Those pistol tattoos

>Those pistol tattoos

Why is she so hot Yea Forums?

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her sfm porn is the best
especially the one with lady licking her tummy

I feel like I'd get an STD from sex with her but I still wanna

Looks like redneck trash.

>Can't handle a real white woman

looks like sam hyde

SFM porn is shit, blender or fuck off.

Amerimutts aren't white.

I fucked around with a girl a while back who had these. She got addicted to heroin and had a kid then killed herself. Honestly im glas shes dead


She fucks black men

literally every blender animation makes the character look like they're made of fucking rubber. nobody can make good porn with blender

Blender is only limited by the artists skills, SFM has literal lighting/material limitations that make characters look like shit in every situation. This is furthered by the fact that SFM is not physically based but the games that they rip assets from are, so there's a distinct disconnect at least visually between the SFM porn and what you know the character looks like, Blender can replicate this lighting and even surpass it, so you can get characters that don't look like shit.

Your statement only shows your ignorance.

I'd lick her armpits

ok bucko but that doesn't change the fact that literally nobody who makes porn with blender can actually use it to its full potential

Post it you coward

Even if they don't it still looks better than anything made in SFM.

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She's honestly like a 6.5. Anyone saying she's hideous is full of shit, but seriously she is not that attractive either.

People fawn over here because she's "Attainable Pretty"
She has enough flaws that don't make her a 10/10 like her buck teeth and shitty tattoos and glasses and frilly hair while still looking nice underneath, so neckbeards delude themselves into thinking they'd have a chance with a cholo mechanic like her

Okay, I'll leave you to your basketball people then


why are there so many people pretending that she's hot, like it really has gotten old by now

You're the one who's retarded enough to prefer SFM when it looks like shit no matter what.
The best example is probably quiet, in Blender she looks great, very close to the game, in SFM she looks like shit, I literally can't fap to her because of how off she looks with such shit lighting and materials.

Daily reminder I want to KISS Lady.

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No she's not hot. She looks like she's fun to hang out with, though.

>god-tier personality
>absolute garbage design
What a waste.

do not interact with blender autists

I'd post a comparison, if we weren't on Yea Forums, it's objectively better.

Daily reminder she DOESN'T want to KISS you.

Is this a common thing when this topic comes up? I've seen it happen atleast once before

>god tier personality

Her alternate costume is infinitely better. She looks cuter.

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i don't care, retard
stop sperging out over animated porn, nobody cares that you don't get off to SFM

it happens every single fucking time SFM porn is brought up

what is blender?

People like you are the reason why sfm is still the standard in spite of it's looking like absolute shit in comparison, it's like looking at stick figures fuck in comparison. and Valve are too lazy or too afraid to release SFM 2.0

Dedicated 3d software suite. It looks significantly better than SFM because it's not limited like SFM, there's all kinds of issues, the thing I personally hate most are the eyes in SFM, they look unnatural, it's actually a turn off to look at them in SFM porn.

Look up pewposterous, all of their stuff is Blender, looks miles better than the best you can get from SFM.

I just realized who she reminds me of. Amy Winehouse

LA goblindia parada..

Blender is also the most unintuitive shit I've ever experienced, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Even those who I went to school with in CS complained about how hard Blender was to use in the 3D Graphics Programming course.

>chain smoker
You may as well go lick an ashtray.

As long as it's not SFM, but Blender has fortunately started to catch on as an alternative to SFM.

My dick has no tastebuds.

>Game has option to turn character white
How the hell did they get away with this?

Disgusting tattoos, right in her crouch of course, what a disgusting whore, retard hair cut also

imagine saying SFM is bad while praising pew as quality work with his misshapen rubber models and piss poor animation quality
piss off you tasteless cunt

There is not a single SFM piece that compares.

Nico Goldberg is a white name?

I mean I prefer it too, and I'm learning how to use it, but I can frankly see why it's so goddamn hard to use. Everything is so inobvious and you have to be completely fluent in its terminology because it speaks in tech babble rather than in plain english. It's also not the fastest renderer out there, considering it's Python-based, though you get what you pay for in that department since it's free. But for something that's free, you almost need to have a phonebook-sized manual explain things especially if you're just beginning, which may push people into the SFM territory instead when all they want is to just animate a shitty generic porn scene.

She's one of the ugliest girls capcom has ever made.