For me, it's the magma worm
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
le no movement one fireball per 3 seconds girl
host when
Add to it until the artifacting makes it fucking impossible to read.
>that guy that steals every single item dropped at the end
>spawn to hot world
>2 imp lords at our spawn
>someone activates shrine of combat summoning 4 greater wisps
>"teleporter has been activated"
*uses right click glitch to oneshot your boss*
heh nothing personnel
Should I play ror 1?
don't worry, snapfreeze will be getting a much needed rework soon
Magma Worm, Wisp boss and Queen need buffs. They're cannon fodder.
I feel like if her ice wall was reworked she'd be much better. It's so awkward as it is now.
Which one, Yea Forums?
I think merc is fun
>use mul-t speed boost to zip around the teleporter and take the items
nothin personnel, kid
1 is harder
fresh oc
The one that costs two coins.
If her wall blocked projectiles to any degree she'd be a ton better. As it stands she has absolutely no defense of any kind against bosses
literally none of them
Well is the game good or not?
GPU usage 100% for anyone else? im using a 1080TI
I think Artificer sucks
None of them, save up for the wizard
the 2nd one from the left just gives you gold when you hit stuff but you lose gold when you take hits
3rd one converts all but 1 health to shields
idk the other two
Mul-t is officially easy mode until nerfed
>boss dies
>all 4 of us immediately bumrush the teleport to grab our 1 item and fuck off
the jews have scarred us
why does beetle queen have tits
Heavily OC'd Vega 64 at 1440/144hz, and the times I'm not CPU bottlenecked I'm getting 100% GPU usage.
set an fps cap, I had the same problem
Post email and your favorite anime
So I've discovered that this game is as good as the first when it comes to being able to just turn the sound off and murder shit to music. With that in mind, please post me some grooves to grind to.
obviously not user, you've got some shit wrong with your pc
>Enter QuickPlay
>Searching For Existing Lobby
>Invalid Lobby ID
cool matchmaking you got there, Hopoo
do i get anything for freeing the survivor a second time?
100% usage isn't much of a problem unless it's happening even on idle or your GPU is burning up.
>TWO mountain trials
Here's my Steam and I don't watch anime
>the hardest character to get is also the worst one
What did they mean by this?
get fucked you retards thinking chef and sniper and bandit were coming back
Reposting from other thread
>DPS wise is it better to charge grenades as engineer or tapfire one at a time?
thank god rocket elites are gone. glad they toned down elites overall
Who /drone army/ here?
I'm just not enjoying myself at all. What am I doing wrong Yea Forums? I loved 1.
Decided to make a mod.
Bros... we are posting too fast... the mods will catch up and force us onto /vg/, get ready to make a general and be contained in a few hours...
>that edgy ass steam description
>"I don't watch anime"
>thinking anyone here is going to sympathize with your spic ass
Yeah the Artificer or whatever
The mage, the new unlockable character. You buy her for 10 lunar coins at the shop.
need glass and spite
Is there no end to a game right now? Played for 2 hours on a single run and never got the "boss" boss.
Anyone has a free copy and is willing to share?
________beg you_____
Artificer is one of the easiest to get since 10 lunar coins is as easy to get as typing 1 and 0 into a text document
Here's a US East Coast Lobby: 109775240999370947
>do quickmatch
>1 guy finds mobility items
>proceeds to grab 90% of the chests in the game
>dies the moment the boss spawns
>No Colossus
>No Parents
>No Clay Men that copy player movements
wtf game bad >:(
For now.
>doesn't even show up in archive
So there's no point to lunar coins after getting artificer, right? Other than items.
So does it still count as cheating if I delete the coins I edited into my save after getting jetpackgirl?
>Last Online 77 days ago
If you're going to do that then you may as well just cheat in all the characters.
Closest thing we have right now is big green boy in the rare gold portal
It's Early Access for a reason, yes.
Here's my suggestion: Alt-classes for each character which tweak or change a skill or two.
>Commando -> Operative: Roll becomes Stealth and you deal bonus damage while attacking in stealth
>Mercenary -> Master: Whirlwind becomes Judgment, a chargeable beam slash that pierces enemies
etc. Easy asset reuse and more replayability.
You ever gone... REAL fast?
I'll try for it if the other guy doesn't want to
[email protected]
man this does it
im gonna buy some shit so i can run it
>friend gets 10 lunar coins in 4 hours
>I play for 8 hours and get 2
What the fuck? Is there something I'm missing?
Does the bazaar portal just show up randomly or is there something you need to do? I've saved up enough for wizard but the bazaar portal hasn't been opening.
>Last Online 77 days ago
Why would someone just find a dead account and try to get people to send it gifts
I don't understand how this clipboard lobby thing works. I copy the number, and then just click "Join Clipboard Lobby?" It tells me I have an invalid ID every time
I wish Commando was less bad
how do i get lunar coins fast that doesn't involve cheating
Where's the pressure plates in the sand level?
I found the one near the rock in the open area.
>playing on Monsoon with a friend for the first
>survive first teleporter without much troubles
>camera barely even got time to switch world, let alone us appearing
>we both get hit by a vagrant
Yeah getting hit by enemies between teleportation is kinda cheap, specially when you're not even there yet.
link pls
>Never played the first one
>Never cared to
>Someone on another chan no not cripple chan makes a post "Hey I have a copy of this I'll give it to anyone that plays with me"
>Play it with them
>It's fun
>Turns out I've owned ror1 for 5 years
>Play that with them too
>Made a new friend
An item that modifies a skill would be cooler.
Thicker, you say?
yea i got one pm me
harder difficulty
It says that if they filled up or started before you joined.
>Highest cap is 120
Pls tell me there's a .cfg or something I can edit
I do have some issues with the game so far, specifically with enemy spawning
Enemies spawning on multiple planes in the first game was alright because it was 2D and allowed you to see a majority of the map and all of the enemies spawning at once, but with the jump to 3D, it adds a shitload of different spawn locations, majority of which are off screen, with no sort of indicator aside from sounds which can be extremely easily drowned out and you won't realize you are fucked until you turn around and there are 15 wisps, and 5 golems about to ream your asshole
Too thick.
overloading magma worm when
Someone post a pic of artificer, tired of only seeing huntress.
It shows up very rarely randomly. On each map, there is also a blue stone surrounded by some spikes. If you find that, and deposit an extra lunar coin in it, it guarantees the portal.
Set an FPS Cap. Same shit happened in FFXIV and SC2, some games see "No FPS Limit? PARTY FUCKIN TIME!" and go apeshit rendering way too many frames.
>invalid lobby id
Oh no 120?! Might as well uninstall.
Oh yes
I don't really use steam, and only used it to play Tos and shadowverse, but I've quit ever since. I've been browsing Yea Forums today at work and noticed this gem, and I was surprised to the amount of positivity this game had so I wanted to give it a go. I would've brought it myself, but can't because like I said I'm at work.
It already exists, rare spawn.
Still extremely terrifying.
any west coast lobbies?
that means it's full, you invalid
stop filling up lobbies within seconds then you fucks
she's garbage
Subhuman begfags need to be fucking shot.
user I'm sorry that you misunderstood my message, I don't have it.
If I did have a copy of it to gift I would though.
>5th most played game on steam and climbing
good fucking luck pal
not sure, I don't think 120 is going to be an eyesore since there's no real flicking required
Sniper and bandit weren't datamined though, they showed up in dev blog posts
I found one in the trees on the opposite side of the map.
Man I know Commando is supposed to be baby's first class but he just feels so dry compared to literally everybody else. Having all 3 attacks be "deal damage in a line" sucks ass; if one of his attacks were replaced with a basic grenade he'd feel so much better. The other three returning characters got improvements, why can't he?
Invalid lobby means they've started or it's full.
Aaaah I see that's what I must have done before. I haven't been spending my coins to save up for wizard so I haven't seen the portal.
Why the fuck wouldn't you send it to the one who asked first?
where da workin lobbies at
Let me open chests outside the red area Hopoo, at least after the boss is killed
US East, get in you insomniac fucks
I think he's alright besides the rapid fire. Like you said it should be a grenade.
Silence you fool.
Those fucking little fireball dudes and their undodgeable untelegraphed beamshit spawn behind and slightly above me 90% of the time
Don't be a faggot, it's not a deal breaker for me or anything but it is annoying
You're right, but it still bothers me.
That's not REAL thick
Anyone from Tacoland? I will gift back a game
Give me a number to multiply the thigh size by.
Wow, thanks a ton user!
>Wisp boss
I've never encountered this one. What's it's name?
Because the guy who asked first doesn't watch anime, and the guy who asked second's account was >last online 77 days ago and I already sent before his explanation
no please
give me the thicc
Make it just asinine. Maximum thicc. Make them generate gravity.
>Doesn't watch anime
Gee I wonder why
How long till we burn ourselves out before the content comes?
Yeah this, but instead of free I'll trade a $10 worth of games or whatever back.
the last two numbers of this post
pm me ill send the code
reminder if you use two cs in thick youre a reddit millenial twitter tumblr tier bernie sanders BLM niggerloving neckeard manlet faggot and you need you kill yourself
Wait are there already mods out?
How do you pm on Yea Forums
RoR2 threads in a nutshell
>gift me the game plz im poor
>500 games on steam account, from shithole south american country
>somebody host omg sombody please fucking host I would but I'm too retarded to click the button in game so I will post every 2 min begging for host instead
>wtf invalid lobby code
>where's my fucking sniper/bandit/han-d/chef hopoo??
>that lower leg
At least edit the whole thing.
If we burn ourselves out on 2 we can switch back to 1 for a change of pace
fuck yeah
>Enemies still come at you in a conga line like in RoR 1
>mfw Chef will actually work in 3D
Please God, bring him back
I'll give you a copy if you don't post in this thread ever again
Steam group when?
I gotcha covered, sending a friend request
Is MUL-T the best character? i-frames are overrated IMO. Being able to absolutely shred groups of enemies and carry two actives is stupid good from my experiences so far.
Can't remember but it's just a bigger version of the large wisps that I'm also fucking forgetting the name of
>actually managed to get on the top 16 for prismatic trial
i know it won't last, but i am still proud
good night fellow ameriburgers
>>somebody host omg sombody please fucking host I would but I'm too retarded to click the button in game so I will post every 2 min begging for host instead
A lot of people have shitty internet.
If someone with shitty internet joins someone with good internet's lobby, that's one person lagging. If someone with any quality of internet joins someone with shitty internet's lobby, that's three people lagging.
I'm not a poorfag with shitty internet, just explaining the logic behind it
Yeah dead angles are a big source of death, reminds me
>fighting elite wandering vagrant boss
>vagrant boss is about to explode
>hide behind rock to avoid it
>notice 8 fucking red beams on me
>it's 8 golems about to shoot me
>get hit by one
>send flying
>die from explosion
Anything is good if you have fun with it.
Yes he is the most broken character right now. If you stack speed items his dash chunks bosses.
>i-frames are overrated IMO
Merc was hilarious in RoR1
I dunno. Probably samurai champloo?
mul-t is the best and is getting nerfed. his stats are just ever so slightly higher than everyone elses and the infinite crit glitch makes him busted
kiss the cook
>Got mage character
>Feel like I'm missing something
So guys, explain to a rookie on this nucharacter?
Also has anyone realized the lack of AA abilities? Wisps on the ground in RoR1 is one thing, but now they float all over the place in the air. Wisps really are my bane with their range and constant spawning/bombardment.
Someone make a singleplayer tier list so I can call you a retard for not putting engineer at the top.
They're called Greater Wisps. I've seen these bosses;
-3D Worms
I feel like I'm forgetting one but it definitely isn't a Mega Wisp or whatever it would be called.
>Infinite crit glitch
What is this? I feel like I've gotten very long series of crits that are abnormal.
now change your avatar to this
God tier:
The character you want to play as
Good tier:
The characters your buddies play as
>playing the character with the slowest movement speed in single player
See you at the portal in 10 years
>kickstarter goal for ror2 was $7000
>game has already made $300k+
this is either a really good thing or a really bad thing depending on what hopoo does with the money. we could potentially see a fuck ton more shit added or he might go balls to the wall and hire retards who end up ruining him 10+ years down the line
Huntress boomerang wrecks wisps, and if you don't have parkinsons you can easily snipe them down with mul-ts rebar gun, which is even better if you have a ukulele.
Fuck this gay dunestrider man.
Your lightning orb will zap nearby enemies for light damage if it misses them midair, besides that you have to rely on your fire orbs. difficult character to play
Thank you for the clarification. The clay faggots is one I think you missed.
I'd actually like some feedback from mine, I host in EU and had US people joining that didn't complain, but I'd like to know if they just didn't care about lag or they didn't lag at all.
>Lack of AA
Your right click is your best tool for dealing with air, since the lightning lashes out and basically tripples the actual hitbox size, and stuns flying enemies for you to left click
Most boring boss in the game imo
>Can't be hit half the time it's out
>Doesn't really ever attack you, just drops fireballs at random that won't really ever hit you
it's glitched two ways
>item that gives 100% crit for 8 seconds
>if you're already shooting when you activate it you won't crit at all
>if you activate it and then never stop shooting you'll crit forever
If you're going to ideaguy a projectile to merc (you shouldn't) then at least have the decency to replace one of the dashes, not the spin.
Reminder that this is the only Wisp that matters
Fuck Greater Wisps.
Greater Wisps can be bosses, it just spawns in like three of them.
I think the only other one is those clay pot dudes,
Is it wrong that I find Huntress the most fun despite her being the most braindead?
Artificer bros, how do you deal with whisps early on? I'm to the point that I think the mouse attack damage needs to be buffed slightly so that MB1 can 1-shot them and a fully charged MB2 can 1-shot with the proximity shock. At the moment I think a really early crowbar is almost mandatory on her, otherwise you get destroyed by whisps.
>Same shit happened in FFXIV
i was gonna say the same shit happened in FFXIV, yeah my shit needed to be limited to 60 too or it starts heating up MHW can be ran at full with no problems, thank you.
I think it would be pretty neat if Merc's right click could deflect projectiles.
2 more come on
Imps are bullshit in this game
>Constantly teleporting
>Big health pool
>he thinks watching anime is cool
Is the timestop item in the game
>needing to move anywhere with two machine gun wielding copies of yourself inside an impervious bubble with spammable AoE mines that delete anything trying to walk inside
Ah yes, the Vore Pots. Those are pretty fun to fight against.
I've never had Wisps spawn in as bosses yet and I feel like even 3 at a time would be way too easy since they've just got the one "just fucking jump and you'll be fine" attack.
not yet
that means its working dickwad
>Stun with Commando R
>Immediately teleports 2 feet to the left and negates the stun
2/4 come play
>reflecting vagrant balls
or better yet
>reflecting guardian laser beam
I love Huntress!
You're an idiot.
Post scores
>$20 with a free copy and instant access to multiplayer
It's because people are actually playing it
So are you for replying to obvious bait.
Same, 1060 6gb
But probably it's because uncapped fps. I almost fried my gpu since i didn't payed attention at first.
>hit teleporter
>both teammates immediately die at the same time
Really good thing. They get the truckload of money they rightly deserve for making RoR. Hopefully they're decently set now and can make what the hell ever they want next.
>huntress is thicc
>Reflect a beam at a conga line
>Knock them all off an edge
>tfw they removed the knockback commando had with all his abilities like in 1.
Why did they do this?
5/6 of the available classes unlocked today, gonna have to friend more tomorrow to get artificer
God I love this game. Thanks for the fun bros.
Merc was fun, hard to see my dmg but was around 22m+ solo was an aoe machine with kill enemy actives that would fly around the map and constantly insta kill bosses.
First solo game.
I guess you don't want a free copy bro.
You need to move to reach the teleporter
And to get items
>I get to carry hard and make them all watch
Let me show you how it's done, fuckos
You can have all the money in the world and it won't make you work faster. RoR2 took 3 years to make because the team is 2 coders and a music guy. I think if they hire 2-3 new coders (that listen very strictly to hopoo) it would be good but any more or less could be a bad thing
>he plays with randoms
whats it like to have no friends
what is this? stats for ants?
>yfw "Obliterate Yourself From Existence {E}
alright where's all the sneaky shit stored at
Where the fuck do I find that thing?
Artificer could use a mini black hole type effect as part of her kit. Could be a good way of giving her survivability while also maintaining her role.
>So guys, explain to a rookie on this nucharacter?
I think she's highly underrated. She just dishes out an absolute fuckton of damage, but does require things like hopoo feathers to not die. Her skills are such that you have to cycle through them pretty carefully to not have downtime where you're waiting for everything to recharge. Use her 1 as sort of your downtime tool to keep damage/procs up. It also works wonders against wisps since it only takes 1 or 2 to down one and if you're not slow you can hit reliably. Her 2 is chargable (missed that the first few times I played her) and is excellent CC and damage, use it to set up for her 3 and 4. Like the other anons said, it's also ok for anti-air. Her 3 is jank because of how it's placed, but if you can start hopping around with multijumps you can use it as a group stun that also can pick off weakened enemies super easily. Her 4 is just raw damage/status, use it to fill out your time between charges of your 2 after you stun them. Hop around like a madman since you don't have defenses and feel out timings of using skills and you can melt bosses really quick.
What makes him good? Exploiting the fungus for crazy healing? I haven't been successful with him.
Artificer dumps on them. They don't like her flamethrower.
I did it though.
No one has ever played quickplay more than once who isn't actually retarded.
Being a popular game has its downsides, like even the braindead knowing about it.
First person to set their avatar to and link their profile gets my extra copy
>play robro
>get 9 goat hooves
>get 5 ukeleles from a replicator
>every time I slam into something at 300 mph everything in the vicinity dies from the insanely boosted lightning proc
>gonna have to friend more tomorrow to get artificer
Wait, the portals only go to the shop in multiplayer?
Is that why the game suddenly started telling me to delete myself constantly?
a portal pops up after u beat a round and it takes you to a platforming level and its at the end
>keep fucking pressing e instead of shift
Fuck, what game is making me do this?
US west
some people say you can get there at the 8th teleport
then theres others who say they got the portal to spawn at the 3rd area
>10 ukeleles on robro
>grenade procs it multiple times
man Artificer is pretty fun
A portal showed up after i finished a round near the 60 minute mark and took me there, not sure what the prereqs are
This guy becomes a playable character
What would his abilities be?
>playing merc
>fucking on jellyfish
>blinding assault into the asshole of an elite one
>it flies out of the map at terminal velocity with half health
Is it just me, or is Artificer currently pretty shit?
>slow traveling fireballs that can't be spammed, in a game with endless enemies piling up
>AOE damage move is a slow as fuck charge attack
>no movement skills at all
>ice wall is awkward as fuck to use and place
>flamethrower with fuck all range on a character with absolutely no defense at all
It feels like the class needs a serious overhaul.
Is that the bazaar portal?
Where's the file I need to edit to unlock shit
>play huntress
>this fucker shows up
I dunno if you're the same guy, but I did actually do it.
>passive: your items are also applied to allies at 25% efficiency and vice versa OR chest spawn rate up and price down
you're at work but you're saving anime pictures to your computer? does your boss know?
Back up and fuel cells spam a best
Where are the Huntress lewds?
Your neck, you just have to add in a string and you'll be set.
kill yourself gamerdude fucking nigger quit saying gay ass shit
I kind of want command so I can return to my tried and true "Only Soldier's Syringe and AtG Missle Mk.1" fun time build, but I know it'll kill multiplayer
why is merc so fucking SHIT
I'm using my phone.
its proc dumb zoomer
>play merc
>the clay sentinel just WHIRRs me in because I'm right next to it
what else am i going to use to mean that my toon activated a special effect
But unlike ror1 this game is actually playable without artifacts. I can see myself enjoying this AND runs with them
back to your containment general
what the fuck would you call it then n i g g e r
You may think that's good, but the targetted lightning item with like 20 fuel cells, it obliterated literally any problem I had at any difficulty. It trivialized any boss or GROUP of bosses.
>Was on a crusade to help a few bros of mine online to get them Risk of Rain via the promo.
4 Friends I want them to get RoR. So I would send 2 of my friends $20 Gift Card Codes each so that they can get the promo and gift to the other 2 friends of friends of mine.
>They are not Online
>Deal ends in less then 9 hours
>They don't get on until AFTER the evening.
Fuck me Yea Forums I'm not going to make it am I?
how about activated
I still have no idea what the fuck PROC means.
>What makes him good?
>drop turrets inside a shield near early game group spawns and let them farm you gold and xp while you start searching for the teleporter
>his bomb launcher sucks early on, but the aoe makes it amazing for mass applying on-hit effects to the hordes late game
>hits shield makes avoiding some boss bullshit like the vagrant's explosion easy
>turrets are also good at taking heat off of you and helping apply helping effects
too many letters
why are you so mad
procs include
>item activation
>literally anything related to rng but is not the rng itself
I dunno, after my 5th run of "Yeah bro how do you like those fucking mushrooms and wax birds? Here, have another 7 of them.", I'm at the point where I'd suck Hopoo's dick for Command to be adding in fucking tomorrow.
tfw your post procs user's autism fits
trigger or activate you fucking sweaty fat fucking cow patchy beard greaseball piece of shit you dont need to make up a new word for fucking everything my god i cant stand that shit
But actives are a different thing
Holy fuck looking for teleporters in this is so obnoxious, they need to add something contrasting to them. Spent 15 minutes in the swamp to no avail.
Different portals.
What? He's pretty good.
Save your dashes, and your double jump helps you escape the succ.
Think I'll give him a try. Oddly enough, the only ability of his that I was impressed by were his grenades. They seem quite good.
You see a fuckload of red particles.
Die, zoomer.
have you unlocked all the currently available items yet? it gets a lot better. its mostly the same spammy ones right now because theres still 30+ missing
Look for the floaty orbs all around it that extend at least 100m in circumference from the teleport
>make a new word
>literally been around since the dawn of man
trigger this proc idiot
Is this your first multiplayer game faggot? Proc goes back to fuckin Diablo
Engineer feels great, huntress on the other hand feels like shit to play.
>active 2 shrines of the mountain on stage 4
>Overloading worm
>die in two seconds as huntress
>get to watch my friend try to kill the 150k health boss dealing 230 damage per shot
>it's been 15 minutes and he is still at 100k health
its gamerdude slang made up when there are already words that could be used so yeah its new retard
do enemies ever stop spawning?
Never played ror. Is the first as good as the sequel? Should can I skip the first?
Flying around and shooting balls of death is fun
Proc is ancient. Does your autism flare when someone says wtf or rng?
quickplay seems to be so trafficky for me right now because its a friday night
so i lurking for hosts at the moment
I'm pretty sure teleporters sometimes glitch and disappear, I was on that small grassy map with the ruins and I saw the teleporter. When I came back to it after getting more chests it was just gone. Spent 20 minutes scouring the map and nothing, there was no teleporter.
>double mountain into 5 infusion drops
That sure was a hard run
Tesla is fucking broken anons, get it any chance you can
>chains with ukelele
>deals heavy damage even deep into HAHAHA
>hits EVERYTHING around you
Just made for the best run I've had on this game yet
It's not a matter of actual best, its a matter of most fun user
lobby when
fucking liar
I don't have any friends to play with. What do I do?
>TWO teslas
>FIVE ukuleles
>80% crit
>4 crit masks
>berserkers pauldrons
>a bunch of stickies and other shit
You can but Ror1 is an amazing game, but nothing wrong with jumping into ror2 while it's hot off the press.
I'm running a build that procs more dps when I get picks on the adds when they're 1 and I pop my ult to peel for my team and zone the enemy squishies
After the teleporter is fully charged
How do I do this
it really is absurd
>all the trash around me getting instantly deleted
I mean his entire kit would translate pretty well to 3d
>Cleaver would be a 1:1 translation
>Glaze could be a slow hover effect that covers enemies and the ground in oil
>Sear is a 1:1 translation and nukes shit infront of him in a line, also ignites oiled enemies and terrain causing explosions
>Prepped abilities
>Just fires out 8 or more cleavers in random directions around Chef or in a horizontal ring
>Glaze acts as an instant super jump propelled by oil
>Sear is a stronger nuke is a large cone.
Yeah, I've got plenty of stuff unlocked, it still doesn't help much when all I want is stuff to boost my character's offense and all I keep getting is fucking mushrooms, or those shitty shields, or...Etc.
When I'm 40 minutes deep and haven't seen a single syringe, I'm not very happy.
is there no cap on how many items you can have?
Open once more.
US East Coast, the new code is: 109775240999412817
>get 11 coins
>six 40min+ runs later no teleport
Life is suffering
Begone Seamus
its actually absurdly broken on engineer
anybody have bad framerate with a "good" computer? I have an RX580+R1700 OC'd build and it starts chugging during teleporters on all low while I have friends with worse PCs who are fine on stock or even ultra settings.
Anyone try this on linuxxx yet
That wouldn't be fun, would it user?
since there is a 2 for 1 deal right now, why the fuck isn't it sold for some tiny fuckoff amount on g2a or the likes
passed through the bazaar like every fucking game before I had 10 coins too
Multiply by yes.
Unironically update your drivers.
>you can see the mercenary as a trail of sprinting green healing numbers
most item effects stop stacking at an arbitrary cutoff
>reading the in game logbook
>Sticky Bomb
>5% (+2.5% per stack) chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 250% damage (+125% per stack).
this cant be right, right?
is sticky bomb a nuke if you stack it?
Both are fantastic. You don't have to play the first. Risk of Rain is worth playing even if you get the second. However, I imagine that if Hopoo continues to update the game with more content, it probably will be the definitive game for the series.
mine only starts to dip below 45~ after 60+ minutes in a run when spawns get out of control
>get lunar coin
>10 seconds later get booted to the main menu with no message
I kept the coin right?
I'd imagine so. Risk of Rain is literally about abusing items in the game and just fucking annihilating everything in your path until the game crashes.
Actually, 10.
better webm
look at how devastating the chain lightning is
>going from 12k to 23k coins
you have to hit the lunar shrine, it's not gonna show up without it
one always spawns on the sand map in the mouth of the bone dragon
who here plays merc while listening to mgr soundtrack
just diminishing returns as far as i know
My problem with sticky bombs is the enemy dies nine times out of ten before it explodes.
Just had a run where every portal was clipped into terrain, god damn it.
I just want to play something besides commando game, let me already
who hostan
ur mum
Think I will try out the first when a sale hits. Wait for 2 to progress and have some of the bugs and stuff sorted.
Where's the altar to N'whateverthefuck?
First one is pretty great, but you definitely don't need to play it at this point.
Oh shit I didn't know the logbook gave specific numbers
>ukelele damage and chance can't be increased
is it my internet or yours thats fucking up because i just died to lag
So what kind of drops come from the boss in the golden orb portal?
I got there in monsoon but am a shitter and was my first run as the character i was using
isn't this like a apex legends meme
Yes, they're account bound
>ukuleles and lenses for days
>borderline unstoppable
>activate teleporter
>3 vagrants
>they do their big aoe attack all at once
>get obliterated instantly
there was no other way to go at that point
it's probably not accurate
teddy bear says its 15%+15% per stack and that's literally impossible
Literally no one but you.
So, what would you guys say needs to be changed/added so far?
Yeah, in the summer sale RoR1 should be dirt cheap, they're usually really cool about sales.
>not just getting attack speed stuff and other on-hit procs like stickies
also 5 legs, 4 sprints, 2 whips, 1 wax = tribes
3/4 US WEST lobby normal difficulty. Going for big loops
What glitch does artificer have?
it dropped like 4 of the special regen hearts that the normal golem boss sometimes drops 1 of
Fix Mul-T crit glitch
Buff Merc Swing Damage
Give Commando I-Frames or SOMETHING on his role
Adjust Aritificer's Shatter Ice Attack
Let Engineer pet his turrets
also give the tp like a red outline or something so its distinct from the environment
You can get it without lunar shrine
How do you open the door on Aqueduct? I opened it exactly once completely on accident and then got nuked by elites inside of it.
Wait, there's a boss in there? How do you even get that portal? I've gotten the "a gold orb appears" message a few times but no portal.
Character balancing
Teleporters easier to spot
More enemy and map variety
A way to send items to other players that doesn't require them walking across the entire fucking map
maybe voice chat support?
I can see they've got a lot of items in progress so that's fine
Multie adjustment
Teleporter change so it can be spotted a bit easier
>God Tier: MUL-T
>Good Tier: Engineer, Mercenary
>Okay Tier: Commando
>Shit Tier: Huntress, Artificer
Add a female character with big fucking tits to balance things out a bit for Huntress.
then you wouldnt need 11 coins bitch
just hit the shrine
Damn son
Why don't people like Huntress? She's my favorite so far
So what exactly does this pressure plate do?
i found it once and stepped on it, nothing happened, no message or anything and walking off it raises it to normal.
Beetle Queen.
>artifacts, obviously
>the second round of the snow level should have the timed box be a higher time limit than 10 minutes (literally impossible to get a second in 10)
>red outline around teleporter
>let huntress aim or increase her range or SOMETHING
>elites drop items/chests
>lower imp hp
>lower stone titan damage late game
>make magma worms actually target people instead of jerkin around in circles
Thats the main stuff outside of "add x that was in the first one"
I wanna try this game out since i have a shit pc but im to poor, I mean HD 6870 poor like one i found outside a pc recycling place with no heat sync LMAO life.
My wife wont bang me either
Man i hate life
Here is to fapping my brothers
Huntress can be good with the right items. Agreed with the rest.
>find 3d printer printing goat hooves
>Have 15 white items, most of them lame
>Convert all white items to goat hooves
>Fly around the map at literal sanic speeds
>Giggle like a child
>Actually have fun [\spoiler]
One of the few early access games worth buying
Does it have a server list or do I have to actually make friends if I want multiplayer?
No one says you need 11 coins. Of course I'll hit a shrine when I personally get 11+, but I'll probably get that RNG portal before I get more than 10.
Teleporters need to be more visible or modified - they can spawn halfway inside terrain. The bogshit has the same color rocks as the teleporter and mine was halfway molded into a wall.
Commando tactical roll needs a buff, i-frames, lower CD or some perk besides just roll. I don't care what it is.
Mult need's a nerf or everyone needs a buff, depending on what Hopoo think's his "role" should be or standard.
Artificer is dogshit.
Lizard Breath needs to be toned down maybe and Magma Worm buffed or more consistent, because sometimes it does barely any damage and other times it will one-shot you.
Is there any reward for completing the combat shrines?
theres a second one by a rock around that same area you have to press both at same time i think (2 players, put a pot on a button, engineer turret on a button) and it opens a door with 2 giga nigga lemurians
>How do you open the door on Aqueduct
There are two of them. Step on them both at the same time (use engineer turrets) and the door opens.
RNG portal is merc. Shop is artificer. They're different characters.
How the fuck do you make it to 20 teleports? Me and a group of friends made it to 12 before we died. Any tips or do you have to absolutely cheese it somehow?
There is quickplay if you just need to get 3 people quick. No server list though.
Gold and exp
>Range limit on her attack
>Can't choose target in small groups unless they're way spread out
>aoe is way too small imo
that's why I don't like her. Her blink is god tier though.
Artificer is underrated. I don't get people who call her shit.
Great, thanks. Think an enemy pressed the other one at random when I got the door to open that one time.
Well, at least a little more money from the spawns.
get to teleporters asap, only buy chests with money made from teleporter waves
The giga nigga room opens randomly. It tells you "An ancient gate started shifting" or something like that.
Would this game benefit from a randomised stage order?
Just picked this up, this is amazing why did I not buy this yesterday.
Is there a better feeling than being one shot by elder lemurians?
>put a pot on a button
You can move those?
yeah from the buttons
Merc should have autosprint, constantly. All of his attacks should make him go back to sprinting like Mul-T's Shift, as well.
Mul-T's nailgun needs a slightly lower range and fire rate. The railgun should also have damage falloff after a certain distance.
The teleporter should have a clearer visual cue. The particles are nice, but it still blends in too well sometimes. Maybe some runes and shit that get drawn on the ground, or a faint pinging effect if you take more than five minutes or so.
Merc's base damage should be, like, 5% higher or something. It's just low enough to be a nuisance, and if you get yourself into the air long enough to hit lesser Wisps with regular swings, they ought to be getting oneshot.
Give magma worms a slightly more obvious indicator of where the fuck they're going.
Rework some of the textures so that they're less gross looking.
Add 2D art for the item, player, enemy, sentry, etc. icons. The shrunken 3D models look really bad sometimes.
Make the logbook's model viewer look less fucking ugly holy shit it looks bad
Please add Acrid.
Closed due to connection issue on the host's end. My apologies.
NA east
Reminder that artificer isn't guaranteed to be in the bazaar.
>when you get 3+ wax quails under you
god I love the bunnyhop
Oh. Neat.
I got 39 stickbombs off a sequence artifact in area 3.
It did around +3.9k per explosion and then with two gasolines it created nonstop chain reactions off of one shot.
Mediocre laptop. Can ROR 2 run decently on it?
>Literally untouchable as merc up until the last map
>Get one shot by those lizard fucks between cooldowns
it has the easiest multiplayer scheme in history, hopoo stepped it up for ROR2
>copy numbers
>click join
>or paste numbers and get people to join you
Wait, so you need 21 coins to get merc and artificer or is the 10 coin purchase different on an RNG bazaar portal?
each stage needs atleast 3 variations and the Teleporters need to be rescaled just a bit.
I'm using a laptop from 2009 just turn off shadows and limit your fps and you should be fine
Likely. I tested it to see how well an Intel UHD 640 could run it and it ran it fairly well after lowering a few settings.
>play MUL-T
>do more damage than everyone else
>have almost twice as much more health than everyone else
>proc more items with high rof than everyone else
>turn into a car and go faster than everyone else
>only downside is bad range, oh wait, i've got a second weapon that removes this downside
>can hold a second Q item for literally no reason other than i get to be the best character
enjoy the robot while you can, lads
this shit ain't makin it out of early access as is
>hitting r on them as Merc is asking for death as soon as the animation ends, as they have a 50% chance of point-blank 360 degree vomiting on you for all of your health
Fuck those things
Merc isn't purchased. If his portal shows up and you go in it, you get him.
Merc, you wait for RNG portal, go in and do a jump puzzle, then an hero to unlock.
Artificer, you find a shop portal, go in and spend 10 coins on her to unlock.
oh my god it's not just me
Wrong board for that meme.
Merc Unlock Guide A portal appears after you loop and get back to the winter stage. That takes you to level where you do platforming challenge and kill yourself at obelisk.
Mage Unlock 11 Lunar Coins. Use 1 on Lunar Pod to get "a blue orb appears." Activate the tele now and kill the boss. Portal should appear once you've killed the boss and got the tele to 99%. Go through, go to shopkeeper, spend 10 lunar coins on the grill iced.
I've gotten a shop portal without spending coin at the lunar shrine. This whole "you gotta spend 1 lunar coin to get to the shop" myth is insane and I'm baffled that so many people here believe it.
>warped to some secret world
>giant titan could only be damaged after giving $850 to 10 wooden clubs
>everyone wipes within 2 seconds of spawning
>you know they're watching you panic
and then look at commando
>all his abilities suck
>his stats suck too
>piss damage
>roll has no iframes
what was hopoo thinking
Chef when
>get 5 fuel cells
>have drone backup
>spam that shit like a motherfucker and fill the sky with drones
I cannot wait for them to add artifacts
commando artifact when
>big golem starts shooting his laser beam
>oh i know, i'll get behind him
>run through his legs
>still shoots his laser through his own body and out his own ass and nearly kills me
who else did this the first time they fought one of these things
What if they remove MUL-T as a character next update and just make him a fucking boss?
Gaime in debelobment :-DDD
being able to sprint in any direction would be really nice. huntress and merc could use a buff.
I prefer Commando because the wings equip is the only thing you need to cheese bosses.
When was the last time you sprinted backwards?
Run away properly, retard.
don't forget
>car mode obliterates anything it runs into
>gets exponentially stronger the more mobility items you have
is there anything this robot can't do?
Upload your large webms to a site that isn't slow as balls, thanks.
push them yeah lmao
have fun spending half an hour getting the pot like 2 feet away and being cucked by a slight incline
>When was the last time you sprinted backwards?
when I'm trying to reposition myself without losing track of what I'm fighting you retard
>infusion on engineer
>turret kills don't increase my hp
This is an absolute crock of shit on top of how much fucking damage it does
>playing with friends
>on the last stage before loop, they both die
>spend 15 minutes cheesing a 2x mountain trial boss on HAHAHAHA with lightning arm usable
>finally kill all the fucks, go down and run around dodging trash to charge up the teleporter
>right as i'm about to teleport out and claim victory i get smacked dead by one volley of bell fuckers
unironically fun fucking game, i want to unlock that mage dude
Mine was a gold shrine that I paid for and it said something about an orb appearing
Activated tele, killed boss, then a portal appeared similar to the blue portal that I went through
Had 3 players on monsoon if that matters
the laser lock-on is dumb right now
theres no strat other than los, you just have to run and hide, and if multiple spawn youre fucked
youd think he would have like a lookspeed limitation once he starts shooting but no
>No Colossus
What do you think the titan's supposed to be?
>tesla rapes everything on any character
>commando is gud xd
also use tard
>Mine was a gold shrine that I paid for and it said something about an orb appearing
Yeah, that's it. Think I died on the tele on that level, though. What was the boss?
Isn't mixtape shutting down in a couple months or something?
They increase the turrets hp
where are the lewd hunter images
Nobody is going to watch your webms 12 hours from now, who cares?
>70 minutes 3rd loop
>elites drop items/chests
the clover already does that though, right?
oh shit you're right, I hadn't heard about this
Is this where you unlock the Mercenary?
It shuts down tomorrow actually.
can we all agree on this?
everyone else
Using eviscerate brilliant behemoth as mercenary in a huge crowd of enemies
How do you open the timed security chest? I found it but the timer was like -09:08 and going up, so I assume you have to get to it BEFORE the 10 minute mark. So rush the first two levels?
No, this is where you fight the golden death god
No. You've made a huge mistake.
no but good luck
>managed to get some items that chain pretty well on kill
>get ceremonial daggers
>i just can't stop killing
god why is this so fun
dumb frog poster
Money store by dg
No, that's where your runs goes to die after the golden colossus spawns
Was kinda like the stone golem bosses that lock on the laser (cant remember names)
But he was invincible unless you activated around 7 or 8 of these tree rod things sticking out of the ground (costs gold, tons of enemies spawn so you can get gold) to get x time to do damage to him until they "ran out of charge" and he was invincible again, repeat to kill (but I died)
>No Sniper
>No Miner
>good at all
Frogposter opinions are as retarded as usual i see
>everyone complaining about the tele
It's not that hard to find once you know to look for the red particles.
I wish they didn't spawn behind rocks and shit though
how are you guys dying to the bells
I've stood still for several seconds and they still miss their entire volley
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm great or even good, just that the bells couldn't hit the broad side of a barn
Just found out this came out today, bros, holy shit, I'm so excited. Installing now.
Tell me it has Acrid.
why the fuck do i keep taking damage from what seems like nothing is it just multiplayer lag or what because i was hiding behind a rock nothing shooting me just taking constant damage until i died
Damn. What's the available character list?
not him but you're either ignorant or bad at the game if you dont think huntress is OP.
She reqs very few items to work and has an absolute insane DPS output.
It has lemurians
>he uses the robot with no mobility
>when one of the escape pods goes straight into the abyss
MUL-T the robot, nothing else.
uhh don't know the seventh one
Big lol at you
i got blindsided, dodged em effortlessly for the whole time i was charging the portal and they just got a lucky shot. don't think i've been hit by them other than that.
returnining: commando, huntress, engineer, merc
new: mul-t (think han-d type robot with a gun) and artificier (mage dude)
3/4 normal difficulty trying for big loops
sniper does no damage lmfao
bad bait
Merc as main it is, for now.
Have they confirmed plans to add more later?
>No mobility
>Can be up a bells ass shredding it with nails and immediately fuck off even way after the AOE starts charging
Git gud, fag
Turning into a car and dashing faster than the rest of the cast is no mobility?
Can someone explain to me what the fuck just happened? I was in the second world and after fighting some dudes just kept taking periodic damage despite no enemies being around. It kept chunking at me until I died.
They don't know the glory of getting a good M2 chain
No those 4 placeholder portraits with wrenches on them are just for shits n giggles.
Might be on fire.
The REAL tier list
Godly: Mul-T, Engineer
Good: Mercenary, Huntress
Meh/Needs Adjustment: Commando, Artificer
you went out of the level bounds
was your character black?
commando, huntress, engineer, and mercenary for returning classes.
mul-t which is a generalist robot and artificer, which is an aoe class with little defensive abilities
What the fuck is wrong with the optimization in this game? I drop to nearly 10 fps when enemies show up in the second level and its only utilizing around 20% of my cpu and gpu. Please hep
Ive had ghost damage before too
Eventually i realized i was taking fall damage from my own jumps for some reason, it was rather strange. It ended after teleporting, though
Bro I don't even have the game loaded up yet, I'm chilling in the thread while it install-
Oh shit it's done, peace lads, see you after my first run.
>engineer with bustling fungus
>find a shrine of blood
>drop my turrets and hit it 3 times within a few seconds, healing back to full immediately
fuck I love this
That's unity for ya.
update your drivers dummy
I get silky smooth 120fps at all times on ultra
mods are FAGS
Update your drivers
No im not meme, actually thing
If I was the fire was invisible
I don't think so? There were chests an shit around me
I was on the ground. I dunno I'll just chalk it up to early access
>pop shrine
all car mode does is make you go a bit faster, not a dodge. commando can literally fly without wings with afterburners and feathers. the robot is pretty good early, but when it comes to late game mobility he's trash
this is objectively correct
>but commando is really good when you get 10 ukeleles and 20 atg missiles!
lol ok
I found a crowbar swap and my damage is now worse
I'm sorry bomb bros
>get nothing five times
>have tougher time
>93% shrine of blood
why all the finn memes
Mult with afterburner is the fastest on land, he's not the best vertical but anyone with wings is.
thats pretty damn good for an early access game that's not a hyped up BR
>You are rewarded!
can I fap to huntress hoppo
>he can fly without wings; all it takes is feathers(ie:wings)
Big lol
Help here's the last beacon?
I updated like a month ago, theres no way they have new drivers that matter for this game, r-right?
Unity is TRASH
it's like good items are 4/5 of what makes a good class or sumthin
>he can't dodge with an ability that lets him cross half a map in a microsecond
>he uses wings
robot's car mode can't dodge a golem laser, that's the real danger late game
WAIT WHAT? That fucking bear negates ALL kinds of damage? It fucking negates fall damage too.
Yeah, just be sure to tell me afterwards
>waifufags shitting up the threads now because of huntress
why did you do this to us hopoo
>trigger or activate
"Activate" in gaming is unanimously used for manually activating items, effects, and abilities.
"Trigger" in gaming is unanimously used for events occurring after some specific, consistent, and usually well-known conditions.
When the condition for a "trigger" is "random number generation", it's called a "proc".
I mean, I know you're a baiting retard but you could've at least tried finding a suitable word.
thanks garuga
Yes it can, I've been doing it for hours.
any games?
the dash he has allows him to climb walls and roll in the air, which is flying retard
>cybernetics enhanced ninja who can double jump and presses shift to do do a dash forward attack that takes up pretty much the whole screen
Hmmmm, wonder what game they ripped off to get that one...
It can dodge regular golem laser, and titan laser as well if you're close enough.
How many people can be in one lobby?
I can't wait until artifacts are put in. Being able to min-max and meme build on glass is going to be fucking SASUGA
You’re an idiot
no class is as dependent on so many items as commando
engi only needs a couple shrooms, and that's the second worst case behind commando
If commando roll can climb walls, simply jumping will do the same.
Faggot, Merc existed in RoR before Overwatch was a sperm in Kaplan's nutsack.
Anything commando can do MUL-T does better. Nailgun is OP as fuck.
New thread when
15% chance which increases by 15% multiplicatively I think per bear to negate ALL damage.
Kill yourself overfaggot; blizztards deserve death
Huntress was in risk of rain 1 far before your shitheap excuse of a company shat out boring ninja man
>Skill that lets him hit enemy multiple times vanishing for the duration of it
i really do wonder
>a month ago
Are you new to technology that's like a year
>start quick game
>everyone dies in leaves before the first level is complete
People fucking suck at this game, no wonder half of Yea Forums cries about Shadows Die Twice
RoR1 - 2013
Overwatch - 2016
checkmate fag
Huntress has a blink, you're thinking of Merc
It's likely to have a hard cap somewhere around 80%.
I had 25 bears once.
>be Mul-T
>30% less damage
>a bit of scatter at long-range (doesn't matter for bosses lol)
>4x the fire-rate
Anyone who thinks Mul-T isn't god-tier is an objectively wrong retard
B-but broken hit boxes
thats not dota tho
jumping doesn't cover the distance tho
people use proc for shit with 100% occurrence just like the dumbfucks that call every form of damage "dps" my pikachus thundershock did 100 dps that turn and i proced a paralyze with thunder wave!!! fucking gamerdude retards
They will if you've got feathers, which is what your commando meme hinges on. They'll also cover distance with hooves or wax.
>really good run with some nice folks
>eviscerate into a wall and game crashes
bravo hopoo
This game was surprise published by gearbox for this early access launch, and I refuse to give them money or even my playercount. Enjoy the game without me, friends. I’ll always treasure the days of risk of rain 1.
back to discord, tranny
if it's multiplicative 25 bears is ~33% block
assuming 1.15^(stacks) is the correct way to calculate it
I had 16 bears once, fucking squeaked my way through a boss laser taking 0 damage the died to big lizard firebreath because why not
No they don't. Maybe your friends are just dumb.
If Pikachu hit 100 then it would be 100 dps, dipshit.
>Vagrant boss
>Every single drone dies to his fuck-off AoE
elder lemurians need a nerf
no memes
its a turn based game you retarded nigger
There's no timescale in a turn based game
thinking face
It's like hopoo plays dota or something...
Too easy
Finally unlocked Merc, I'm going to bed
I'm pretty sure the sentient meat hook is a reference to Pudge's arcana as well, the visual effect is almost a one-for-one copy.
It's from Dota, it's fucking Omnislash.
You can't even double jump in MG Rising Revengeance
Raiden can't dash or spin2win though
checkmate atheist
I mean you can already do that with 3d printer. I dunno why I'm the only person getting 10 hoofs and goggles
Ah, for it twas merely an act, truely you are a such pinnacle of intellect that we have fallen for your escapades of disguising yourself as an imbicile!