I was wrong. I admit that.
I quit at the ogre but today I decided to persevere and I got all the way past this guy and into the Anor Londo area where Nightjar assholes are falling out of the sky.
It's a good game. You just have to not play it like Dark Souls, except for the times when you should play it exactly like Dark Souls.
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for FUCK O'RIN
you can backstab that hoe
>You just have to not play it like Dark Souls, except for the times when you should play it exactly like Dark Souls.
This is what always fucks me up. I improved immensely at the game once I stopped rolling out of the way of every attack, but then I fight a boss like Demon of Hatred and suddenly I'm back to playing it like Dark Souls.
You are using Divine Confetti, right? Fighting her without it is a waste of time.
You can also poison her with Sabimaru.
Confetti does wonders. Her posture won't regenerate as much
I'm at all these bosses at different parts of the map and don't feel like continuing desu. I don't care about these games anymore.
Sneak behind her and throw a ceramic shard at her it will allow you to get a backstab
It helps to stop thinking of exploiting enemies' weaknesses as "cheese". They all have a specific weakness, like the bull and firecrackers. Use that shit.
>tfw out of confetti
>tfw farmed blue samurai for hours and got zip even with bell and ballon
Gladly, she's fucking cute.
That didn't work for me
Jumping on her head though did
I did not use confetti, nor did I backstab her, after a few hours of attempts I downed her through parry and ichimonji, glad I did it that way to, was a hell of a fight. You guys really should have used her to git gud desu.
Just beat that cursed monk too, he took me a hour or two as well.
Agreed, even after the hours of struggling on her I thought she was a lil cutie, then got sad all the times I had to run back to cursed monk and she was gone :(
It's not a good boss fight
Seemed pretty lame desu, not as bad as those 4 monkeys though, wtf was they thinking with THAT boss fight ?
Just learn to parry bro.
I did, thanks bro
It is actually not bad if you just learn how to play it. Its not hard at all, deflect and attack when you need to.
>animals are afraid of fire
>ashina faggots put fire on bull, terrifying him
RIP in peace bull, I killed those faggots for you
I think the Ogre and the bull are just too close to each other that starting players get the impression that this game has weird hitboxes. Other than those two every other boss was immensely satisfying to fight and the hitboxes were better than the previous From games.
The game is really about understand it. First playthrough I was like what the fuck. I am on my 3rd now and feel like this is pretty good, it takes time to be able to read all of the enemies cause at first it seems like they move at 100 miles an hour. Overall it is my same experience as Demon Souls where you don't think you will be able to beat that boss ever again but the 2nd run you trash pretty much everything
Also lady butterfly is most peoples first boss. She isn't bad but hitting her right away when you aren't that good at the game yet can be a huge pain. HP and DPS upgrades make her almost trivial later
I killed horseback man first. I haven't seen Lady Butterfly yet. Is she as easy as horseback man?
She isn't the hardest boss but harder than horse man and almost everyone I have seen goes to fight her with 0 hp and damage ups cause you can access the area really early.
The boss on the horse is a joke. Lady butterfly is pretty difficult. General Ashanni is the first real test in the game. Once you beat him to you can beat everyone else.
That's likely the intended order. She's harder than horseboy and can psyche out newbies but she's not that bad
Ok, good thing I'm almost to my second prayer necklace. I'll put her off for a bit and keep progressing in the present time.
Confetti isn't needed for O'Rin, also doesn't even help much if your attack is low in the first place. In my first playthrough I did O'Rin and Monk really late and found both to be pathetically easy comparatively to other things. Now in my second playthrough (just NG, not NG+) I decided to go there early and with only 2 in attack power, both are insanely hard and wreck your posture easily due to how low it is.
I've gained new understanding for people that have complained about numerous bosses you can actually do right after the bull to reach Ashina Castle that I found easy only because I most likely did them far later than they did. Relatively I did Butterfly as my very first boss in my first playthrough and found her insanely tough while others that have at least done horse guy first find her significantly easier. The two attack and vitality/posture upgrades have a massive impact on mini-bosses/bossfights, more so than I thought at first.
She is much harder but her fight is also more focused on fundamentals (deflecting and maintaining aggression).
It is a weird flow they do for the game. They recommend you go get the tool in that area for ogre but since you are already there you want to continue. Just kinda weird thinking about what the mindset was for the path, get to ogre, go explore the estate for a while, find the tool eventually, go back to ogre, go to the castle, maybe do that fight up top and then go butterfly idk.
I did not feel it for O'Rin but ghost monk really gave it to me on the 2nd playthough, which surprised the shit out of me cause I did not think twice about that boss the first time. Doing the other areas first is the way to go
This game is fucking great and all but god damnit FROM is getting worse at "infuriating bullshit that adds no difficulty but a ton of frustration".
>2 cinematics for the Genchiro fight
>Have to clear an entire room of dudes to attempt certain generals (e.g. spear dude in the reservior)
>Have HIGHLY limited items for fights like the headless or madam butterfly, and no obvious place to farm them
The cinematic one in particular pisses me off. It was the biggest frustration of the Kos and Nameless King fights.
Seems to me like the "intended path" in this game is so jump back and forth between time periods often.
This. She's actually a fantastically-designed first boss (teaches attacking-until-deflected-then-parry attack patterns) but her stats are bullshit if you haven't gotten a damage or HP bump yet.
You can farm confetti from the blue-robed samurai in Ashina Castle, but it's a rare drop.
Very late in the game, you can buy it from the information broker for 300 sen.
Butterfly doesn't actually require snap seeds, Inosuke is just a pussy.
>2 cinematics for the Genchiro fight
Is it that hard to press skip?
>(e.g. spear dude in the reservior)
Just two, then sneak around back and just fight him at the top of the hill.
There is a path you can grapple on the right side to get past all of the adds and get a backstab on the general. But yea most mini boss fights are a pain in the ass because of all of the adds.
you dont have to fight headless at the start and you dont need to use snap seeds on butterfly just rush her down and use shurikens and never give her an inch to spawn shit on you
Yea but you won't know this on your first go. It was pretty annoying to have to walk away from the enemy just cause you ran out of confetti.
I'm trying to work out the timing for that shinobi hunter spear fucker.
but I die too quickly at this rate it'll take me 20 deaths to observe and learn all his moves. there's no time to heal & his swings are so awkwardly animated they have no flow & aren't intuitive. not to mention how he sort of magnet slides to me with some attacks which make them harder to see.
So now I have dragon rot. How am I supposed to learn the boss fights with this mechanic? what's going to happen? will I still get the good ending?
or should I just cheese bosses & not fight them properly at all?
Fairly certain the "intended" path is simply going straight for Genichiro with only going back to Sculptor to get the prosthetic tools/upgrades you find on the way (Firecrackers and the upgrade tool) and after Genichiro the path is completely up to the player but going towards Gun Fort as bullshit as it is is probably the first initial intention.
Hirata Estate seems to be one of the open-ended locations to go to after, mainly because you will not run into enemies the axe or flame vent completely trivialize on the main path until after Genichiro, both which are tools found in the past.
Dragonrot just keeps you from interacting with the afflicted npc's (buying things, progressing quests, etc)
and how important is that?
not at all
No ending gets locked out due to dragon rot. You won't miss any HP or damage upgrades due to it either. Most NPC quests don't give anything really important. Some people said they had merchants die but I have never seen it
>Demon of Hatred
The shit I do for friends I can't stand.
oh that's good then. makes me wander why they really put the mechanic in the game tho.
Two merchants die in the game but dragonrot has nothing to do with it, it's just something that happens naturally as you progress the game. If you didn't buy their super exclusive rare items they will be in the offering box (for roughly 50% higher cost) so you won't miss out.
>Is it that hard to press skip?
Not at all, but it means each attempt goes like this
>Load in
>Run up stairs
>Black screen
>First second of cutscene
>Black screen
>Okay NOW you're allowed another attempt
>Finally hitting your flow
>Black screen
>Black screen
>Genchiro comes charging in with an unblockable tracking attack you need to time a dodge for
>Assuming you made it through all that, you are now allowed to attempt the challenging boss fight
It was the same problem I had with Orphan and King. First phase is hard but you learn to deal with it and eventually start thriving, but the whole thing eventually devolves into "spend 5 minutes to attempt phase 2, die, spend another 5 minutes getting to that point"
Genchiro is better since phase 2 isn't a COMPLETELY new moveset and he goes down easier than phase 1, but I hate that From seem to think padding bossfights out is the key to making a challenge.
I'm only a little ways in (just past the bull in OP) and I've had a Dragonrot notification once, the first one. Soon after I got the item to cure it. I haven't had another Dragonrot notification yet, despite dying repeatedly to bosses, but I have since found another cure item, for whenever I need it. It seems very trivial.
It took me quite a while to kill her and I kept wondering why the dude talked about illusions and then she pulls a Sister Friede on me and I was like FUCK
Stay close. If he gets away then bait his fire throw and get back in there. The hardest string I think is the flame swipe with the stomps and then another swipe, you just need to learn how to dodge that
you dont have to tell me twice
are you me? that fight frustrated me due to the need to have patience vs that fucking sponge of a boss, but fuck i couldn't let my dear dying bro asking me for help down. Speaking of wich, did you killed the boss? i killed it but when i came back to talk with the guy who asks you to help via using the kite he just keeps saying if im that shinobi and if i could help, bitch i already killed a fucking DEMON what else do you want?
Yeah I'm getting the flow, beat phase 2 on my first try, sadly I got fucked by phase 3 early on
>Die because he charged me
>Ressurect myself just in time to get caught in the column of flames he sent my way
Owl is impossible.
It is the usual super underdeveloped new From mechanic in the game. Then the community puts out lots of misinformation about it so people have no idea if it is fucking their game or not.
I didnt even start hirata estate untill I got to the bull. I thought Hirata was a way later place.
God damnit I wish I knew that.
Yeah I figured that out after I burned all my resources in a SO FUCKING CLOSE run, then realised you either rush her down so she can't spawn or run around until they missile at you then resume the fight.
Don't play defensive. You either master the Mikiri Counter (practice a lot against the undead dude at the start) or dodge to his back and hit him with thrust attacks to get more damage out quick.
Put some shurikens between attacks so you can hit him for longer while in a good position, if anything goes wrong, just spiderman the fuck out, heal, toss some shit on him so his posture doesn't regenerate too much and get back. You can also take the first healthbar on stealth but you probably already know that.
>God damnit I wish I knew that.
Oh do you NOT know that ? You've literally used that path in the first level to get to Kuro.
>weak against crackers
Wait until you get to Isshin.
This video is complete ass but the first one I found
>3 different defensive buttons
>slew of pussy defensive techs
lol i'm glad i pirated this
I actually thought Lightning Genichiro was a complete push-over. I beat him my first try and I didn't even know about him, so I wasn't conserving healing or anything.
Owl 1 is ez as fuck desu, just keep your distance, he has a lot of down time when he attacks, don't parry him cuz he eats your stance bar fast
Isn't she the one very vulnerable to poison? She's fucking easy dude
Oh I didn't think of using the grapple points to heal thanks.
there's not a moment when you have to play it like dark souls.
Owl was the boss that forced me to git gud.
I went to the dojo in the tower and practiced deflecting against the longswordsman there until I could consistently kill him in a few seconds. Then I practiced a while more.
Then I beat Owl.
that just increases the difficulty
The demon, the bull, ogre if you dont use fire, possibly the drunks if you can't deflect right. You just jump and hit and run back.
>God damnit I wish I knew that.
You know the Reservoir is the tutorial level, right?
Remember you are not a samurai, fuck honor and fuck not running away if shit goes wrong.
Im doing a blind playthrough and spoiling as little as possible for myself, so I didn't know about confetti or poison for her. I'm not saying she was extremely hard, but if you miss just one parry/deflect poof half your health is gone, a lot of invuln time and a nasty counter, not to mention she usually hits you with 3-4 combo chains.
the ape, demon, and bull are all dark souls bosses
How could you not know to use confetti? She's obviously a ghost.
You don't need poison or confetti for her. Holding block will actually reduce your posture bar faster then standing and you have a ton of time to do that while she flies around. She then should not break you as much even if you mess up
This game exposed so many shitters who cheesed their way through the souls series and claimed they were easy games. I fucking love it
What's the deal with the not-quicksilver bullets thing? Just by dicking around at the start before beating any bosses I already have 180 of those.
Dont waste seeds on butterfly bitch you'll need them for spirit monk
You'll burn through them fast.
But you should buy more while you can. They cost 10 sen at the start of the game but eventually they go up to 50.
Oh don't get me wrong, I beat her, just took a little time recognizing when to parry and when to attack, like every other boss in the game.
Oh shit that's nice to know. Just practicing around the first area to get a hang of the combat and it's so fun it doesn't even feel like grinding.
No, but there is a moment you have to play it like bloodborne.
It really makes you *feel* like a shinobi.
You'll never use them fast enough to run out. I've got a ton.
I'd rather be a samurai in actual iron armour rather than more ronin shinobi stuff.
>Fighting Lady Butterfly
This is fucking cool
Why not just be the warlord with 80 guys and an unbeatable sword? Sekiro is a nobody, a mercenary orphan peasant, and he still whips ass.