I just wanted to play a WWII shooter
I just wanted to play a WWII shooter
and this is what? an emu war shooter?
get over yourself
a fictional shooter
>cunts screaming everywhere
>niggers running around
>blurry graphics
>shit engine
>arcade mechanics
>made by swedes
Oh dear how could it ever fail?
>even well documented events in history aren't safe from current year
where did it all go wrong?
>some fat lady left
Crazy customization has to do with fat ladies?
>queen of interracial things
what did she mean by this?
Look at her face, her body, hell, even her NAME, and tell me she doesn't fuck BLACK guys. Can you honestly look me directly in the eye and say that? You can't, because you know she does. Deep down in your little wh*Toid brain you just KNOW she gets her tight wh*Te uterus plugged on the regular by the BLACK BVLL. No woman, I mean NO woman can resist the pleasure of having the virile seed of the KONGOLESE man being pumped directly into their womb in the hopes of becoming inseminated with the superior BLACK seed to breed even more BLACK men into the world. Look at her smile. You can just tell she's thinking about her latest injection of BLACK seed. She is in pure ecstasy at the thought of that virile BLACK seed stewing away in her uterus, knocking her up at that very moment. She is basically cumming as it sloshes around inside of her. You can't deny this.
imagine if they spent all that development time on the actual game instead of a shitty BR
>any bitch from sweden NOT fucking black dudes
Why didn't they just make a steampunk world war 2? they would have been able to justify the historical inconsistency and have fun with it.
>based on the Cold War
>has a female soldier literally called the Mother of Special Forces and the Legendary soldier
>invented CQC
>regularly beat the shit out of Snake
>took down a 6'7 giant in seconds with ease
>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield with bullets whizzing by
>nobody cares
>shows a female soldier in a 2 minute trailer
>This is going too far, muh strong womyn, muh forced diversity, muh SJWs, this disrespects WW2, etc.
What a bigot.
One is a fiction and the other is trying to portrait real historical events. Also, Boss was well done and everyone loved her. It’s not about hating women, brownskins, knee grows, etc. but it’s hating them being forcefully put into things where they do not belong.
Konami didn’t spend millions of dollars claiming the boss was fixing society and crapping on the any r9k fans who thought the idea was stupid.
she wasn't treated as nothing but a political insert, she was treated as a prodigy and her being a woman was more or less just a coincidence
honestly devs need to stop broadcasting every bit of development before they release a game
1 teaser is all you need
>never claimed to be realistic
>actually set her up and everything was done for symbolism
>the dynamic between The Boss and Snake would be different if The Boss was Male
>The Boss being female ultimately wasn't some calculated choice by a soulless executive to sell more copies of a game
>claims to be realistic
>shows a female disabled soldier with her robot arm in the trailer acting just like the boys
>takes actual historic events where everyone died and replaces everyone with a one woman army who devastates the evil nazis
>this inclusion of women was done for marking purposes to appeal to a wider market
Pick one (1) and only one (1)
We had this post in thread previously and you got BTFO
Fuck off
Konami didn't call their fans uneaducated. Kojima didn't say "Either buy the game or don't. I'm fine with either."
>claims to be realistic
Ok I give you that
>shows a female disabled soldier with her robot arm in the trailer acting just like the boys
Was removed in final game, so good job the fan reaction actually work! Get over it.
>takes actual historic events where everyone died and replaces everyone with a one woman army who devastates the evil nazis
So it's okay to take historical events where 'not everyone' died if the one killing nazis is a one man army?
>this inclusion of women was done for marking purposes to appeal to a wider market
It's almost like it's a business, but you are right.
>takes actual historic events
nope, it's fiction
The main point is that BFV inclusions of women is soulless and isn't some artistic choice. IF your character can be described as "Its a guy but female" its a shit character and should have just been a guy.
the boss sucks and bfv sucks. fuck both. mgs as a whole is shit
>yfw BFV tanked
Females must be justified and explain
Males are the default
Look, my grandmother fought with the resistence against the krauts and the fascists (she could work a carcano 38 better than my grandpa) so women in WWII are ok in my book. Dice should have included the Resistence as faction and no one would have complained about it.
correct sweaty. *presents a tissue* need this?
in a historical war game, yes. Now if we're playing literally anything else nobody is going to complain about women.
hurr durr in ww2 males werent the default when you ask people to imagine soldiers nobody is gonna think of a woman first unless theyre a leftoid
ah, my baby the F2000
On consoles, after firestorm, it has a bigger online population than BF1-4 combined
>female fighters in the french resistance
>female soviet snipers
>female soviet tank crews
>pretty sure there were also some female spies
but why pick any of these if you can created a female with a robocop hand?
One is fictional and isn't pushing some obvious political propaganda and BOSS is badass so you fuck you faggot. Keep posting this pasta and getting your shit shoved in.
>but why pick any of these if you can created a female with a robocop hand?
they removed that shit
I don't understand the complain with the pistol. I know that BF1 is set in WW1, but weren't pistols extremely valuable in WW2 since only officers carried them? In band of Brothers there's a whole subplot about getting one. I know I shoudn't get my history from tv shows, but that's a great show.
Kind of dumb to take all the things that made Battlefield fun and feel like an actual Battlefield like
>more than one Grenade
>more options for weapons, grips and muzzles
>race/gender depending on the battlefield
>3d spotting
>5 men squads
>darker colors
>people not dying as fast in CoD
At the moment you actual get rewarded for camping somewhere which is kind of dumb.
Lead designer went to a (ALL CAPS) UNIVERSITY THAT TEACHES MARXISM. Case close, air-tight logic, lock him up.
>robocop hand
>hurrr I am retard I never heard of prosthetic
It's not even in the game.
>more than one Grenade
Actually liking grenade spam
>more options for weapons, grips and muzzles
there's plenty of options and much more coming in a couple weeks with MTX. (in b4 hurr why can't I have a laser sight on my MP40)
>race/gender depending on the battlefield
>3d spotting
best decision in years
commander was a fucking joke. either no one played it, or it was wallhacks and cheap deaths for 1 team
>5 men squads
whats so good about 5? 4 fits in vehicles better
>darker colors
darker than what? BF1? WW1?
>people not dying as fast in CoD
TTK is longer than CoD...what are you talking about
Big Boss
Blazblue guy.
Are prosthetic arms the most common disability in games or what. Besides brain damage.
files are still in the game (datamining), they removed it last second
I indeed never heard of a woman with a prosthetic hand fighting germans with a cricket bat. Looks like I missed some history classes.
>hurr its not even in the game
Why bring it up in the first place?
Okkkk? so some fuckhead can rip all the files and use a special program to dig through the code and find something.
who fucking cares? its not in the game
So it's not in the game in anyway that are normal player can see
>woman with a prosthetic hand fighting germans with a cricket bat.
There is no such thing in the game.
ill buy the game once they add robocop arm cricketbat highlander lady back in. if i have to play a shitty reimagining of ww2 at least make it obvious how silly it all is
>Not dieselpunk
Get the fuck outta here, casul
why use stuff thats not even in your game in trailers?
happens all the time (see crackdown, spore, no mans sky, etc etc)
And you can play it. Threads like these show that outrage faggots don't actually play videogames.
>this inclusion of women was done for marking purposes to appeal to a wider market
>Game fails miserably
When will they learn?
while theyre at it add in some fortnite dances so i can dab on all the "french" soldiers
Remember now, this is not real, this is actually steampunk magic.
>French "resistance"
This isn't real, and wasn't actually uploaded 12 years ago.
It's just a phase that everyone will be cringing about in a decade or two. Cinema in the 60s and early 70s was pretty well the same with hippies and black power characters getting shoved into absolutely everything, including war movies, plus the narratives always had to be about tearing THA MAN and shitting on the armed forces.
>yes i wanna storm the beaches of Normandy for the xth time!
which is why DICE went for less well known battles
M4A1, loved it in that game.
I was hyped for Post Scriptum but devs fucked up and released it unfinished so it died on arrival, never even bothered to but the game. Now i just put all my hopes into hell let loose to fill my red orchestra needs.
Will we ever see a red orchestra 3?
They called you uneducated because you can't sperate an exaggerated fucking video game from real life. Jesus Christ, everyone fucking knows battlefield games aren't history lessons quit acting like a knob and stop playing stupid
>3D spotting
Fuck off
>claims to be realistic
Battlefield was never realistic, this is the same series where you
>can jump across the map by firing a bazooka at your feet
>jump off a jet mid-flight, headshot someone with a pistol then land back in the jet
>can flip the jet over mid-flight, hop on the belly then bazooka another jet
It also was never historically accurate, particularly with weapons. BF1 had a bunch of prototypes and experimental weapons that were either never used or barely used, like the Hellriegel, the General Liu Rifle, SMG 08/18, etc. BF 1942 had jetpacks, choppers and a bunch of other inaccuracies too
The devs themselves also said that they favor fun over authenticity
>takes actual historic events where everyone died and replaces everyone with a one woman army who devastates the evil nazis
None of the "historical events" in BFV are based on real people and they're all fictional. Meanwhile you have other fiction based on war, like Lawrence of Arabia, that fictionalize a ton of shit and battles and nobody really cares
They would've never let a woman with a prosthetic arm on the battlefield.
>Yeah but Battlefield claims to be realistic!
>But Battlefield was never realistic, they always had numerous inaccuracies with vehicles and weapons and no one really cared, also the devs said they prioritize fun over authenticity
>No response after
>everyone fucking knows battlefield games aren't history lessons
well, BF1 went really close to that
All of the war stories are copy-pastes of actual things that happened. The norwegian one is particularly egregious because in real life the operation was performed by a team of norwegian commandos that went to great lengths to avoid any casualties. They were replaced with a single trigger happy teenage girl. You can say these events aren't based on real people, but they are. Even the leftiest of leftists could understand why that might upset people who are interested in a historical game.
Everything is so wrong with this picture.
>why is she wearing goggles? is she a paratrooper?
>is she supposed to be (((((German)))))?
>low ready wasn’t even invented in WW2 it was a result of the LAPD SWAT’s training in the 90s
I hear people bitching and whining about blacks and women being in the gaming ruining immersion and authenticity, and nit once have I heard anything about the uniforms and how the characters move and posture themselves.
What are some examples? I find it hard to believe.
They would never let a MAN with a prosthetic either.
No one responded because you don't have an arguement.
Battlefield games claim to be more realistic than other first person shooters. While this is a true statement, it is also true to say that Battlefield games are not realistic.
Point is that Battlefield fans thought they were getting an authentic experience, but something about BFV crossed the line and they feel betrayed.
>this is the same series where you
stopped reading there, this is the copy paste shill damage control post where they try to justify whacky cosmetics and female soldiers as acceptable in a historical setting because the gameplay isn't
>3d spotting
kill yourself
Alternative WW2 as said by the devs
I wonder if Ive masturbated to her getting fucked by black guys on ph in the past
The game at the end acknowledges the real-life historical mission. It acknowledges that it's fiction and is ultimately a "what-if" scenario. So how is it "rewriting history" then?
>The norwegian one is particularly egregious because in real life the operation was performed by a team of norwegian commandos that went to great lengths to avoid any casualties
>it's ok because it's self aware
How is it not okay because it's self-aware? It acknowledges that it's fucking fiction, so how is that offensive?
Then why is the Boss given a free pass but BFV isn't? I thought the reason why it's okay for the Boss is because MGS3 is fictional. Well BFV acknowledges it's fictional too, so ???
Me too buddy. I think BF1 was probably closer to a WW2 shooter in the end. I just want city maps though.
There's already two city maps in the game, what are you on about?
>A fantasy game with talking ghosts, giant robots, clones, monsters, complete alternative history, a game that has never been seen or described as faithful to history.
>A game where the devs keep hitting you over the head with terms such as Alternative history, completely possible, facts, historical accuracy, etc.
>A game based on actual battles and platoons which get completely rewritten to fit an agenda.
>The boss is both a soldier and a motherly figure and has to struggle between both roles
>We were oppressed by whitey even though we killed more nazis than them
Do you guys know that theres a part in BFV where they lock a German soldier in a Kubelwagens trunk, but because they did a horrible job at researching they did not know that the kubelwagen has its trunk at the front and not at the back?
Even MGS3 a science fiction game was a lot more believable than this crap.
Yeah sure, the Tiralleurs completely destroyed the Germans and captured a Cathedral and stuff yada yada yada while, at the same fucking time in the real world, they were actually fighting somewhere else.
I will not be satisifed unless the player character turns to the camera and winks to the audience
If I wanted to play a fictional spy soap opera (I don't) I'd play MGS. I think ti's pretty clear that OP and myself
>just wanted to play a WWII shooter
I wouldn't know how many there are I haven't played it, but I only want to play on city maps so 2 isn't very much for me. 4 or 5 I could possibly dig.
>but because they did a horrible job at researching they did not know that the kubelwagen has its trunk at the front and not at the back?
typical. people making games about weapons and warfare know the least about the subject.
>they did not know that the kubelwagen has its trunk at the front and not at the back
I sure hope someone got fired for that one.
Jesus fucking christ
>each thread Yea Forums's hypocrisy towards BFV and MGS3 becomes less and less defensible
the AK felt so good in mw2
99.9% of them don't
Delete this
really bad bait
M14 with ACOG. FALfags gtfo.
>it's fiction
Nope, they claimed it to be historically accurate so yeaah you kinda fucked up here
cucked swede detected
Fuckhead? You ok there, you seem pretty butthurt at some random guy
>before buy game
>we want to make an authentic battlefield game
>after buy game
>btw we made all that shit up lol
Excuse me? Were you tricked? You thought, having seen the pre-release footage, that you were buying a historically accurate game? Did you also think you were buying a milsim?
They didn't actually say it was going to be authentic though. Also
>I have to actually play the game to figure out if it's historically accurate or not
Wow that sure is unreasonable
Incorrect, my onions munching friend
a true chad weapon is an ak
where's the hypocrisy
if you saw someone with an ak, it's either cause they were tenth prestige and they earned that shit or they were gonna drop prestige entirely so they could dump their sweaty nuts all over your face whenever they wanted
>Mixing gameplay design with aesthetic design
These game also had a a certain level of suspension of disbelief to them.
If it wasn't realistic, we would get dumb shit like Japanese fighting Germans with lazer guns in 1946 New York, or Americans and British fighting each other in space. We could get Hover tanks in the Battle of Kursk, but we don't. Why? because the games follow a certain sense of realism and need to be grounded. These example sound fun but the devs don't add them to the game, this means they favor some authenticity.
Simulators aren't a 100% representation of what they represent, but they do enough to let us immersed with whatever they intend to do. Everybody accepts a certain level for different games. They've said multiple times in the BFV reveal stream that they wanted it to be the most immersive battlefield game yet, and their deisgn philosphy and approach say otherwise.
Experimental designs is not much a further leap in disbelief than a one armed pirate women fighting in WW2.
It's disingenous to say a game isn't allowed to be authentic by complaining about possible unrealistic gameplay scenarios or abstract ideaa such as healing instantly or respawning. Those choices are made for gameplay sake. Women don't add to the gameplay and are a superficial skin that have no business being on the frontlines battles and are only added to get applause from certain sections of society.
>y-y-yeah well you're just an onion muncher!
Whoa... you sure showed me... lol
Imagine if this video game forum actually talked about video games and not autist-tier politics.
How does everyone like Firestorm? Favorite place to drop? I like Halvdever.
How are experimental weapons NOT a further leap from having women in WW2? Women in WW2 actually existed, it was just uncommon, while BF1 features weapons that were literally never used in the actual war. How is the former a bigger leap than the latter?
i miss it so much
yeah I played 500 hours of it in BF3 and another 300 in BF4.
I'm talking about the BFV mode with the giant storm made of fire.
Women in WW2 existed primarily in support roles, absolute last ditch desperation, or Russia using them and men as bullet catchers outside the sniper group. DICE had a fucking fantastic opportunity to tell these actual stories and show how women did actually participate in the war, instead they decided to go full retard and then thought mocking their own player base was the best way to damage control the situation.
Man that was a neat map for tanks, helicopters AND infantry. One of my faves.
Caspian border a sexy too
I prefer the 2014 version desu.
>BF4 is 6 years old
Fucking hell where did the time go.
wait, what? Firestorm was added into BF4?
> Lol
Leave onions boy
where were you??
op firestorm, caspian, oman and metro
>start up battlefield 3
>only populated lobbies are metro 24/7
>no rush, no conquest, not even team deathmatch outside of nose hairs
>start up battlefield 4
>only populated lobbies are metro 24/7
>you know the rest
god why did they have to bloat these games with modes that nobody played and expansions that split the community. i want to go back so bad.
historical fiction is a thing. You are wrong anyway but still historical fiction lets one do shit with historical shit in a fictitious manner...i should not have to explain a simple concept as that but you seem be a dumb and faggy mother fucker so there you go.
It also had a nigga controlling bees with his mind. At it was 2005.
Because actual stories would be fucking awful for a video game. In first person shooters you go from level to level, mowing down tons and tons of enemies with different guns in a huge spectacle while soaking up damage like a sponge, that just wouldn't happen in a 100% realistic WW2 shooter and even if it did it would be boring as fuck to play because you'd probably be behind a turret or a machine gun in a completely linear scenario where everything is already decided by the end
>He doesn't know about Second Assault
So was Caspian Border, Op Metro and Gulf of Oman. How have you not heard of this?
>onions boy
Damn.. I'm so hurt
>where were you??
I gave up, user. Can you blame me?
But fuck; I'll give it a whirl
>even if it did it would be boring as fuck to play because you'd probably be behind a turret or a machine gun in a completely linear scenario where everything is already decided by the end
that's what military themed shooters always end up being?
good thing bfv has tides of war
She's a webapp developer
Imagine being such a dumb cuck that you actually defend this shit.
>boring as fuck to play because you'd probably be behind a turret or a machine gun in a completely linear scenario where everything is already decided by the end
So any and every video game about past wars? Welp pack it up boys no need to make these types of games ever again, old Einstein here cracked the code.
Aaah thats how it works now
Historical fiction is a thing user, no one is denying that, the issue is DICE hyped up how historically ACCURATE it was going to be. If you need me to explain the difference just let me know, I understand how words can be hard for some people but I'm willing to be patient with (you).
>Yea Forums complained that first person shooters were trying too hard to be realistic
>Yea Forums is complaining that they aren’t realistic enough
Why aren't you then?
What are the chances they just pull the plug on this game and leave it with 2 factions and a few completely forgettable maps?
Considering they didn't do that for either of the Battlefronts I find it unlikely.
Fairly high
With enough of their updates dedicated towards Firestorm they'll be able to maybe reskin models for another yuropeen factions, introduce 3-5 weapons then call it enough
zero. see bf4 free multi year support
Not very high at this point actually, since they're teasing the Pacific theater for some time in the second half of this year.
>3-5 weapons forever
nigger are you serious? there's 6 new guns coming just this CHAPTER
3-5 for that faction
they'd get crucified
would kill the francise outright
Post kino Battlefield
They never said it's alt-WW2
you first
Kojima literally frames Metal Gear as if it were a fucking movie you god damn retard
I don't even like this game but I can't stop playing it. The gunplay/movement feels to satisfying to go back to eurojank shit like Rising Storm or ArmA
>i can't read
>Alternative WW2
Imagine a tremendous faggot and unironically defending this
So its these fucking parasites that are ruining every single media franchise I've come to enjoy over the years? I know understand the burning hatred that Hitler must've had for the Jews
Made for BSC
I kinda wish they stuck with this whacky aesthetic that they originally wanted to go with. Now it just looks like a generic WW2 europeon front game.
youre just now coming to this conclusion?
I feel like the pre-production concept for V was Bad Company 3, if they'd just called it Bad Company 3 and ramped up the ahistorical shit everyone would have been fine.
In a fucking ww2 game, yeah you fucking slobbering retard
user, you know they do. Just accept the fact and emigrate to Finland.
The game is fantastic. People who disagree don't play enough games.
You'll have a better time in firestorm than conquest or rush
How to find good loots?
I wonder how much worse it'll get for the next Battlefield game. Either they'll triple down on the cancer or reverse course at 100mph and become hardcore dude bro shooter from the late 2000s
if you think ANYTHING is fantastic in this game then you are just a retarded idiot that fucked up and bought this
just begging for more people to make the same idiotic mistake like you and have someone to play with
This is boring as fuck
Couldn't agree more. These whiny fucks ruined it. And the IRONY is the people who ruined it said "EA/Dice is trying to cater to people who don't play the games" and then they didn't play the game. Fuck I hate videogame """fans"""
Well it's too late for any of that now. The image and reputation of BF is basically dead in the water.
The worst part is the fun was sucked out of the game on the alter of realism in a game that's popular because you can jump out of a plane in mid flight and shoot down flanking planes with rocket launchers and then get back in your plane.
Look how emotional you got, faggot. This is why your opinions are meaningless.
tank bunkers and balloon points
it's not for everyone
What are the balloon points? I go to the balloons and there aint shit there. Are those the zones that become captureable later? I never capped one so I dont know.
at every major named location there is at least 1 lockbox in pre-determined spots that always has at least 1 or 2 highest tier items and sometimes a v1 rocket. Drop on the lockbox right away.
trying to capture objectives is suicide without a tank. Tank bunkers usually have somebody camping and flanking and are almost always a death sentence solo.
They start showing up as points to capture after the second timer just look on the map for A B C points
Personally i have very little respect for concernocrats telling people what their games should be. Heel turning the tone of the game because of a vocal minority of people who don't play the game just makes their company look weak.
I don't fucking get it.
What normal person is like this? Wild mood swings, running to the safety of Twitter to feel better?
I work, go home, have fun, am overall happy.
She gets home and has a mental breakdown?
It's not like she's living in some warzone. Hell, her obesity tells me she's a glutton
100% they're going to whiplash and become a manly game for manly gamers again.
>He thinks that's the only thing that was wrong with it
Nigger I bitched about the shitty meme designs and was happy when they fixed them but that ultimatly meant fuckall because all of the major gameplay issues with 1 were still there, fucking hell some of the problems that started with 4 were still there. Stockholm is fucking inept, the American studio should be the only one allowed to make these games.
If you hated the gameplay of 4 and 1, what on earth made you think things would be different?
Oh yeah, that happened
I hated the gameplay of 1, and enjoyed it in 4 after it was handed off to DICE LA and they fixed Stockholm's disaster. I didn't think things would be different and I was ultimately right, which is why I didn't get V, but that doesn't mean I wasn't wishing they would fix their shit.
are you fucking retarded? There are plenty of people that will take one look at the 120 lb female holding an mp40 and immediately think "lol im not playing this stupid shit."
So you knew it would be the same, knew you wouldnt play it, but still bitched and moans for them to change the visuals for you. Fuck off.
Internally the Frostbite engine is causing problems for the developers. There are STILL bugs in BF5 that were in BF3
They have to stay casual to keep the wide audience and console players, so going back to the 2000s is a permanent no-go.
What I'm thinking we'll see is EA just shelving battlefield for a few years until BR dies off and then bringing it back as a modern or near future shooter with a setting that allows for no holds barred visual customization on everything (i.e. character, vehicles, guns, everything) and minimize their expenditure on single player content, if not completely cutting it.
Right now EA's gameplan with AAA games games-a-service to sell cosmetics and lootboxes and they learned back to back hard lessons with SW:BF and BFV about what western consumers consider acceptable when it comes to p2w and 'authenticity'.
Their next move will be to ask DICE to come up with a setting where a guy with guko hair dressed in a ninja outfit driving a pink tank won't be considered out of place.
you're a fragile manbaby projecting onto works of fiction that by themselves have no inherent meaning.
If this game was anime themed you morons would be cumming all over yourselves but since the females look like real people you have projected meaning onto them where non exists.
>"Mother of Special Forces"
>her backstory starts at a point in time when the concept of special forces had already been invented
Good job Kojima.
>So you knew it would be the same, knew you wouldn't play it
Expected, you illiterate fuck, not knew. If they defied my expectations and actually fixed the gameplay I'd have got it.
>but still bitched and moans for them to change the visuals for you.
>Hey the gameplay is fucked all to hell and the visuals look like shit have fun
>Hey we fixed the gameplay but the visuals look like shit have fun
They're both shitty options you insufferable faggot, and I wouldn't pay a dime for either.
>Hey we fixed the gameplay and went for more grounded and visually appealing visuals have fun
This is the only good option.
If it was anime it would have moved 20k copies total and be a laughingstock that only a handful of pathetic weebs shilled for. What are you even on about roastie?
Do tell us, what should they fix in the gameplay?
>If this game was anime themed you morons would be cumming all over yourselves but since the females look like real people you have projected meaning onto them where non exists.
holy fucking shit how stupid can you possibly be? You mean fundamentally changing the genre into something entirely fictional and make believe would make people receive something differently?
>women arent equipped to loopzook irl.
I'm literally laughing at you
loopzooking in animes unironically makes sense
Was BF1942 an anime though?
>Alternative WW2 as said by the devs
uuuh no they literally claimed they were historical untold stories
>dude let's make a ww2 shooter without usa, russia or nippon
was bf1942 filled with contemporary cancer politics though?
She is a whale therefore only black people show interest in her
BFV isnt either. Picking a skin is not politics, snowflake.
hold on, do you think loopzooking was intended?
did 4 undergo a similar launch?
Well you could keep doing it in almost every BF game except BF1 (because no zook). So yes.
>BFV isnt either.
yes it was retard, it's fucking coated in it lmao, injecting asian female soldiers into a ww2 europe context is a clear expression of the insanity of modern identity politics
>they didn't patch it out so it was intended?
Youre a fucking faggot, and women and niggers being placed in a ww2 game trying to be realistic is gay as fuck. Kill yourself
Picking a skin is not politics.
I'd say we get Russia after the summer. Later on mb USA/Japan and finish there. Maybe not even as factions and just some soldiers and trash skins as the ones we have now
yes it is
>this triggered
It's not about patching it out, they created whole new games with the same ability in it. It is obviously intended to be doable. I mean they even made the Wire on that satelite map in BF4 able to kill someone and give you credit for the kill. Shit like that is 100% intended.
No, it just means you are an EXTREME snowflake that gets violently emotional over pixels. You are the equivalent of an 80's 90's soccer mom screaming about music and videogames corrupting children.
Your mom was probably one of those. and fat
>dude its just pixels lmao
absolutely retarded argument, it's not just pixels, it's politics
>You are the equivalent of an 80's 90's soccer mom screaming about music and videogames corrupting children.
no actually the people injecting the politics to fight racism and sexism in gaming are like that, they're the neo puritans
>Completely rip out CoD-tier scorestreaks that are only available to whatever dumb motherfucker is leading your squad
>Fix the fucking map designs (this was one of the issues they've had since 4)
>Quit wasting resources on gimmick shit like towing and barricades
>Quit invalidating the destructible environment with barricades (you blew up that building and deprived them of good cover? doesn't matter lmao)
>Fix hit registration (again, an issue from 4)
>Quit relying on blatantly reused assets from 1
>Combat abilities for each class need to be merged into a single ability for that class
>Give hillniggers the ability to OHK with body shots from specific ranges again
Etc, etc.
Sounds shitty. You are some faggot sniper who wants clear flat maps. Awful opinions.
>it's not just pixels, it's politics
I didn't play a lot, but the best weapon was the UMP, or at least that's what the best used.
Lmao wut the fuck are you going on about?? Be honest, are you a shill?
>haha dude none of this propaganda is propaganda btw it's just pictures on a screen it doesn't real >:^)
ok im done bye
if they had gone full retarded and acutally gave use the option to play as hot chicks in bikinis as well then nobody would have cared.
problem isn´t the women it´s the fact that it is done for feminist Propaganda
>How will my children learn about WW2 if not from videogames???
protip, this wasn't discovered for a while after bf1942 was released you delusional retard
Protip, that has nothing to do with my argument about it being included and not scrapped in sequels.
everyone learns from everywhere user
So just shitty games?
you're welcome
People brain damaged enough to believe that WW2 is "well documented" are as mentally fucked as people that believe in books written over 2000 years ago.
Newsflash you fucking handicaps, the people that "documented" had their own biases. Do you honestly believe you got 100% of every single detail of every single encounter truthfully? Are you really that mentally challenged?
I cannot imagine being that much of a low IQ sheep, its embarrassing.
>No arguments
>Unironically defending the invalidating of destructible environments
>Unironically supporting the neutering of recon and the removal of the one fucking mechanic that encouraged them to be aggressive
Imagine being this fucking retarded Jesus Christ.
>you mean fundamentally changing the genre into something entirely fictional and make believe would make people receive something differently?
that's literally exactly how it works. We as human beings internalize our environments, for example if you look at a chair, you are also going though an internal checklist of all the things you can do with a chair and what their purpose is. You can extend this to fictional characters as well, if a figure looks like a real human female for example you have an internalized catalouge of expectations for what a female can and cannot do. Women cannot fight in wars, women are weak, women are necessary for sustained population growth and naturally aren't aggressors, etc.
Now if you take away the realism and reduce the female form to caricature, you no longer have any internalized conception and suddenly the concept doesn't seem so strange.
now understand that videogame characters aren't real no matter how realistic they look and that videogames can all be boiled down to pure gameplay abstractions that inherently are un-immersive. When you die in a videogame, you don't feel any loss or grief, you just respawn and play again.
What are you even talking about, retard?
>haha the official story is bogus btw :^) so who cares if people try to rewrite it and convince people it's the truth to suit their needs
what's true is irrelevant, what's believed is not
why do women and liberals have to destroy everything that white men have created?
I miss bot wars from battlefield 2, any newer games that has ai war on that scale?
Why did dice stop implementing bots? Would be amazing to play bc2 or bf4 with bots.
Fuck off retard, BC2 had all the destruction you wanted, and every map became a flat wasteland. You have no idea what you are talking about. And your bullshit "encouraged them to be aggressive" actually means encouraged them to camp even harder on a hill because they can 1 shot people from across the map without a headshot.
>gets to ruin a series then waddle away for free
should be unironically hit by a truck
the boss showed her tits.
that is all what it comes down to me.
if you are gonna lie about Biologie and history by adding women at least give us fanservice and make the female character likeable
>Jeremy posting
>dropping black pills
Fucking legend.
>Was removed in final game,
women soldiers where removed form the game?
>so who cares if people try to rewrite it and convince people it's the truth to suit their needs
You do realise the irony in what you just said right? That isnt lost on you?
>It's almost like it's a business, but you are right.
a business the decision that never works and always leads to alienating the core audience because women don´t care about action based video games
everything is politics. this post is politics. videogames are politics. Can we all agree to move on from talking circles around this moot point? thanks.
there's no irony there but for the sake of conversation go ahead
>convince people it's the truth
If you or your kids are dumb enough to get their history from videogames, you should be slapped. All a game does is inspire people to learn about the events. Theres a bunch of kids right now who know more about WW1 because of BF1 than kids did 10 years ago. I guarantee that. Same will be the case for girls and learning about WW2.
> missing the point of the boss character
> missing the fact that the boss’s legendary status was not because of her achievement in battle of strength but the length she goes to and sacrifices she made to achieve her mission
> her biggest achievements are mostly esponiage
> People who know the truth look up to her as a legend not only due to her achievement but her plight was relatable to the plight of all soldiers in the battlefield, who sacrifice everything for nothing in return, not even glory
>everything is politics
>therefore shitty shallow pandering to garbage modern politics is totally ok and not fucking garbage in a videogame meant for fun
no is politics
>emu war shooter
that shit sounds great
>Destruction needs to either be BC2 tier fuckery or worthless like in V
>Being able to achieve OHKs around 60-100 meters encourages recon players to camp a few hundred meters behind the front line
You're an utter fucking fool.
BF2 for console had the best bots and singleplayer campaign that really prepared you for all the things you can do in multiplayer. really makes me wonder why they never emulated that concept ever again.
name a single argument against why adding female soldiers to a WW2 game is bad that has nothing to do with immersion
That doesn’t happen at all. Did you actually play the game or just base it off some youtube video. The game moves at fast enough pace that it won’t allow all cover to be flatten. Only map that cover can be flatten for defender is nelson bay rush but that never happen practically because attackers will rush you if you are too busy taking out all of the trees
Because they tried so hard to welcome cod refugees and to expand into casual territory, that they did at the cost of their core audience (especially since BF1)
Day of Infamy
There's a Winter War mod coming out for RS2.
You're claiming people are trying to "rewrite it and convince people it's the truth to suit their needs" when you're defending the "well documented event" where the only documents were created by people on the field with their own biases and handed to a government filled with people with their own biases? Are you that much of a sheep that you honestly believe everything your government tells you happened in World War 2?
The imaginary events in BFV are just as legitimate as a governments "documented reports" of what happened, as in they're both biased and bogus.
they literally said that the game tells untold stories of ww2, and what they did was changing a fucking commando of dudes with a teenager girl that can defeat 20-40 years old nazis by hand
It's so fucking obvious the women and PoC added to the Battlefield series are just to tick a progressive checkbox that it's not even remotely funny.
Nobody cares about 100% historical accuracy, people are just tired of THAT kind of shit because it gets more on the nose with every iteration.
Too bad. Go educate yourself entitled stupid incel.
>players discover an exploit in a game with a humorous payoff
>devs dont scarp it
>proof devs intended it all along
Youre retarded
shut the fuck up you fucking retard, theres no mental gymnastics that you can do to convince me that a cartoon style rendition of war is at all the same as real life modeling and motion capturing, along with all the effort putting into the realistic settings in the first place. Its like you faggots want to sit there and say there is unironically no difference between Wolfenstein and Battlefield as far as ww2 shooters are concerned
This thread is boring.
Let's talk about how Battlefield 1 is the most fun Battlefield that is still alive and very active with people playing every mode and every map.
You may argue about niggers and other retarded shit, but you cannot deny that the game is actually fun and better than Battlefield V in every possible conceivable way.
You understand very little about your own hobby and immersion in game design if you actually think this.
>thinks he knows more than historians
Kill yourself friendo, it's ok to doubt, but to act like this big of a faggot is too much
Question remains why the fuck are you playing Battlefield when there are better shooters out there?
>100% historical accuracy
Imagine being so mentally fucked you think that anything that has been left behind from WW2 is "historically accurate"
Stop being such a fucking sheep you retarded cunt, WW2 didnt go down like it did in Saving Private Ryan.
Going in and out of a vehicle is not an exploit. The flight model allowed a loop.
no one cares about your mental gymnastics, as i just stated
>That doesn’t happen at all. Did you actually play the game
Are you kidding me? So many BC2 maps turned into flat hellholes.
>when there are better shooters out there
Like what?
Go on, tell me.
Don't disappoint me.
Leaving your vehicle to parachute onto another part of the map is what the developers inteded, not for it to be used in a loop with a bazooka. Im right and youre wrong, deal with it
Historians can put together what they've been given, but guess what idiot, they're fed documents and reports that were either doctored or were false right from the start.
Where did you get your time machine, private?
alright fantasy land
The French Resistance is a meme. Most were collaborators or entirely passive.
Female Soviet fighters are agitprop, and there's a serious lack of proof of anything they did.
There were plenty of female spies though.
>the game is actually fun and better than Battlefield V in every possible conceivable way.
Fucking this I still don't understand how DICE made BF1 so fun and then BFV so boring
Not him, but I enjoy Siege, because working with others actually matters and it is not a giant fuckfest.
When you prioritize soldier customization over combined arms with over 20 players game, you get a never ending moshpit where your input is minimal for end result.
She doesn’t get home and have a mental breakdown. She gets home, grabs a cupcake sits her fat ass on the couch and tweets that she’s having a mental breakdown.
The French resistance were broken up into several factions that basically just raided each other for weapons constantly, out of fear of retaliation from raiding the Germans. It wasn’t till the British organized them that they were able to accomplish a fucking thing.
And the French somehow think they won the war.
RS2 Vietnam
Killing Floor 2
Day of Infamy
what ? people still care about this pile of shit ? let it go the next BF will probably try to do better since hopefully nobody will tell us how uneducated we are and we should avoud their game if we cant accept that fact .
gadgetfest retardedcircus from ubi.
absolutely disgusting.
>RS2 Vietnam
loltripwire, also dead
>Killing Floor 2
same as abov
>Day of Infamy
good game, but dead
bad game and dead
ssoy boy
I've played both, and i still play Battlefield V on a daily basis.
I must say, part of why Battlefield 1 was and still is better than Battlefield V is because of the atmosphere.
It doesn't absolutely play like how WW1 actually was, but it's fun and it's really really atmospheric.
The gunfire, the biplanes, the behemoths, the landships.
Everything just clocks in, while in Battlefield V the colors are all cranked up with women screaming like harpies left and right and retarded vehicles\skins at every corner.
It's just different, they went too far with the customization and shit to the point where it's actually silly to see someone with a bandolier of rockets on his chest, bright facepaints and assorted stuff.
It's too much, it distracts from the actual attempt at WW2 to the point where it could be easily be Fortnite: WW2 edition.
>RS2 Vietnam
What? the game is still alive
2822 in game
18,010 in game
2467 in game
>Day of Infamy
Has about 500 players but you can always find a full server.
Why the fuck do you need a player population of 100,000 people to find a server? Are you mentally retarded?
KF2 is not a versus shooter
and i'm fairly sure a good 70% of the servers are just idle servers for cosmetics.
>muh 3000 people is enough
no, it isn't.
10k++ is the sweet spot.
it's not a coincidence that BF4 and BF1 have that playercount and are still doing fairly well, while BF3 and BFH barely reach 1000.
try again.
Here you go bro :)
>name a single argument that is not this argument
also politics, it's included out of politics not because it's fun, the cynical nature of that makes the game worse
>when you're defending the "well documented event" where the only documents were created by people on the field
i literally never said that
did i fucked up Yea Forums?
Then you'd play Post Scriptum. Solutions exist, you just want to complain about AAA arcade shooters that were never very good in the first place.
i agree despite the politics its the best battlefield since 2 because of proper class and vehicle balancing
is that the trial?
>A game needs a gorillon players to be considered live
The most retarded thing people say nowdays, you can easily go to RS2 and find a full match. It isn't dead just because other games have more players you retarded user
no its the full game
Give me 1 single good reason why 3000 players is not enough.
>it's not a coincidence that BF4 and BF1 have that playercount and are still doing fairly well
Because these games have had marketing and advertizing out the ass and every consoleplebs plays it because they have no other FPS to play except CoD.
>while BF3 and BFH barely reach 1000
Because these are old games which nobody plays anymore you tard.
haha get fucking scammed idiot
>not trying the game with the 10 hours trial first
Yeah, there's a lot of memoirs from the occupation where people participated at least somewhat in the resistance and called it worthless shit full of incompetents.
Diary of the Dark Years is a great example of that.
>can jump across the map by firing a bazooka at your feet
confirmed never played battlefied in your life
kys you retarded zoomer
can you play all the other maps?
all the othe gamemodes?
all the time, even at night?
then it's dead, jimbo.
because 3000 at peak hours turns into 900 at non-peak hours.
if i have to wait to play game, i'd rather not play it at all.
>old game
you're talking retarded out of sheer love for your autistic game.
it's time to accept reality and realize that your shitty games are dead and only played by a bunch of die hard fans.
or, in your case, buyer remorse fags that want people to play the game they probably wasted 50 dollars at launch in.
kill yourself, subhuman.
They intended for you to be able to shoot while in the air. They intended for vehicles to be reenterable. They intended for planes to be able to loop.
1+1+1 = loopzook
isnt that only for ea access?
no user, you get the full game with ea access
gameplay is what makes games fun, not not window dressing politics. The cynical intentions of the developer doesn't matter and don't reflect on the game either because of death of the author.
>Implying that 900 isn't enough
It doesn’t happen because destroyed buildings still leave a rubbles. Curvature and uneven terrains of the map also still leave cover. There are usually too many destructible things on the map to nearly destroy them all before a match end, unless you are playing on some private conquest server with way inflated ticket count
it's not the quality, it's the quantity.
you're like those fags that say tf2 isn't dead because it has 40k players.
39k of those idlers\tradebots\third worlders farming items to buy food irl.
>moving the goalposts
not even that user, but you're a big retard
No you didn't, if that were the case you would have just played one of the other 86 million WWII shooters out there. Stop giving this shit game attention.
Sure, all I am saying that it doesn’t happen and even point out that even on a map that it can potentially happen, it doesn’t. But all he replied back is no, maps totally get flattened with no cover everytime. Idk what to say
It's white-washing history. By making the past seem all inclusive and happy, modern struggles begin to seem less revolutionary.
Pretty sure you are one of those viewers of youtube videos with a thumbnail like "FORTNITE IS DYING" too say things like that
it was even worse, the difference is that bf4 was almost unplayable whereas bfv just lacks content
can someone tell me how much money EA lost on BFV?
pls tell me its millions
Take a good look user. (((The perfected goyim))) is what we all will eventually become
they only need to fix the loot drop system and add duos and it will be good
shes a fat single 30+ women, its over for her so she goes full clown mode
day of infamy had an interesting system where they would let you play as poo in loo or leaf units only on certain maps
a screenshot of what am I looking at here?
I don't remember BF1 customization looking this fun
BFV isn't a historical period piece, and battlefield has never been realistic. Every single BF game is based on some level of historical revisionism.
I love that people fucking present this example to try and show inconsistency when really it just proves our point. We don’t hate women, these nu-onions faggots and dykes just do a shit job of forcing them into everything where they don’t belong in the most insulting and clumsy way. Bringing up the Boss completely validates the criticisms of modern games, so thanks. Enjoy your (you)
kill yourself tranny.
was the German campaign any good?
the RPD in MW2 is the single most satisfying machine gun i have ever played with, comparing only with BFBC2's G36MG maybe
>get accused of a double standard
>"well ackually you just prove my point"
literally it's okay when japan does it
i mean it helps that you couldn't go prone in bc2
destroying buildings was more about clearing sniper nests\rpg campers than flattening the map
it's not bf1 or bfv, it's cod ww2
that's exactly what they tried to achieve with BFV cosmetics
Because white men are dumb and weak enough to let it happen.
>ruin a series
Unless she was a director then she didn't do shit, just another disposable wagie thinking they're important to the process.
Oh shit, look at this badass.
You're a cool guy
>nobody has said UMP yet
fucking degenerates, best gun in the game with a high skill cap
Yea, original chain of conversation is that bc2 was too much because it flatten all the map, it wasn’t the case at all.
I absolutely hate those really tall but accessible buildings with like 20 floors worth of climbing stair that you need to climb to even get the sniper and their spawn gadget thing in bf3. I remember there being one building right next to a fucking conquest flag in karkand and you basically have to go out of your way hunt down enemy in this dull empty but tall building or enemy would keep raining on the flag
>justifying your consumerism by pretending exploiting people and the shit they went through are "honoring" them
there are people who unironically believe this.
Go beneath the bible belt and people will beat the shit out of you if you say you don't support the troops.
>The cynical intentions of the developer doesn't matter and don't reflect on the game either because of death of the author.
>death of the author
death of the author is a fucking joke, the word is shaped by its speaker
This person had nothing to do with the development of the game.
It's not very useful to use the author or developer as the authority of their own work because you don't know what their subconscious thinkings were. There are too many variables.
>that's exactly what they tried to achieve with BFV cosmetics
Then why do none of the BFV cosmetics look that that? Are you pretending to know anything about the game based on a pre-release trailer instead of playing it to get a hands on opinion?
oh nice, darkest hour just got a huge update too
It’s fun
This. I'm 90 percent certain they never said it ajd if they did it was in the smallest way possible and no one saw it. Shit really pisses me off. Ahwell
How sad for you that you can’t fucking read. Your mistake is in thinking our standard is “women are bad” when really it’s just “good writing and characters are good, shit writing and shit characters inserted solely to score political points are bad”
Have sex
No. I’m almost enjoying my anger!
Yep, this one is a big YIKES
nah another time maybe. the line outside your moms place goes back two blocks
This is a good one to play
I was so disappointed when they originally showed the teases for BF1.
The guy was in no way a WW1 soldier and there was an airship, so I genuinely expected steampunkfield.
Imagine my disappointment.
I was the weirdo who used the aug hbar
Not this shit again
> pic unrelated
>good writing
I know that’s was a little hard for your babby brain to follow the big words and themes, but even so it was light years ahead of BFV and any other political insert sjw trash.
>got over all of the political drama and bought the game anyway
>core gameplay is good but there's no content and the balance is fucking trash in general
I want the game to be good but DICE is simply too retarded to make it happen
the MSR is the best weapon ever made
Battlefront 2 suggests it's pretty much a given.
What part of multiplayer character customisation is "writing"
You know, considering that's nominally what your complaint is about
>There's a Winter War mod coming out for RS2
>it's cod ww2
Wasn't that the one that Yea Forums upheld as the one that did it right only so recently, in stark contrast to BFV?
Who would have thought they would put a political spin on the game to cover up the fact that their last four battlefield games have gotten progressively worse?
Titanfall 2
This. The gunplay is actually good but there aren't enough maps and having to leave severs to change assignments gets old real quick.
Males are the default. Tell me again, are women in selective service?