Is it your GOTY?
Is it your GOTY?
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Biggest disappointment of the 2019, for sure.
moron lol
Does Ghost of Tsushima come out this year? If not, then sure
It very well might be.
But then again Mario Maker 2 is slated for this year, as is Bloodstained and Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Astral Chain also looks really appealing for a Platinum game, but I'd be really surprised if it could compare with Sekiro.
Labyrinth of Refrain is getting a sequel though, which might get localized this year.
So yeah it's seeing some fierce competition. It's at the top now though for sure.
I won't play it till it is under $20. Fromsoftware games are average.
So far yeah, I like it more than DMC5.
That game felt so underdeveloped thanks to V and the shitty level design.
>Hobbling around game mechanics with damage sponges
No way fag.
doubt the game will even receive much goty nominations by the end of the year.
Ace Combat 7 vs schizorphrenic design choices: the game. I don't know man it's a hard pick.
How is that possible when DMC5 exists?
It's a really hard choice between this and DMC 5.
imagine getting filtered this hard
Why are hack n slashes still a thing?
I find the amount of shilling for this game funny since there was basically no build up in anticipation for it as if this is all paid for advertising.
I'm not shilling. I beat the game on day 3 because I don't suck at games. The world design is fantastic. If you weren't so bad that the combat you might be able to explore a bit.
I didn't even buy it because it is just another flavor of the month which in a couple weeks people will be "Sekir-a-wat?"
In the ps2 era gamers were so enraged by hack n slashes but now we are all suppose to be on the hack n slash hype train. Is this the power of the zoomer?
Yes. This has been a weak year so far.
you're either new or a brainlet if you think this enthusiasm is shilling. Yea Forums still talks about DeS, a ten year old from software game
>he took 3 days
holy fuck git gud you fucking shitter lmao
>didn't even buy it
>thinks hes an expert on the game
fuck off kike
I took the time to explore instead of power through the game. I'm not some tranny speedrunner.
only thing FROM actually put effort in was the combat system, which even that wasn't very good. the rest was just phoned in. graphics and the mood were worse than in DS3
>From game
>flavor of the month
lmaoing @ your life
git gud anytime you literal shitter
So far, yes
the game has the best world design and player choice in since the first half of DaS1. you would know this if you were able to actually get past the first level.
Just like Bloodborne right lmao
all it has is grass, trees, ponds, weeb buildings and some mist
you must be new here if you think a fromsoft title is FoTM
It's the only 2019 game I've played so far so yes.
Also, I really like the game.
DeS? Are you talking about Demon Soul's? You people didn't even know about that title until Dark Souls 2 and the only reason you people still talk about it is because of Dark Souls autism. We wouldn't even be talking about Sekiro without paid shilling and DS autism. You people are as bad as Nintardos.
Way too linear and gamey. Feels like your bog standard console action rpg instead of something unique like DS.
Just admit that you haven't gotten past the chained ogre you shitter.
>damage sponges
>too gamey
so this is the power of modern Yea Forums
>no argument
People on Yea Forums were hyped for Dark Souls console release because they loved DeS and comparing it to Skyrim because they both came out around the same time, I know because Im not a fucking election tourist and I've been posting here since you meme spamming teenager fucks were in primary school.
it's the first miniboss, hence proving my point
When you have autism nothing is a flavor of the month. Just ask Chrischan who tore apart a gamestop over minor changes to Sonic. That is what DS fanboys are like. I wonder how many of them depend on a monthly tugboat.
I do want to play it but to the finishing kills ever change? Been watching gameplay with people and it's the same 1-3 finishing moves over and over.
git gud
It doesnt bother you while playing, same as in Doom, its the end of the fight and a brief relief
Creepy adhd troon, neck yourself
Yea Forums didn't even know of From Software until Dark Souls and thought it was new when they had been rehashing the same game since King's Field on the psx.
>Ghost of Tsushima
looks like a more cinematic less fun version of Sekiro
no thanks
there is always a soulsborne thread up at any given point on Yea Forums.
based samefag
>muh boogeyman
No it was a bit of a disappointment. Slightly improved combat doesn't make up for unremarkable level design and forgettable narrative. Expected a kino but i just got an 8/10 instead.
obsessed 4chanx samefaggot
stop going spastic on an anonymous board because people called you out for being shit at video games. it's ok to be bad at vidya
But that's exactly what you would expect an autist to do.
i've literally commented 5 times in this entire thread retard
you sound like an insufferable faggot with serious insecurity problems
go outside and continue being a casual dudebro normalfaggot, you're too shit for video games.
>Slightly improved combat
Yeah only a slight improvement on "dodge roll every bossfight and attack on opening"
Brother snapped his copy in half last night.
imagine projecting this hard
imagine taking 3 days to finish a from game
i'm so glad i'm not shit at video games
Metro Exodus is still my game of the year.
Armored Core exists user
You keep telling yourself that.
I feel spoiled getting DMC5 and Sekiro in the same month.
I was never a huge Souls fans but I always liked the atmosphere and level design, Sekiro is the first From game I actually loved playing as well.
>no argument
Your comment didn't warrant a argument. Armored Core posting doesn't warrant a reply either so you should be thankful anyone wasted their time on you.