I was enjoying the game up to the Genichiro boss fight but everything after that has been the most anti fun shit I've...

I was enjoying the game up to the Genichiro boss fight but everything after that has been the most anti fun shit I've seen in a game. the second half of dark souls 1 was pure gold compered to this games second half. died to the corrupted monk about 30 times and it was awful but finally killed it. now i'm on guardian ape and have died at least 50 or 60 times i'm about to just drop the game. this is the worst boss in a from game I've seen it's just so fucking annoying. does the game get good again after these two retards or is the second half of the game just hard for the sake of being hard meme shit?

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>the 2nd half requires you to have learned the game
>play it like dark souls instead
>get wrecked
>wow this is so bad wtf bros......

What to exactly are you dying to? It took me like 6 tries to beat this monkey. All of his attacks are slow and predictable and his scream can be fully blocked with the loaded umbrella


OHNONONONON wait until you get to the second guardian ape fight where you fight both of his phases at the same time

bullshit, this is the first soulsborne game (yea I know, fuck off) that keeps getting better

>died to the corrupted monk about 30 times
U baiting? I beat him on the first try, it was the easiest boss by far in the game


I just spammed firecrackers at the second ape as soon as it spawned and executed the cunt straight away

The Guardian Ape never blocks. Learn how to run and move and you should be able to do this fine.
Just be careful, don't strike unless it's after a move that you feel comfortable striking afterwards. And remember to better retreat sooner than later. Better safe than sorry.
Run, run, run, strike, back off, run, run, run, strike, back off.

It takes like 2-3 fire crackers for the second monkey to be fully killed

Not to be condescending, but are you sure you're not trying to play it too much like Dark Souls? Corrupted Monk and ape should be perfectly doable if you're deflecting their attacks and dodging the red kanji moves

the game peeks at Genichiro. everything after that is just recycled bullshit or just plain shit.

Learn his pattern, he does a bunch of combos where he open himself at the of them to get 2 or 3 plus the firecracker. The same applies to phase 2. Also use ur healing items, by that point u have the 3 heals over time, plus rice, plus rice ball, plus herbs, so u can be more durable in those fights.

You should stop playing it like dark souls OP and learn how to parry and such. I died +40 times on lady butterfly since I never bothered to learn how to parry properly and insted I just tried to roll away. After learning that parry is better and builds up the posture damage super fast, the game became a breeze

I don't get why there are so many shitters here still spamming ape, he's slow as fuck and has a move that takes him down if you parry at the right time, the area that you're fighting in is huge and you have a lot of space to move around, you are pretty much given his head on a silver plate

>You're not playing right
This is why I like the game less than Souls, you kind of have to approach fights in a certain way or you're gonna have a bad time

Post which boss filtered you boys, for me it was
sword saint isshin fuck this guy

Holy shit the final phase is giving me cancer. I can perfectly do phase 1 and 2. 3 gives me a little trouble since the fucking spear but last phase is giving me an anal pounding

yeah, I will say that at this point I'm not having fun because I know that I will get stuck on a boss in minutes, every single time, exploration and atmosphere are BTFO by the fact that I feel like a harassed rat 99% of the time. and no I didn't summon in other From games, I always solo'd every boss at least once and those games never gave me this much trouble. I'm not saying I'm particularly good at vidya anyway tho, I am an old man

I just get fucked up the moment he busts out his spear lmao

I've been 1-2 shotting almost every boss with the demon bell active (dunno if it works on bosses though) and I just made it past the guardian ape.
The only boss to push my shit in was snake eyes bitch at the gun fortress. Legit took me 1.5 hours to beat her.
I don't ever see anyone complaining about her yet I still had a bad time with her for some reason.

she gave me a hard time but that was mostly because her grab move has some pretty funky hitboxes

that is a commonly bitched about boss, yes. her gay grab attack has a wonky hotbox/tracking like the ogre almost

>Yea Forums - Video Games
How do you get firecrackers? im at the monkey boss right now and still have 5 heal drinks and no firecrackers

Spear really throws his timings out the window for me, it also seems that when he gets the spear my attacks will be inconsistent in making him flinch after being hit resulting me getting a spear in my ass

Lmao get good

Right after you defeat the horse guy there's firecrackers in the area nearby. This is a From game; there's always some shit to explore and discover.

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I never had a problem with her after I found that you could use the trees to swing behind her and get a deathblow

You can get them before the horse fucker.

Who here found Headless immediately after defeating Chained Ogre with the powers of pure autistic exploration? I was excited as fuck.

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Fucker pulled my soul out my ass

cool thanks

You don't know how to sprint do you.
Corrupted monk is piss easy if you just sprint away from her attacks and then hit her once she is finished, the window left open to attack her is quite wide between her finishing and attack and starting another, but if you deflect it you have no time left to hit her since she'll block it. This way you can easily chip her life to half and then start doing some decent posture damage, is exactly the same deal with the ape.
It's a boss designed for you to sprint to get away, the stage is large, he can easily get close on you, you bait its attacks and then fight back, and if you can read his moveset it's easy once again to do posture damage after a while.

Now that you have this sacred knowledge get back up and finish him up, there is an excellent bossfight after it.

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I just spammed the fire crackers that do damage to posture
It was the first time I made it to that phase as well

Really? I already feel like the second half is boreing repetitive shit rewarding running past enemies more than anything and basically just about finding the right little tunnel to get to the next boss.

Also that awful combat music holy shit

Trash game

Nah I'm with you on this. Took about 3 tries at most for almost all the other bosses and mini-bosses. Some rare occasions took more Fuck you DoH . Got to Snake Eyes and her fuckin grab is so obnoxiously inconsistent.

both monk fights are incredibly easy

For Snake Eyes just jump backwards when you see the red kanji wtf

Force the second phase with firecrackers then use sprint strats. Pretty much all the bosses in the second half are tedious as fuck to fight so just look up the cheese and avoid any optional bosses, attack upgrades do jack diddly shit anyway.

guardian ape is one of the best fights you talentless, tasteless faggot.

doesnt work

You can buy it even before chained ogre, retard. The shop is somewhat hidden.

It totally does

She only grabs you if she touches you with the end of her spear gun thing. Even if you are in her face when she does it, you should be airborne by the time she begins pulling it back.

They are both medium difficulty.

Ape is a little harder until you understand how his second phase works.

I died 3 times to monk and maybe 5 at ape and i'm bad at the game.

You probably still haven't learned the combat sistem and try to dodge and attack.

If it doesn't have kanji it can always be blocked

>died to the corrupted monk about 30 times and it was awful but finally killed it. now i'm on guardian ape and have died at least 50 or 60 times i'm about to just drop the game.
Monkey is braindead ez, just keep your distance and watch her patterns
Monk is a bit of a dick but his moveset is quite simple and easy to parry
wtf nigga git gut lmao

Wait until you reach the double ape

excuse me?

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Everything after Anor Londo is shit in DS1. Sekiro peaks at the Isshin fight.

4 is the easiest phase though. Lightning is free win juice.

How do you stop headless from slowing you?

You don't

It's there to tell you "if you haven't figured it out by now you should parry in this game"

I admit it.
I used cheatengine to beat the last two bosses Ishin and the Demon of hatred.

pic releated
It's my table before I choose to use CE

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But my terror rises immediately

>tfw stuck at the drunkard last time I played
>today i put in the effort of beating lady butterfly and 4 minibosses
>found genichiro & headless
Did I really experience the most fun parts of Sekiro or is OP a fag?

took me like 5 tries after I stopped dashing back/sides and instead jumping away everytime for the grab

after that it was all a cake walk

you have to perfect parry it

op is just retarded

God I'm sick of shitters bragging about using firecrackers. From needs to nerf that shit NOW. These shits don't deserve to have gotten as far as they have. As far as I'm concerned none of you have beaten the game legitimately without video evidence.


honestly this game isn't pushing my shit as hard as any souls game, its quite the opposite

deflecting is surefire most of the time even with bosses

Im glad to say its easier than any souls game, you dont have to even use prosthetics and shit

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Would you play Devil May Cry like Dark Souls? Would you play another From game like Dark Souls despite it having entirely different gameplay?

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I'll try it out. Thanks, man. I panic like a mofo when I get slowed down in any game.

I didn't know you were supposed to reduce the enemy's health to make it easier to parry them, simply knowing that made the game 10 times easier

demon of hatred. this is the most pointless shitty boss in the game. I gave it a few tries and the fight such boring meticulous chip garbage and souls tier hugging and hoping you dont get caught in the attack cone.

It doesnt make them easier to parry, it causes posture decay to slow.

>imagine getting to tilted that you extra open a thread on Yea Forums to rant about the game

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I'm not a shitter like OP but I still don't understand how to beat this damn dirty ape. I'm also scared of exploring the Abandoned Dungeon because of the purple dude down there. Where do I go from here?

Firecrackers do big posture damage in phase 1.
Phase 2 wait for him to do a down smash with his sword and parry it. It stuns him for a good couple of seconds and go in on him, rinse and repeat.
Just dont play completely like a pussy and keep a modicum of pressure just enough so that his posture gauge recover

His grab has a fuckhuge hitbox and whenever he gets it, he recovers all his posture back. That's the problem I have

>I still don't understand how to beat this damn dirty ape
Phase one is just deflecting. And stand back for a second or two when he's lying around and waving his hands and attack his head dead center, hitboxes are a bit fucky during that move.
Phase 2 is also deflecting, but watch out for his downward sword attack (if you deflect it he'll get a huge opening) and the scream.
All of his perilous attacks are evaded by jumping.