They're vidya related

They're vidya related

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dumb phoneposter

you're fucking annoying. cut this shit out

olivia jensen is the perfect female, good marketing choice

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lmao the lardass is mad

>one out of a gorrilian threads activates your almonds
Hmm maybe you're annoying


get help

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God, girls are amazing

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Who is the girl on the right?

venezia cruz

Attached: venezia cruz.jpg (500x536, 57K)

that's my wife Jordan!

Thanks, I new she looked familiar

Disgusting fat 3D slob

Low t

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This is correct

Thicc women are like fat men, very gay

Say what you will but this was pretty hot


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>man of shad

that's a boy, isn't it?

Based thick poster

*dabs on anti-thicc fags*

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liking skeleton women is a recent (1960s) media psy-op

Women do actually want to get a stable couple and get fat, this is a fact, the only reason they pretend the like to stay fit is because they think that way they can get higher chances to get a couple, deep down they just want to let themselves go and not care about their shape or the fear of being judged for their figure just like men are allowed to, i honestly feel sorry for women, they sure get socially pressured to stay in shape

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Im disappointed that this wasnt porn

>they sure get socially pressured to stay in shape
As they should, and as anyone should

t. Literal thiccfag

>fit women
It takes a strong man to appreciate strength in a woman

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If you think any of those women are bad looking, it's you who are gay, my friend

t. homo

Attached: mommy.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

>strength in a woman
Literally resetera


I feel bad for the girl on the right imaging getting mogged that hard

>masc "women"
sure resetera is here

Other user is a fucking idiot, heres a better picture

Attached: Renee-Enos.15.jpg (850x850, 141K)

This shit is literally guy. The type of gay shit where you're the type that comes to terms with your homosexuality in a few years. out homo.

nah fuck that.
muscles are clearly a masculine feature. while the motivation and resolve to continuously work out is impressive and something worth finding attractive in a partner, you're still a huge fucking faggot for liking gross muscular women.

>Shoulders that wide
Thanks for proving my point faggot

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The girl on the right has perfect size tits though. Imagine being such a low iq bigger caveman to drool over amorphous tits bigger than an exercise ball

Bro I have a bigger but than that

cool linebacker shoulders bro

If that land whale can keep up with you, you're probably fat too

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>would gladly hit that
>no way fag
>no way fag

What do I win?

Its not just the tits user look at the girth on that gal she's a real woman girl on the right can't compete

gross. reminder that through all of human history men have drawn and sculpted women as soft with some thicc and men with defined muscles. liking muscles is homo shit

literal homo

nice tum tums who dis?