Sure I stunned everything I hit but I had NODAMAGE and no healing items so I was basically fucked.

You don't get anything. It randomly rerolls your items seemingly based on what you had. I guess the "order" part is having a lot of some items.

Invalid Lobby ID


did you fucking take a screenshot, upload it to youtube, then set it to 140p and took another screenshot and posted it here?

Never forget messing with the ini files

Attached: 1462402400779.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>ukelele and tesla coil

Attached: file.png (442x471, 331K)


that means it's full as far as I know

invalid means full yall

Yeah basically. I made a webm but didn't realize it was too big so I just too a screenshot of it.

and that's a good thing!
unironically aesthetic.

>"risk of rain rule34"
>only results are a small amount furry shit
>no thicc huntress

what gives?

>Playing as Huntress
>Late game so GOTTA GO FAST achieved with all the movement items
>Pick up the goomba stomping boots
>Jumping around map
>Game bugs out
>End up on top of the skybox
>Hold jump to activate the crater drop
>Get the 5000 damage in one shot challenge


filled in 40 seconds? fucking hell

Right now there's no "beating" the game. There's just an endless loop of maps. You do 4 levels and then loop though there's like 6(?) levels in game right now but 1 and 2 have two options you can get.

how do i merc

Teslas are soooo fucking good.



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Nothing says they have to port the characters 1:1 into 3d. They've already changed stuff around.

Any idea of how often they'll be pushing out updates?

>long range class with a free escape button
>can actually aim lights out now
nah bitch
chaining that shit is gonna be so easy

How do i play engie without sucking?

can people with cracked game play with original friends?

are we gonna get new characters or are they just gonna give us old ones

get shrooms

is it just me or is huntress bad in this one? She was like the easymode class in 1 but just feels bad to play in this one.

>get a bajillion fungus
>put your turrets next to each other and stand with them
>hold down left click while playing a better game on your phone because nothing will be able to out dps your healing until like 3 loops in

Light's Out is dogshit on everything but glass. The minute you go past minute 5 it can't kill fuckall.

We already got new characters

wash away the anger

Can you get to the distant flying things in that one stage? And if yes can you kill them?

I mean other new ones

Yes and yes.

You can kill them, not sure if it does anything

you cant get to them, but you can kill them

>blazing stone titan
>no cover

Attached: 1547800521593.png (766x511, 742K)

they will change it, just like huntress 4th skill

I thought this when I played her too. She scales really really well late. Remember to use your glaive for keeping your aerial hangtime, same goes for your Ult.
I know that sounds strange but once you get used to abusing your air time with her abilties she gets really disgusting and slippery because you hang forever then zip away with blink. Also your Blink distance scales with movement speed.
Extra Magazine is a godsend to Huntress, Hopup Feather too.

Easy to snipe them with MUL-T

2's scaling is waaaay better overall, as someone who plays artificer the wisps and tiny trash mobs are always easily killed as long as you don't take too long to progress. A good bandit will have no shortage of triggers sitting around for lights out usage.

I know lunar droprate increases with difficulty, but is it the initial difficulty selection or the game duration difficulty?


Come friends, three spots open.

>not playing glass

bought the game and gave it to a friend, just played 2 hours straight. convinced another friend to get it as well and holy fuck that was a fun 2 hours. definitely playing more tomorrow.

we ended up losing because we couldn't find the teleporter in one stage in our last run, which really sucked, but it's fine. game is so much fucking fun.

if you're on the fence about it: bite the bullet and get a copy for yourself and a friend before the promotion ends. neither of you will regret playing it.

there's a reason it's got 3.2k reviews that are all positive. shit is GOOD. and it's in fucking early access!!! insane.

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>Hopup Feather
It's Hopoo Feather

if you have literally zero items and expect it to for some reason kill all enemies from full

yea but without that engie is pretty fucked by flying enemies unless you got turrets to spare. Glass mode vs wisps is gunna be fucking hellish

how did you die so early with that loadout



Do you have to pick up lunar coins or will it automatically be given to you if it drops?

we have room for 2

They need to add a visual queue or something for the Tele. It blends into the swampy stages and sometimes Ive seen it even half clip into rocks, super fucking annoying.

seems like both, higher average drop rate on higher difficulties and more common in late levels
(i've gotten 17 so far playing solo, and that's what i've noticed)

You have to walk over and pick them up.

Trying to find the teleporter in the swamp stage is fucking hell.

it ukulels

any rooms?

>merc is god tier at surviving the tele timer
>sucks at actually clearing the mobs after

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it so totally aight

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broken ready button, 109775240999517316 is new lobby

If it helps, there are little red particles that spawn around the teleporters. They need to make them more visible but keeping an eye out for all the red shiny dust particle things has helped me a little bit.

Does the titan/golem/whatever the fuck it's called boss laser occasionally glitch out and hit you through terrain too? Had a few great runs ended today when I hid behind a wall or rock and the laser ended up going right through it and annihilating me.

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Get in this shit

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>tfw breaking the sound barrier with MUL-T

Attached: hihg speed.jpg (500x436, 49K)


>get sequenced
>23 goat hoofs
>slam against wall 100ft away and die


Agreed. Even worse when it's in the half submerged/flooded area and you can only see the top parts of the prongs

There's still shit that can instagib you I was doing this with 10x fungus and I got instagibbed from max health on the last level of the first cycle. Standing still is dumb you should spread out your turrets and rum between them back and forth

yeah, out of all the positivity I believe it's the one thing holding the game down. sometimes it just spawns in such fucky places. everything else is awesome.

how the fuck did you get 48 kills in 66 minutes?

>can't find fucking 3rd thing to buy to open door for 15 minutes
>rage speed himself
>break a wall

Attached: image.png (1770x1024, 1.6M)

Damn, I came in this thread to post this exact thing.
What the hell, they really need to change the platform where it stands to something recognizable or some other indicator because that place is a fucking mess

>most stable early access game ever was made by 2 guys

Attached: 1524622584858.png (1280x720, 762K)

>3rd thing to buy to open door
Excuse me what?

hes not talking about them hes talking about the two broken prototypes that are also in there

>print twenty sticky bombs on huntrass

holy shit, this must be broken on the bot

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this the only game i even been remotely interested in at all for a while now.

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I found 2 things that costed like 2500 each one and done nothing.
There should be some 3rd thing for something awesome?

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>niggers that don't pay for great games that are cheap as fuck and practically free
Just curious user, why? I can understand pirating triple A corporate garbage but why pirate a near 10/10 game that only costs you $10 and helps support an indie studio with a great track record that will potentially make even better shit in the future? Pirating games like this just hurts the possibility of devs making knockout games

what's this?

turrets apply them too

Attached: 1529830367024.png (683x720, 509K)

>Bought it to support devs
>PC can't run it
Sad times friends

why would you want that character in the 2nd game it'd be shit unless it was completely changed

10$? it's 20€ here and that is not cheap for some countries

Why are you so poor?

step 1: don't be poor

step 2: just wait a couple weeks til your paycheck comes in and get it then. it won't die out for a while.

step 3: see image. it's you in 2 weeks havin fun with ya friends.

what the fuck are you on? a literal potato?

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>clip through ground
>after burner saves my ass

>Bought the game
Pick one. My good PC is in for repairs after its power supply literally exploded.

Turrets fucking suck. They need their defense buffed and the targeting bug fixed

i aint opening dat shit nigga

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How the fuck can't you afford 10$ for a game? That's fucking NOTHING even the poorest poorfags can buy this shit. I refuse to believe all the sob stories on here if you can't afford a 10$ game how the fuck are you on a computer that can run this game and using internet? How the fuck do you have time to play it?

Can I buy your spare key, user?

Buds I need some room codes, I'm tired of doing QuickPlay and having that one guy who steals all the boss drops then instantly dies on the next level


It's buy one get one free split it with a friend or trade a 10$ game for it like everyone else

>step 1: don't be poor
yeah if only it were that easy man. ive tried applying everywhere, and i always went in person to grab the papers instead of doing that online shit. everyone always says they're hiriing but they obviously aren't. fucking waste of my time. i tried for almost a full year and still not a single phone call back.

why is huntress so fucking thicc

What is this?

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He's saying 10 because you get two copies if you buy it now

ok i got 12€ in steam wallet balance interested in anything?

EU Room

Yea Forumsfags do the same shit the only way to avoid it is to play with friends you know really

i held a job for 5 years and lost it. i had to move back with my mom in the middle of fucking nowhere and i dont own a car or anything so i have to rely on her or my brother to drive me around and get applications and they're always busy and tight on money. they apparently can't afford $10 on a game.. not like i even ask for anything since i already got the shit i wanted when i actually held a job

Environmental log. Pay for it.

What are the buyable little turrets for?
They don't even follow you in the next stage.
>giant medusa
>kills all drones

Attached: 1524845354651.png (168x168, 42K)

>too poor to afford 10 dollar game
>somehow have a PC
>somehow can pay for internet

how are people knowing what their fps is in this? it has no fps counter but i keep seeing people say they have x fps and it drops y fps when z thing happens

Wait, what? Are you fucking retarded? It's not because of the game being graphics intensive it's because your computer is being repaired? Can you explain your retardedness?

Yikes, job market being poor is a myth, unemployment is at an all time low right now. If you can't get a job it's because YOU are a poor candidate obviously if those places have job listings people are getting hired. Work harder on becoming the kind of person companies want to hire instead

MUL-T isn't broken, everyone else is just underpowered. MUL-T is the only character who feels like RoR1, everyone else suffers from shit synergy and scaling with most items.

My backup PC is not intended for playing games. It is a backup.

Sorry I meant the giant jellyfish.

still in your edgy/rebellious phase I see

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>t. glassbab

>Clip through ground
>6 Feathers + Blink
>Still barely make it

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I know user, I'm not the richest either. Minimum wage here is 9.25 and I don't get many hours. I was mainly yanking your tail. Keep at it, eventually something will give.

Protip: lower your standards where you need to work if you're still out of a job. Apply online. Nobody gives a damn about showing up physically in store at most places. Apply online.

Best of luck to you user. If I had my spare copy still, I would consider gifting it to you.

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How? Acrid's base concept works just fine in 3D.

Then there's no reason for you to post about it then. Hey guess what? My balls itch.

there is a visual queue. there will always be a big field of red particles emanating from the teleporter

>tfw was late to the party so I wouldn't able to buy one for 2 deal because I'm out of town

I mean, I can buy it once I get back but being an opportunistic fag has been embedded in me that the thought of missing this deal is a torture for me. I'll just probably wait for a sale again.

i had money to save up for computer shit. its not even that impressive either. all i have now are steam inventory and trying to sell shit on the market, but it takes 15 days for anything to even be listed and even longer since nobody is buying shit anymore.

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are you playing on a toaster oven?

Steam will sell it to you for $20

Come through boys


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Spotted the glassfag.
The only character who feels explicitly weaker than they should be is Commando.

But it is fun to post

I fucking love Artificer. Such a fun move set.

2 more spots

those turrets are only for extra damage in the stage. the only turrets the follow you between levels are the flying ones and the big ass flying ones that cost like 9k

lobby ID: 109775240999578380
malty plebians need not apply

>need job to get experience
>need experience to get a job
about the only choice i have right now is physical labor based jobs but not even they will hire me. dude trust me, i tried even the most shittiest of jobs and nobody was hiring at all.

Same, Artificer is the only class I actually enjoy playing because she's a mage/wizard/witch/whatever. She's neither underpowered or overpowered, in fact I think Artificer is perfectly balanced.

There already is overloading magma worm in the game. Met him after using 2 mountain shrines in 4th stage. I wish i was bullshiting

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I want to play this game so fucking bad, but I refuse to play anything early access. The fuck do I do?

HOW THE FUCK do I find anything in this game. Where the fuck is the portal? How do I see it? This wide open map with hills and shit does not lend itself to ''find the portal/boxes/whatever'' like the 2d sideview did

super markets and mcdonalds will literally hire anyone.

Just throw on a polo jeans, and some nice shoes and hand them your resume

t. guy who had no experience and got hired at mcdonalds, and a guy who helped 3 of his friends write a no experience resume.

man up and support the devs

I swear we didn't see any in our last match. Could be wrong though, so eh. Either way, I hope it gets just a liiiittle bit easier to find but I doubt they'll make a significant change to it.


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I wish poorfags, beggars, and sob story niggers would just fuck off and die. Everytime a game releases threads are fucking swamped with pathetic faggots whining and crying and blogposting about how shitty their life is and how they deserve handouts because of it. Shit is genuinely fucking disgusting, do you guys not realize how fucking pathetic it is BEGGING for twenty fucking dollars? Almost everyone here has been through hard times but you don't see them fucking moaning about it. Goddamn why not just fucking eat a bit less or spend less money on some other shit so that you can afford it.

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This is one of the least buggy early access games I've seen in a while. The most common error is falling through the floor but the game just teleports you back.

>Have been working since around 15
>27 now
>Tons of experience, refs
>Still couldn't get a job in McDonalds

This was bugged for me, never gave me my extra charges on HUD after I picked up a second active. They would reset to 5 at the start of every area but wouldnt replenish until I used all 5 and never went above 1 until next floor.

the portals are surrounded by little red embers or fireflies or some shit you just gotta look with your mole vision, senpai

still open
except to malts

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This game really needs autorunning.

EU lobby

newfag here, should I save up those Lunar coins for something? Or should I spend them on those round containers in the levels?

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>gold portal
How in the McFuck do you get that? I've gotten celestial portal after stage 7, but nothing else.
Or am I just taking the bait?

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Just run around the map until you find it. They should implement a mini-map or something, to keep things hard to find but not retardedly annoying to look for.

you're too old

>poorfags, beggars in threads
But why? There's already a torrent.

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I wonder if the popularity of the sequel plus the addition of a new braphog waifu will increase the amount of r34.

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save your coins until you have 10+, look for a salamander rock that asks for a coin and you get a blue portal at the end of the level, use the portal.

Post names of the guy who did this to you so we all know not to play with him.

Shut the fuck up you're fucking either lying through your teeth or you're genuinely a disgusting person that no one would want to hire. High schoolers with no fucking experience whatsoever to speak of get jobs working fast food all the fucking time. You don't need experience to get an entry level wagecuck job and by the sounds of it of your situation is literally bad enough where you can't afford 10 fucking dollars to spend on yourself maybe you shouldnt be so picky.

save 10 to unlock a character, then spend them on whatever you want

Ayo we restarted the lobby for you you better fucking join you double nigger

Save up 10 of them to unlock Artificer, new character


Just fap&finish to rl porn like every other human being.

gold portal is really rare and you gotta fight a big solid gold rocknoid laserfuck who's tough and possibly evil

this shit is so easy to farm

Attached: lul.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

i tried already, many times. pizza places, burger kings, mcdonalds, taco bells. i even hit up the same spots multiple times. i have probably hit up about 100 different places. even shit like smoke shops, vape shops, gamestops, glass shops, places at the malls, local based stores, you name it dude. literally not a single phone call. i live in spokane washington btw.

and to get a job at a super market you actually have to be fairly qualified to even be a fucking bag boy around here.. makes no sense.

>doing well on my third run as commando
>portal up at insanity
>2 wanderers
>instakilled by flash shit + wisps with no cover

it was fun while it lasted

I don't see why not. Instead of a backflip they should let him put down a spot he can teleport back to or something since getting swarmed is his kryptonite

he needs 11 if hes gonna pay for the portal.Dont send him in there with 9 coins bro

Thank you!


I too can change a number in cheat engine user

user, it sounds like you present yourself in person like ass, or you really (and I mean REALLY) fucking suck at making resumes.

Not trying to drag you down, but there are places that'll hire literal scum. Step ya game up. reach out to some old friends or colleagues you know and see if they know about anything local to you. I know you've got em, you're just scared to message them. Hit the lawyer. Delete gym. Facebook up.

(and assuming none of this applied to you and you've already tried it all: then go tranny and get a patreon)

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>not working for your university along with the city's PD as an underage undercover alcohol buyer
If you're older than 21 you shouldn't be on this website

Stop blogposting this is a RoR thread not a
>waa my life sucks please give me sympathy
thread. No one wants to see 30 paragraphs from you about how shitty your life is

pick mult and do the first level over and over again

mad cus bad

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keep his cooldowns in your head, remember what has i-frames and what doesn't, stay in the air, avoid fire faggots

>being a professional snitch

So, is it actually good?

to open the door you only need to press two pressure plates simmulatniously. easiest is with engi since you can put a turret on one and then go press the other one. then you get a message in chat and the door opens.

>user, it sounds like you present yourself in person like ass
It this one. I am autistic. As in actually diagnosed. But he said ''anyone can get a job with mcdonalds'' which is not true.
I don't need to step up my game or whatever since I already have a job. I only tried mcdonalds years ago because I lived basically next door

>spend just under 90 minutes on a run without a single worm
>suddenly, 3 overloading worms

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oh wow another one these are so hard to get guys lol

Attached: omegalul.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

then dont read it you dumb cunt. im bout to leave anyway. i can post wherever the fuck i want.

Attached: 1551512842310.gif (267x260, 1.91M)

open your save/profile file under steam userdata, Ctrl+f "coins", find
>(some number)
change the number and when you load back in you'll have that many coins. Enjoy, literally what that nigger did no one has that many coins legit this soon after launch unless they've literally been playing this whole time without taking a break

It's pretty fun yeah. Just lurk for someone to give away a key if you really don't know if you wanna spend money on it.


Calling somebody out for using cheat engine is not being mad user, but whatever, enjoy your free coins

Okay, now what?

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Jesus user you're fucking pathetic
>im gonna cry and whine wherever i want don't fucking read it though!!!!

REEEEEE its my 6th attempt at the 20 stage run to get the unlock. i always die at 19. too many overloading magmaworms.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

It pays $12/hr and I literally just ride around with undercover cops and see if cashiers at liquor stores will sell to me. I don't try and trick them; If they don't card me, they deserve the ticket.
Also my bills need to be paid and it's an incredibly, incredibly easy job.

welcome to the family, brother

I'm afraid this is the end of this run. The boss has spawned inside a crate and refuses to take his head one inch off the ceiling. There is no way I can beat this strategy.

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who do you think? Ban on mexico again when?


>That one autist with 10k hours in ror1 that used to solo win all the Yea Forums games with the sniper
I wonder if he is still around

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NA lobbies when

>struggle incredibly hard as commando
>unlock MUL-T
>breeze through two loops on the first run
Really makes me think.

tfw RoR isn't another 2D side scroller.

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>hating on the best robro
what are you guys? furries?

Fucking love the game and because there is so much positivity surrounding it, I don't feel too bad for suggesting these quality of life changes.

1: Timer should not start until you leave the pod. It's a small thing, but losing around 7 seconds at the start is a tad annoying. It'd have more impact to see those doors fly open too.

2: Beetle Queen spit telegraph
I feel like her spit attack, considering how dangerous it is, isn't telegraphed very well. It'd be an easy fix, have her head shake a bit and have acid bubbling out of her mouth a few moments or less before she does it.

3: Stack explainer
First time you pick up an item, it tells you what it does. Every time after that first explanatory pick should tell you what stacking it actually DID. A simple '2 AtG Rocket Launchers, more rocket damage' and so on.

Attached: tenor.gif (266x200, 473K)

It's not like I could ever leave these threads user

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Everyone is mediocre right now except for MUL-T and Mercenary, and Mercenary still lags behind because even though his kit is massively improved, his item synergies are worse than in RoR1. The item pool itself is also much smaller right now, with garbage items like stealthkits and bucklers seemingly dropping far more often than actual damage items, which aggravates the flaws for other characters.

i like this, yes

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Not them and didn't even read their posts but calling someone a furry for insulting a robot is a nonsensical accusation and frankly if all robot players are as retarded as you I hate it too.

>Don't touch fire because that shit hurts even in dashes
>Bring friends to kill Magma Worm

what does the golden shrine look like and where can i find it

yesterday there was a furfag here hating on them, so I had to bring it up

>spend 90 minutes in a run
>party leader dies and dc’s
Seriously who thought this was a good idea?

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It might rain one day.

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the fuck do lunar coins do

I swear to god if this game never gets any rain i will go to hopoo himself and throw down.

Switch port when?

Spend it on Monkey's Paw items/shrines that may or may not kill you, refer to

lunar items, secret levels and unlocks. they presist between runs.


if you're hosting a game and dc when you die, please reconsider being alive

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it feels really hard to make merc work without getting carried by items

haha benis :D

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Remember, you actually need 11 since it costs 1 to get to the shop, unless you're lucky enough to just have a blue portal spawn randomly when you beat a level.

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rip i missed it

ability icons should be center of screen

How does the netcode work? Is hit registration and movement/positioning for avoiding projectiles client side or server side?

love here

I did it alone

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>the usable Lightning Strike item
>8 fuel cells
bosses were getting deleted

Attached: 1536127477458.jpg (288x98, 11K)

Anyone streaming? I'm on the fence about this since I loved the first RoR, but I don't have anyone to play with/ not much time these days.

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-teleporters easier to find
-jellyfish boss AoE attack reworked
-magma worm made fun somehow

I'm blessed or cursed?

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I mean there's not an incredible amount of offense or defense but i don't think that matters when you can basically fly across the map at any given moment

>fireworks 3d printer
>using said 3d printer triggers fireworks
I'm not the only one who hilariously abused this shit out of this right?

Attached: f.jfif.jpg (1840x1227, 469K)

>teleporter easier to find
this I really hate going around the map 5 times to just look for the damn thing

whats the point of buying these items? does it unlock them and you have a chance to get them in future runs, or is it just to boost your current run? they're pretty expensive

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our bootyholes are open again for another smashing
lobby ID: 109775240999578380

reminder its 2019 and you're playing risk of rain 2

Engineer is fucking shit tier because the TURRETS WONT FUCKING SHOOT ANYTHING


what about it

since last game bugged the fuck out

Attached: big_1474020815_image.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

this is why you play with your friends who are all on the same page

Why is magma worm harder to deal with in this game? Is it because it's 3D and your peripheral vision is limited? It was piss easy to deal with in 1.

why's it telling me invalid?

enemies stop spawning after boss

Does anyone unironically play MUL-T, it has already cemented itself as an absolute dogshit character.

do not reply to this post

you've got enough money after doing teleporter & sitting in that bubble for 100%

when you explore the map at the start you run pastl ike 50 fucking chests cause you don't have the money and then when you do the boss you've got 50k lying around
fucking hate this shit

What does each shrine do?

I like characters that only get memier the more of a stupid item you have

you're the ones who chose to reply and read the posts. everyone else ignored it. maybe you guys can learn something from this instead of being brainlets.

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Woods creates a healing sphere, Mountain adds another copy of the boss. yes you can pop multiple mountains to get stupid amounts of the boss to show up

Also here's NA room code

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Does the prismatic trial only have two stages? I completed both but the crit item didn't unlock and when I try to do it again it just takes me back to the menu.

battle = spawn nigs
blood = give health for $$$
chance = give money for chance of item (can use repeatedly)
woods = give money for heal
mountain = more bosses
alignment = fucks over your items & give you 10 of your worst item

Is the wizard girl good?

Should I get this game even if I've never played more than a few hours of RoR1?
2 for 1 seems like a bretty gud deal and I don't want to miss out.

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Attached: file.png (1442x932, 1.71M)

>battle = spawn nigs
is there a reward for beating them or just the money and xp


Come through new lobby, monsoon players only

the money & exp IS the reward

Attached: file.png (1554x840, 840K)

>teddy bear can block 50% 75% blood price shrine

>hit once

Attached: file.png (1301x694, 503K)

Based devs

yeah that's how I meant it

>cant find the teleporter
>23 minutes
>2nd level

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2 more slots

mult seems strong

Sometimes it can clip halfway into rocks and shit they really need to fix this