DMC 3 remake game has pvp

>DMC 3 remake game has pvp

How the fuck will this even work? It'll just be one player lands the first hit and does an infinite combo and wins. Ninja gaiden 3 is the only action game ever made that has pvp and would actually work since combat in NG is about skill not juggling helpless enemies nonstop:

No other action game could do a pvp system besides NG. Not dmc, not bayonetta, not god hand, not MGR, nothing.

>b-b-but muh anarchy reigns

Was shit and literally died on release.

Attached: actiongamepvp.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

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It's a mobage. It's not gonna have the same gameplay as the real games so they can do whatever concessions they need to make PVP "work".
And I put work in quotes because it's a chinkshit mobage and we all know how those are

>JoJo wifi

Attached: 1552749758388.jpg (377x472, 15K)

its supposed to play the same, the little bit of gameplay shown dante did the same combos he can do in the console game

Dude, it's official chinise bootleg, don't expect anything from this game.

But Capcom is working with them on it and ensured its quality

That game right there is proof that action games and pvp do not fucking mix. if Platinum can't pull that shit off, no one can.

Capcom also worked with NT, DmC wasn't a complete trash but wasn't as good as previous games. Now they are working with chinese mobage bootleggers, I don't have any faith in this project.

anarchy reigns was so fucking bad, Yea Forums hyped that turd up too

Jesus that looks really fucking bad. It isn't even DMC 4 quality.

Looks like those naruto fighting games. Also I have seen some asian multiplayer games with similar gameplay. I don't think that multiplayer action game like that isn't impossible to make, but there should be a tons of major changes from usual singleplayer gameplay.

ng3 was shit lmao.

why are NGfags so salty

Razor's Edge was good, and it was the only action game with actual good pvp. Other games didn't even try.

>was good
>only action game
look harder

Anarchy reigns is the only action game besides NG3 which has pvp, except NG actually did it right.

>only action game
souls and for honor

DMC on the phone, using smartphone controls sounds like a literal nightmare

Those games suck and don't count as real action games.

>souls pvp


they do not but if you don't like those examples there are others
>real action games
what constitutes as a "real action game"?

>looks 100x worse and more retarded

Guess capcom had too many winners this year....

Character action, like dmc and ng and bayo where you can do crazy shit, you cant do crazy shit in souls games

>go to video
>article is from 2017
this shit will never get released anyway.

But S4 League was fine.

those are beat em ups which is a sub genre of action. in that case yes, I can't think of a beat em up with pvp that is good. traditionally they always did co op multiplayer

How the fuck people here don't treat bootleg chinese mobages as not existing at all?
Are you guys really this dumb?

>for pc and mobile

Not the same game, melee not even close to a character action game. Gunz was better anyway.

>has pvp

Soulsfags need to stop fucking with everything else, im so sick of it.

The mobile port of 4 was pretty legit, but it was also extremely stripped down.

I honestly wouldn't mind something like that for 3 but this looks like another shady Chinese cash grab.

Hello shitter

Wait. Why wouldn't a game that was just Dante Vs Vergil work? Both of them have full playable movesets in 3, right?

there are 7 characters with full movesets in dmc history

>whoever that bitch was in DMC2

It won't work because you'll get hit once and trapped in an infinite til you die, this gameplay only works for pve

But if we keep it simple, just talk about Dante Vs Vergil. I assume that when you fight Vergil he uses his full moveset? At least the last time you fight him, I know in 3 you fight him a few times.
If that's the case, and you also use your full moveset, then the only difference would be that someone is on the other end choosing what moves as opposed to an AI routine. And wouldn't that be objectively better, since you'd have to out-think a person rather than beat what is basically a bot?
Shouldn't that happen in the regular game then?

In the normal game it doesn't happen because the vergil fight is programmed to have him fall away from you after a certain amount of damage is taken. In a pvp game you can't have a feature like that since it would be uncompetitive, so any player who gets hit would just lose.

>queue up for dmc pvp
>donguri is your opponent

You lose.

Oh. That's pretty lame. So the characters are deliberately holding back?

I assume that's what it is, otherwise you'd be able to just land a hit on vergil and kill him in one endless combo

Wait, that's a point, if you can't just one-hit Vergil then the mechanic already exists to stop one-hit combos. If that's the case, then why not literally just import that system over?
>it's uncompetitive
But we've already established that the one hit thing is bad. And people seem fine with it existing in the DMC games, so why wouldn't it then be fine in PvP?

Regular people don't have Vergil's guarding shit or give you a window to hit them while they sheathe their swords. In an actual game, even if you fell away from your opponent after a damage threshold, they'd just rush in after you and you have to either play like a bitch and run away hoping they fuck up somehow or get caught by a stray hit and get rekt all over again.

So those aren't moves in the game? Oh. What about Dante in 4? I'm pretty sure I heard that on one difficulty level he uses all the styles and weapons the player can when you fight him as a boss. In that case, couldn't that be viable for PvP, if you can fight him and still win?

How do I get bloody palace on a cracked version of DMCV? can't seem to find the update

>Capcom is working with them on it and ensured its quality
every publisher does this with mobile games. It's usually best to ignore them and just enjoy the OST's that come from them

Did I watch the same video in OP? That game was full of framerate drops in the OP video.

Enemies have programmed patterns of their behaviour, they also don't lock player in endless combo because they simply can't do it even if they have a full moveset.
When you play against Dante in DMC4 you can see how he's attacking you accordingly to your playstyle and used movies. Like if you do Streak then he's going to roll out of this attack and do his own Stinger. If you try to jump than he's goind to shot you with shotgun and etc.
For PvP mode in an actual DMC game there should be some kind of restrictions in using moves and skills so your opponent have apportunity to counterattack.