Quite literally, impossible

I suffered through over 40 hours of hardship for this shit and I cant fucking win. It's over, I quit. This game fucking sucks.

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Owl1 was more difficult than him. Don’t know what’s the problem, just parry his shit, his posture breaks super fast.

learn where the openings are for you to get a hit in and you should be able to get it after 4-5 tries.

Attack, parry, attack, parry, dodge, attack, parry, etc.

stop fighting him in the flower field and get him to where you can actually see him

If you can get through his second phase, his final phase is much easier. Just learn his attack timings.

If you’re a real shitter, just cheese his first phase by running circles around him until he does his 1-2-3 attack and go in for a dash attack. Do the same when he does his charging cross slash. During his second phase, dodge his jumping spear attack and get a free hit.

Why did he come out of Genichiro?

Just cheese bro

Read the scroll detailing the black mortal blade.

The black blade opens a portal to the underworld
Genichiro used his own body as a portal to bring Isshin back after he died during the siege

Who even knows. Apparently the black blade is said to be able to open the portal to the afterlife. The dude was only dead for like an hour but acts like he has seen some shit.

But why does he use his body? Does someone need to be sacrificed to open the door?

>14 minutes
his first phase was harder for me and became easy once i learned the timing for his combat arts, second and third phase = ez

Learn to Mikiri counter

>hyper armors in the middle of your combo

stage 1: mikiri, nigero
stage 2: hanabi,mikiri. nigero
stage 3: lightning reversal, hanabi, mikiri, nigero

Go write an article fag. The game isn't that hard.
>t. Game Journalist

speak english stupid weeb faggot

I'm in the same boat op. I can get to the spear phase without taking damage and then my brain just shuts down and I get wombo combod no matter what I do.
Kind of spoiling the experience of the rest of the game to be honest.

Does no one use Mist Raven at all

I used it once to see how the prosthetic worked but I’d rather just deflect and dodge. Not sure how later upgrades affect Mist Raven

Git gud faggot

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Play aggressively and don't stop attacking parry when you can. If you didn't know ichimonji can break his charge attacks. If you see him start to charge up with that wind type effect slap him with the double ichimonji and not only will it stop it but it'll fuck his stamina hard

is there a secret boss if you acquire all of the super-secret arts?

Just use trainer - game cheats, you can cheat as well.

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I now understand why they made the final bosses in all previous From games prety easy. This nigger is by far the hardest mandatory enemy in the game, and making the smallest error he will destroy your healthbar. I personally did not have the time or patience to beat him, so this is where I leave this piece of shit Naruto wannabe gay as fuck game. Well done, Miyazaki, your name was synonymous with quality before this, but you have now revealed what a fucking hack you actually are.

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>tfw only beat Isshin third phase because he decided to start spamming his lightning attacks

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>owl was difficult

Nigga wat.

Imagine being bullied by a video game. That's how bad you are.

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Cheating to beat the bosses is for bitches, but I can understand someone using infinite health mode so that you can practice vs bosses without run backs and cutscene skip

>Owl was more difficult
This is just factually wrong. I can’t even comprehend how anyone would think this.


>yfw “Do it!”

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Obviously. There would've been no reason to commit sudoku otherwise.

git gud

hanabi isnt unlimited you know

>your name was synonymous with quality before this
That hack fuck constantly reused assets like a fiend, and Sekiro reuses enemies from itself in the next zone over.

>stop using terms from the video game being discussed

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Kino moment

>this dude does lightning attack
>hits me
>do the counter
>it doesn't reach him because my lightning is shorter apparently, gay as fk


>This game fucking sucks

It took you 40 hours to realize that? This game is complete garbage and became very apparent in the first 10 hours. I platinumed DeS, DaS 1-3, and Bloodborne and there's just nothing fair or fun about this gamenor its unusable parry mechanics.

I thought I couldn't do it either but he's not that hard in retrospective. Now, Demon of Hatred, that's an impossible boss

I just ran around the edge of the stage until he fell off the edge, I'm not fucking with that guy. Took me about 35 minutes.

I dont have to fight Isshin in his prime if I take the bad ending right?

You're talking about the big attacks, right?
If it's the sword attack, just remember to stay close to him. If you aren't close enough to dodge, just parry or take the damage blocking.
If it's the spear attack, wait for him to finish charging, jump and punish him with that big posture break ability. Or just attack normally.

>stage 1: mikiri, nigero
You can get through stage 1 in like 30 seconds if you just keep on him parrying and attacking.


I platinumed your mom if you get what I mean

As long as you enjoyed your time with the game that's all that really matters.

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No, he literally just starts his own combo during yours. His weak form at owl fight does it too. complete bullshit


It took me three hours and a lot of frustration to beat him, but in hindsight, he wasn't really that bad, it just took a while for me to calm down and learn his moves properly. He's got nothing on Orphan of Kos, I still dread that fucking scramble of a fight.

you can fight him again in Hirata estate 2.0

just mikiri counter phase 3/4, learn parry timings. It's like Darkeater Midir in DaS3... it's hard till you learn his patterns and then you literally cannot lose.

this I beat sword saint 3 times while save scumming endings but I wouldn't want to do the second owl fight 3 times


I beat that nigga in 8 tries.

reminder that ign said this game was easy. you are even worst than a game journalist.