From soft's next project should be a sekiro style game with a fantasy middle east setting...

from soft's next project should be a sekiro style game with a fantasy middle east setting. think prince of persia but with good combat.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds stupid

>Middle East

>what is 1001 nights

>cool genie hex magic
>only weapons are scimitars tho

no fuck off brown people

With 10 different styles of blocking.

It really wouldn't be exciting. 1001 nights doesn't have that much supernatural shit going on compared to japanese or greek myths.

literally the birthplace of the abrahamic religions

Fucking neck yourself.
Prince of Persia is better than anything by From Software.

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The next game should be set in the stone age and the final boss should be a mammoth

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You're right, there are literally zero influential myths that originate in the Middle East.

the middle east has everything from arabs to egyptians to jews to romans to greeks to babylonia to persia to fucking buddhism
i'm sure you can find some exciting stuff

armored souls

What the fuck is this post

>but with good combat
pop is all about the platforming and puzzles, if you can replicate that joy then im fine with that
definitely need more unique setting, medieval europe and japan are fucking tiresome

how fucking poorly educated are you?

I'd rather see them attempt a grimy, run-down sci-fi setting.

They need to take a break from the feudal fantasy settings, honestly. Bloodborne was interesting step and a new direction, but it's not enough. Plus I'm curious to know what they could do to improve and evolve ranged combat or something of the sort. Not your typical FPS or Western third-person shooter kind of shit, but rather their unique own take on gunplay and the like.

>game set in a prehistoric fantasy world where you climb on top of giant dinosaur bosses and take them down SoTC/Dragon's Dogma-style

Sounds fucking great tbqh. Dinosaur/prehistoric settings are criminally underused in gaming, so I don't see why they shouldn't go for it.

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Stay away from the old boring Souls formula, Sekiro was a step in the right direction because they just focused on making a fun game with a focus on fast, hybrid gameplay. We don't need a shit online mode that has never worked properly, a bunch of groups that give you different items but only a fraction actually function properly, a bunch of ePIec calLBACkz to older games. Just make a good fucking game informed by the good parts of the Souls formula without all of the garbage, fractured direction that made all of them awful.

des and bb were good though.

Demon's Souls was awful, man. Bloodborne was good for similar reasons to Sekiro (a breakaway from the plodding formula of the main line series) but it still got bogged down in awful online features and the same greasy, generic Western architecture and rigid movement.

That’s fucking dumb it should take place in Ireland. So many opertunities for cool creatures too. Maybe during the 10th century Viking invasions and what not.

>but with good combat.
so not like Sekiro then?

if it's so much better then why is it fucking dead?

No it shouldn't. From's next project should be a new ARMORED CORE GAME

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Ew no. From doesn’t need to dirty it’s hands with sci fi shit. They nail historical looking settings and we honestly don’t need another fucking grim dystopian game.

I think des represented the best of the old souls formula imo. the online components of these games were also minor anyways

it is

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Ubisoft don't own the rights to Prince of Persia, so they don't fancy paying for royalties. This is why PoP was replaced with Assassin's Creed.

>des represented the best
>world tendency

>Middle East
They should make an ancient Sumerian/Babylonian kind of deal, prove me wrong.

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Well, good. They better announce it soon, we've at least got Daemon X Machina to tide us over but I want more mecha action games.

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Anything but Japan. Everything I've seen in Sekiro looked so fucking generic. I couldn't even get hyped from any of the Ashinas because theyre just some samurai dude you've seen over and over in vidya from 20 years ago.
Give me something like EVA-tier angels where your enemies are massive physical manifestations of a mathematical theorems.

I just want a new armored core game...

I'm tired of fantasy garbage. I helped build their company when they were a small team, give me my mecha games.

it was janky sure but unique, like the hub based structure

I'd play an Aztec souls game set around Spanish and Portuguese colonialism with weird cultist shit going on everywhere. It's already been hinted at in Sekiro so it might be a possibility.

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Miyazaki said he wants to make a fantasy/mecha like Escaflowne.

it's already not, there are already tons of rumors of it being a more high fantasy with lighter colors in a sort of kingdom setting, like Game of Thrones or Zelda

Hopefully this. At least a spanish conquistador will be 1000% more aesthetic than whatever Sekiros design is.

Yeah well I think theyre done

Have sex

From soft's next project should be ARMORED CORE FUCKING 6, YOU GOD DAMNED FAGGOT

>caring about sekiro when we have kinioh 2 coming soon

I'l plod your ass you fucking faggot

I don't know, if they were to ever make their own take on a sci-fi setting, then I'm sure it'd be radically different from all of the generic dystopian cyberpunk or space opera schlock we see in most AAA-titles these days.

Either way they shouldn't continue to limit themselves with old, generic fantasy settings ala Sekiro/DeS/DaS and the like. BloodBorne felt fresh because it was Lovecraftian rale disguised as a Van Hellsing simulator that was wrapped within a Victorian setting. They should aim for more off-kilter shit like that.

>fighting cultists and evil gods as Spanish Conquistadors
It would make people so angry and I would love it.

>From doesn’t need to dirty it’s hands with sci fi shit
I hate you. I hate how stupid you are. I hate that you think you're smart. I hate that you like something that I like in the wrong way. Never post again you stupid shit.

>I'd rather see them attempt a grimy, run-down sci-fi setting.
>They need to take a break from the feudal fantasy settings, honestly. Bloodborne was interesting step and a new direction, but it's not enough. Plus I'm curious to know what they could do to improve and evolve ranged combat or something of the sort. Not your typical FPS or Western third-person shooter kind of shit, but rather their unique own take on gunplay and the like.
This is some sort of advanced bait, right?

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>It really wouldn't be exciting. 1001 nights doesn't have that much supernatural shit going on compared to japanese or greek myths.

I dont even like muzz shit and I know this post is retarded

Armored Core was just a bastardation of Virtual On.

lol, stay mad

fuck middle east, why not let them make dune game?

Post credit scene where the son of the mammoth is coming for revenge

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Wrong, we need it now more than ever since CDPR ruined cyberpunk 2077 and made it look like sunnydale california instead of the grimdark dreary gloomy setting it should be.

firstly, neither dark souls or bloodborne are historical settings
secondly, sci fi is great and you are retarded

>I'm dumb as a brick lmao got you so hard is my retardation making you mad? I have trouble dressing myself and going to the bathroom unassisted bet that makes you furious

>CDPR ruined cyberpunk 2077
lol, stay mad

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when the fuck is metal wolf chaos coming out?

I'd like to see them tackle sci-fi. I'd reckon they could do it well

Not mad, just disappointed they had the perfect setting and shit it up.

kys soulsfag

>Another assassins creed trash
No thanks.

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mods will fix it for you

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its not dead, its called assassins creed now.

>sekiro is similar to assassin's creed

All I want

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Wow you are an incredibly sad little man. Keep raging when from announces their new IP is gonna be Greek mythology or something actually captivating. Keep seething that From will NEVER EVER stoop to sci fi SCHLOCK. Keep fucking seething.

I hope fromsoft will never make dark souls or bloodborne again just to trigger stupid autists

>Not your typical FPS or Western third-person shooter kind of shit, but rather their unique own take on gunplay and the like
Jesus Christ.

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You're in luck, they've done something like 26 sci-fi games!


AC1 nineball is pretty aesthetic

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lmao, the state of you

it wasn't always a shithole my dude

spanning like 5 different franchises all with their own settings

Same desu

I hope they make an original setting instead of just doing like every uncreative hick in this thread and go DUDE WHAT IF [HISTORICAL ERA AND LOCATION] SOULS

Something like PoP 2008? Sounds cool, the one boss you fight multiple times did have something similar to posture.

And at least two of them are Fromsoft originals.

AC, Murakumo, Metal Wolf, and Chromehounds are all unique to From

Armored Core changed in setting drastically a few times too.

>an original setting
What does that even mean? Literally all settings of every piece of fiction and media have some base in reality.

They should aim for unique fringe settings that most other game devs don't have the balls to bother with. The anons who mentioned a dinosaur setting and a mecha-fantasy hybrid setting have the right idea.

it means you generate a world that's more than just some historical references strung together

was dark souls about the crusades or something "medieval" like that? No, it was about a world made of fire, fire that can be shared, stolen and that will in the end burn out, the crenellations and plate armor was just incidental.

This, they should do a super gritty sci-fi game. Having humanity live underground under the control of a supercomputer would be pretty cool, you could do missions for anyone that gives them to you regardless of morality. There's a lot of potential here

tfw if they made a new AC game, they'd probably have people in it

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if they make a sci fi game I hope they set it in an o'neill cylinder so you can basically see the entire world at all times

I hope they make a sci-fi game with mechs you can customise, kind of like Chromehounds or Mechwarrior. From have usually been good at that sort of thing with Souls, but a sci-fi game is really out of field for them

From needs to make a game where you play as sperm fighting your way through a giant alien vagina

Yeah and they should let you pilot control giant mechs. And being able to customize every part of the mech would be cool.

>Imagine being this uneducated.

You must be american.

Damn I hope the next game they make will be this

It still is heavily influenced by greek and medieval tales and places, taking place in a medieval inspired setting. Sekiro is the only one that takes place in an exact alternate version of our world. No one wants to be 1 by 1 equal to the setting that is being inspired by, but the only reason DeS/DaS differ as much is because they have their own mythos on how the world came to be.

I'm obviously not referring to Amored Core you dipshits.

Did my pic from that previous post look like anything from fucking Amored Core to you?

And they should put in the moonlight sword as a weapon haha

What's Armored Core? From have only made Demon and Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro now



sure, but it's not like it's MEDIEVAL SOULS

as for more out-there settings, take kaiba for example

The next game should be this

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Fuck this gay shit take me back to medieval europe.
If you’re going to pull this shit at least post something creative like mythic hawaii or ancient babylon.

No one fucking watched Kaiba user, believe me.

>"Several stories within the One Thousand and One Nights feature early science fiction elements. One example is "The Adventures of Bulukiya", where the protagonist Bulukiya's quest for the herb of immortality leads him to explore the seas, journey to Paradise and to Hell, and travel across the cosmos to different worlds much larger than his own world, anticipating elements of galactic science fiction; along the way, he encounters societies of djinn, mermaids, talking serpents, talking trees, and other forms of life"

fuck off

>wanting more generic western medieval fantasy shit for the 5th fucking time

No thank you.

Next game will be Sekiro 2 in China, following the lore

Now that he has you all in his back pocket from Souls and Bloodborne it's all going to be japshit like Sekiro. Gotta ease the normies in and then do what you like.

yes,please. such untapped mythos. Middle eastern stories are overlooked so much these days.
Imagine Shumers+arabs+northern india.

Keep crine soulbabz

or korea, korea also got cool stuff, it's overlooked because how modernistic it is now compared to japan who kept at least some of traditional stuff

fuck off sandnigger

next game should be either decrepit western medieval kingdom or lovecraftian shit

i still havent watched it, i will eventually

BB itself is not just LONDON SOULS or LOVECRAFT SOULS either, it took both setting ideas (well, the second is more of a theme but whatever) and it turned into its own thing with HEAVY focus on ayy breeding and babies and shit. If they went middle-eastern, they could take all of the judaism, christianity, muslim mythos plus djinn and shit and make their own inspired creation mythos and themes just like Gwyn is not Zeus/Odin, the world is built over trees and stuff. People are just mentioning cool settings, they arent asking to be 1 to 1.

why do you not read books occasionally?

Why the fuck would sekiro go to Korea.

shut up your dirty american swine, prince of persia was fucking awesome and from soft taking a turn at it would be awesome

comfort women

>fuck off sandnigger
>mentions lovecraft, who was heavily inspired by 1001 nights

You got me so fucking hyped for a product that doesn't exist holy shit.

dragon myth used in sekiro is korean not chinese
also west during sengoku meant south eastern korea, japan owned part of korea for around 300 years 7th-10th c.

>they could take all of the judaism, christianity, muslim mythos
Fuck not, screw all that, they should go further back and go deep into Pre-islamic stuff. Zoroastrianism and all its sun worship would fit the entire theme of the Souls series perfectly. Ahura Mazda as a Sun god, Angra Mainyu as the Dark etc.

how about make a game that isn't LE HARDCORE SOULS XD

Never forget never forgive

Japanese barbarian heads will line my mother's grave

so, sekiro?

We had some good ideas earlier for a cool sci-fi game with mechs From could do

nobody cares where inspiration comes from, its the end result that matters

how about you fuck off back to meme cesspool you came from?

Whoah. Now I am with you.

Maybe get cool bow and arrow stuff along with horseriding. I think spears were a big thing in middle east too

They have to ask for permission to Gabe Newell to put him in the game as a final boss

Sounds cool, im not as familiar with Zoroastrianism stuff outside of a very basic view (they thought they were wizards and shit?). Could be even a conflict between the two.

while zoroastrian themes should be present I would prefer an almagation of every culture there just like how it was in the real life caliphates

>they thought they were wizards and shit?
you could boil down every single religion down to this

sumerian bird bearded people are a msut enemy/boss!

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>Jesus is the final boss
>you become God
>decide to enroll in Japanese high school

Perhaps the same could be said for all religions

Dark Souls already takes huge amounts of influence from the Mythos, it's just used fairly low-key in comparison to the other inspirations. It's all about Sun worship.

I'd like to see From do another game set in Japan, but in a magical-realism atmosphere after the nuclear bombings. Like sort of a bio-shock meets Bloodborne, where you're navigating these blasted urban areas filled with nightmarish shadow scenery and clanking machines. I think you could use the framing as a post-traumatic fantasy about the death of an Empire at the hand of an atomic future.

Either that or some Voodoo shit lmao

Yeah, something like a barren landscape after some catastrophe happened. You have to struggle and fight and the world is in control of whatever corporations provide the tools for you to live, that'd be cool

>From should just keep making games like Dark Souls and Sekiro

modern day Fromsoftfags are no better than CoDfags and Battleroyalefags

Actual From fans like myself are pretty annoyed at Soulsfaggots for this, don't worry

guys I really can't take anymore post apoc. I got my feel, I would prefer something dystopian but functioning like a machine akin to hive cities from wh40k.
Think about it all souls was post/present apoc, BB slow apoc, Sekiro is local apoc. Not to mention all other games. NO MORE!

Fuck that we need mesoamerican aztec/inca/maya souls
it's already filled with shit tons of lore and intersting weapons

They could do a game where humanity is trying to rebuild, but to keep the sombre atmosphere only have human contact be through machines and not face to face

So durka durka souls with lots of beheadings and waifu goates?

pretty sure i've seen that already somehwere, still post apoc fuck that genre. For once I want to see functioning world not some corpse.

I just like action-rpgs and they do it well, and before you mention Kings Field i dont like 1st person view. Sekiro and BB were different enough to keep the experience fresh for me.

next from soft game should have influence from jet set radio future and the moomins imo

How about Urban Souls? As how much neat Sekiro was mechanically, it felt like a test bed for something else.

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We need a cowboy bebop dark souls

How about no more shitty souls. Let them do new things like Sekiro. Souls are done.

This is unironically a good idea. You could have something like demons from all sorts of folklore invade a modern city and it's up to you to fight them, but because From like factions and stuff you could also recruit them and eventually decide how the world should be run. Pretty good idea and would result in the quite the strange journey

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Bible Souls, set in a proto-medieval setting like the Old Testament describes, where the player is a lost spirit caught between archangels and demons.

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>new things like Sekiro

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It doesn't have to be Souls. I'm just saying that it follows the Souls discipline in aesthetics, lore, and atmosphere.

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Next game should take place in underwater

I'm okay with this.

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There needs to be a modern slight futuristic setting for their new game. Maybe the world’s gone to shit because of a war and you have to restore it or something.

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Something like the world being destroyed before the game starts, and it's up to you to decide how to restore it would be cool. You find out your own morals about this world by just progressing through, fighting enemies or recruiting them.

It's not like they always shooted up people and raped kids, you should read some books

Play Quest for Glory 2 and 3

I'd love to see a middle eastern Sekiro/Souls title where you play as a Mujahadin warrior and the bosses are very haram, and you get to throw legions of homosexuals off of rooftops and behead the enemies of glorious Islam

I'm really interested in how From would make a game that makes use of guns as offensive weapons instead of defensive weapons like in BB.
Extra points if the game treats guns with the same air of mysticism like sorcery or miracles in dark souls.

> world’s gone to shit because of a war and you have to restore it
Like oh say... with a giant mech?

I want them to do a Mech-Action game but not Armored Core. I think they would much better with the freedom of a new IP. Maybe something revolving around giant mechanical gods from space like Demonbane or Xenoblade would be cool.

Wtf bros why doesn't From do a post-apocalyptic mecha game?

What about Dark Souls 4? I kinda want that one.

i like that much better. Something like Dunbine

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He will be exposed if he attempts to do another mecha game

>djinns not supernatural

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Only if it's Shin Megami Tensei 3rd person action. I refuse to play a game where my cell phone isn't a worse weapon than a nuclear missile, where owning a sword isn't just as dangerous as owning a gun, and where I can't summon a demon I befriended on the outskirts of some major city by happenstance.

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>it wasn't always a shithole my dude
well... comparatively

earned it

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Read some books retard.

It will be Armored Core 6, Miyazaki told me so.

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it should be a Vampire Hunter D setting, with the Combat system of DS not this boring ass Samurai shit...please..

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Ancient Greece / Rome would be interesting

I haven't played 4 or 5 yet, but I really don't want Miyazaki to direct 6. I've been playing through them all for the first time recently and SL and Nexus are real standouts, I wish that guy would do 6

But their next setting is already confirmed. It's Mesoamerican

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No no it should be in a modern day city with lots of surreal horror elements

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dark souls combat system is the worst part of the games

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>dual wielding a pump shotgun

Bravo Japan you've done it again.

fuck is this??

>Not running a high-BLT gunslinger build
I wish I knew how to suck dick like you, I could probably be a phenomenal male escort.

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/k/faggots are the most boring fucking people on the planet.

>aztek fags giving there suggestions in every DUDE WHAT IF thread

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4 and 4A aren't bad game but they are different from before, you just go fast as fuck now.
It depends on who you ask and they'll either say they love 4 or hate 4.
I personally like both pre 4 era and 4 tho

>1001 nights doesn't have that much supernatural shit going on compared to japanese or greek myths
Only way I could actually believe you say this is if you read some kind of 1 novel abridged version and not the actual 8000+ pages

>not reloading by using the inertia of the pump

From's VR experience called Diracine. It shares the same victorian setting and holds this book as an easter egg.

I'm not even a gun nut, I just thought it was super obvious that you can't use a shotgun with one hand. Does he shake it super fast or something like Terminator?

t. Cletus

It's either them, Vikingfags, or Arabfags. We got 2/3 in this thread, and they're all painfully boring suggestions.

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That is a literal Terminator. It's an android made by the Messian cult called a Terminator whose entire purpose is to obliterate demons and demon-worshipping Chaosfags. Messians are complete lunatics and will employ any insane tactic as long as it works and it makes the angels happy.

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>I'm not a boring /k/ faggot I just want everything to be boring
Ok faggot

nuGoW and those milwood knights in DaS3 are the closest we have to Viking Souls and it sucks ass.

Because Viking aesthetic is uniformly boring and has never been applied to anything that can make it even slightly interesting.

>Raiding and pillaging!
Any bandit, evil warlord, or pirate can do this, and they are not restricted by any metric while doing so.
>Muh stag helmets and nordic ancestry!
Japs did stag helmets in a far more interesting manner and regions cannot be made interesting when you erase the region from them. You can see that they can make multiple "Eastern Lands" characters who are actually memorable, but zero Nordic raiders who are remembered for anything but being Nordic raiders.
>M-muh based Nordic heraldry and mythologies!
Just go back to listening to folk metal and masturbating to the album covers.

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looks beautiful

>middle east setting
t. sandnigger

Imagine being American

shut up retrd

>FROM should become a company like ubisoft and rehash their games like Ubisoft has rehashed assassin's creed

shut up

Let it Die already exists. Not the best implementation of Souls ideas, but hard to argue that it's a soulsborne game

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Nope, fuck deserts, fuck scimitars and fuck that whole region.
Bring it back home to europe.

Oh I forgot about this game. But it felt too much like Suda51's other games for my liking. Something more sombre would have been nice.

Could be cool
Or if they would like to move back towards soulsborne style make the next game some sort of sci fi space epic.

Is Zin even doing anything in regards to game dev anymore?
I think all the Soulsfags shit on him so hard just because he partially supervised a game they don't like.


I googled him and the last time he worked on something was souls 2. Poor guy

sounds kino.

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how the fuck do I return to ashina outskirts after beating the final boss? wanna beat the sculptor


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I really just want them to make another adventure game like Déraciné, but longer and with more involved mechanics.

FromSoft should stop making shitty games that make casuals come here and complain how 'hard' they are.