Crusader Kings II

Is this game good?

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you either love it or hate it. it's exactly what it claims to be, a complicated 4x that is more menus and management than gameplay. but if thats what you want then so be it

I have this in my Steam library but I don't think I ever bought it. What do you do in the game? I thought it was like Civ but I don't think so.

You kill you brother to get his lands before he betrays you and sell your daugther to the genovese to strengthen your alliance with 'em

I like it more than EU4 and like both WAY more than Stellaris.

It is sort of like a dynasty rpg strategy game where you play as the head of a county, duchy, kingdom, empire, republic, tribe, whatever. You play as your heir when your current character dies if the heir is of your dynasty. If not, you play as the next land holding member of your dynasty. If there are none, you lose. The goal of the game is for your dynasty to survive as possible. Each of your characters gets a score at the end of their death based off of their prestige and piety.

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It's not that complicated, and it's more than usual paradox map autism simulators, it sort of sims like dynasty simulator.

>Is this game good?

You can play as KANGZ and murder kids
Yes, it's good

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>playing as german empire
>son is gay and weak minded, second eldest is the chad of the family, youngest child is daughter
>daughter has the best stats, but "woman owning land" is hard
>marry off my eldest son to france's princess to be an ally, groom my second son to be heir
>after a few years eldest son actually conceives a child with the french princess
>guess the frog beat the gay out of him
>he declares war on me and my second son/heir, half of my vassals back him
>heir gets killed, have my daughter left
>she takes over, the other half of my vassals support her
>win several decisive victories as her influence grows
>neighboring nations offering alliances
>I steamroll through the french army (how lifelike) and murder my maybe gay first born son with his sister
>france is annexed into my empire, spain and portugal soon follow
>thus began the 46 year reign of Queen Brunhilde the Merciless, the one who united the German Empire across all of Europa

I'd say that with all the DLCs, it's one of the best games ever made in the history of mankind. Without any DLCs, it's a good game.

Yes, buy it for 5$ and pirate all the dlc

I had a female antichrist ruler of the holy roman empire. For lulz, I renamed it the unholy roman empire. She eventually died when some she had possessed by demons killed her. Might have been the pope. RIP.

>chin still not in sight

only with the Dark World Fantasy mod

Do I need to watch / read a tutorial before starting this. How hand-holdy is the in-game one?

Check some basic videos and then try to play Ireland

You will learn the more you play

Is that the one with rape werewolves?

It's GOAT until the illusion wears off and you realise larping in this game is a waste of time and the game itself doesn't care and just cares about how many troops and heirs you have.

You tell me OP

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Huh. Does playing a pagan african have enough content now compared to the other "tribes" ?


Game would be fun if the vikings were not so OP.
They fucking demolish everything, get infinite invasions and their new lodge makes them unkillable in battles for bullshit reasons.

Sure, but dev dropped the ball, older version had better stuff that I added back into newer version. Though I heard new guy taken over the mod, so maybe it gets more updates now. There are other lewd mods too.

What does the DLC add? Different areas / people?

>Which DLC do I get for raping


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Don't buy the DLC unless you're so wealthy you do not give a fuck. It's borderline scammy. Buy the base game and pirate the DLC if you have to. You can still run the game through steam and use all the pirated DLC for some reason.

Dont even need ot use steam mate.
Just runt he .exe for all Paradox games and they work without steam even on.