You find she cute?
How long are you playing Fire Emblem Heroes?
Attached: Tiki_FEH.png (1073x989, 276K)
Attached: Tiki (Y).png (400x711, 367K)
Attached: Full_Portrait_Tiki.png (250x300, 14K)
Attached: BtlFace_108.png (263x300, 14K)
Attached: tiki.jpg (774x1032, 161K)
I've played FEH quite a bit, but haven't lately because my phone's battery has been acting weird.
Attached: BtlFace_C_104.png (263x300, 17K)
Well, don't let lots of apps open in second plan. Close all apps always. And don't let FEH open without using It, only open it when you are using it.
Attached: BtlFace_D_80.png (263x300, 15K)
Some times she be strong, too
Not a huge FEH player. Prefer the mainline games
Attached: 416a213de10e340da081a81f7a80b0d2.png (362x426, 179K)