Game has morality system

>game has morality system

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>lawful good
Unless you’re also keeping it in the packaging, all that air is just going to make the bread go stale faster. Bread boxes are complete memes, pushed by Neutral Evil entities looking to swindle you out of your money.

Chaotic Neutral masterrace

I put my bread in the fridge and then fry it on a pan, have I transcended morality?

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Had a chaotic evil room mate once. He also never flushed the toilet after trimming his pubes.

>Game lets you choose your alignment

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pizzas are just open-faced sandwiches

>chip butty

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No you are an abomination against humanity and all of Christendom

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What about putting the bread in the fridge

SP/IR is the objectively correct answer.

>we now understand the metaphysics of morals

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Based negro

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>the strong independant woman who commits horrendously awful and evil actions is considered good by the games karma system and you will face a penalty for killing her

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There is literally no reason to ever not use the twist & tuck method, and anyone who doesn't is a fart-huffing mongoloid.

There's nothing wrong about lawful evil.

Shin Megami Tensei time huh?

SR/IN is the objectively right answer and everyone else is either a bootlicker or retarded

I've always done it
>lawful neutral clip
Not sure where that leaves me.

Why would you not re-use the bag clip?

>not putting in the fridge

this. anything less than titty press to remove air as well as a twist and tuck is asking for mold and food aids.

SN/IN is perfectly fine, but a chip butty sounds disgusting dunno if that's just me.

>not making your own bread


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>cold bread

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neutral evil here
I also only eat rye bread that has crust hard enough to be used as murder weapon

It takes longer for it to get stale if you don't actively eat a lot of bread. You take it out of the fridge in advance.

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>tying a knot
>Lawful evil

But only if the knot is lose as fuck because that's what I do.

>not tying a knot and putting in the fridge
The absolute state of this board.

This. Taking the time to do anything else uses valuable seconds which will add up to AT LEAST an hour in a lifetime which you'll wish you had spent getting mad at anons on Yea Forums.

Twist and tuck is the true way of doing things

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There is factually nothing wrong with leaving it open and eating stale bread

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I also like crunchy bread

>Have cold bread
>Heat it
>Bread no longer cold
Thank you thermodynamics

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I’m chaotic neutral

>moldy bread in two days
Fridge increases shelf life by like 10x

Unless the bread is starting to ice up, fridge bread is practically the same as room temperature to me. I actually prefer it colder anyway for the ol' cheese sandwich.


wtf everything it's a sandwich now

Relativist degenerate.

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Which are you?

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Twist and tuck is all you need if you have any testosterone in your system at all.

>wholesome at all

post the burger chart

Chad lolicon weeb.

1.) What is the bottle hack?
2.) I tie the bread using the same knot that shoe stores use were you can pull the dangly part and the knot instantly disappears. It's a DIY seal that's easy to undo and requires no 3rd party component. I am not charted :(

I bet you twist and tuck before you hit the streets in your miniskirt

>google image search
>0 results

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what the fuck is the 'bottle hack'?

>no one here leaves the bag open
What are your retarded?

Do Americans really buy bread that's been sliced?

you cut the spout off of a bottle and thread the bag end through it. then you screw the cap on.

Wolfaboo mall ninja

That sounds extremely unnecessary when literally anything else would work just fine

Except for fancy people who buy from bakeries, yes.

Depends on where you buy it from, some stores and most bakeries sell fresh whole loafs but yeah most buy pre sliced loafs.

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Also most bread we have is too soft to cut without a machine without smashing it.

I do a variation of neutral and evil except the knot and rubberband. If it's almost full I'm more likely to use the clip though.

omg that is so me XDDD

SN/IP here. Not everything is a sandwich. Are my fucking nuts a sandwich cause they're wrapped in skin?

I only buy rolls or unsliced loaves of bread. No bag needed

Bread makes you fat

>the game punishes you for being bad and rewards you for being good
i hate this shit so much

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Only white bread

Retard didnt make it on the list. Sorry

Breadboxes are fine. The issue is bread is shit these days. You are supposed to eat a sourdough that is dense and heavy as fuck. It will get a few spots of mould on the outside after a week or so but you just scrape it off. This doesn't matter because a good bread is still pretty much alive, it 's a probiotic.

That being said bread is the ultimate poverty food. The only breads that aren't poverty tier are practically cakes.

>That being said bread is the ultimate poverty food.
What does that even mean, you idiot

God damn you faggots suck so much fucking dick

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Sourdough is FACTUALLY the best bread

Poor people can afford bread, I guess?

yes it does, it also makes it stale

I'm Lawful Neutral, as expected.

>a hot dog is a sandwich

Fucking kek

Yep, I'm the idiot because you don't know what things are. You got me.

That's Lawful Evil.

Chips in a sandwich actually taste great.

>make up a thing
>haha your an idiot because you don't know what things are
stop posting

>npc attacks you
>kill them in self defense
>town now hates you and god deems you less worthy for his kingdom

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>I don't know what a thing is, so it had to be made up

Cold bread peanut butter sandwich is good food in a rush if you keep it in the fridge

Poverty food isn't a thing though, its a phrase with no meaning. Stop repeating it if you can't defend what it is or explain it to others


Yes everything is a sandwich

Is English your second language? Do you not have access to Google?

A simple search would tell you what poverty food is. A simple breakdown of the two words would show that it is food of those in poverty. Do you not know what Poverty means? or is the word food what has you confused?

I believe spaghetti is a sandwich. Also soup. Who am I?

Richard Hammond?

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Nigga my dad used to split a hot dog in the middle then put peanut butter and jelly between them microwave it then eat that shit, literally anything can be a sandwich after that abortion as long as it tastes good.

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What if I leave it open in a cupboard?