You find she cute?

You find she cute?

How long are you playing Fire Emblem Heroes?

Attached: Tiki_FEH.png (1073x989, 276K)


Attached: Tiki (Y).png (400x711, 367K)

Attached: Full_Portrait_Tiki.png (250x300, 14K)

Attached: BtlFace_108.png (263x300, 14K)


Attached: tiki.jpg (774x1032, 161K)

I've played FEH quite a bit, but haven't lately because my phone's battery has been acting weird.

Attached: BtlFace_C_104.png (263x300, 17K)

Well, don't let lots of apps open in second plan. Close all apps always. And don't let FEH open without using It, only open it when you are using it.

Attached: BtlFace_D_80.png (263x300, 15K)

Some times she be strong, too
Not a huge FEH player. Prefer the mainline games

Attached: 416a213de10e340da081a81f7a80b0d2.png (362x426, 179K)



I want to let her ride on my shoulders while being oblivious to the fact that her bare crotch is making contact with my neck.

I close apps after I'm done using them, and restrict the ability for apps to run in the background. It could be a number of issues - I work a manual labor job, so my phone could just be damaged. It's also that I have an older model, it could just be that good old planned obsolescence kicking in.

OP here. I've been playing FEH since 6 months ago.

Tiki Full HD

Attached: Tiki (A).png (400x711, 360K)

Thanks for this post

What is this? I'm not natural englisher

I have her at +1 from off banner pity breaks (+Def).
Been going since CYL1 hero release.

So perv. You can't be worse than this...

Yeah.. obsolecence. Google and Apple reseleases new updates for operating systems, that are heavier and load slow, these updates are meant to make you find your smartphone slow and want to buy a better smartphone.


I have an iPhone 5c. Some years ago I was able to play in it MapleStory mobile. Now, when I try to play it, it says: Required iPhone 6 or above to play.

Do you plan making her a +2 ?


What language? I'll just tell you what he meant in yours.
If another one comes up, since there's no reason to keep a duplicate of her.

>she cute
Dumb esl. But yes, and I never played the game. Lots of faps.

I've been playing since launch but sometimes I just don't bother with it. I'm going to have to auto this entire day off if I want to get all TT rewards for example.

>tfw I have all dragon lolis except original loli tiki.

I find her very cute, now if only she wasn't locked to 5 stars since release.

Been playing since the beginning, so already over two years.

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