>"More people getting into this niche series is good."
>"Gatekeeping is wrong."
>"Videogames are for everyone, not your sekrit club."
>"Exclusives are bad and anti-gamer."
>"Stop being elitist!"
>"I want videogames to be taken seriously."
>"Going mainstream is postive."
"More people getting into this niche series is good."
Honestly, the Souls series is a great example of this. As soon as it became more widespread the community became shit
>games need to respect its players by adding an easy mode
Gatekeeping is good
I agree with everything there except that exclusives are bad. I don't see a problem with them.
Every other post you made ironically I unironically agree with.
We are the minority now OP, we lost.
But we’ll always have old games an tight communities of harder genres (look at melee)
>But we’ll always have old games an tight communities of harder genres (look at melee)
Is there anything more cringe than sekrit club shit? Just because a series (like DS) got popular, doesnt mean the games are bad. It´s just that the community got pretty bad with trolls and shit. That happens with every series that gains in popularity.
Also your example is pretty bad.
Lol. Your """""""gods"""""""" are leaving it for Ultimate, and getting dabbed on by ex-4 players.
I am definitely a casual gamer, and I'll still beat you in your game of choice. Name it.
Nothing wrong with being a casual gamer. Unless you actually think you're cool with the title "hardcore gamer xD" LMFAOOO
>Nothing wrong with being a casual gamer
Bioshock 2 Multiplayer
Yeah these are all bad.
Gatekeeping and muh sekrit club ends up always birthing the hugest faggotary.
id like to see you beat my CP30 in lego star wars: the complete saga
Casual means that you don't earn money with gaming which is literally everyone on Yea Forums.
Do pro gamers even count as hardcore? They don't give a shit about gaming history or have much in the way of taste.
All I care about is teabagging shitters.
you must have come up with that all by yourself because its first time I've seen someone say something like that
>>"I want videogames to be taken seriously."
but this is actually something that needs to happen. I don't want people to look at me like a retard when I tell them I like a game. You wouldn't believe how many people still associate video games with "Bing Bing Wahoo!" and nothing else.
Gatekeeping is a dumb term
Nobody is stopping a guy from picking up the game and getting good at it or at least trying to obtain insight
Videogames will never be taken seriously, so you might as well find a socially acceptable replacement hobby or continue to endure odd looks and laughs.
Gamers will always be seen as a bunch of socially inept autists that jerk off to and create gender bent Bowser hentai art.
No it's not but ofc since Yea Forums is retarded uI don't expect them to think properly
Thats cause you own a switch
>I want a leisure activity with no creative input from me to be respected and taken as seriously as writing books/poetry, sculpting, painting, making music, ect.
It's the same reason comic book nerds aren't respected by the mainstream.
whoa buddy calm down
Any games with difficulties named after wash cycles?
>writing books/poetry, sculpting, painting, making music, ect.
>comic book nerds
You are comparing creators and consumers.
Gotta disagree OP, I'm trying to get as much people I know to play Risk of Rain 1-2 and Mount & Blade Warband, Because the RoR boys deserve more money for their great niche games and if the Turks get enough money maybe they'll release Bannerlord in this decade, hopefully, maybe, but probably not. There's nothing wrong with a game series becoming popular as long as the developer doesn't shit the bed with their newfound success like People Can Fly or Fromsoft
>caring about other peoples opinions
It is bigger than that. Every new type of media that came been accused for causing violent behaviour, making it number 1 scapegoat for any violent incident. Football & soccer maniacs are more violent than any other fans. They drink, they bash your face if you came into town to root for your team, they smuggle pyrothecnics into stadiums. But is football ever featured in the news as game that causes violence. Hell naw!