
Game in jap

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Other urls found in this thread:


So excited I posted the wrong link

This is the patch

I still cant believe this is fucking real

>AA game gets released
>Japanese Only
>everyone claims its the best
>fan patch comes out
>people realize it's really not that good
>60 GOTO 10

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Making a prepatched CIA but I dunno if it'll work and it may take a while due to shit upload speeds so temper your expectations

>investigations 2

I want to play it, but seems like I have to break my console for it. Not sure if I'm ready to try

Is there a way to emulated?
Because I don't feel like going through the effort to make it work on my 3DS.

Didn't the translators try to virtue signal by making the patch only work on official copies?

I forgot that game existed


>Android version too
absolutely based


CIA uploader here, I just grabbed a RF CIA from 3DSISO and the patch installed just fine. Dunno if there's some kinda anti piracy snag baked in but I highly doubt it, it likely would've failed at installation or general bootup

Yeah, they did in the release of the first chapter. It caused a lot of controversy and they removed it afterwards.

I remember the translators tried to pull some stunt where they wanted the patch to work with the official copies because they thought forcing people to import it would convince capcom the west wanted it

except most of AAI2's praise came after the patch

mega.nz/#F!OU0FlIpb!kbpzDZpfqoqwoxf2SCsMIw Link to the full game and the 2.4.0 CIA that the patcher generated, just in case the base CIA somehow doesn't work. Hoping this works out for you all, because I ain't making another one due to high chance of being outpaced by someone better

Anyone try running this in citra yet?
I really dont want to get my 3ds out anymore.

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So how is it? Does it live up to the hype?


> So how is it? Does it live up to the hype?
It's mediocre.

Does this game make use of the 3DS much? Specifically the touch screen and 3D effects.

So anyone with some level of Japanese understanding and experience with the original know how good this translation is?

Seems to work, but is very slow on my machine. Gonna try out some alternate builds of Citra.

Most games that utilize the touch screen are either for alternative menu navigation or camera countrols, I imagine it'll be the same with this

I doubt it's the entire game.


Yeah I'm getting about half speed during that first animated cutscene. Although at the title screen and immediately after it when you get the text boxes I was getting about 93% speed when I lowered it to native res. Anything above that just tanks it.
It's definitely not unplayable but the stuttering music is enough to make me wait for better performance.

Nightly 1185 by the way

Kek, why would you doubt it? 4/5 chapters have been done for months

Use the canaries faggot, it runs at full speed

Latest Canary?

>dolphin porn

Tfw fan translations save the day while Capcom continues to sit on AA. "Unmissable" huh

Where's the Android port?

Asougi comes back in the next game as prosecutor. He was sent to america to kill Tobias Gregson, but Judge Jigoku kills him instead.

Also, Sherlock Holmes is the mastermind.

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Even canary is just under full speed for me. What specs and/or settings are you using?

No it doesn't.


Canary chugs at the intro, once you get into game it's pretty fast

>can finally play DGS myself in English
>it's one half of a duology, with both games directly tying into each other in linear fashion
>DGS is essentially an incomplete story without DGS2

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Waiting for prepatched since I'm on an ancient version of Luma.

>Can't use citra because x32

I have the DGS cia with only the 2 cases translated. What should I now? Do I download the patch from and install the CIA?

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>Sherlock Holmes is the mastermind
That's pretty kino if it's true.

So the smaller file is the patch and the other cia is the game already pre-patched?

Nah fuck this I'm waiting for a CIA version

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Okay now time to wait for 2

You need to backup your save first, I recommend JKSM to do that.

They quite literally said in the blog that they're already deep into translating DGS2 and that it's going much. much faster. To the point where you can expect (baring the literal death of someone working on it) another update post soon.

>Script work in TGAA2 is moving at a breakneck pace compared to previous episodes, so unless someone important gets hit by a bus, hopefully me or someone else will be writing up another one of these lame release posts soon.

Stay strong brother, soon we can Finish The Fight(tm)

I like how you mixed real and fake spoilers there. Keeps people on their toes.

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April fools' joke?

>All links are .cia files

Anyone have it converted to .3ds?

Yeah, the guy who was running the show, at least in part, was dead set on doing this. I railed against him for it and he wouldn't budge, but I guess the response from the general public kicked his ass.

I still can't get this shit to run i've never used citra jesus fuck

Wasn't there a tool to convert .cia files to .3ds?

I was actually looking for this the other day because I wanna try to make a hack for RE Mercenaries 3D that fixes the shit sound but I couldn't find the bastard

Lost interest after cunts here spoiled it all.

thread theme

That would be github.com/matiffeder/stuff

I'm trying to use it and it's not working for me. Just end it senpai.

This part was spooky as fuck.

Yeah I don't think that thing converts cias to .3ds files, user. Doesn't work for me, either

Though it'd help if I could read autism-speak so I could just look at the .bat and see what it does

5/10 game. Case 2 and Case 4 are 3/10 cases. 1 and 3 are 7/10 cases and Case 5 is 8/10
DGS2 is a 9/10 game tho with the only off case being the 1st one

Followed this
And was able to convert the 3DS file, the one posted by
But it's on Japanese
How do I patch it (without a hacked 3DS?)

Okay so now how do I continue after episode 4 instead of starting over after I apply the patch ?

have fun waiting for DGS2 once you realize this game is literally just a prologue lol

by starting the game and clicking continue

>Ends on cliffhanger
>Sequel isn't even translated yet
Why even bother?

But doesn't it fuck up your save ?

i like how it's using actual old 1900s german

Runs at 30-50fps on citra for me. Going to wait for better compatibility before starting chapter 2.

So can you directly patch over the old installed translation with this patch?

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back to confirm that i was able to do this

So I spent the last hour trying to figure out a way to patch a 3DS ROM without Luma
I can't find anything
It was so simple for the DS...

OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT Gotta download this when I get home OSSHIT!!

I read years ago that DGS1 was only Part 1 of the overall story, with DGS2 continuing just after DGS1 ends, and if you only played DGS1 it could leave a bad impression because Case 5 doesn't features a big climax like the other AA games

translators are already preparing to work on 2 iirc

>So the smaller file is the patch and the other cia is the game already pre-patched?
The big file is just the base game without the patch. You need to install the small file as well in order to play the translated version.

Well people here are not very helpful, but fine, I will pass along my knowledge for anyone that want to play it on Citra-

2.Download the latest Citra version
Turns out lately they added a option to install CIA files so you can skip the part about converting CIA to 3DS
3.Install the main CIA file via Citra
4.Install the patch CIA file via Citra
5.Play it in glorious 60% speed

DGS1 and 2 are basically one game split into two parts.

Thats vasically all completely true, DGS 1 just leaves questions and every single case is unresolved, DGS2 solves both itself and its predecessor in one game

thanks for the post user, had no idea this was a thing now. hope you're having an awesome day.

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there's the citra 3ds emulator, but who knows if this will even work with it. has any user here tried it yet?

shit, I'm retarded. missed everything below talking about citra.

Damn, no one made an already patched version? I'll try making a patched CIA and post it later

But AAI 2 was legitimately great

Read the thread


>yfw tap dancing

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Man the SD card reader on 3DS and DS are shit. Constant fucking problems detecting the card.

This one is shit though.

Wait for the sequel

I have a problem with how fucking slow the O3DS SD reader is. I bought an expensive ass SD card without realizing that there wasn't gonna be that much of a difference speed wise because it can't handle shit. God this shit is slow.

>OP posts the game, the patch, the program for patching, and the instructions
>The patching process is literally three steps (Patch, install, run)

>"Meh, I'll wait for a pre-patched .cia

Y'all are a bunch of lazy motherfuckers

Thank you OP! Now the eternal question :
>Android when?
Also is there an actual cracked version of DGS available online? Since I can't read moonrunes, I'm not able to read what's written when I look up for the apk on Google.

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Apple fags on suicide watch.

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DGS2 has like 5 of the hypest moments in the entire franchise

>doing an investigation
>youtube.com/watch?v=8ChmdL8rnS4 starts playing

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>tfw my ds top screen died weeks before AAI2 english release
I'm still mad. I couldn't even finish Conan/Kindaichi game.

We can all agree that the cases were kinda weak in DGS1. But they absolutely nailed the atmosphere and the soundtrack, the end result is a very comfy game. This is what Apollo Justice should have been

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Has that playthrough of DGS2 been translated yet? The first game was alright but i've heard a lot of great shit about the 2nd.

According to the translation team they're gonna be done with DGS2 way faster than DGS1, so I'd just wait for the game to be playable.

I understand Japanese and gave it a look just to see. It's honestly a load of shit. They miss out on a load of puns and references to real stuff like Natsume Souseki's books (like the cat) and the quality of the translation in general seems like it was done by someone who only understood half of what was being said. It's cleaned up by a native English speaker after the fact so it may not be immediately apparent.

There's also a bunch of straight-up rewrites which seem highly questionable, not sure if they did this as "localization" or because they straight up didn't understand any of the source text and just made up stuff to cover it.

I'm sure people will come to defend how it's better than nothing but I just want to say that this does not at all represent how good the game actually is.

Do note that Daigyakuten 1 is literally only half a game. The stuff with Asougi and Watson's father and the Baskervilles and so on doesn't even come up until 2, which is the second half and climax (multiple climaxes in fact) of the story.

>There's also a bunch of straight-up rewrites which seem highly questionable, not sure if they did this as "localization" or because they straight up didn't understand any of the source text and just made up stuff to cover it.

anyone got a link for the translated cia?

>One of the best tracks in the entire series
>Only used twice
Though admittedly it playing for the last testimony in case 5 of DGS1 was absolutely amazing.

nvm, I'm retarded

First you hack your 3DS, then you follow the instructions on how to patch the file. There's no reason for you to not have a hacked 3DS.

Half of Natsume Souseki's lines (pretty much everything that references/quotes one of his books) are a load of nonsense.


Seconding these

Can anyone verify the pre-patched cia works fine?

I loaded it up on citra and it was all in jpn until i installed the second cia. I imagine a 3ds would experience the same thing.

Why are we talking about the two countries who fused to become current day Japanifornia? It's part of the past.

I feel like this happens with any game that is Japanese exclusive for the longest time. I think the one time I was really burned on this was that Front Mission game, I spent all that time emulating it and.. I liked 4 better.

Oh my fucking god that first case was AGONIZING.

Please tell me it gets better.

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It gets worse because the script gets more complex and they clearly can't handle it.

I was so damn excited for this game when it wasn't out. The trailers, the music is simply outstanding, and yet.... Here I am, three years later and never moved a finger to play those since I can't read moonrunes for shit. Maybe I will finally give it a chance now

I should start reading moonrunes asap though

It had nothing to do with the quality of the dialogue. The case was just horribly structured and needlessly long given the low quality of the twists.

I honestly cannot imagine people thinking DGS2 is mediocre relative to the other GS games, but I'm sure I'll be proven wrong.

ace attorney truly has one of the worst localization of all time

Given the quality of this translation I can actually see it happening.

>garbage fan translation makes good game look bad
>durrrrrr dis game is shit

Is there a cracked APK for the game out there?

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>I imagine a 3ds would experience the same thing.
Yep. game was in moonrunes until I installed the second cia.

At least read the top link in the thread you dumb shit

For someone that finished both games, enjoy it. But be prepared to get blue balls by the ending of the first game.

The first game itself is good, it has all good cases in it, with the 2nd and the 3rd case being the best. The last case does a nice job on finishing one major plot introduced in the first game, but the ending of it will just give everyone blue balls. The main problem of DGS1 its that has a lot of foreshadowing but you can't totally understand that till you play DGS2.

Before you ask, yes. DGS2 overall is a better game. DGS1 is just good, does its job on being a introductive chapter of the duology.

really? I honestly thought 4 was a drag compared to 5, links not having to be assigned and class focus made it way more fun

Retard. He didn't ask for the android translation but for the apk itself

>playing cliffhanger: the game
>a game where EVERY case ends with a cliffhanger that doesn't get resolved until the sequel
>a game where the final case is literally just a prologue for the second game and doesn't answer anything, doesn't have a finale and LITERALLY ends with *cut to black* TO BE CONTINUED
I'm waiting until DGS2 is done.


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You literally just have to run the .cia file while having the decrypted game running to patch it.

That's how I did it with the first game.


It's for the FIRST game?
The game which was already fantranslated ages ago?
What the fuck is the point of this thread?

DGS1 wasn't fantranslated ages ago, you're thinking of the demo or the previous versions of this patch - v1 had Case 1, v2 added Case 2, v3 added Cases 3 and 4, v5 aka final aka this one completely rewrites Case 1 and 2 and adds Case 5.

If you want, yeah do that. But DGS1 isn't that bad as people in this thread want to make you believe.

This can be the most acceptable statement about DGS1.

What? The game wasn't fully translated at all, the first four cases got released half a year or so ago.

>tfw you realize the spotlight sfx for the Joint Reasoning comes from Ghost Trick.

Another reason on why the DGS duology is GOAT.

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Most of the people who actually played it said it was pretty whatever, at least until the second half of it came out and tied up loose ends.

This is right. I haven't played the final case yet, but the cases are noticeably bad - but it doesn't matter as much as, say, 2-3 or 4-3, because the characters and presentation is so fucking good. I never got annoyed while playing, it's comfy as fuck.

For reference, what do you think of AAI2's translation?

Never seen it

Worth a try, it's a fantastic game and the fan translation is generally considered to be Mother 3-tier good.

I'm asking because I'm a bit wary of any criticism of translation that specifically mentions "puns and references", because they're notoriously hard to translate and to get across to an audience in a different language. I thought the main issue with DGS's translation so far was the spottiness of the _English_ in places, but not necessarily the translation. It does generally seem of somewhat lower quality than AAI2's, but that's a high standard.

Android cracked version fucking when

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Didn't the anime end today?

I don't even follow the anime these days, I just collect a few screencaps I find funny.

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I've played all of the games in Japanese.

Puns are one thing, but Daigyakuten has a famous writer as a character in the game talking in quotes from his own books.

This fan translation does the equivalent of having a game where Shakespeare says "my kingdom for a horse", only to translate the line to "I will sell you my house for two donkeys". It's that bad.

So is it specifically Souseki that's bad?

The translation quality all over is shoddy and filled with guesswork but Natsume's just a travesty.

They also inexplicably missed a load of Sherlock Holmes source material references like with the chapter 2 speckled band stuff.

Do these people actually give a single shit about the content of the game? Because from how little they know about them it seems like they don't care/know at all about Natsume Souseki or Sherlock Holmes, at least.

Feels like one of those obnoxious territorial mid-00s fansubbing groups that would lay claim on shows and only did fansubbing for the e-penis stroking, to be honest.

Damn. Maybe you could get in contact with the translators about this issue? Because if I remember correctly even the guys on youtube who did the first game and are currently on DGS2-2 did a better job in that regard

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I dunno. I just did a comparison between the final scene translated by them and a translation that I own that was made by another person. To be fair, this person alone for the final scene managed to do a more elegant english translation.

>They also inexplicably missed a load of Sherlock Holmes source material references like with the chapter 2 speckled band stuff.
What? Explain.

>android version delayed

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Fyi all of this you can just straight up bring up to them, you know. They already did a complete rewrite of the first two cases based on feedback.

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I guess maybe it's because they're not familiar with the Japanese translations of Sherlock Holmes stuff. Daigyakuten has tons of references to Holmes stuff because you know Holmes is in the game, but a lot of this English translation turns the wording into other stuff.

That just means they have someone to rewrite their bad translations into English for them. It means they're good at writing fanfiction, not that they're good at translation.

Unfortunately most people aren't aware of the difference.

I just came to this thread on a whim and actually have no idea who "they" even are.

That was really cute when I heard it for the first time. I had that nagging feeling then it hit me

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>I liked 4 better
What the fuck?

We finaly getting ace attorney in the wild west

I dunno mate. Overall you can just go and report them all the mistakes. I am just happy that more people now get to play DGS1. I hope they deliver also the second game, since as I mentioned before they will get massive blue balls because of the ending of DGS1.

Yes. Takumi is a blessing.

>I guess maybe it's because they're not familiar with the Japanese translations of Sherlock Holmes stuff.
What? Why would they ever need those? As far as I can tell they stuck to the source material, i.e. the English originals. No sense translating back from Japanese what has already been translated from English in the first place. The Holmes references are on point.

>I just came to this thread on a whim and actually have no idea who "they" even are.
Gee, if only there'd be a link to a translator's site somewhere in this thread

They missed a lot.

Can't be bothered.

>I'm just here to swing my dick around without ever really specifying what's wrong and complain without it ever turning into proper feedback
what a downer



>liking 4 over 5
Okay please explain, this is baffling to me

>They missed a lot
Such as?

Daigyakuten 2 is straight up my favourite entry in the whole series so I just hope that it's done justice.

Since it apparently wasn't clear enough: What I meant is that they clearly didn't understand that some stuff in Japanese was meant to be Holmes references and just "translated" them to what the Japanese text literally is (or in some cases, what they thought it literally was) instead of changing it to the Holmes references they actually were.

I didn't think my wording was that hard to understand but I guess the fansubber fans are here now I'm out of here.

fuck happened to the thumbnail

going by his previous posts he doesn't actually have much and just vaguely throws around that it's bad
as a holmes fan i thought they did a good job of incorporating the original stories

>tfw my Luma is at 6.6
>updater crashes when trying to look for "updates for the updater"
>my 3DS itself is some versions behind and it's probably not safe for me to update
>can't be bothered to go through the 3DS hacking/updating ritual which is a huge pain in the ass
guess I'll skip on this one

the translators are a bunch of circlejerking faggots who take any outside criticism as personal attacks and react by blocking the person. heck, they've taken internal criticism as personal attacks and that's why there was a bunch of drama a year and a half ago during the third case's translation

Do I install both of the files using FBI?

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Ah, that makes sense. That sucks. I don't know Japanese so I have no idea where those references were, even though I thought the team had a good idea of the Doyle text itself, I guess their Japanese wasn't up to snuff.

If you ever reconsider giving them specific feedback, that'd be really cool. These games deserve a wide audience and proper translation.

Is this game really good or is like AAI2 (terrible pacing, too much focus in the plot instead of the characters, and characterization etc.)?

is it safe to install this with an earlier version of Luma

fanboys of fansubbers are fucking pathetic

hey fuckhead, just trying to want to have a better translation doesn't make someone a fanboy
this shit is fan-made so you can just contact them


And here they are

you can't though

>android version delayed
Might wait, got a 3DS but seeing SoJ on android being crisp as all hell, no fps drops on cutscenes with in-game models and good sound, I think android will be all around better.

dude I contacted them with some Holmes related shit and general comments back when the fourth episode was release, and it made it into the changes for the first two cases
some random user with an angst agenda isn't gonna change that it's worth a shot if you care about these games

i've been highly critical of this translation from early on, but that tends to, you know, help make it better? fuck off with your conspiracy shit

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The main issue is that DGS1 was made with a sequel in mind, meaning tons of things were pretty much left hanging on purpose

that's cool and all but CASE WHEN

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ok, mr. I'll Sell My House For Two Donkeys


This is unironically how case 5 starts

the same time they always happen

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>ok, mr. I'll Sell My House For Two Donkeys
i thought you were pretending to leave the thread lmao
once again, fucking submit it as feedback instead if it bothers you, make it better for everyone instead of being an angsty faggot about it

Would you recommend waiting for the latter 3 cases to get improved translations then, or do you think they'll generally be fine?

I haven't read any Holmes books so it's not like I'd be getting the references anyway. Also I'd prefer to just play the game now since the risk of coming across spoilers will just increase tenfold as time goes on.

Is the shitty Yea Forums server still working? I'm getting an itch to play it again

If you believe that I have two donkeys to sell you.

i mean, waiting for a final release is technically always better

however, Yea Forums will likely have played all the cases by next week, and half the fun of this shit is discussing it with other people. the original translations of the first four cases were perfectly fine and enjoyable with a few issues that you won't notice if you don't know the original japanese/holmes stories/souseki books. go for it.

it already happened, they already revised shit. you're just spitballing.

Attached: susato.gif (256x192, 511K)

don't bother, it's now full of youtubefags, redditfags and 8chfags. even other servers have better communities now.

Spitballing just as these two donkeys like to spit

Jesus christ fuck off already nigger.

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dude, you're obsessed

Obsessed like you are about donkeys. At least I wouldn't sell my house.

It's still growing

Case 5 is fun so far

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Is a revised translation coming to come out at some point?
If it does come out like that, how do I replace the patch?

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Time to retire this filename.

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Yeah they did, I thought they were still trying to push it despite the fact it makes no sense and I didn't want to support anyone beyond the translators but I had no idea how to patch the game without it physically, so I bought a cheap copy and didn't mind as much as long as it worked.

It worked fine on the first installation and I played the first two cases easily, and then when the 3rd and 4th came out, it wouldn't install even thought nothing had changed, I asked on their forums and they basically just said "reinstall everything lmao"

Thank fuck I randomly walked into a thread that day talking about DGS, and a random user just gave out the cia. Big lifesaver, and honestly same for this thread. Risk bricking my console to patch it or just install the cia some user gave out.

Could you give us an example of the line in japanese, and the line in the english version? Kind of hard to validate your criticism without any specifics.

>can't find AAI2 fantranslation patch anywhere
w-what's going on

does anyone have the patch and could upload it please? or just someone with better google-fu can find it?

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Manually update your luma without the autoupdater. Might have to also install the b9s thing as well. Its easier than hacking it for the first time


What the fuck nigger

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I'll do you one better
Here's an emu and all the NDS AA+AAI games.

lmao go fuck two donkeys I didn't actually look at the translation your a faggot

I also have Luma on 6.6 but just installing these cias worked for me First I installed the full base game and then I installed the english patch cia, both from that same link.

It finally happened.

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So you were just making it up? Expected as much with all those vague gay claims

Great, thanks

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not as gay as you with your two donkeys m8

That was an absolutely booty blasted, and mentally ill post user.

Are you actually retarded?

try downloading it from the page
I can google that too, that doesn't mean the files are up
thanks fampaymicon, I really want to have this on my PC because AAI2 is my favorite game in the series, no contest

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Nah nigger, dude made a bunch of vague assertions about poorly translated or badly done lines just to troll and then sperged about donkeys for an hour, very embarrassing


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You're either the worst samefag ever or legit mentally retarded for taking an obvious falseflag shitposter seriously.

it's not fair bros

i'm not that guy retard two donkey fucker your the only booty blasted mentally ill faggot here :^)

Case 5 is a good final case for DGS1.

Anyway, if you liked DGS1, let me just tell you that DGS2 will just blow you away.

I know, I can't believe he got away with everything

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all you're doing is living in what vaguely resembles a house and then sperging about not having anyone to sell it to for two donkeys, very embarassing

Only being able to take things at face value is an autism thing.

>SMT ...If

Oh, I thought he just pretended to leave. I didn't think falseflags were a common occurence now. It's not like his real points were any less vague though so my points still stand

Ok so i have the game already installed with save file up to the last translated case, what do to upgrade?

What speed should I emulate this game in? If I do 100% it goes above 60 fps and then the music, text speed, and character animations get all wonky.

Personally I go for 2donkeys

Basically drag the files from luma folder into luma on your sd card, 3ds folder into 3ds and turn on your 3ds while holding start to go into the luma menu and use the new ace attorney patch payload

literal retard

There a save file with all cases unlocked, by chance?

Ya havin a giggle, mate? I swear I'll bust ya upside the head. I swear on me mum.

Try 50% or use the framelimiter if there is one
No u

Ya havin a donkey, mate I swear I'll bust ya donkey the head I swear on your donkey mum.

Ya havin two donkeys, mate? I swear I'll bust ya upside the house. I swear on me mum.

I stuck to 90% and it fixed the problem mostly.

it really is nice looking, but it's more likely to have issues because of different kinds of hardware and the original release having issues too

they were really quick about investigating and fixing one issue I had back when i played the first case in it though, which was nice

Neat, looking forward to it. I've enjoyed every game in this series and DGS is particularly great in its presentation, even if the cases are somewhat weak. Makes them hard to but in a tier list.

Attached: 66587478_p1.jpg (600x653, 136K)

Now we just need another 500 years for one mediocre doujin to come out

DGS1 is meh, DGS2 is really good though

what the fuck

They're just two halves of a single story anyways.