Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s fun.
it's good
Terrible writing
The characters speak Japanese
It's a great game that makes Yea Forums SEETH
over-exaggerated facial expressions
final boss is your relative
punk rock soundtrack
static title screen
The protagonist is under the age of 20 and kills god
>katanas are the strongest weapon
has japanese game company in intro
>obvious signs OP is a retard
The company that made it is based in Japan
the characters behave in robotic and nonsensical ways
It has garbage english voice acting
>Nothing but waifu fapbait
>Generally simple in story
>tropes done out the ass to the point of cliche
>but hey seriously there’s a lot of fucking fapbait
T. Divinity Kun, cope more
Overwatch is japanese?
Girls and boys look beautiful
VA-11 HALL-A isn't Japanese.
It has cute girls and fun gameplay.
The female characters don't look pig disgusting and generally are pleasant to interact with.
Crash Bandicoot?
>cheap-ass feeling hub world where you launch missions from
>escape key closes the game
It’s mediocre but gets disproportionately praised due to having fapbait
characters swing right arm outwards when upset
Its censored by Snoy
Japanese "Humor"
Sexualized children that no one bats an eye at
i want to play it
Females had weird personality quirks, and embaressed if you see her stripping, even when her regular costume shows cleavage, pits, ass crack, tummy, thigh, and basically 80% naked.
Character scratches the back of their head when embarrassed
that's just ridiculous
attractive big tiddie girls.
little girls
the pc port is a bugged-out mess
big tits are not attractive at all
t. ranny
>big tiddie
good soundtrack
I mean, if you gay. but even gay guys are fascinated by a rockin' set of tits.
That bounce turns gay men straight.
why even reply you homo
>Well Yea Forums?
Good looking women
having a doujin
that looks fucking disgusting
Horrible UI
>t pedophile
you'll get over it soon
The katana is treated as a serious and powerful weapon and not a pathetic antiquated joke.
No, sorry, still gay thankfully.
it's shit
>romance plot
>girl does all the work
spiky-hair guy with his fapbait teen friends defeat the god by the power of friendship
It's not a bug ridden mess
>but even gay guys are fascinated by a rockin' set of tits.
Oh boy this again.
Flawed 3rd person camera that can screw you over in combat
Women with sex appeal being obvious to their design if not pivotal.
They speak japanese
I fucking hate japanese games because they have all the fetish imaginable but don't do puke, a fetish which Japan is ace on it.
Not even hentai games.
Fuck jap games, I will stick with the porn and doujins.
physics tied to framerate
Yea Forums defends it because it has titties.
Excessive RNG in a singeplayer game
Man why DO Japanese games always end up with you fighting literally god.
One merchant where you buy all weapons, armor and consumables
You mean darkest dungeon?
Who else is there left to fight when your level 99?
>first image reply isn't the dancing scene webm from xenoblade
fucking shameful
Hey Big Bro!
there has GOT to be a better way of addressing honorifics
The music is actually good instead of being shitty ambient orchestral shit that doesn't even play for 90% of the game.
Breath of the Wild is Japanese, though.
"featuring Dante from the devil may cry series"
>there has GOT to be a better way of addressing honorifics
There is. Drop them completely. We don't use that stupid shit in the glorious west except under specific professional circumstances where respect is earned and not just automatically granted as a privilege of birth.
this is the post
Look up Japanese religions, their God's are beings that kill and torture humans for fun
Except they don't attack their own gods nearly as much as they attack the Christian God and he is the exact opposite of a being that kills and tortures humans for fun.
The women are attractive.
seriously, if I think about it, I don't think I've ever played a bad game that was made in japan
I'm not into that many genres though, so there are lots of japanese games I haven't played, but when a japanese game falls into the genre I like I usually love them
not even a weeb, I love western vydia too, but I've played shitty western games in my favourite genres many times
I don't know, maybe I was just lucky every time I picked up a japanese game
Awful characters and plot
Either very unique or extremely bland combat/mechanics
Stupid premise and gimmick
Point of the game is to be fun, never any purposeful artistic merit (because Japanese people are about a decade behind when it comes to vidya)
A mere teenager saves the world and looks like a total Hot Topic faggot, but is smarter and stronger than the adults.
>he is the exact opposite of a being that kills and tortures humans for fun.
I don't know about that one.
>Story is based on surface level knowledge of the Bible like God, Satan, and angels.
>Main character is some kind of cheap analog of Jesus or some shit.
>Something-something God is the final boss.
>The weebs clap and analysis the story like it's the deepest and most original thing ever written every time.
Sony's been a soft western dev for the past couple gens now.
No main characters have facial hair
The 1-2 people who do have it are stupid, evil or both
Also none of your characters are older than 16
The 13 year old girls look like this
Christfags are absolutely seething.
Real life children are smelly, drooling troglodytes who visually resemble animals more than humans
This is the pedo version of vegan steak, trying to fool themselves that they’re normal
There is a character who really loves food and refers to the fact he is hungry at inappropriate times.
This is the height of Japanese "humor".
Make a good game where you kill god and we wouldn’t give a fuck
Go true to the Old Testament, utilize canon and designated his personality as one so alien and incomprehensible as to warrant destruction. Maybe that’s his intent, as an omnipotent being would see all possibilities
We seethe because it’s the same old shit over and over again. 15 year old virgin gradually gains a party of devoted friends and sluts without trying, finds a superficial confidence in himself and cuts god (who is more often than not just a fucking analogue for an overbearing dad/American imperialism) down effortlessly with his katana
Git güd at blasphemy faggot
The food looks mouth wateringly delicious and you wish you were eating it for yourself.
Basically this.
You're not disproving my point, faggitron. If your God is true, if He truly is the figure that you believe Him to be, then he doesn't need you to defend Him. All you're doing is projecting your own pride onto video games and disgusting it as righteous anger. You don't care that they attacked your God - you care that they attacked your identity. Moral of the story is: get over yourself, or go feed some lions.
Underage anime girl is the supreme commander of military special force.
>character is sleeping
>snot bubble
You're the one taking as a defense for God. The point is the story is shallow and done before. It's cliche at this point in Nipponese media.
>Look up themes of the story.
>Some random shit from the Bible.
>Weebs: "OMG it's stuff from the Bible! So cool! Sp deep!"
Gimme a break.
The women don't look like men.
In fact, everyone probably looks like a woman.
>he can’t read
Said it at the start, I’ll say it again. Make something good and I won’t care
God’s a big boy he doesn’t need me defending him on a Korean basket weaving forum
He doesn’t have to put up with Japanese self insert fanfiction fedora tripping weebs like you say is biting social commentary, but I do so I’ll bitch and moan all fucking want:
Make the god killer literally anyone but a 15 year old Japanese boy
When you call something named shit like leviathan or Metatron, incorporate the text available so you don’t come off looking like a retard
You’re killing the anchor and focal point of the universe, DO SOMETHING INTERESTING WITH THAT!
Maybe killing him restarts the universe, maybe a pagan god steps in to fill the power vacuum, maybe humans take his place as a hive mind and an alien race has to kill THEM
Give me ANYTHING but this schlock and fap bait you faggots call video games
It says "Made in Japan"
You will care. You'll always care. You'll always find something to nitpick and bitch about. That's my point. Your identity is being attacked. You'd only accept it if it was the most castrated fucking critical depiction of your faith as possible. If you had some issue with the historicality or the depiction of the particulars of Christianity and its rituals, I'd support that. But that's not what it's about, so stop pretending. You've already created a strawman to argue against in terms of how the Japanese depict Christianity on video games. Don't move the goalposts, now. You've already shown your hand with your first fucking post.
You're wasting your energy. Weebs eat everything Nipsnigger shit as long as they have cute anime girl.
I guess it's because, if you pretty much stay true to God's omnipotent power level, the protagonist can do nothing but lose, and you have to come up with something very complex to beat him - like maybe you have another god comes in and assists you or an Angel has been working on a weapon to defeat him somehow behind his back and gives it to you as a last ditch effort.
Do you think you were born that way or just changed your mind later?
no minorities
It has the saying "I guess it can't be helped"
>This is the pedo version of vegan steak
that is a surprisingly good analogy.
>it can't be helped
>0 results
baka desu senpai
All characters can be sorted into simple categories to prevent their character development from being too deep or interesting, also the story probably has been done a million times before and better in other forms of media.
The animations are janky, and the gameplay itself boils down to your mashing x and running from point a to point b, with maybe an optional point c somewhere in the mix.
But at least the music's good.
Stop having fun you racist
I beat you by seconds
The villain is an assblasted NEET. He makes surprisingly good points for his ideals, but the protags tell him some generic shit like he doesn't have any friends and that everything will work out in the end because some group of people are cool - not even trying to debate him.
From a Japanese video game company
go back to resetera
go back to r/the_donald
seething adachicuck
>Yea Forums finally admits Japanaroo is the best when it comes to making games
There was a time when the west made quality releases, but that time has long passed. Maybe we'll get a golden age in the next 5 years? We're all obviously fed up to the brim with the virtue signaling by-the-numbers garbage that keeps being made, something has to give
The most underaged girl is sexualized and the older girl is treated as an old granny even though she's only in her early or mid 20s.
Thread should have ended here.
Came here to post this
It's either really good or really terrible.
I think they'll notice it when sales and reviews drop harder than a 737 Max 8.
There are character designs like these.
They take their cool and hardcore mythology and turn it into the faggiest shit possible. The Gods and demons are little girls and pop ideal prettyboys. The male protag looks a like a girl and lacks personality and is also very special. There are long-winded speeches that sound like nonsense, but are treated as impactful.
gay characters are there as a funny joke and not as a political agenda
Horrible mouse and keyboard support
Evil gods.
jesus christ I wish that was me
Memorable music
You can kill a god with the power of frenshit.
>Female character falls for you for little to no reason and starts attaching affectionate honorifics to your name (or nicknames if its fully translated in burger language to the T).
>she don't cum in her face/mouth
Hello Re*ddit!
GIANT swords bigger than people. Used by normal sized guys.
I think we're forgetting one thing:
>Most of the females look white while the males, usually the protag, looks somewhat asian or outright eurasian.
as opposed to talking like they've watched to many american movies and forgot how to talk normally
>The plot is some kind of reference to some old, yet known western storybook.
Came here to post this
It usually doesn't go for shitty "'"cinematic"""" orchestral music.
There are some exceptions but 90% of Jap games have good osts where as 90% of modern western games have shit OSTs.
it is the overthrow of the final authority
so who molest you as a child?
weird cursor in menu... cute sound design... odd color palette.... weird va.....oddly very good gameplay....sometimes comfy in a way that cannot be emulated ever (see ffx and ffxv)....
>fun gameplay.
there are some Japanese games that don't have fun gameplay
it is only released in the west, cause the VA got caught with drugs.
>Shit humour
>Something about lolis
>shitty voice acting
Got that? Good, cause western games are actually worse, and that makes me sad.
came to post this
>The most underaged girl is sexualized
They're full of clichès to the brim and full of obnoxious fanservice with no point.
Very few japanese games don't fall for this crap, like pic related
The game has one mechanic that's a little fucked.
FP indeed BP
nice job user.
gameplay not just press F to be cool
Alright, let's see..
>cringe dialog
>cringe character design
>cringe story
>awkward gameplay
sexualises little kids
This is true
This is also true
you kill god
>They're full of clichès to the brim and full of obnoxious
Far more a western problem.
incels like it
Good things
>actual humor
>good looking female characters
>focus on gameplay
Bad things
>tasteless fanservice out of nowhere
>humor sometimes devolves into cringe anime shit
>low budget and effort in graphics (and they get a free pass for it)
>you have to kill god \ enemies based on christian iconography
>If the focus is on story, it most likely ends with the bad guy wanting to become god and rebuilding the world for no reason
panty shots
It's usually the old testament god and while you could argue it's not for fun, what other reason would an all-knowing and all-powerful being have for all those "tests"
Have sex.
>dong dong dong BUM BUM
yep i do
No, you have sex, incel
female characters are actually attractive
characters don't get retconned into gay/trannies with few notable exceptions like poison because had to be marketed in the west and hitting women was a no-no
You are allowed to kill all your friends.
That's the problem of english and its limited options for translation.
EA tier jewery is overlooked by Yea Forums
>Blaming it on English and on Japanese for being a retarded and very impractical caveman-level language
It isn't leftist propaganda
They wake up
It bursts
It focus on gameplay instead of trying to be a "cinematic experience"
except for Visual Novel of course but you get what I mean
Sort of like said (but not exactly), this comes down to the simple fact that set phrases/stock phrases see a lot more use with less or even NO variety in Japanese. English, on the other hand, has tons and tons with a lot more variety that actually get used on a regular basis.
Besides tweaks for politeness, these and several other "set phrases" are relied on quite a bit and people really do use and say them a lot.
One of the tricky parts of translating to English is that some translators, fans, etc, want to keep it "pure" and "true to the original" which is where you'll get dumb awkward shit like "it can't be helped."
It should be noted that you won't even notice that it's strange sounding in Japanese because it 100% isn't. Again, stock/set phrases are super common. Shit dude, I heard a random oba-san say the contents of pic related on the phone the other day while at a shop, but I've never heard anyone IRL say "you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
A good localizer will take the line and convey the same feeling and sense in a variety of ways as they fit individual scenarios rather than doing just the 1 translation. A shitty translator will use whatever program they're running to auto-fill every instance of 仕方がない with "it can't be helped."
A thing worth mentioning also is that Japanese is an incredibly expressive language, but so very few people actually use it to its full potential which is a damn shame. So it's not for a lack of ways or means in Japanese, it's flat-out that a lot of media and even IRL people do not seem to flex their command of their language to the extent that the average English speaker does.
While I'm not a fan of big tits at all, the way they are drawn in Japanese media is usually pretty disgusting in itself
shit ui, clunky ps2 era menus
how can i upvote here?
Environments feel like they were made in Unity by a fucking child. Interactions with the game world are extremely strictly defined, creativity is stifled.
Questnable Worldbuilding
>don’t change the goalposts
>as he changes the goalpost
I started off saying I give a shit about games being shit or not and you took my vague hint of belief and rolled it into a fedora fest
God I love this site
It’s like talking to a fucking wall sometimes
That’s actually interesting. Like have Krishna, Odin or even an angel like Raphael team up with a human (either out of gain or opposition to god) and break reality to make a fight with the almighty possible.
Fuck you could pull a twist and it turns out it’s the fucking demiurge instead of just God, then pull a double whammy and make Sophia evil too!
D i s g u s t i n g
You are either gay or soulless my friend
Female characters don't look like mutated troglodytes.
There's an "old wise man" type character except they're about 28 because the main characters from jap games are never older than 17.