It's been two years since launch. What the hell happened to the supposed third-party support? This is Wii U-tier

It's been two years since launch. What the hell happened to the supposed third-party support? This is Wii U-tier.

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How many layers of retarded does it take to buy a Nintendo console for 3rd party, especially at this point in time?

I just bought FF7 and nuclear throne, so I dont know what you’re talking about

What are you talking about?

I bought it for Animal Crossing and Shin Megami. I have the income, so fuck it. I do concede that the Switch and its Nincel fanbase suck dick.

>has literally the best third-party support since the n64
Chill out autist, winning back third-parties takes time and isn't gonna happen in one fucking generation.

Sold mine. Never looked back.

>has literally the best third-party support since the n64
Worse than Wii, Wii U, NDS and 3DS. Not even an exclusive MH game.

Who the fuck gives a shit about 3rd party support on a nintendo console? Just get a PC or if you're retarded, a PS4.

>its wii u tier drought
>has 50 times the multiplats
>is worse than the wiiu


Damn bro I didn't know that the level of third-party support is determined by whether or not the console has a fucking exclusive MH game. Guess the PS4 and XBONE truly have been abandoned by third-party devs.
Also pic related lmao

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Wii U had better third-party games. MH3U and TTT2 beat the trash on Switch.

It's a 3DS port. MHW was built for PS4/Xbone. Capcom hasn't even bothered to make 1 (one) dedicated Switch game.

>the games themselves are better
just fucking say that video games have gotten worse, don't beat around the bush here and try to blame a system

>I can't wait to play re0 on inferior hardware 15 years after it came out

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That's a port user.

>It's a 3DS port
And MH3U isn't? You retard? You dumb fucking cretin? Get outta here, jesus.

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Third parties just can't compete with Nintendo so most of them don't bother. The smart ones like Ubisoft use Nintendo's brand power to get in on that audience.

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Didn't they release simultaneously?

Nope. Wii U version was a year later.

They released in the same time. Just stop, me and the other user are embarrassing you.

See: How about you "just stop" bumping your shit thread.

So still worse than NDS, 3DS and Wii. Barely beating the flop Wii U.

>wanting to play ubishit and whatever horrible ideas ea is greenlighting


Firstly, there's no Monster Hunter games for the NDS.
Secondly, again, the level of third-party support is not determined by whether or not it has a fucking exclusive MH game or not.
Now please, PLEASE stop bumping your thread.

>Secondly, again, the level of third-party support is not determined by whether or not it has a fucking exclusive MH game or not.
It means a lot though. Switch has nothing as appealing as MH4U on 3DS or TWEWY on NDS.

...Both of which came out after almost three years from launch. And there are multiple third-party exclusives this year, including Astral Chain and DxM. Interesting.