Borderlands has good writ-

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Other urls found in this thread:

>borderlands has meme writing

Borderlands 2 did not age well. Aside of Burch's terrible writing the gunplay and movement is clunky.

that's why it's reddit: the video game

I can't figure out why Borderlands' combat is boring and why everything feels like peashooters. Genuinely the only game to make me sleepy

>Borderlands has good writing
No one has ever said that even as a joke.

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I will never not believe this was not written by Burch himself

Painfully accurate.

Can someone list all the problems with 2?
I've got a fanboy friend who swears up and down that 2 is miles better than 1 and I would like a bit more fuel to use in arguments

It's an incredibly funny joke - Mr Torgue is a parody of ultra masculine brand mascots such as Mr. T. The humour comes from the contrast between what are obviously his real views on women (sex objects) and the corporate mandated position he has to tow. I pity the fool FOOL who is so embroiled in politics or baiting a Swiss cheese making forum that they can't enjoy some light humour.

off the top of my head
- assault rifle rework is ass
- shotgun rework is ass
- really almost all the gunplay reworks are ass
- slag is a pointless damage padding mechanic that turns a member of the team into a perma de-buff bitch
- bad micro-DLC garbage (and tons of it)
at least the classes were fun, BL2 was a 6/10 for me with the only thing keeping it bearable was playing with a full group but I deffo dropped off at the start of dumb nigger digistruct

oh and i won't even go into the writing but i'm sure there are plenty of other people who can breakdown just how shit it is; something about how every dialogue interaction is a condescending whimsical joke

This is a joke right?

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this board is an elaborate joke, what else is new?

you're so stupid you want to argue about something you don't know about so you come to ask for facts to use and look smart?

Maybe this guy is right with Mr Torgue being a sexist but says retarded shit like OP pic to hide it.

Reddit took it serious though and the pic got 10 up boats the other day

what else is Yea Forums for

So what we've essentially done is confirm that OP uses Reddit

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>he can't treat women as human being

oh nononononononono look at this incel

Gearbox line is way more creative desu

He's not wrong.

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The problem with this post is that the Gearbox version is actually rather good. I can easily hear that in Handsome Jack's voice.

What's that cuck Burch up to these days?

Written by someone who never touched pussy irl.

Hahaha... Were you actually butthurt enough about that post to report it? That seems very insecure.

Randy's wife is like 400 pounds

>borderlands isnt kin-

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you are grasping at straws.

I didn't report it. It was second time I replied and post that ended up deleted in 5 minutes.

Enemies just run at you and you pump bullets into them. Very weak AI

>Nothing is more badass than not raping women
>You know what's cool? Not being a psycopath
>Guys, you're not supposed to rape women

That's how they sound. They make things that should be a given something out of ordinary.

>Reddit took it serious though and the pic got 10 up boats the other day
Pls go back there

this is now a tales from the borderlands thread

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Talking to 14 year olds, Nazis, and 14 year old Nazis

for all the times i've shit on their games, they've never really fucked up their intros across all games
one of these days i'll try the telltale shit

Sure thing wh*teboi.

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> aaqckftn91p21.jpg

holy shit OP, you couldnt even take the 2 seconds out of your time to rename the file

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Rhysposting aside, why WAS Telltales Borderlands so entertaining? Speaking as someone who only knew B2 and hated it, as well as GoT Telltales and TWD S2, and still found this iteration to be a blast.

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It is one thing to treat women indiffirently, and other to treat them with respect.

that's part of the bait though

it had soul, the cast seemed to enjoy themselves and the writers clearly got to tell the story that they wanted to.

It's pretty great. I think the reason it's a cult classic is that the Borderlands universe is great for worldbuilding and storytelling, but the main games don't do these as well as Telltales BL due to silent protags and the focus on shooterlooters.

Why would I reply to posts I report?
How much of a newfag are you?

Place your bets, fags. Did Rhys get in with Sasha or with Fiona?

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It was genuinely funny.

i played the presequel again today and i was fucking spooked when my character replied to the NPCs, they're pretty generic responses but it goes a long way for the story imo, i hope that BL3 keeps it

Pathetic attempt to save face.

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Daily reminder that Jack got fucked over.

sasha is the canon and patrician choice

>OKAY WRITERS! We have 10,000 unwritten quests where you run to a location and shoot someone or pick up a trinket, and we need YOU to make each and every one of them meaningful!
>Okay, I'm a self hating cuck currently destroying his own marriage out of excessive narcissism amd a semse of not knowing when things are good, I'm vaguely insulted by this and everything else in the world, and am now going to take your money while sarcastically rushing my work until i get fired
The writing is just so fatigued, you can tell how instantly all the wroters get sick of it, given no real direction except to be cuhrazy. It leaves almost every single quest to be 'uh im actually sick of writing shooting game quests, this whole this is a long wonded pointless charade, lets just wrap this up with a first draft about how stupid this is'
Not to mention it reads like Tim Buckley wrote it.

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I just finished this and I'm pretty sure the finger gun sequence was one of the greatest and dumbest comedic payoffs ever. It was so fucking stupid that it looped back around to funny.

>only 21% of players picked based Felix at the end

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>keeps spouting about whiteboys
>keeps posting blackkeks.
You sure are insecure alright.

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I kept Vaughn hanging when we were flying during E2.

So whats the epic deep lore of Handsome Jack?

Alternate title: Max Payne 3 Rated E

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This game honestly puts me in a tizzy. Its absolutely cringe and it's almost a mystery how they achieved that effect. As I get older I start to think 'okay, some things are great and some things are just crap, but with media its not like things can really be humiliating and pathetic', and then I see Borderlands. Fuck this attitude

yfw flak is loaderbot

He's the good guy all along

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imagine getting this mad at a videogame

Yea Forums banner

I can't imagine shipping him with Fiona. Just feels wrong.
Sasha is cute and a good girl.

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It was a real throwback to Telltale's original adventure games, the Sam and Max/Monkey Island reboots. I think they really got pigeonholed into being "deep and serious" story makers when that's never what they wanted to be.

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I am told that Borderlands 1 has a somewhat different tone than 2 and pre-sequel. Is this true?

Its weird is all. Its strange hoe they made a game this crinfy. But of course leave it to Yea Forums to reply SEETHING to someone saying 'tizzy'

That fucking Loaderbot twist was amazing.

I found Telltale Borderlands to be too mainsteam, too much your-popular-TV-show-which-doesn't-do-anything-too-drastic kinda thing

t. Scooter

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Those things are the kind where the journey's more valued than the destination. 5 episodes is just right.

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He really did end up being a great character and addition to the cast
I'm also banking on that new vault hunter being, or at least having something to do, with Loader Bot

God (which I don't believe in because he doesn't exist), I HATE WOMAN so MUCH. Why won't they HAVE SEX with ME? they are all WHORES but none of them wants to FUCK *ME*. I hate them ALL SO MUCH!!1!

He was the good guy but everyone in his crew decided to stab him in the back.

Loader or Fiona, I bet.

the only reason i can think of showing rhys and vaughn but not fiona is that she's gonna be a playable character at some point

That or a pivotal plot character. She is after all, one of the few who have seen the vault.

"They keep friendzoning me. Damn whores!"

t. Buttblasted OP salvaging his thread for actually staying on topic instead of delving into politics

Also OP

I bet he got that stache from all that porn he's been doing.

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How does someone even GET to the level of BL2's writing? What's the style called?

Those black cartoon lines are starting to look weird on detailed characters.

I think whacky inclusiveness? Back then it was called "lolsorandumb".

That's a huge stretch, there hasn't been a single character in the series who was playable twice. We've had a fresh cast of vault hunters in each game. She will not be playable, but will probably show up after having pursued a career as a vault hunter for a few years.

and I am not OP.

Krieg and his lines were the only things written well in that shitfest.

I want to lewd this robot!

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Well she could be a DLC character. It depends I guess on how much people are hyped about any Telltales-related stuff in B3.

no, she is only for wholesome

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Bloodsplosion chains are satisfying too.

Also Gaige with high anachy the bullet goes backwards

I can't tell is this is Scooter/Elle/Claptrap/Handsome Jack saying this.

Is there anything more cringeworthy than leftists trying to look "badass"?
>nothing is more badass than giving up all your guns, getting a vasectomy, and carrying your wife's luggage when she's out with Tyrone!

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What an absolute chad, that loader bot.


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I think it shifts between them throughout the paragraph.


I usually call it "mouth diarrhea." The idea is for characters to talk fast and a lot, eventually either the one thing will get a player or the zaniness itself will charm them, I just find it obnoxious.

Sera from DA3, Peebee from Andromeda. Lots of modern day sitcoms have this style too.

Bumping this question.

rhys had a real punished vibe in this shot but him pulling out his implants was brutal

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Is this a parody of a human being?

What does Krieg do again? He's that Psycho, right?

Some people have called the constant jokes as too much like the Marvel movies, or "quippy". I guess stripped down to its core, B2's writing can be simply described as "trying too hard to be quirky".

Name something more badass than that.

What's that Janey Springs line where she puts on a southern American accent and says something about homophobia?

I love that it's serious. No jokes, no surprise laughs, and it actually felt like the whole thing absolutely mattered to the Borderlands canon (which was back then speculated to be non-canon like TWD and GoT).

I mean, the "normal" line is boring as fuck though.
Sure, the second one is overdoing it, but just cut it up a bit and it would definitely make it better. People who just want to shoot things won't be as bothered, and people who want a bit more than that would be pleased.
Not gonna defend Borderland's overall writing, cause, you know, but at least they're trying.

Dindu nuffin like Ardyn in FF15, Lilith fucked everything up.

I think that if you didn't get that quote in context of Torgue's character, you are just as bad as those leftists. It's not meant to be political.

Hell, he even has one eye. He qualifies for the PUNISHED eyepatch.

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It wasn't full of meme humor.

KEK jesus felt like it was already in game

It's kind of similar but I draw the line between the two. In Marvel movies, the quips happen too often but they're still "constructed" jokes. They have a setup and a punchline, compared to just being run-on marathons with rarely any payoff. Some of the jokes in BL2 are still constructed (and in my opinion funny), like the psychos screeching "I smell delicioussss" when they die to burning damage, but a lot of it is which you almost never see even in a capeshit movie.

1's jokes are a lot more spaced out and more grounded than 2. 2 just throws joke after joke at the player, hoping at least one of them will score a laugh. 2 and the Pre-sequel are generally a lot whackier, but If you like them you'll like 1 too.

Based scooter.
So apparently Rhys rebuilt Atlas and is the CEO now, and their guns are back in the mix?

I find it funny how the characters who act like memes are the most popular ones: Handsome Jack, Papyrus, Dio Brando etc.

Its just a fucking rushed and greedy statement. Anyone can watch The Fugitive or any of these Liam Neeson films and properly get the well-known idea that decent masculine men are family men, and are the type of people who live to contribute and extend care and protection to the females in their life. Its not a rare or hidden idea. But Gearbox in their twitter folly feel the need to draw a giant Hulk Hogan saying FEMINISM IS AWESOME in the most attention-seeking verbally pandering (aka utterly meaningless) way, meanwhile the head social media projecting self-hatred of his sexuality onto others, as if he invented consideration towards women, even as he presently was arguing with his wife tonppen their relatinship so he could try and fuck other women.
Its take, and coming from the people who understand it least.

I think he meant that Gearbox's writing is something dialed up to 11. You can have a fetch quest introduction with a bit of character and soul, but B2 does exaggerate on most of it.

What if hes a badguy and revives Knox again?

Rhys is probably gonna be that startup revival company where you'll help Atlas get back on the map.

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Reminds me of the way I talk when I dont really have a point, or when my words arent working so I feel like I meed to like more on. Instead of saying your one normal sentence ans get your point across, you get nervous and try to berate people with quantity to try and bolster something that doesnt warrant a paragraph. Every sentence turns around and tries so hard to qualify the last, and expand it and make it 'big', because whatever you said in the first place just isnt taking, nd you want to lawyer it into being more than just some dumb shit youre making up.

I'd love and hate everything about it.

Okay, explain?

Hands down the worst fucking Borderlands character in the entire series. I didn't even know someone like that could exist in a series full of shitty characters and yet they did it. Whomever wrote her must have an award in the absolute shittiest writing category. FUCK JANEY SPRINGS.

You say that, but this is a promotional first impression image of the character, with a line seelected for appeal

>Anyone can watch The Fugitive or any of these Liam Neeson films

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>maliwan crates
So we are going after the space hippies, right? A company's gotta fall

What do you mean by that? I'm just saying the dedicated family man with sympathy for females is extremely common, and has been executed for hundreds of years better than any of Gearbox' cartoons of action figures saying feminism

This will never not be hilariously bad.
Its like
>dude I got basic observation skills so here's a heavily caricatured version of ingame text :)
Yea we get it.

t. Anthony Burch

Its a joke, not a competition, you jealous dumbass

Why does he look the same as in borderlands 2 and the females now all look shit?

He follows /fit/.

>in TPS Torque uses the term friendzone
>immediately follows up with an explanation that he used to be in a very dark place when he said it and that he realizes its an internally mysogynistic way to look at women
>explanation has totally different sound quality than the first one
You can literally smell how much he shoehorned it in and send everyone back into the recording booth, just because he read a tweet from a feminist that day.
>everyone in the TPS is LGBT
Like jesus fucking christ. I never thought something as natural as who you wanna fuck could become cringe but leave it to Burch I guess. He always finds a way to bring sexuality into the spotlight.
Whether its an NPC talking about how they got hit on by the wrong sex, or how an NPC suddenly remembers their exes which had the same sex, etc.

Torgue is a guy who loooooves explosions. He gave his staff guns and told them to try and kill the competitors. He wants to blow up the arena after the tournament. He gives you a quest to pick a fight in a bar and stay alive. Torgue is embodiment of Testosterone Poisoning trope.
But he also thinks that treating women with respect is badass.
And then you also find out in DLC that he wants to play Bunkers & Badasses roleplaying game and even knows answer to 2 of the initiation questions, proving he has a nerdy side.
You see that he is not all that complete "dude man" type of guy. The quote is amalgamation of his general attitude about life and his other side that doesn't fit in with all the "explosions 'n' guns" stuff.

Dude wtf
If I was 16yo I'd probably go "oh man thats just like the game lmao, totally accurate!" but I'm not and I can see how misplaced and overcaricatured it is, so what do you want me to say.
Imagine getting butthurt over someone meh'ing at a shitty post.

Oh, fuck off. Mr. Torgue is probably the funniest character in a game if you are not a sissy bitch, I can't think of any other character that has gotten me to laugh so consistently as Torgue. Maybe you didn't grow up in a hyper-macho, masculine sphere where everyone is so addled up on testosterone watching NASCAR and WWE, so you can't exactly relate with the humor and realize it's parody. But the joke is dead-on if you had brothers and a dad and lived in rural America, everyone fucking acts like him.

fuck women and minorites

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Anythony Burch quite literally writes for Twitter cred. He is completely beholden to the momentary gripes of twelve year old twitter homosexuals

Its just one dude spamming this image in every BL thread now. Literally the same filename.

If you read this, at least change the fucking filename will ya

Yeah we all get that he's macho man and hulk hogan and all meathead. The part of his character that repents by saying he's feminist is a little cringy coming from Burch though. Youre right he's a fun character.

>Mr. Torgue is probably the funniest character in a game
>dude explosions lmao
>dude I always scream lmao
>dude did you just do that thing? that was totally BADASS lmao

Yeah user lmao we're all offended he acts like a wrestler, yeah that must be it

It's sarcasm. Like PewDiePie

I mean he literally put things in the games he read on Twitter that day.
And don't forget how Yea Forums meme'd on him so hard he put this into the pre sequel.
Yea I noticed that too.

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respecc wahmen

jesus imagine liking that kind of god awful humor lol

Speaking of memes gone by,

post yfw you're not Burch

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He is type of guy who takes out a fly with a grenade. It's taking the badass and cranking it up to 11. If you just take his badass talk at face value, then ofcourse he is gonna sound boring.

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>He is type of guy who takes out a fly with a grenade.
hahaha omg I'm dying of laughter right now.
can you imagine that? like hahaha.
i can literally imagine the other characters being like "wtf torque" and he's just like "guitar solo! weeueeueueueueuueaaang"

>If you just take his badass talk at face value,
Dude, that's literally all he is.

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Wow, so fun xD

Yea, we are laughing AT that. Again, you just take it at face value thinking that it's this behaviour that people find funny.

jfc you are dense.
no surprise you think he's funny...

That's the point you fucking idiot. He's not funny.
The only one to laugh at there is Burch himself for thinking he could pull it off.

basically this

>the joke is the badasses are retarded
Dude we know. Everything in the entirety of Borderlands boils down to 'lol this whole thing js retarded, shooting games are stupid' which is why the writing is all insincere and self-hating

Not when it's done the exact same way with every second character for the whole game you fucking retard

I'm sorry what? Get out of here with your us mentality. Nobody of sound mind would actually think that character is funny in any conceivable way.
Except for you, who obviously has a chip on his shoulder for loud muscular guys who run around topless.

is borderlands 2 fun if you ignore the writing? i need a brainless looter shooter to tide me over for a while and i liked the first one


Good thing it isn't then.
Unless you're a shitposting idiot of course.
>you fucking retard
wew lad

The Fugitive isnt a Liam Neeson film, nigger.

So why are people mad when the "treating women with respect" quote comes up? Don't they think that is what retards think?

Total asshole who tries to spin his sociopathic desires as acts of heroism.

thanks, ill grab it

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>tfw Mr. Torgue is real bros

Yes. And the writing is only really bad at times.
Most characterizations and basic quest dialogue is fine.
Its "those moments" where it hits the fan and the basic story structure and events are just messy and amateurish.
Its main problem is being too self aware to a point where you just ask yourself if Burch just cannot write anything else.

Its like the first time the game tells you that someone is gonna backstab you later you go "oh yea so the game is self aware about this totally obvious thing, thats neat I guess", but then it happens like three more times and you wonder if he just cannot write around it decently and uses the self awareness to hide that fact.

Its TPS where Burch really shits on the plate right off the bat though and keeps going through the end. He fueled all the hate he got from 2 in there as a giant fuck you to certain groups of fans.

The entirely of borderlands' writing is definitely an an obnocious depiction of shooter characters and jokes about the players who enjoy them, and what do you know, its obnoxious. Not against the idea either, games like Timesplitters are hilarious and nail it. The writers of Bordlerands 2 however are much more tired and annoyed by the project

Didnt say it was

not mad, cringe

You actually did.

this is why I don't take games or movies of today seriously. the writing which insults the intellect of the player/viewer. I have no issues with women's or minorities' rights being presented in movies/games. but only if it's done in a smart way. this is either the case of hiring somebody who I can only describe as an intellectual eunuch. or that's somebody who is smart, but chooses to puch the agenda in shuch a horrific way. in this case that person is a swine. I'd rather deal with a cretin than a swine to be honest...

>Mr.Torque here! It seems that my BADASS attitude and demeanor have caused some confusion amongst the knuckleheads on Pandora who think it is badass to bully other people!
>Let me tell you one thing right here! Bullying is not BEEP cool ya hear me!? A real badass isn't so fragile that he needs to compensate for his lack of self esteem by picking on other people!
Just fyi, that isnt in the game, but it highlights the main problem with stuff like the women thing.

Mr. Torque has always been a character that Burch obviously didn't feel good writing about. On one hand you have a hypermasculine gearhead and on the other Anthony Burch, who despises all masculinity. So everytime he wrote something for Torque, even when meant ironically, he obviously feared that people might take it for granted, so he had Mr.Torque explain or correct himself like that sometimes.
So the main problem was that Torque became a mouthpiece for Burch's insecurity. And it really showed, and got annoying quick.
Everytime he opened his mouth to explain himself I wasnt like "shut up Torque" but rather "shut up Burch"

>games like Timesplitters are hilarious and nail it

He's also a fucking psychopath

Im with you about halfway here, but yeah I actually do think Anthony Burch is preoccupied with feminism and his type of writing and lresence is very schizophrenic about it. I might be associating it too much with Burch himself, but there's always this self gratifying pessimism where the writing seems to fixate simultaneously on depicting the 'others' of being ridiculous and retarded, while writing them as self-loathing and giving them shit for dealing with it. Its just too much self-loathing out of everything in the game. The game is underwritten critical parody of absolutely everything the weiters choose to include, and ends up reading as the perpetually offended twitter page of a valueless cynic like Burch. What is good in the Borderlands universe? Nothing, the entirety of the writing is about how fucking stuoid the game and everything in it is.

>not understanding sarcasm/irony

used to link alternatives.
"a cup of tea or coffee"

You can't even find your mistake, embarrassing really.

Too much irony and not enough point leaves a game feeling like an offended kid's snarky twitter page. In all their parody, all the writers of BL2 manage to do is call everything gay

Yeah Anthony Burch, the guy who kept ranting about people not being feminist and how all the TV shows aren't gay enough on Twitter totally meant it ironic and didn't just use a character like that to preach on people in the most awkward way possible.

You cracked the case buddy!

>I can easily hear that in Handsome Jack's voice.
That kind of thing works for Jack, who spends basically the entire game antagonising you. So him taking advantage of the fact you can't "shut him off" by spending a long time on speeches is an effective tool.
When someone like Tiny Tina/Scooter/Moxxie talks like that though, it can end up being grating because it takes so long, and every character does it.
I remember Borderlands 2 having that problem, by the time they finished "telling you what to do" you had already completed the objective in some cases.

Its blatant and flat. Taking the guy who works out and can fix a truck, and making him say he's a retarded hypocrite twenty times in five minutes os just the writer berating a character he thinks is stupid because he thinks its funny to berate stupid people. Its too much, not subtle.

I dont know what to tell you man, I just dont feel like I fucked up even if I did use a wrong word by accident

based frogposter

didn't know pewdiepie was in this game

>When someone like Tiny Tina/Scooter/Moxxie talks like that though, it can end up being grating because it takes so long, and every character does it.
This is just a meme, and its not a good one.
Its a problem in TPS where its prevalent and you cannot complete quests until the dialogue is over, but certainly not in 2. And especially not with Scooter or Moxxie in 2.

Loot shooter is probably the worst genre I've ever played, I can't imagine how much paint fumes you need to huff and bath salts you need to smoke to get the amount of brain damage you need to think they are fun.

Its just a joke user. I can't believe you actually took that seriously.

Unpopular opinion: I think bordlands 2 was definitely more memorable than pre-sequel but I actually enjoyed pre-sequel more

cannot think of a single AAA series worse than borderlands

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Because it was "a fun adventure". The game didn't try to overload you with "take this seriously, your choices will REALLY matter", and most of them were just "pick what you think will be fun".
It felt a lot more like a story where you get to choose how things unfold, rather than other games in Telltales (modern) library which place far too much emphasis on pretending like your choices matter.

Borderlands 2 writing is cringe because it feels like that guy who cant stop saying he hayes himself and beats himself up whenever spoken to. I came here to play digital paintball, but the guy running the shooting range keeps whining about killing Afghanis and hurting women. Maybe he needs another job or a therapist? Thats what Randy Pitchford decided anyways, for Burch.

Yep, the final moment of sombriety to bring a close to the character arc before we get back to "business as usual".
It was really well done, and was a reminder that just because the general tone of the writing (in the mainline series as well) is all "fun and games" the world of Pandora is still a hell-hole.

borderlands 1 definitely had a charm to its world and characters

borderlands 2 clearly let this burch character run wild and everything story-related is cringy and annoying

They should let you play as all past playable characters once you beat the game. Athena was really fun to play as.

>1's jokes are a lot more spaced out and more grounded than 2.
Maybe in the main campaign, but the DLC went for total wackyness and it defined all the games going forward.


Yeah thats the problem he's a self-loathing one-note character expressly designed to act depressed and be stupid and wrong. Its grating and you can blatantly see the self-hating social media addict head writer through him. Im perfectly happy with a self-loathing biker but the writing of Borderlands 2 is simply repetitive and spends its entire runtime dragging everyone through the mud to no meaningful effect. Burch repeatedly fixates on negatives and turns the game into a sad self-hating affair. He didnt need to give every character screaming ADHD to parody violence.

So how's that gameplay? You know, the most important part of a game.

Hey buddy, you know that parody alone doesnt make a writer immune to schizophrenic excess, right? I can set out to write a book that communicates the best most true virtues in the universe, and I still can write like a dumbass

Its alright, mileage may vary with different guns but the bariety offers something to probably everyone. Its a fun game on sale, you just automatically start ignoring the dialogue and text because its useless. Great co op

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Its not even liberalism or feminism or any of that which ruins the game, its the writing of a self-hating man who shits on everything for self-confidence while basically rushing through his work

I'd fuck a minority women if she was cute.

It really is where so many people who put up LGBT stickers and nervously jump to 'the winning side' without having the conversation, think they can call criticism of their mistakes in some unrelated craft bigoted and racist.

Imagine slaughtering those space gun Apple wannabes by the hundreds

Bethesda fallout, sure. NV was decent, 2 was good but had too much meme humor and 1 was kino.

you sound like such a faggot. your game is shit, and your taste is trash and you know it deep deep down don't you redditor?

Kind of disappointed how the guy who liks the game was either kidding or is now convinced

wew laddie look at all that loser ass emotional projection you go going there ya faggy ass laddie you

He's actually right though. Please respect all people, not just women.

Yeah okay Anthony Burch is qa happy winner and a clear thinker, not a guy who was issued a divorce after asking his wife to cheat on him, who then got fired for poor writing and damaging the brand. Got it.

How about you respect my dick?


well we dont know if being playable in the telltale game counts for that

See actually, when that first line came up I chuckled. It was kind of funny, in the same way that old Kids in the Hall Slaughterhouse skit was funny. The juxtaposition of having some overly masculine men (or in BL2's case, such an over the top parody of masculinity like Torque is) slip something like treating woman right or saying "I'd sure like to take her to a coffee shop and talk about her feelings towards her parents!" while the rest of the guys scream "I HEAR THAT!", it's actually kind of funny. It comes out of nowhere and plays with expectations. And keep in mind for the rest of that DLC, it never really comes up again, it was just that one throwaway line.

Then Burch did his Burch thing and thought having Torque do this for the entirety of every single appearance he gets from that point on because either A) he probably wrote that "Feminism is AWESOME!" line in Battleborn and needs video games to "tell a message" or B) he can't help but take a somewhat decent joke and run it into the ground. I honestly can't decide which, probably it's both.

People cheered for Rhys the most during the reveal

This. Instead of endorsing feminism by depicting it as meaning something to rough bikers, Burch calls it an act of self-hatred and hypocrisy. Then he wont shut up.

I don't know if it was that deep, I just think he thought of a kind of funny joke, saw everyone's reaction to it, and then ran it into the fucking dirt. It wouldn't be the first time he did that for damn sure.

Watch him amoint to ultimately nothing in BL3.

If Atlas is back like the leaks say so, then he's gotta be important for at least some side quest content.

Yeah he did it by accident. It produces a cynical and annoying effect of berating both the character and amy sympathy he attempts to have for women

Some of it does, not all of it.

Side-quests that will be careful not to reference any player choices in Tales, mind you.

Loaderbot was extremely well written

It has its moments

Attached: file.png (1176x657, 953K)

It never really had good writing. It just has a nice premise, a good setting (Pandora) and some solid characters. Burch did everything he could to undermine that though.

This was a great moment. I'm glad they didn't kill it with unnecessary humour.

Torgue can be funny sometimes

Only thing wrong;

You forgot the mid mission quips from the questgiver like "oh, by the way, the monsters ate the gas cans" "huh, thought they would of exploded more..." *monster then explodes* "yup...there we go!"

they turned Lilith into a coal burner

it's also why Polygon's hitpiece on 3 is so damning, they called Burch's writing good. Does explain the poor writing quality of Polygon, though, if they think his writing was good.

>people defend this cringe overload now
wew, guess this really is nu/v/ now. I'm glad Burch won't taint BL3, really hope we go back to BL1 style dialogue

People generally still have enough sense to understand Torgue is portrayed as a fucking moron, right?

Attached: 1552707625020.jpg (400x519, 125K)

For being a meathead who doesnt understand feminism, yes we know

Anyone got the FUCK White people torgue post?

Mr.Torgue is my favorite character


Borderlands 2 is getting an HD update in April.
How are the dlc? Should I get the GOTY edition?
Anything else to get?
I played a bit of Siren and she was good.
Should I start again with her?
Krieg might be interesting if he is not Yea Forums:the character.

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