So i just got morrowind for free, should i not give a shit and just jump in already...

So i just got morrowind for free, should i not give a shit and just jump in already?also what play style and skills and shit recommended for new players?

Attached: morrowind.jpg (1024x683, 126K)

Mirrowind on ps4 when? Also, look up how skills work but nothing else.

just play the game already so you can ragequit after being too brainlet to figure out the leveling system

Get the big graphics overhaul that makes the game not look like ass. It also fixes a bunch of broken shit.

dont listen to this guy

Care to explain why he shouldn't improve the game's visuals that weren't even good for the time?

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OP here i decade not to play this game anymore and decided to watch the rest of breaking bad instead

Dont put athletics or acrobatics in your major or minor skills. Otherwise do whatever you feel like on your first playthrough. Get some graphic mods to improve the visuals and the render distance. The melee combat system is similar to classic rpgs with dice rolls. You are probably going to miss a lot in melee at the beginning.


It's makes the game incredibly easier to move around. Make a character w/out the steed or athletics, and see how horrible you move.

Jump on in.
It won't take long.

Athletics/acrobatics is fine for a first playthrough. The reason people don't recommend them is because they can make it difficult to min/max, but that really shouldn't be something you worry about as a new player.

is being a mage good in this game or should i just be a warrior of some sort

Why the fuck not? Not everything has to be a fucking autistic min max especially on your first playthrough. By the time you get those skills and a few others maxed out you'll have experienced a big chunk of the game and more than likely feel like refilling a new character to try magic or something.

Run it with the OpenMW mod. Massively improves the performance and stability of the game. Install a few visual mods. I also recommend getting a mod that overall the leveling system because IMHO it is ass.

As for builds, use magic. Seriously, magic is really good in Morrowind. Blades and Spears are fun. The other are alright but those two are the most powerful in my opinion. There's not a lot of medium armor in the base game compared to light and heavy. Don't neglect alchemy and armorer. Alchemy + Enchant can make you a god.

Yeah, Athletics/Acrobatics mess with minmaxing in the base game which why I recommend a mod for leveling. You should be able to level with the skills you want to use and not feel gimped.

the pic seems about right after skimming. Really try to read over the combat section and stick to the weapon you specialize in. Also if the 'running costs stamina' shit is really killing you there are of course mods for stam regen, mana regen too if it's too annoying

if you don't know what you're doing mages can have a really rough start but quickly accelerate into being absolute motherfuckers when you figure things out. Personally I'd recommend starting with some fighter stuff until you get situated, then speccing into more magic stuff.
Important to note, you want to raise willpower and int as much as possible, and endurance is okay but remember that any gains you get from it are not retroactive so spending some points there early might be a good idea

>Run it with the OpenMW mod
this too

The real tragedy is that nobody ever remade the royal guard armor for oblivion/skyrim despite it being the best looking armor

Games aged like already aged milk. The game was dated even then.

Magic is better in Morrowind than any other TES game.

Attached: 1351064945348.png (1044x715, 80K)

Lol, all beth games have aged horribly. If your game barely held together by hopes and dreams on release, it's not going to stand the test time without help *cough* modders.

as far as effects you can get sure
I like oblivion's dedicated casting button and skyrim's added elemental effects (wish they were more like PoE so they could scale) and the channeling spells too

Can't stand morrowind, never could. Not even in its """prime"""
The worst was everyone walking around like they just took a hot, steamy dump in their pants. Really fuckin bugged me for some reason.

I liked how in Skyrim, if you equip a spell to both hand and cast with both, it combines the two.
I just wish I had more options than Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Heal.

What would be some simple grafix mods that still keep the vanilla experience to some extent? And by simple, I mean drag and drop, no "download this and that and this and that and this and that." I just wanna play.

Yeah it needed some work. I hope TES6 takes a synthesis of the best of the 3. dedicated casting button for simple spells, but also 'spell in hand' for more complicated things that have casting time/channeling, but also the customization along with effects like explosive knockback etc. I can't imagine it being that hard to do considering there's already a good hotkey mod for skyrim

>Mirrowind on ps4 when?