Gross Revenue for every Pokemon Gen

Gen 1: 3.5 Billion
Gen 2: 2.6 Billion
Gen 3: 1.9 Billion
Gen 4: 1.3 Billion
Gen 5: 1.05 Billion
Gen 6: 1 Billion
Gen 7: 4.5 Billion
Gen 8: 600 Million

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It’s because Hawaii is fucking boring, let’s be real.

why did gen 7 do so well? It fucking sucked ass.

Seriously though, what made Pokemon X/Y such a commercial failure?

cute anime girls

Gen 7 counts Pokémon Go

It sold about the same as Gen 5. How is it a failure?

first 3DS pokemon I guess, game sucked ass though

Pokemon Go released the same year as Pokemon Sun/Moon, so it counts as the same Gen

Sources? Are those gen 8 numbers preorders?

> Let's Go Pikachu alone already made over half the money that Gen 5 & 6 did in less then a year
I thought you faggots told me that it was bad?

That's gen 7, the one that apparently earned the most (Thanks to Pokemon Go, I'd guess)

How the fuck has Gen 8 earned that much when the game was just announced?

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

Pokemon LGPT

Surprised gen 4 isn't higher considering how insane the DS sold and it being the first pokemon game, plus the gen 2 remakes.

what about the delicious revenue?

It's counting all revisions, ports & remasters of the games, Omega Ruby/Sapphire for example grossed 700 Million on it's own

That's gen 7 though. Counting it as gen 8 would be like counting Gale as a gen 4 spinoff.

Oh I see, that cashgrab

I loved the setting, it was the best part of gen 7

gen5 sucks ass

kek that is extreme bullshit. Everyone knows gen 1 is the biggest draw in the business.

So including the whole Pokemon Go shit in consideration we can probably assume that it just steadily goes down every year lmao. 600 million is fucking pitiful

Yeah and then it stalled the fuck out.

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How dumb and illiterate are you?

>gen 7
>first 3DS pokemon
real retard hours in here

wtf are you on about?

This is how Japan ranks the Pokemon series.

Thoughts? 1/2

Attached: Pokemon Japan ranking.png (2004x2336, 3.31M)

I can't make heads or tails of this, does it go down the left column and then down the right?

This is 5ch's opinions on Pokemon. Even Japan hates nu-Pokemon.

Attached: Pokemon Japanese Opinions.jpg (1662x2083, 2.27M)

Learn how to read you fag.

wait this is just release order lmao

Read the text. It's not done in order of best to worst.

Butthurt loser lmao, if you can't explain yourself you probably just realized you were wrong and are now trying to backpedal get fucked nerd

Saying DP is better than USUM is retarded but otherwise I'm mostly in the same boat. IMO they dickride Emerald a little hard too but hey I love Emerald too.

Japan's huge gen 5 boner is hilarious considering its the first american region introduced (unless you assume that's Orre).

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Read the category for each game.

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Gen 8 isn't even out yet you dipshit phoneposter.

Ah. Seems pretty based for the most part. Why does no one like Alpha/Omega though?

I knew that lol go back and read my post idiot

gen 8 isn't even out yet, so how does it have six hundred million?

>Saying DP is better than USUM is retarded but otherwise I'm mostly in the same boat. IMO they dickride Emerald a little hard too but hey I love Emerald too.
D/P had the potential to be great, which was realized in Platinum. USUM, as well as SM has no potential to be good whatsoever.

>Worst remakes with barely any content
>Battle Frontier was removed because GF said casuals don't want a challenge and go on their phones too much
>Insultingly easy
>Compared to the best remakes (HGSS) and FRLG, it's hot garbage

>Gen 7 the worst of fucking all sold better
how the fuuuck

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That's retarded and you're retarded. I've extensively played every gen and USUM is way better than DP. Not way better than Platinum but absofuckinglutely better than DP, by a significant amount.

Lets Go Pikachu is Gen 8 you fucking retard

Let's Go is gen 7. New gens are marked by new regions, not new consoles. That's why BW isn't gen 4.

chill out angry nerd boy

LGPE isn't gen 8, even if the OP counts it as such.

>Masterpiece: HGSS, Emerald, Platinum
Fairly accurate

>Work of God: B2W2
This is exaggerated. I'd say it's between excellent/masterpiece

> New Pokemon hasn’t even come out yet
> Let’s Go was a low effort remake
New Pokemon game will easily get over 1.5 Billion

Nah, BW2 is the best of those four titles.

How Gen 7 was so successful? Isn't it literally zoomer-tier soulless garbage?

>Densetsu no kusoge
Every timr

> Pokemon Go

People bought that shit thinking it was gonna be good

It was better than gen 6

>Work of God

not with that shitty region, the great thing about these games is the content, but Unova is terrible

>Unova is terrible
shitty meme opinion, Unova was a wonderful region. Hoenn and Sinnoh are still the kings but its a solid third place.

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I love gen 7, hope they go further and make the series even more jRPGy

> Sinnoah fag
Opinion invalidated

You mean Let's Go? Because Go was gen 6 according to wiki.

I cannot fathom why people like B/W and B/W2 at all. I thought it was a 5/10 at best and all the new Pokemon designs were so unmemorable. There's a couple exceptions, but its like 8 or 9 at most that were any good. ex. Reuniclus, Hydreigon, Whimsicott.
As far as I'm concerned, its only popular for the waifus, and the """story,""" it was trying to tell.

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Pray tell, what regions would you say are better than Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova? Fucking Johto? You know, the region that's a straight line for half of it until you turn left or right?

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>I cannot fathom why people like B/W and B/W2 at all.
I can get not liking BW1 (personally I love it but hey everyone has different tastes) but if you can't see the appeal of BW2 outside of waifus and plot you're a moron with bad taste who has no business talking about the series.

My sentiments exactly. Also the pokemon designs were beyond awful.


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>any thing not gen 1 or 2

Shit list

The story was really basic and generic but it was still a better story than any of the other mainline games. It was definitely no PMD but it's got a little bit of substance.

You think Nintendo is worried that at worst Pokémon games still sell multi millions?

being better than Johto (half of the game world) doesn't mean it's not bad
>Hoenn and Sinnoh
my favorite regions actually

Kanto in gen 2 sucks ass and shouldn't even be called a region. Calling it half of GSC is fucking hysterical because it tells me I'm talking to a moron who last played gen 2 when he was ten years old.

The trailers really fucking good, to be fair.

They got it 100% right

Kanto was gimped because of the restrictions of the hardware, i'm talking about HGSS. Why would I compare a DS game to the GBC game instead of its DS remake?

Johto + Kanto (HGSS) >>>>> Unova (B2W2)

Disgusting opinion, and I like HGSS quite a lot.

What is the best game?
Emerald >>>> HeartGold/SoulSilver >> Gen 1 imo, all other is trash-tier cash grab with no soul

Nah Platinum aight

>all other is trash-tier cash grab with no soul
>lists Emerald and HGSS

HGSS / Platinum / Emerald / B2W2 (despite the shitty region)

I'm a genwunner, but FRLG makes the originals obsolete.

Other than the two you just mentioned.
Platinum and BW2 are good.
BW1 is also good in my opinion even if it is worse than the games you and I just mentioned.

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Give me some positives about the games then. No passive aggressiveness intended, genuinely curious what you think. Because from my perspective, 70% of the reason I like playing new Pokemon games is for the new Pokemon designs.
When they all just look, ok, then the magic fades that much faster. And in my case, I really had to force myself to finish the game with Pokemon I didn't necessarily like all that much. And in normal Pokemon fashion, some of the better/cooler looking Pokemon don't appear until end game when my interest has already dropped.

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Shitloads of content. Absolute mountains of things to do in terms of sidequests, places like pokestar, join avenue and PWT, a massive postgame dungeon, loads of high leveled endgame trainers, a massive dex, revamped QoL mechanics like being able to reuse repels.

Its a masterpiece and calling it shit is basically just loudly proclaiming "I have bad taste in Pokemon games!"

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>the appeal of BW2 outside of waifus and plot
A mediocre and easy maingame with a bland and boring plot, only redeemed by its okayishly huge postgame and good Pokemon variety?

A game can't be good because its postgame is good. The game has to be good to begin with.

Can you play BW2 without playing BW1?

I tried getting into BW1 multiple times and I just don't dig it

Its a good thing BW2 is good to begin with then

Sure, the main stuff you will miss is being able to catch N's pokemon (they all have 30 IVs which is useful for breeding if you care) and a couple postgame battles.

>A mediocre and easy maingame with a bland and boring plot
It's not any less easier or worse than literally any other pokemon maingame.

It is when people praise the game for its difficulty....only for it to be having to be unlocked in the most retarded way, having it apply to only a few trainers instead of all, and ironically that hard mode being slightly easier than the game's easy mode thanks to the higher experience gained.

You're claiming BW2 normal mode is easier and worse than other Pokemon playthroughs? Maybe Platinum, but I disagree with you otherwise.

>taking a bunch of neets opinions to represent an a nation
Uh huh, should I take /vp/'s opinion to rep Burgerland as well?

Regardless of how more or less each one sells, consistently getting billions each game for this long is still really fucking successful.

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Based Gen 7.

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Never called it shit, and calling B/W a "masterpiece," is pushing it. Emerald is by far my favorite Pokemon game in the entire series, but I only give it a 8/10 because some of the convoluted puzzles you had to solve in order to get the Regis, and the over abundance of water was annoying, not a problem, just annoying.
But because your so adamant on it, I'll go replay White again, and try see if it was actually a 7-8/10, or if Gen V's designs were so mediocre, it made everything else feel much worse then it actually was.

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Gen V had tons of cool designs.
You just don't see them untill you get through the first few routes of regional rodent and bird shit mons
Once you get to the third gym.
You get some cool shit like sandile and vebipede who evolve into krookodile and scolipede.

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>densetsu no kusoge
This is not a thing. Either you made this or you got it off /vp/
You can also tell because of how much it sucks off gen 2 and 4

Gale of XD didn't add new pokemon and was compatible with gen 3 games


Fuck off LGBT shill

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Movies and Musicals were the absolute worst pieces of shit that has ever been in a Pokemon game, and the fact that based Pokeathlon and Contests weren't in the game made this even more clear
The Battle Tower has been in every Pokemon game since Gen 2
>Massive postgame dungeon
You mean the crater that is one big room, or the dive area that a slog to get through and is worthless unless you have Arceus, or whatever Black City and White Forest were supposed to be?
>a massive dex
And like the other user said, like 80% of it is either forgettable garbage or a bootleg of a gen 1-4 design, with a few gems like Bisharp, Galvantula, Volcarona, Chandelure, and Golurk.
Best part of Gen 5 was the music.
Gen 1 had a better feeling of being a new adventure
Gen 2 had better Pokemon designs
Gen 3 had better spritework
Gen 4 had better dungeons

>seething THIS hard because you got called out

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>The Battle Tower has been in every Pokemon game since Gen 2
I see you never played the game.

>Facebookfag underaged zoomer is the LGEP shill
Surprise surprise

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Gen 8 already got announced, so you can stop pretending Let's Go is worth playing

>Gauntlet of level-locked battles you play to win BP
And the Battle Tree is TOTALLY different from the Battle Tower, too, right?
>I see you never played the game.
If only that were true, unfortunately, I very much did.

Gale had playable Bonsly before gen 4.

Trump won, Gamergate won, I won
cope with that

Damn. Mom got some legs.

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Can you fight literally every gym leader and champion up untill that point in the battle tower?
You might have had a point if you said white tree hollow or black tower, but even that is different since there are rooms you can navigate through with an actual boss at the end that gives you a shiny pseudo if you beat him.

Battle tree has returning characters too. Not even him.

no one besides braindead normalfags like LGPE.

I never even said I liked it. It just lives in your head rent free

Like less than 10 of them in contrast to to PWT that has like 50+ of them

>The NPCs are what matter

>gen 8
holup nignog where the fuck is your source

>thoroughly played 1-3 + 7
>gen 6 is collecting dust in my closet
I'm pretty satisfied, but they really need to change up their formula. 6 is the worst in the series by far btw

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No argument huh.
Even if you don't like battling there a tons of legendaries you can go fin and catch in new areas, like clay tunnel.or heatran in a hidden area in twist mountain

Difference being that PWT recycles their sprites from previous games, of course it has more. Even the only character that was in the very previous game has a new model in the BT.

Not that any of the two things has any value, "fight normal NPC with a different skin" isn't really a plus, none of the two facilities plays any different from others.

>but they really need to change up their formula.
but you said you played 7

>but you said you played 7
because at that point I hadn't played pokeshit in years and didn't mind

My argument is that you're retarded if you think that the PWT is different from the Battle Tower because the NPCs are different.
Also every Pokemon game has tons of legendaries to capture, only before, they weren't all ugly as sin.

gen1 :it is fresh
gen 2: it semi fresh, and retextures, redraws
gen3: story is same with addons, re hashed pokemon.

Because it's way more fun to.fight characters who have an actual theme and history and relevance instead of a random NPC with a random set of mons
You can boil down literally every pokemon game to fighting a bunch of NPCs.
Even.if you don't like the new ones there are tons of old Legendaries you can catch, but you wouldn't know that would you

This doesn't make any sense. The one with the same story and rehashed Pokemon is gen 2, not 3.

gen 3 and 4 are the same.

gen 3 = gen 1 +2 +addons

Its the exact same amount of fun to fight as any other NPC, its cool to see characters you recognize, but that does not make the fight more "fun"
You're the type of person to clap when you see Yoda in Episode 8

because after the fucking dumpfire XY was, gen 7 was like a godsend

I like XY. It's comfy. Comfy!

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>Difference being that PWT recycles their sprites from previous games
I don't feel like looking up the sprites to make sure, but even if it recycled the Gen 5 trainer sprites, every single gym leader and champion from previous gens got a new, animated sprite with a revamped teams that still made room for their aces (I.e Chuck still running Hypnosis Poliwrath).
PWT put in way more effort than the Battle Tree, which was willing to slap random Pokemon on trainers that didn't fit, like giving Wally a Garchomp for some fucking reason.

No they didn't. The PWT recycled the sprites from gen 4 (HGSS, and Platinum). Only the gen 3 characters got new sprites.

How about you actually "feel" like looking up things, instead of saying things you don't know about? The only characters who don't use recycled sprites are the gen 3 gym leaders. It doesn't even have any E4. Everyone else is recycled. And "new"? They're simply pasted together and tweened, like the 200+ old Pokemon sprites already in the game.

Certainly less effort than making new models for new characters. And the PWT dumped them just like that, not even new designs....characters jumped into the future 10+ years for no reason while still looking the same.

Also what the fuck are you talking about? Wally has a Garchomp in his last rematch in ORAS. And your dumb point doesn't even work to begin with because the PWT shits on Alder's team to give him other Pokemon because "muh E4 members".

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