Looks like it was dead on arrival

Looks like it was dead on arrival

Sexy or not, at the end of the day it was a niche game in a niche genre

Attached: IMG_20190330_061736.jpg (1577x2048, 266K)

Attached: serves you right.png (500x297, 64K)

Even the waifufags know it.

God, that's a shitty drawing of Marie.

what's up with the tumblr noses?

also DOA has always been niche, Shimbori really fucked up in trying to make DOA more mainstream and appeal the EVO audience.

the entire drawing is some turboshit

>what's up with the tumblr noses?
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

making bad art of marie rose should be a crime punishable by death

Attached: 30 shoes.jpg (525x384, 35K)

There are steps taken to avoid more genocide

get out you disgusting degenerate tranny futa freak

>try to appeal to the EVO audience
>release a game with no lobbies and shit netcode
??? when will they fucking learn?

get some taste, losers


t. German who likes that artstyle

Why german?

that one porn game

The art looks so good, but the faces have the case of 'incase' - sameface and not representative of the characters.

Execution is 10/10 though.

Get your eyes checked it looks nothing like it.

Not tumblr noses newfriend

this is my wife Kokoro, say something nice about her.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-06 16-27-15-05.jpg (1920x1080, 883K)

She's very smart for a 'slow' person.

what looks best?

one side up.

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-29 23-59-07-79.jpg (1920x1080, 599K)

From an outsider perspective DoA 6 looks like the same exact game as DoA 5. None of the new characters are appealing, the graphical style is exactly the same, the gameplay looks the same. In terms of content and presentation it doesn't do anything interesting.

No shit. Ive never understood the appeal of this lackluster fighting game except to low iq nigger cavemen
>mmmm titty physics on polygon woman me spens 60 bucks to look!


Attached: DOA6 2019-03-29 23-58-18-87.jpg (1920x1080, 587K)

or pigtails?

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-29 23-58-23-64.jpg (1920x1080, 591K)

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-29 23-58-44-42.jpg (1920x1080, 572K)


Get fucked Yea Forumstards
>"MUH glourious Nippon sexy ladies! Gamers rise up! fucking SJWs!"
>game flops
>"i-it was a niche game anyway!"

Well all fighting games are made for low iq nigger cavemen in general, what did you expect.

This one is the cutest

gimme an artist source ubum

guhahhuhh.... imma need the srouce

Attached: 1552508181808.jpg (1024x576, 248K)

I think he calls himself kairuhentai now



Attached: DeadOrAlive6.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

Incel game. Entire fanbase needs to kill themselves. I’ve noticed they’ve all moved on to the gacha since it got released on steam. Really shows how pathetic the DOA “fanbase” is that the unmarketed region locked echi gachashit is more popular than the fighting game

big ups

love the sweat/dirt effects in the game

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-30 00-01-03-83.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Leotard with shorts is such a fucking hot combination

Only if they are ripped denim

I use the sidetail on my Kokoro. She's a nice girl

Attached: 20190325010146_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

You have paid today's tribute, haven't you user?

Attached: Dv38OD1V4AAYqnS.jpg (540x491, 40K)

I want to get dirty with Kokoro.

Fist her Innocence.

Kokoro is a good girl.

..headpats if she's a good girl

Headpats only if she is a good girl. Hugs and cuddles if she is a very good girl.

Attached: kokorofacetest_by_urashima_taro_d8wwz55.jpg (961x831, 170K)

But that would encourage her to only be a good girl, not a very good girl since she is a slut for headpats

I am new to the franchise. Should I start with DOA6?

Is this a PS3 game?

No. Modern DOA is a vehicle for costume DLC packs, we're only in it for the waifus. 6 is especially bad.

DOA 5 has a couple free versions you can try instead.

I forgot that she gets very excited for Headpats.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__36 copia.jpg (900x1600, 126K)

it has a free version

STILL no lobbies
STILL no matchmaking filters
STILL no region selection
STILL just a single online mode with zero modifiers

Jesus fucking mary joseph H christ, what a disaster.

>still no ssr

Even the threads are dead I guess

Artist does really nice buttholes though

She is a geisha.

i guess it helps that the artist thinks about mens assholes all the time

Died the same reason Senran Kagura did.
It just doesn't fit the current tastes of society.

if he fixes his fucking proportions for once he'd be good

Western trash like this all looks the same

Thicc footfaggotry is his entire niche tho

He didn't get any exposure when he drew waifs

DOA6 has a free version as well. With DOA5 and so far DOA6 all the DLC costumes have sucked. Who actually buys this shit?

>art style is slightly different from mainstream anime
>"tumblr noses tho!"

I think it's not very appealing too, but stop being braindead

Yea Forums forgot what tumblrnose even means a year ago.

>at the end of the day it was a niche game in a niche genre
or maybe it was just shit?
I dont know what game we're talking about btw

She looks pure Jap while she's actually a half White and another note Hitomi is half Japanese but she looks 100% White girl.

You have prosopagnosia if you think those faces look the same

>be KT
>okay we'll sell this sequel like an AAA game
>but cut out 2 characters to be sold as pre-order DLC
>we'll still have a fuck ton cosmetic costumes for the waifufags
>gomen, lobbies will have to be delayed a month after launch
>lol jk it'll be patched in end of April

Attached: Ay Dios Mio.jpg (2560x1440, 568K)

You have a case of stupidicus dumbicus pretendicus not seeing iticus if you think what you think. The artist has a case of 'eyes too close togetherism' in this image particularly. Call it style, i don't care but that is what it is. Could he his personal choice too, so it's not like it's an objective flaw.

In his defense though even one is supposed to be an asian and the other one a swede, DOA itself is pretty generic copy pasta face, so i'll excuse him/her not making the asian one look like an asian. Still the art is better than 99% of trash fanart made by both westerners or masses of asian mediocrity.

Nice goalpost-moving.
The faces look different from one another.

I'm not a fan of it but the noses are cute.

Also tumblr noses are red and bulbous.

that fanart is awful

The face looks similar to one another. Get rekt kid.

Where's your fanart bub?

About to

censor this snoy

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190330_115927.jpg (1920x1080, 376K)

>less than a month after launch
>the state of DOA

Attached: This game deserves to be at EVO.jpg (2266x1024, 487K)

>I will stick to my delusion
Well at least you're not moving the goalposts in a cringeworthy ramble anymore

Why are these ugly western art styles not dead on arrival? Who likes this trash?

Attached: uglyzelda.jpg (500x500, 117K)

no such thing, there is only that which is pushed by media